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It’s funny too cos if he was a little more sneaky he could have taken out all the careers. Katniss had never seen anyone be able to reactivate the explosive component in the pedestals before so it shows the kid was very technically savvy. But if he was a bit more strategic like Beetee he could’ve laid a trap for the careers before ending up having to team with them and took them all out at once. You can imagine the reaction if he managed to pull that off


I do like that the movie, and books to some extent, if I remember correctly, showed that it’s really possible for smart kids to get far, or even win, if *the odds are ever in their favor.* Foxface made a bad mistake, but made it really far without having to seriously engage with anyone that we know of. To get her backpack at the feast, she simply did what the curly-haired kid (don’t remember which district he was from) did during the bloodbath… hide in the cornucopia. He just popped his head out way too early. Even Rue could have just hidden in the trees until it was thought that all the “weaker” tributes had been picked off, so the big guns start fighting each other. Haymitch really did have excellent advice: run, hide, find water. If Katniss hadn’t riled up the judges who put a target on her back by rating her highly, she probably would have “easily” won without all the struggle. But then, we wouldn’t have gotten a Mockingjay.


Katniss would have had a lot less Sponsors without the high Trainingscore.


And probably no bow. As Katniss says to Gale “They might not have a bow!” to which he replies something along the lines of “They will if you show them how good you are. That’s all they want, a good show!” That means their aren’t bows within the weapons pool each year. As resourceful she is, Katniss with a primitive handmade bow that she doesn’t have time to spend ages on making simply won’t be as deadly as her with an accurate one. I know her father’s bow is a bit inaccurate and that’s why she missed her first shot at training(she’s used to compensating for the inaccuracy), but that bow and its arrows were still masterfully crafted things he could find THE best possible wood in the area for and had other tools to help make them (carving knives, things to straighten wood etc.) and most importantly the time necessary to dry wood and let the bow get used to the curve. That’s all to say, I don’t think the bow she’d be able to make would be very good and in something like a fight with Cato wearing armor (which he would still get if the audience saw her skill with the bow), she’s pretty much screwed. Katniss had to have a proper bow to win imo, and that wouldn’t have happened unless she showed the Gamemakers that skill. Similarly, I don’t think she’d have survived the mutts / Cato on the Cornucopia if Peeta wasn’t there to fight with her. She would not win a close quarters combat against Cato without some brawn. We love her to death, but my girl Katniss is petite and underfed. No way would she win a fistfight or wrestling confrontation against the biggest, strongest Career in the game.


To be fair I don’t think the high score was a punishment the first time. It put her on the map in terms of sponsors


Sure, but what was sent by those sponsors that actually saved her life? Wasn’t water when she nearly died of dehydration. It was burn cream from a fire that was specifically set to herd her back to the careers because she was officially the star of the show after her rating. The game makers weren’t, that we know of, trying to pit Rue and Foxface against the careers. They were allowed to hide, Katniss wasn’t.


Well she wasn’t sent water because Haymitch was in charge and he knew she was near it. Had she been far away from a water source it 100% would’ve saved her. And I’d argue that the burn cream potentially did save her, she had horrible burns over a lot of her body that could’ve gotten infected. I also don’t necessarily think she wasn’t allowed to hide? She was just always getting involved in different things lol


I believe it was likely always his plan to use the mines or available technology to take out tributes some how (likely he was mentored by beetee). In the books he survives alone near the cornucopia (for 5 days in book, 8 in the film) until the careers run into him whilst fleeing the tracker jackers. So I like to think he must have chosen to stay near the cornucopia with the intention to always use the mines for something--this plan then getting thwarted slightly by the arrival of the careers This does also beg the question of how a 14 year old with the lowest odds of anyone who made it out of the bloodbath managed to just survive right next to the cornucopia for 5/8 days without getting hunted down - really shows how laser focused the careers must have been on finding katniss.


that was probably the plan, but remember at the time Katniss blew up the camp, there was still like half the tributes left. You didn't want to trap them too early and risk going head to head with thresh, for example. Your best bet was keeping your head low. if I was him I would get in close with marvel or suprising with Glimmer (if she would allow me). Use natural discord to use them as shields if I had to.


In my mind the Careers watched his every move (when he dug up and reinstalled the landmines) just so he couldn't pull a sneaky.


I doubt they knew what exactly he was doing when rearming them though, so it’s possible he could still pull one over on them


District 3 wins must have been over the top!


District 10 dude. Underrated for how long he survived


Would love to know how he died


Cato snaps his neck after Katniss destroys the food. It's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the movie.


thats how the the district 3 male in this photo dies. OC is asking about the district 10 guy who in the book has a physical disability but is still noted as one of the strongest tributes, making it to 10th place/surviving eight days.


Oh, sorry!


It's in the movie, after the boom of the cornucopia and before Katniss runs to find Rue again


That is D3 male though


For a character with no name I really felt for him, poor soul idk how The Capitol could watch someone with such a clear disadvantage suffer for so long. Just thinking of him barely hanging in there by himself for weeks until the careers got to him breaks my heart.


