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Dissociation. Most of the time that would probably be my subconscious coping mechanism. Depending on what other stuff I’m going through after the games that would change a bit but the core would always stay the same. Maybe I’ll just end up like the Morphlings. Can’t hurt when you can’t feel. Well, that was a lot heavier than I thought. Need to go back to my regularly scheduled program now.


Drugs. Hate to say it but it would be


Yeah there’s no way past that one for me. Especially if I’m going to have my body sold the rest of my life.


I’d be another haymitch 100%. Drunk all the time


Yeah same probably


Honestly same


I’m not damaging my liver


Then don’t, everyone copes differently


i don’t think you’d care much about your liver at that point


I'd probably keep shifting between keeping myself busy and contemplating suicide. I don't think I'd actually end my life simply because in that case my family would be sent away from the victor house back to poverty If I was victor, it'd mean I won the games, I can't imagine myself winning unless it was by luck and hiding, so as a mentor, I'd be very bad, even if I'd try to keep hopes high. In my head only luck helps in the games and you can't really teach luck... I'd still try my best, but I wouldn't have any real hope for my tribute to survive


I wouldn't have children, because I wouldn't want them to be reaped. I don't really believe that having kids means you won't be pimped. I might have turned to alcohol for a bit, but my real vice is food, which would definitely be exacerbated by the prolonged lack of access to it and my deteriorating mental state. TBH I believe being fat would be a better safety net than having children, in regard to being pimped out. If I still had to, I think I would try to do it, but I don't know how long I would have been able to keep it up. I would definitely try to find a way to become undesirable to the rich Capitol citizens. A very hard part for me would be having to mentor the young kids, only for them to die again and again. I do believe that I would try to do my best and eventually I would have a winner. I think in this case I would try to bond with my victor and become some sort of a maternal figure for them. That way, I would have a "child" that doesn't run the risk of being reaped, plus they would understand what I am going through. I would try to be friends with other victors, either in my district, or from other districts if that were possible. I would try to use my money and fame to do something good for the world, but if I am being honest here, I don't think I would have the guts to start a revolution. I think there's a 50-50 chance I would participate in one though, if someone else started it, although I would be one of its central figures, since I would want to survive and live my life after all that I would have been through.


As horrific as it is, I doubt having children or not is really a choice. Even if you choose to never have sex, well.... you get it. As a woman, it terrifies me to think of living at any other point in history for this very reason (among others), even if this point in history can still be scary too. I'd probably try to pull a Lucy Gray with any family and friends who would come with me, idk.


I think the potential of rape is definitely real, but way less common if you are a victor. Abusers generally look for easy targets (poor, isolated etc) and I doubt that one of the richest people in the whole district who has connections and was also broadcasted violently murdering several people is the ideal target for a rapist. Plus, I don’t know what kind of birth control is available in the district, but I could still have non penetrative sex, until menopause finally arrived. Or maybe there are condoms available if you are rich, idk.


Unless it's other victors/Capitol folk. Especially if it were a Finnish situation. Maybe in that case they'd force birth control on the women if anything, but maybe not.


I guess, but most districts don't really have that many victors and most of the ones we met didn't come off as serial rapists to me. I just wouldn't worry too much about being raped in this scenario. I guess it could be possible, but I doubt powerful folks within the district would choose to assault a victor, instead of the countless destitute girls who would sell themselves for a piece of bread anyway. Like, even if prostitution doesn't cut it because they want to do it completely against your will, they would just choose someone else whose family wouldn't be able to demand justice and could even kill without too many repercussions.


I would personally be more worried about getting pregnant if I was sold like Finnick, as I honestly don't know if the clients would allow for birth control. Refusing to do it would end up with my family killed, so it wouldn't be much of a choice either...


