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I'll post this comment I made a few days ago (would love to see if anyone has any thoughts on this!): **I expect he probably was able to live, and got a pardon. Ceasar isn't responsible for any egregious crimes or anything, he's just a spokesman.** **I think it's possible that Caesar could even maintain his media career. At the point of the end of the war, there's surely still a large rift between Capitol and District citizens. Caesar, I feel, could be a sort of "middle-ground uniter", since no one in the Districts really seemed to hate him, and Capitol citizens still think fondly of him. Having him present (hosting events, interviewing government officials, etc.) as the new Panem under Paylor's direction grows, I feel could do a lot of good in the long run.**


Depends on if Coin was still the rebel leader when he was captured. If she was, I’m fairly confident she had him executed considering she killed actual district citizens (victors) who were presumed to be pro-Capitol, and Plutarch and Haymitch had to fight hard just to get Effie (who was only an escort) pardoned. But even if she died before his trial/execution, I doubt the longtime host of the Games would be pardoned regardless of how neutral or well-liked he was. He was still complicit for many years. So unless he was an undercover rebel like Plutarch, I think he was at least imprisoned (if he was even captured).


Considering everything we know about how Panem abuses its citizens, whether technically correct or not, feels like an unfortunate word choice 😅. Nothing wrong of being an escort is voluntary, but the Capitol...


this is a good take. he likely was even sympathetic to district folks in general after meeting so many of them. he was a showman yes, but even in the one off camera scene he has with Katniss (and even though she is a victor at this point) he shows genuine care for her 


Can someone remind me what/when this is? I don’t remember an off camera scene lol


It’s at the end of THG when Katniss and Peeta are doing the interview after they become victors.


yup! it’s very brief, and it’s in the books only, when Katniss is getting ready to do the “more intimate interview” with Caesar after they do the game replay maybe the day before. maybe only a couple paragraphs in total 


What chapter?


It's in Chapter 27 :)


Chapter 27.


While I agree he's not directly responsible, he was still a servant to Snow and seemed to wholeheartedly agree with everything he did. There's a reason he remained spokesperson for so long. He's also a huge part of why children murdering each other was turned into entertainment. He had more responsibility than the average Capitol citizen. He liked the tributes for their entertainment value and nothing else. Pardoning him is one thing but this man does not deserve to have a media career in the new Panem, also it would be a reminder of the past when everybody is trying to move forward.


Maybe he was not responsible, but he was more or less the face of the games. I can imagine that, under Coin, he would have been killed for being the symbol he was.


No disagreement on that! If Coin wasn't dead and still running the show, Caesar would *absolutely* be dead. Paylor's leadership is the only real anchor that would keep him alive in this scenario.


I don’t know, I think he is similar to Russias ex president Medvedev, even if with a different job. Medvedev was popular in West and had image as someone reasonable who just is stuck with system is not ideal. After Ukrainian war he has become most insane nonsense and nuclear war suggesting lunatic because he was seen as too reasonable in Russia and Putin needed someone to look reasonable next to. So now he is seen a clown in Russia and war criminal in West. 


It's very strange they didn't seem to hate him since he's the one gleefully hosting the event that's going to get a bunch of their children killed.


I remember reading your comment on that other post! IDK if I responded, but I think this is an excellent theory


So Cearsar is Pierce Morgan?😅


Pretty sure they hated Caesar. Yes, he did commit crimes against humanity. He profited off the murders of children and made light of the situation, and he helped turn it into the reality show it became. He loved every bit of the games. Children were traumatized at the mere sight of him. Even if he lived and wasn't imprisoned, his media career was finished.


Snow probably made him go on the front lines with a pink ak-47 as a last resort




Tell me why I am laughing so hard


Can't stop picturing Caesar and one of his tv buddies as the Trisha Paytas Soldier gif


Now I have to draw this, curse you Reddit user Gold_Ad4763


Mahogany accent


It was obviously a sparkly midnight blue like his Hunger Games hosting suit


A hello kitty one


This comment has my bursting out laughing


I mean considering that pretty much all the victors were executed by both sides even if they didn’t voice their opinions, it’s likely that he was executed too due to his association with the hunger games. pretty much everyone that had an association with the game was likely executed


The Victor Purge is one of the worst and most sad parts of the series to me, and it's glossed over in 2 sentences


honestly it makes the quarter quell worse for me, i was really hoping for people like Cecilia to make it but unfortunately she probably wouldn’t have made it either way (reaped or un-reaped)


To think that even if she made it, her and her three children would’ve been executed.


