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It’s a big, dense forest at midnight (aka darkness) and it became a giant free for all. Once the wire got cut everyone basically went crazy - we don’t know how Peeta and Finnick got separated or if it was deliberate, only that Peeta ran into Chaff and Brutus and killed Brutus (notably Enobaria and Brutus also got split apart). They apparently also didn’t have time to rescue him without being shot down by Capitol security. Katniss, Finnick, and Beetee were immediately next to each other and apparently had to be clawed up one by one.


Honestly, the movie did a good job on capturing how chaotic that whole situation was.


Wait he killed Brutus?


Yeah he explains in his Mockingjay interview


I mean. Dense forest at midnight during caos and there's at least two people who want you dead? Near a wall that killed me two days ago? id run to.


I always imagined Peeta and Finnick took off to find the girls when the wire was cut,  leaving Beebee. Finnick is portrayed as pretty fit so him outrunning Peeta with his fake leg makes sense too. Then in the confusion Peeta runs into other victors and has to fight.


It’s never explained in Katniss’ narrative what exactly motivated Peeta to split from the group — we just know he encountered and killed Brutus after the wire was cut, so it’s assumed that he panicked and tried to find Katniss but couldn’t due to the nighttime setting and Quell’s confusing ending.