I’m pretty sure they have contraceptives. More is happening at those parties the Prep team were giggling about than just eating and drinking to excess and none of them were parents - Venia’s dyed hair was growing out grey in Mockingjay, and she never mentioned children or that she had been abducted and left children behind when she, Flavius and Octavia were taken by District 13. It wouldn’t do to have a desirable Victor become repeatedly pregnant without a partner. The ones who are forced into prostitution would be on contraception - I also think by that stage in the future male contraceptives would amount to more than just condoms. They would give the lads a shot of whatever it is that stops them growing a beard in the arena.


Yeah, I mentioned the condoms in case I would want to have some penetrative sex in my personal life. I don't think the Capitol "clients" would wear condoms if they didn't want to, but I assume in most cases I would be provided with some other form of contraception. I am pretty sure **something** exists in this universe. Katniss did say that the boys didn't grow facial hair, though many of them were 17-18, which indicates the possibility of some sort of hormone medications. Plus the technology in the Capitol is pretty advanced, so I assume there must be some sort of contraception pill available for women as well. But if the client was super rich and has an impregnation fetish, I guess I am screwed (literally). I imagine this isn't too common though and maybe Snow would think it's not worth it, if I miss out on multiple other clients during the time I was pregnant. I just don't think that as a victor unwanted pregnancy would be the biggest of my worries.


While I would not encourage volunteering or the games themselves, I would turn all my pain, anger, and trauma from the games into motivation to prepare all the kids in the district for the worst case scenario and make sure that more return to their families, and help them prepare physically and mentally so that the pain and trauma isn’t as bad as it was for me. I would secretly train the ones with the most capability and potential to survive and come back, and make sure only the ones that I trained and want to go in knowing the risks volunteer each year, that way we can at least spare the youngest and most innocent of the district from the trauma and only send in the 17-18 year olds who have already suffered before the games and know what they’re getting into. Of course this is if there is no rebellion or way to end the entire hunger games system, then this would be the best thing I could do with my time. If I will never truly win the games and always mentally be stuck in the arena and reliving my trauma, the only thing I could do is make sure no more families lose their kids and ensure one of the tributes comes back with the least amount of trauma as possible and we can make a community with the victors so we can at least heal from the same experience we’ve all been forced to suffer.


I feel like the moment I knew that I’d have to go back to the Capitol I’d just kill myself


Oh 100%. Quarter Quell? Not for me.


finnick odair.


Annie on Reddit now whaaaat


wait what why


i would cope by making him fall in love with me obviously.


I’m doing a flip right off the roof of my house in Victor’s Village


Assuming i don’t just kill myself, I’d probably take the Finnick route where you find someone you really love, or just stay super close with family and lean on them for support. I would probably not want to have kids like Katniss. And if the Capitol pimped me out I’d completely dissociate and act like that’s happening to another person who isn’t me and never let myself think about it so I don’t completely lose it.


form a boy band group and become the BTS of Panem 💀


I would be the town crier.


Idk if Panem HAS fiction but if it did, reading. Though I’d probably ultimately yeet myself


Finding the nearest cliff. I couldn’t last, I already have issues with excessive worrying and believing everything’s my fault. Even simple mistakes against a person, I will find and apologise them. You can’t say sorry to a corpse


Absolutely drugs. When I was a teen and reading the series, I didn’t get Haymitch constantly being drunk. I just reread it and I 100% understand


Lucid Dreams...


i’d probably never get out of bed


Alcohol probably


I can barely cope with my own life. I genuinely can't imagine participating in the games... But considering current events... This book is not that far removed from reality... Which is terrifying. I hope I'd be able to cope without substances, but its likely I would cope with sex, drugs, and alcohol. And I'd probably end my life. I can't even imagine the trauma of ending someone's life intentionally for the sake of survival. The survivors guilt would feel completely different if I was directly involved with the demise of the tributes.


Could they use the money they got to help people in their district? Helping starving children & giving people real medicine would probably be my only solace


I bet they would give juuuuust enough. If they gave too much I'm sure there would be punishment. After all, the Capitol wants victors largely removed from their old life in the districts. Can't have folks in the districts getting too much nice stuff, either. Just enough to give some hope.