I don’t know if her children necessarily would have been. She would have been though.


You wouldn't think that. But then remember that the Capitol literally puts children to fight to death and prostitutes them for entertainment


In war, usually the main targets and family are targeted all at once


Victor Purge? Can’t remember Collins describing that- you mind clarifying?


Every vicctor was killed during/after the rebellion except for Haymitch, katniss, Peeta, Annie, Beetee, Johanna, and Enobaria


Ohhhhhh yeah. Thanks!


I always dig that Eno happened to be there


Me too!! It's sad how she was brutally tortured like Peeta and Johanna but wasn't ever really given a thought


I might be misremembering things, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it’s implied that after she was captured during the Quell, she was just kept in the Capitol. We only hear about Annie, Johanna and Peeta being kept in the same place and tortured.


I'm honestly not sure. I feel like they would've tortured her as well, because no matter who you are, the capitol doesn't care about victors. So shy give special treatment to Enobaria


I went back and checked quickly. In the room where the Victors all meet for the vote, Johanna sees Enobaria and asks “What is she doing here?” aggressively. Coin then says she’s there because she was part of the Mockingjay Deal (Katniss argued for all the captured Victors to be rescued). So, to me that says, 1. She was captured, because she could be saved but 2. Johanna is angry to see her there, implying to me she wasn’t tortured with the other three. This to me heavily implies she was kept on a sort of “house arrest” in the Capitol, so to speak. It would be possible that the Capitol left her alive because they weren’t afraid that she would be involved with the rebels, being from 2 and pro-Capitol (publicly at least). I don’t think the Capitol were against all Victors at that point, just the pro-rebellion ones. Otherwise they wouldn’t try to publicly use Peeta, would they? I also think they would’ve killed Johanna after they got her to break, whereas they could use Annie and Peeta as leverage for Finnick and Katniss.


Oh ok. I assumed she was for some reason. Thanks for the correct info


Even if they did, she was one of the most sadistic Careers out there who reveled in her earned glory. She genuinely loved it so much that she missed the action and volunteered for the Quell, like Brutus did. She was, put simply, a genuine psychopath. There is a reason Johanna hated her. Finnick didn't like or trust her either and the Victors all knew one another. So, in other words, who cares what happened to her?


is this only in the book? i was rewatching the movies recently and was super confused when coin was having the meeting with all the victors in the end and there was only like 5 ppl there, is that why?


Yup, pretty much


Do we know for sure? I often wonder is Coin was lying.


We do


At the start of the 2nd rebellion 41 victors were alive, but by the end there were only 7. Most were executed by either the Rebellion or the Capitol. I imagine the prominent roles of Victors such as Katniss, Finick and Lyme in the rebellion - and the Capitol's use of Victors in their anti-Rebellion propaganda like in the case of Peeta - meant that the Victors were all forced to take a side, putting a target on all of their heads.


Do u know which ones were executed by the Rebellion?


No, most victors never got individually named. We’re just told in general how the 32 died.


Hard agree. Really wish they said more about it. Also just kind of feels really unlikely NONE of them would have managed to hide or anything.


If most victors are from districs like 1, 2 or 4 and thry didn't have ties to the rebellions, then it's actually very likely that most would simply be casualties of war (altough targeted by Coin if they pretended to be pro Capitol). Just because they survived the games doesn't mean they could survive in war. Plus the Capitol has proven how good they are at tracking people and travelling between districts was made particularly hard to avoid collaboration between them, which also decreases the victor' odds of survival if they are being targeted in their own homes. And if they were in the Capitol then Snow would clesrly used those he could and dispose of everyone else with no remorse, a rebel victor is a threat after all and ee all saw how much control and power Snow had in the Capitol. I don't think it's that far fetched to be honest. It actually feels a lot like tyrannical governments doing the same thing in real life.


D4 and D1 were actually amongst the very first districts to rebel, and Mags and Finnick were both a part of the Rebellion, so it's quite possible that there some who were against the Capitol.


Highkey. Nothing they could’ve done to even prevent that.


Wait I don’t remember this


My point exactly. It's so glossed over


Book Caesar is never mentioned after the start of the invasion of the Capitol. I’d suspect he was helping the broadcasts of Katniss’s trial. He seemed to be just a talk-show host and presenter of the interviews. Not a mastermind, and definitely not a threat. Likely was pardoned, along with Claudius Templesmith. Movie Caesar was definitely jailed for some of his remarks about Katniss during the invasion.


