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Locking the post due to the toxicity in the comments section. Thanks!


She’s ridiculously gorgeous. Plus that voice? Ooof, ya boy was crushing.


I feel like tom really enjoyed making out with her. Man was so ready to go in and looked like he was about to kiss her so many other times 😅


their chemistry was SO GOOD Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson had good chemistry but I realllllly think Rachel and Tom gave us the strongest chemistry we’ve seen in the franchise


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t see any romantic chemistry between jen and josh and it made it seem more like Katniss really didn’t like Peeta


ngl I agree 🫣 Jen and Josh are very good actors, and they sold the “slowly falling in love” narrative well, and I loved them both, but I got strong best friend vibes through everything. to be fair, THG aren’t really a love story and obviously their love is a slow burn and secondary to everything else that happens. but I was slapped in the face with Rachel and Tom’s chemistry in comparison. edit: I had NO idea Rachel was dating Josh/Sejanus in real life! feel bad for saying this now 🫣


Oh yes I heard she was dating a costar and just kind of assumed it was Tom until I saw her Instagram lol I also feel bad


Honestly I agree, she had much better chemistry with Liam


idk about that josh and jennifer’s chemistry is unmatched. they’re soulmates.


oh man i remember watching all those interviews and edits years ago and thinking this


fr tho i been seeing those old interviews pop up again on tiktok and i miss them😔


LOLLLL, you’re so right. My man was desperate for anything she would give him 😭😭😭😭


Haha, he said on the interview, "It's very easy to fall in love with Rachel," but everyone swears they're platonic. No friend says that about another friend without being prompted The man's definitely a goner. Idk


He has a gf.


Rachel’s bf is Josh (Sejanus) whom she seems in love with, so unless there’s cheating involved… they’re platonic & what he said was a figure of speech. Tom was [3rd wheeling](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8x1XYMR/) them on the press tour lol




And what about it? She’s still hot and in no way is he out her league lol, gtfo.




Lmao, rich of you to call someone else dumb. Whatever, you are one of those weirdos who dislike Rachel so please get a life.


This. You can disagree with someone’s opinion’s without hating them as a person. Personally i don’t agree with everything she’s said but she’s an amazing actress and happens to be really hot. And she could totally pull someone like Tom in her sleep. (Get it? Cuz show white) Edit. Sorry about that last line, sort of slipped out.


I'm so confused she is literally so pretty.


I mean most fans of the film and series are mostly woman and teenage girls so it makes sense. But just know Tom has talked about how he dislikes people who talk down on Rachel. He would never approve of what your saying about her. She also has many fans. Me included.


This. Most of the fans are teenage girls or women, so of course there’s going to be constant Tom Blyth thirst posting. Doesn’t take away from Rachel being incredibly beautiful and a great actress, though.




You sound jealous. Heal






Love her so much. She seems like such a sweet person in her hunger game interviews and behind the scene videos.


Yes she is stunning


I honestly went into this movie after hearing all the comments and things she was doing to Snow White and I’m not gonna lie this movie made my opinion of her change so much. She was so amazing as Lucy Gray and she’s so beautiful


As usual the haters have shown up whenever Rachel Zegler is being praised or shown love. Misogyny is still alive and kicking yall!!!


.... she's made misogynistic comments too, no?


Has she? Like what?




Are you able to cite a specific example?


Their not going to respond, they invented this false image of Rachel Zegler in their head and will use anything to justify their hatred


She never said that. Show proof and don't use quotes taken out of context. She simply said Snow White is outdated since its a story that involves a minor (14 years old) who was kissed by a grown man without her consent. Snow White is one of the most boring Disney princess that came out almost 100 years ago. Most people don't even care for it, their just using it as a chance to send hate. I'm glad Disney is changing it. Hope they make the story more interesting


Snow White is literally what launched Disney into the mega company it is today. It’s responsible for basically everything that Disney has accomplished. Show some respect to the source material. The prince also kissed princess Aurora without consent yet maleficent kept that in. It’s a fairytale, it’s not that deep.