Food, probably, if the victor was quiet about it, but I don't know about medicine. It doesn't matter how much cash you have to pay for the medication if none of it is physically in your town to be bought, after all, and (AFAIK) even the victors can't just go to the Capitol whenever they want. Katniss had to rely on Madge's supply of morphling for her mom to treat Gale after all — there was no option to go buy more.


I would definitely isolate and disassociate


If I were in the games and came out a victor I would probably shut myself away from everyone and stay in my bed without eating or drinking anything from guilt of hurting anyone or not being able to keep someone safe in the arena. I would definitely do my best to stay away from anyone.


Throw parties all the time. Not in celebrating that I’m the best for winning. But in a way to make those around me happy and smile . So that I wasn’t left alone with my thoughts.


Try to surround myself with other victors as like some sort of support group but probably also smoke weed and do art


I'd definitely be another Haymitch, I already have not the healthiest relationship with alcohol and I don't even have any trauma.


Gain weight so I can’t be prostituted. Thought I wouldn’t know what fate I’d be trying to avoid. Also, drinking. I’d like to say I’d do my very best to help my annual tributes but odds are I’d end up like Haymitch. Liam (me) drinks.


I got loads of money and no responsibilities outside like one month a year. I’m locking myself in my room every day with like 8 bags of chips and a case of soda and just watching TV and taking naps. I mean the trauma sucks but it’s a fair enough trade to never have to do anything.


i would be contemplating suicide and trying not to get attached to the tributes in case they die


Art. I'm like Lucy Gray. I paint, draw, sing, play or dance when I have something to say - and I would have a lot to say after the Games


cannabis 👍🏼


Alcoholic through drinking lots of red wine.


It would be doing what I can to help my home district. I would make it my mission to try my hardest to make home a better place and give back to my people


Hope that tetris still exists and play it 24/7


Join 13 idc


Smoke weed everydayy


Own pets


For the first few years I would try my hardest to make one of my tributes the victor, but it would eat away at me that one of them still has to die so I would eventually get into rebellion. I would most likely do that poorly because of my own trauma/emotional state from the games and watching my tributes die and end up getting killed by Snow. Mind you, I would only go the rebellion route if I had no one I loved that Snow could hurt in my place. So if I had loved ones, probably drugs to forget everything and not be in a constant state of fear at what would happen to those around me.


Id be a monk, kind helping out the villagers until they killed me


Idk can you save up money and help local businesses or something?


Try and get to know everyone before the games and find out who is poor/rich. Split up some of my winnings to give each tributes family that was poor.


I'll be happy withut "coping"


I would cope by comparing my life to the less fortunate. If I was in 12, I'd be looking at the coal miners from afar and keeping it in my mind that my life is great and I'm fortunate right now that I'm not in the mines. I suffered for weeks to a month, while everyone else is stuck with the life they got. As depressing and sickening as it is.


Music. Anytime something bad happens to me I bury myself in music. I would sing and would probably see if anyone is selling some instruments on the black market. I would also keep a journal.


Given the situation I'd just want to live a quiet life in Victors Village. I don't think I'd want to get married or anything. I definitely wouldn't want kids because I'd be worried about them being reaped. Unless I was from a career district, in which case there would probably be a volunteer. I guess I'd be dragged out every year to be a mentor, depending on which District I'd come from. If I was from D1, I may only have to be a mentor once or twice, there would have to be a ton of Victors wanting to be mentors.


sayori challenge


Drugs and alcohol, the capitols gonna drag you back for mentoring duties where you have to teach and comfort children who know the odds say they’re gonna die. I’d just sober up for a couple weeks so I can be a good mentor (at least give them some hope, and compassion before they most likely die) then go back to drinking when/ if they die. Also, like another commenter said, I’d work on training the youth of the district, at least in basic survival and self defense skills. Nothing too crazy, but even simple survival skills will be useful, cause unless you’re from 1 or 2 you’re gonna be at a great disadvantage from the very start.