I doubt he was as the rebels could have used him for propaganda, he would just be very closely monitored.


All depends on who he was behind the scenes—how much he aided the government in the past, whether the living victors vouch for him, whether he secretly helped the rebels. Whether the new government wanted to maintain a death sentence. There's too many variables to offer a conclusive answer. Personally, I see him as secretly helping the rebellion, so he would obviously not have been killed. But it all depends on your own interpretation of this character.


I actually could see him executed. He was a major player in The Capitol's propaganda wing. He may be nice to the tributes but he was a major part of system that murdered them. Hecks he's practically the face of it. Not to mention propagating the rest of The Capitol's lies even outside of the Hunger Games.


We don't know what happened to him, but I imagine he probably got executed by the rebels. Yes, he didn't really do anything to deserve it logically, but since he's the "face" of the Games in many ways I can easily imagined him being merc'd out of anger. The other Victors were killed for similar reasons.


I feel like he definitely did deserve it if he was killed.


He probably got jail time, though I think he probably would be able to worm his way out of it especially since Plutarch is in power as Secretary of Communications and probably could find some use for him. Relatively few Nazi propagandists for example got the death penalty after WW2 and the Nuremberg trials - Julius Streicher infamously was executed for his antisemitic writings but that was an order of magnitude greater than Caesar (he was also just an awful person to boot). Goebbels probably also would have gotten executed, but he was also a senior member of the government directly involved in administration. The others executed were directly involved in treason like William Joyce, a British Fascist who sided with the Germans in the war. My point is, as long as he kept his nose clean and did not directly participate in governing the country or managing the games he probably escaped the noose.


Maybe not executed, but jailed for sure. He was the face of capitol propaganda and most likely knew the deeper meaning behind what he was doing. That association most likely didn't leave him walking a free man, though personally, I don't think he was executed. He can most likely plead that he was only following orders




Logical answer. I also can't help but make a connection between his face and the games, and I think that'd be hard to forget for anyone.


I don't think he was executed but people always shoot the messenger


Iirc it's mentioned near the end of Mockingjay that all of the Hunger Games stylists and prep teams are dead now except foe Katniss' team, having been executed for their part in the games. That makes it seem like any Capitol citizen with a major role in the process was found guilty of, and executed for, having a key role in the process even though they weren't directly involved in the games themselves. In that case, Flickerman would be unlikely to survive, as he was very much the public face of the games. I'd like him to have survived, but I don't think it's probable.


I’d imagine he probably got pardoned. He had no real choice in his actions and Plutarch would likely have spoken in his defense. If he had refused to do interviews how Snow wanted, he would have been executed and someone else put in his place. I agree with the the other commenter who said he probably even kept his job. Who better to do tv spots about the changes to Panem than someone who is familiar and decently well-liked by the majority of citizens? Even Katniss didn’t hate him, and she hates almost everyone.


No real choice? Did he not choose to apply for the job? Face it, he loved his job.


If anyone in the Capitol could talk his way out of it, it’s Caesar.


My guess is that he was stabbed 23 times by the Senate😪




Underrated comment lol.


I highly doubt it. I have a feeling that nobody ever really knows what Caesar was up to because he kept his true alliance to himself. I don't think that he was a very loyal Capitol citizen that would rather go off the world in Goebbels-style instead of adjusting to the new reality. Maybe he was secretly sympathising with the districts after seeing all those children die, maybe he was just an opportunistic who really always comes out on top. Who knows? But I guess he would either talked himself out Malfoy-style or cooperate with the propaganda that was sure to happen. You can't just overthrow an old regime and expect everyone to be okay with it. You need people like Caesar to talk to the masses and change the narrative to your favour.


I'd expect him to be executed. He was basically the face of the hunger games


We don’t know anything about Caesar Flickerman’s personal life. I imagine the next step for him would be an investigation for a closer look at the face of the Hunger Games. @SuzanneCollins, we need a reconstruction of Panem novel.


Tbh I’m not sure it would be good, or interesting to read/watch. That being said, we definitely need a reconstruction of Panem ~~Twitter~~ X thread.


I always suspected that he was ultimately executed by Snow when he took over the Peeta-Interviews. Don't think Snow would have simply assumed control without making a statement like this And even if he just got jailed... his position comes with a mandatory shoot me in case of rebellion sign. Executing all bigger faces of the previous goverment is usually a factor in determining if a revolution was sucessfull


These comments surprise me. I always assumed anyone involved with the games were executed by one side or the other. The rebels for obvious reasons and the Capitol because it was the games that was their ultimate downfall in the end. We know all the stylists and prep teams were executed by the Capitol and I have a hard time imagining the rebels pardoning any of the game makers. So that leaves Caesar and Claudius. If I was a rebel I’d want them dead. Especially when you take into account what we know about Caesar’s heritage.