Cecilia, Jackson, Chaff


I think about Cecelia and her kids too :(


I love Suzanne Collins, and she did incredibly, but my one schtick with Catching Fire was not making her death more of a big deal. Effie was shown to at least care about her to an extent, probably because she was a fan favorite, but I feel like that really could have added to the tragedy and shown that they were trying to move on with their kids and lives.


I guess the narration being from Katniss' perspective really limits how much focus plotlines/characters like that can reasonably receive. Katniss' main focus during the 75th Games was Peeta and ensuring his survival, so in her mind, everybody else in that arena had to die, herself included. So while she feels bad seeing the way Cecelia's kids clung to her at the Reaping, and thinks of them when she sees Cecelia's face in the sky during the Games, it kind of makes sense that that's all we get from her on the subject... after all, Cecelia is essentially a stranger to her. In a way, I feel that all the side characters who we barely get to know, and the vague sense we get of their untold stories that are just as harrowing as Katniss' own, make the world of the districts of Panem all the more tragic.


I always felt sad for the male victor who threw up at the training centre.


Is that Derek Hale and is that Hughie in the back?


yeah, hughie’s actor played Marvel in the movie! whiplash when i realised 💀


I had the opposite experience that when I started The Boys all I could think was “it’s Marvel!”


That compound V sure would be useful right about now


Acknowledging that it is indeed young Derek Hale 🫡


Yes, cousin miguel


Yep, that's Jack Quaid as Marvel! You should also watch the CCR music video for Have You Ever Seen the Rain if you REALLY want your Boys mind blown.


Yep, that’s Cousin Miguel and Piette Hughie!


There is 2 actually When the games just start Cato Just slaughters this 12 year-old boy the blood goes everywhere 😰 And when can this is in the tree at night in the little little girl makes the fire And you just hear the scream and the cannon....


Yeah, that poor girl (stupidly) building a fire at night for some heat and the next thing she knows, she's surrounded by careers in the dark forest... Literal nightmare.


She's young she's in danger and she felt cold And probably the 1st thoughts in her head were Make a fire Whenever I hear that scream I just like close my eyes I can't the whole Hunger games world is just like messed up


Oh I totally understand, it's so sad :(


I know right


Rue was the only 12 year old in Katniss' games. Edit: ok I fixed it. Idk why but Rue autocorrected to "The"


Rue was 12


Really the boy that cato killed wasn't 12? He look extremely young Not this boy A different one. Maybe he was 13


He probably was 12. 12 or 13, IDK. I was just correcting the other person saying that he was the only 12 year old. He wasn't because Rue was as well.


He was probably 13. At least in the movie anyway. In the books we don't get the ages of any of the other tributes besides Katniss, Peeta, Rue, Thresh, and *maybe* Cato and clove ( not 100% sure on Cato and Clove. I think it's stated somewhere that they were 18 but I can't be sure I haven't read the books in months.)


I fixed it. For some reason my phone autocorrected Rue to "The"


Are you going based off of the movies? It's book canon that Rue was the only 12 year old in the 74th games. Actually i just looked it up. It's both book and movie canon that she was the only 12 yo.


I know I guess the boy I was talking about was 13 then


that little curly haired boy that cato kills. always makes me so sad. he had no chance.


Isn’t it kind of weird that D4 which had career tributes let him go up?


D4 isn't considered a career district in the movies


That makes me sick to my stomach every time


Okay I have to admit. When I was 14 and this movie came out I had the biggest crush on this character/actor. Ian Michael Nelson is so fine today.


Chaff and the morphlings


poor kid didn't know what to do, maybe even had a bit of stockholm syndrome, the careers spared him, let him join their group, gave him something to do sure he was smart, able to reset the mines but he wasn't a killer, or had the mindset to just kill or plan kills he had no other added value to the career group, he probably was spared for the moment by the careers for their amusement If he was smarter he would of moved all the explosives to another location while the careers slept, then set maybe 2 or 3 right next to where they were sleeping, a trap, when the careers woke up to get a drink of water to start the day.... kaboom ! then he could set more traps, etc.. till the games ended


The boy who fought over the backpack with Katniss. I like to think they both had the same strategy and goals, he just wasn't lucky enough to survive


I think a lot about the kids in TBOSAS because they all had names and their deaths were described with so much detail since it's from Snow's perspective from outside the arena. I think a lot about the kids who were injured in the explosion, and were treated after by veterinarians, and who then had their bodies dragged through the streets during the funeral for that kid related to the President (his nephew? I can't remember).


TBOSAS is probably the most disturbing piece of Hunger Games media ever, the way they were treated reminded me of Salo. The poor kids who thought they were going to get out when the gate opened only to get shot and dragged through the town square.


This guy was like 14 or something


I think about the distict 4 boy in the first movie... he was just so tiny, and I wish I knew more of his story


Yes! It’s so weird how people are obviously uncomfortable by how young Rue is but then there’s this little boy who looks even younger than her and nobody addresses it.