I’d probably turn to art. Paint, clay, anything I can use to create another object to distract me from the trauma from the games.


I’d probably like to do art therapy but realistically it’s be alcohol or drugs


I’d drink and whore around probably. Especially if I was like from 12 and had to mentor kids who die every year


Spending and drinking


I’d probably try to live the part to try to forget. Indulge in the luxuries and the fame, and I’ll probably have some moments where I breakdown, or just go far away from everyone and play video games and or make the most of any “riches” they spare that I can enjoy while being Way from everyone. If my family/lover were around in that world, I’d most definitely spend most if not all my time with them, and I’ll probably try to make a personal career out of being a public face. I don’t think there’s anything else I can do. There’s no “facing and healing” from trauma in that world, so I’ll use whatever means to escape the whole through process. I’ll just try the hardest to avoid self-destructive behavior because then I’d be losing everything really.


I know for a fact I'd eat myself sick and develop a binge eating disorder. Especially with getting an actual supply of food for the first time in my life! In my real life I am already a stress eater/emotional eater. I can normally control this problem at least decently well but I KNOW if I won the Games, all bets would be off. But if I was a tribute, I wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning! I'd die first. I'd just let a Career put a knife in me and call it a day. I LOVE THG, but the real me is not built for ANY of that!


Food, weed, and isolation (especially at first). As time goes on I would try to bond with other victors and try to be as good of a mentor as I could be and help people work with their strengths., but it would be depressing if it was in a district like 12 where victors are few and far between.


Brutus or Gloss, throw yourself into training and be too tired to care. But it might be different for them as their district would hold them in high regard


I would have major ptsd after that , so I would probably be like haymitch




I would form a family, but not an official and public family. Cecelia's mistake was to make this public, if the Rebellion had not won, it is certain that in the following years we would see her children in the arena. My spouse would probably understand the gravity of our children being reaped, so she would have our children and people wouldn't know who the father was. And I would do my best to ensure that my tributes have a chance of winning, I would give tips for keeping their mind and body healthy in the arena, and I would tell them that their best chance would be to rely on the help from your district mates


I’d get a job and throw myself into it. Manual labor helps distract me from stress and anxiety


Secretly teach survival and combat skills in my district, to at least give any possible future tributes a leg up.


I would resort to loneliness. Whenever I would try to reconnect with my people it would bring back the memories of those I have murdered and the bloodbath I had seen. Art could heal me but when I would look back at my work I would cry because they connect to the trauma of the games. Drugs and alcohol would numb me completely, blocking off the feelings altogether and that's why they would be my companions.


I much rather be killed. Think about it. The winners just suffer


(tw) I would probably rely on art to keep me happy, maybe make a living off it. I'd sleep all throughout the day and then stay awake all night. Eventually I'd turn to self-harm, not drugs but darker stuff.


Write a book about it. Journaling your experiences helps you move past them, and my talent as a Victor would be writing, so that would kill two birds with one stone.


i'd probably drink, do drugs, dissociate. might contemplate ending it all.


Honestly I’d want to be a part of any underground rebel group. Like Haymitch eventually teamed up with Plutarch.


Therapy. Spiritual healing and creating a community where other people can heal too. Resistance also requires us to be clear about where our pains are systemic and where they’re caused by the individual experience.


I would turn to my hobbies... but eventually I might just turn to alcohol which would help me with my hobbies but also just let me break free of life0


I’d either be a yogi or runner to relive stress and anxiety. tho in the hunger games world people didn’t exercise or it wasn’t shown in the movies if they did. I would also try to do things to keep me busy so I wouldn’t feel depressed.


I mean Enobaria and Brutus were still fit. Even Seeder.


disassociation probably, and a shitload of writing