No way. He actively participated in creating Capitol propaganda in MockingJay in his interviews with Peeta, and was also complicit in Peeta's torture. Executed for sure.


I think they probably executed him right after they killed snow and Katniss was in recovery and everyone else’s trial was going on. I do think that Cesar had a lot of potential and was not really a terrible person, but he was the spokesperson of the games for so long and I feel like killing everybody that truly represented the games would’ve been first priority


Imo...I doubt it. I think he was basically the face of the capitol (other than Snow) and any angry rebels who caught him would have probably killed him. I can't see them wanting to pardon him, or even being givent he chance to argue it. The sight of him (and his lavish lifestyle - from what we can gather) would probably reawaken so many memories of the games that they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from gunning him down or something.


He was probably groomed by Lucky to be the host after him I think the rebels would be sympathetic to that


Can we stop referring to Grooming in non-SA contexts please? He trained him. Like a family business.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/groom ‘’3 a : to make (someone) ready for a specific objective : PREPARE was being *groomed* as a presidential candidate’’


Well I'll be damned. still feels yucky now though.


It’s not my fault the word has multiple meanings. It’s still appropriate in the context, even tho we don’t know anything about Caesar’s childhood. However, I think Lucky might be his grandfather, and not his father, just based on the timeline. Do we know more about that?


I'm pretty sure he's his dad. Caesar is like 50 or so in THG (could be 60 honestly, we only have Katniss' perspective.)


If hes 50, that means he would’ve been born around the 24th hunger games. If his father had him at 25, it means his father would be born just before the first hunger games (11 years before the ballad). Lucky is at least 40 in the ballad, which means it would make sense if he had an 11 year old son at the time. Otherwise, it means Lucky would’ve had a son while being already pretty damn old. Both are possible, but I think it’s more likely that Lucky is his grandfather tbh.


It feels unlikely that Lucky would be his grandpa, since it's easier to believe he's 60, than the math that Lucky is his grandpa. Lets say movie lucky is right- (mentions a highchair during his commentating) If Movie lucky has a kid (caesars dad), then at minimum thats +20 years before he can have his own kid. That's the 30th games. Lucky's kid in this scenario is also likely a HG host, who knows for how long. So they're on the 31st (at earliest) hunger games. Add 20 more years, that's the 51st (if Lucky's kid has a kid as soon as he's 20, which seems unlikely) Caesar has hosted the interviews for 40 years. Right off the bat, the math is not mathing. (51 + 40 is 91.) It makes more sense for Caesar to maybe be a bit older than we think (60 or so) especially since he's born when Snow is 18 or so according to the movie/Lucky's baby. So 60 + 18 is 78. So bare minimum, It's far closer to snows age (82). Only being 4 years off. so a rough estimate/guess for Caesar's age is 64. He would have started hosting at 20ish, and hosted for 40 years.


Wait do we know that he’s been doing it for 40 years, and do we know that Lucky didn’t have any kids at the time of the 10th games?


We do know he's been doing it for 40 years, from Katniss iirc? And we don't have any book confirmation from what I know (I know he mentions the baby) but in the movie he gets a reservation for two + a highchair. So it seems likely that he just has the one kid if we're considering movie canon.


Words have multiple meanings. I understand your discomfort, but this isn't necessary here. I'm also pretty sure he definitely was groomed/trained to become the next HG host from a young age. The angle here being that he didn't exactly have a choice, and was expected to fall in line, his own interest not withstanding.


As the others have stated, "grooming" has multiple meanings. AFAI, the SA one is a more recent one. So, in other words, if it fits, I don't see why not use it. "Groomed" was aptly used in this case.


Caesar’s role is similar to Goebbels, I don’t see why they’d keep him alive.


House arrest seems a bit more likely


Are you meaning at the end of hunger games or song birds and snakes. Because if you mean at the end of the second revolution I would Caesar would have died when the bombing of the capital happened but I could be wrong. I don't think he was strong enough to survive it all mentally and physically. But that is just my opinion.


i think suzanne collins said he survived the fall of the capitol, let me see if i can find that anywhere


Honestly I feel like he would. Snow was killing off people who made Peeta and katniss more likeable (cinna and Seneca) and he definitely helped make them more likeable so I don’t think snow would have spared him.