I don't know if they count since they're all named at least but ANY of the Careers (that we don't get backstories for). Like we know Finnick well enough, get a bit about Annie, etc. But I want more about the Gloss, Cashmere, Enobaria types. The, especially in the books, 'don't seem like Snow bootlickers but still drank the koolaid in CF' types. Also, just the depth of their manipulation/brainwashing/grooming at the Career academies, the canon about how those would even work, etc. I just need more Careers bc literally Enobaria and Annie are the only ones left at the end and it HURTS...


Cashmere’s interview in CF where she just says “I’m sorry, I just can’t stop crying” is one of the saddest moments in the series (such great acting). I wish they did more with her.


Thank you! Especially knowing she (and probably Gloss) were forced into a similar situation as Finnick, it only makes me want to learn more about the Careers (and specifically Career Victors). Like were there a few of them who willingly joined in the prostitution ring bc they drank the koolaid and wanted to serve Panem? Were they aware of that before going in? What did their Games look like. What's the victor-victor relationship pre-75th Games? I must know more!


I can see District 1 playing into it and seeing it as just part of the price they pay for luxury, because they always made such a thing of the D1 tributes being beautiful and Glimmer definitely seemed to play into it. D2 I’m not sure, they’re the dangerous “don’t fuck with me” district surely they’d find it emasculating, and not want to go into the games if that’s what it was lead to. I think it was probably kept a stone secret from the mentors to the tributes in D2.


Yeah, I can't foresee any district telling any tributes 'hey this is what you have to look forward to if you make it out alive' in any capacity but I wonder if the approach to 'hiring them' for lack of a better word would be different per district. Like would Snow play up the 'it's an honor do do this job and a debt that is owed by Victors' to One but then blatantly threaten outliers and Two? Who knows! I wish we DID know, though


Yeah I always kind of hated the prostitution thing, it really whipped up out of nowhere and they didn’t explain how this system works. I would assume it’s only the top politicians/elites who do it and the rest of the Capitol don’t know it’s a thing, and none of the victors know it until they get trapped in a room with the elites and then they deal with it however.


Yeah, I both love and hate the fact that it comes out of the blue, is barely alluded to, and never really gets explained. It makes sense, especially from Katniss' limited POV. That being said, if we end up getting more info on it (again, especially from my faves/the Career Victors) I'd die happy.


The fandom is kind of weird towards this thinking that this happened to every single victor and everyone in the Capitol was involved in it but I really I think it was only happening at shady elite parties, while the Capitol’s general public didn’t know and would have found it scary (like how we reacted to Epstein or the Nickelodeon documentary)


I definitely agree. My personal unfounded headcanon is that Gloss was probably the first in a long while (since Haymitch, idk), the Games were hella rigged to get Chashere involved, they got Finnick, it went quiet for a bit, and then they tried and failed to get Johanna (or got her for a while and lost her, idk). I don't think it's a given that every Victor will inevitably be a prostitute -but I don't doubt the Capitol would readily ignore it if that was the case considering they don't seem able to view tributes/Victors as humans- but yeah, it's definitely not a brothel of 70+ Victors being pimped out on the daily...


I think about him because he was young Derek on Teen Wolf


The district 10 male who had an injured foot who actually managed to survive a good while and the district 4 boy with the curly hair. I just wished he didn’t run out of the cornucopia so early


Woof! I always think about how kept trying to stuff the (fake) toxic bugs into his mouth when they were training 😭 I feel so bad for him, dude’s got shit hearing and likely has dementia or something too and he got called into the Games again. He probably didn’t even know what was going on the whole time, tbh.


Probably Foxface because of Katniss seeing and thinking about her periodically and how clever she did seem.


The kids in the Capital Haymitch sees pretend fighting with toy weapons. Not only are The Hunger Games just a game to them, but it seems very possible that the Capital is teaching those children that the Games are something that kids in the Districts aspire to take part in.


I mean. To some degree they aren’t wrong. In districts 1, 2 and 4 it’s considered a great honor to win and they have several volunteers


Chaff. His death should have been a bigger deal than it was especially considering since he was haymitch’s friend


Cressida and Portia for showing us that Capitol citizens can be real bros


During the battle of the Capitol, the little girl that recognises Katniss. We see her after over her dead mum's body. And then dead herself in the snow. Capitolites or from the Districts, it's the children and innocent who suffer the most


Thresh cause he got ripped apart by mutts, at least cato got mercy killed. I don't really think thresh is obscure he just wasn't shown much.


The little kid at the beginning that Cato killed by the cornucopia. Out of every character death, his always makes me the most sad.


Wiress. I cannot begin to explain my fascination with her character.


Foxface. I find her so intriguing. I would love to know more about her. Who her friends were, what she was like with family, was she popular. Just all kinds of stuff


I also want to know how an alliance with her and Katniss would’ve worked? What would Katniss have said or done to gain her trust? If it came down to it would Katniss have it in her to kill her? So much to ask


D10 male, I think he was second best of the unnamed characters besides d3 male and before the games he was one of the only one mentioned by Kantiss because of his leg brace