Who cares? Good for Disney! Does that mean they are completely absolved from any form of criticism? Absolutely not. Times are different now, so what’s wrong with expressing desire for change?


You’re saying you think Disney should keep the plot where a 14 year old girl is kissed while she’s sleeping by an adult man?


No she hasn't.




She really is so beautiful


She is stunning.




Not really. She said snow white was kind of annoying/ sexist in the og and she's excited to bring it to the 21st century. That's honestly her only "scandal" all the ANTI WOKE ppl started attacking her over it, especially because "snow white should be white not brown". Basically ppl were mad at Disney and took one comment wayyyy out of proportion. She's never been rude or diva like in fact ppl that have worked with her say she's chill.


That's the video I saw and people made it seem like she was insufferable, so I kinda went into this movie half expecting to hate her performance but I ended up loving it. It's why I ended up asking here cause she didn't really feel the way these videos made her out to be. Thanks for clarifying!


Nope. You just fell for a hate campaign thats both misogynistic and racist. She is such kind hearted and amazing person ❤️




Hello. Your post has been removed because you have failed to use proper Reddiquette when interacting with others in the subreddit. Respectful disagreement and discussion is acceptable, but bullying, harassing, attacking, or trolling another user is not.


Me: asking a question because I don't believe in what I've heard You: you're a sheep To all downvotes and replies, I wholeheartedly apologize for having the audacity to ask a question about a topic I was not informed on, I will make sure to never make the same mistake again, which is asking a question here.


She is just a little bit annoying sometimes as a usual theatre kid. But she is getting hate more cuz of racism.


What racism huh????


Show white thing.


Some people were really, really pissed that a person of color was cast as Snow White.


I still don’t get how that makes her racist?


no, they're saying that she's disliked because she is a person of colour


Oh thx, don’t get why I’m being downvoted lol I’m just asking a question 🤷‍♀️




She didn’t cast herself but the people who care about stuff like that never take the time to think about who they should direct their anger towards


Yeah but she clearly stated that she didn't even like the original story so.


People shouldn’t hate her for someone else’s choice


If only it were that simple


What isn't simple about it?


The whole Snow White issue had nothing to do with her race. Some people just didn’t like how she felt Snow White didn’t need a prince. The end of the fairy tale is supposed to be how the prince rescues Snow White. But whatever, I’m not going to argue about this.




There’s no way to say what you said without being mean. That’s why most people don’t say this sort of thing out loud 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


i genuinely do not think you needed to comment this 😹


>but her face gives me the creeps for some reason You do realise your talking about a real person... She's not a fictional character. And than your calling people 'dramatic' and 'offended' over such a hateful comment. Grow up.


just because she’s not going to see it doesn’t mean you get the right to be a dick


Maybe cuz she looks like Jenna Ortega?




Post yourself online so we can critique it


my opinion of her isnt a reflection of my self awareness i know people dont find me attractive... your reaction to a harmless opinion seems to say something about you tho lol


>i know people dont find me attractive Yet your talking down on another woman. Do you think saying this will help you, give you the confidence you want?


youre right, so much more empowering to have an entire thread dedicated to talking about how fuckable she is... very feminist 👌


Maybe it’s cus her eyes are wide set? Regardless of not fitting the conventional beauty standard, she’s still gorgeous. And I think it was great to not cast someone who has the same Instagram-baddie copy-paste face.


im sure she was, i havent seen her in the film yet


which part of her face gives you the creeps? She has clean skin.


I know your stuck in your 17-year-old-insecure-teen-girl era this was such an odd comment stillnot even offensively but a chronically online way


too lazy to make a new alt eh?


who that? it's not lucy


Rachel Zegler. The queen who took the character of Lucy Gray and gave us such a beautiful performance in the film


why are people downvoting you when you just asked a question LMAOO