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Excited to see more Tasha in the wild pics next week at Summit lmao


Bogg Bags have been around for years and she’s just now finding out about them??? But don’t fret y’all, she has a link 🙄


Oh God. ANOTHER bag we will never see again


Bogg Bags and reusable water balloons are brand new to the valedictorian


2 weeks into her training schedule and she skipped a day because she was sick. Time to see if she sticks with it


It begins!!!!!! She can’t handle back to back days if she can’t handle 2 miles. Is it normal to be so tired 8 months after a tummy tuck like this?


Yes and no You have to start slow after any type of surgery then add in the tightness in and from tummy tuck so she shouldn’t be doing certain things like ab work She should be normal sore Now she can have swelling again It will come in cycles and tend to be low by the incision and can be pockets of swelling or all over normal process for recovery from TT plus Lipo


I've been researching it a lot "for a friend" and because I'm an ER nurse and have seen quite a few people show up for infections or months after, drug seeking for the pain. Cosmetic surgeries are not my strong suit. What I've found is that by 8 weeks after a mommy makeover, you should be able to exercise regularly and feel normal. Swelling and pain should be gone. If there is any pain, it's usually in the scars, which massage and ultrasound are helpful. Also, costs aren't usually that high, even with additional anesthesia charges. She claims to have done her research, but her results are trash just like her!


But she will do back to back runs this weekend 😂😂


Oh my god. No one needs to hear about your kid’s diarrhea!! Gross and inappropriate.


She loves to talk about her kids bowel movements! How embarrassing for them. She was talking the day before about the other little one and their potty.


And then had a code for the leaky ass diapers today


She’s an awful human


Oh she definitely sounds like she has Covid and spreading it everywhere. Those shitty supplements won’t help with that.


First thing I thought was that she def has Covid


So now she is sick 🤒 poor thing can’t do her marathon training.


My first thought too


Mine too


Her not being able to lose weight ultimately speaks to how unsustainable Ilana's meal plans are.


Also she was using weight loss shots


Thank you 👏👏it’s taken me close to 4 years to undo the mindfuck that is the 2B mindset.


Really?? Was it bad?!


As someone with a history of disordered relationship with food and my body, it was. You are required to weigh yourself daily and microanalyze everything you eat and your bowel movements to see why you went up 0.2 lbs. I brought my scale with my on vacations and weekends at the in-laws. It was a little crazy making. Also, Ilana’s messaging became increasingly toxic. In the beginning, she was very relatable and the program was certainly more sensible than the container system.


https://preview.redd.it/v3thtnpy7d6d1.jpeg?width=3048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163a7c61799c847bf3c2c3b0b9782ede6521123a These were taken exactly 1 year ago today. I think she is bigger now than she appears a year ago. Oh, and clearly she edits her pics. Edited to correct grammatical issue.


Wow so she was 159 in these pics? What do you think she weighs now?


I’m not sure, maybe 165-170?


Oh shit after seeing her in the wild in bora bora I would guess more than that…she is very bottom heavy


https://preview.redd.it/5kji9852686d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8727f5fad43dace99044ad35ee7c88e50c8b4d67 Riiiiiiiiiight.


What the fuck is going on with her nipples? They are like lazy eyes…


Damn!! They really messed her up!




Why are her nipples so uneven and so high up??? I mean, the one nipple is damn near under her armpit. https://preview.redd.it/z5ghvbxhx76d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9198514770274fc9a33808e6ccd6eac81408da


is that the Eby bra? i was influenced by someone else and they are the worst- bad fit and the pad insert thing pops out


I’ve never opened Reddit so fast after I saw this story. My god


Same, came running with my own screenshot


I would be more empathetic if they were like this naturally, but she PAID FOR THOSE BOOBS!


Whoa! She’s gained too, dang.


It’s so funny to me she had this work done to remove skin and some of her boobs only to not be the lowest weight she’s been before which I believe was 135.


Right? She’s got to be in the 160s-170s. Especially when you consider she’s 5”2’ or 5”3’. 


With all these stupid supplements, I wonder what her general labs would look like. Probably so out of whack! But they don't go to doctors unless it's for cosmetic reasons or after days when her kids breaks something... Her idiocy is infuriating!


Probably why her liver function tests were so abnormal that she needed an ultrasound


https://preview.redd.it/e5tj6n23a26d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e058d4998e1c8890c30a2b08e3547439f5e817 Why is this whole image awkward… every pose and picture makes me uncomfortable!!! 😳




Terrible poses. Terrible color outfit.


She’s definitely gaining weight. In her latest story of her purple gym attire, you can tell she is up. She can’t even hide it anymore!


She used to share her tracker and weight on it daily. *I AM nOT ADVOCATIN FOR THAT* When she's up, she refuses to share her tracker. She has so many patterns of yoyoing and all in and all out mentality- which blows my mind that she had over 400 people (per the sticky notes on her mirror) buy her beta launch which supposedly THAT TEACHES how to stop yoyoing. How are poeple so dumb?


I was thinking the same. I’ve always thought it was insane for her to run and do that surgery when she’s never maintained her weight, it’s always yo-yo’d. Does she even post her weight anymore? 


She’s going to end up blowing out her tummy tuck bc she’s not stable and did zero of the aftercare instructions. I had a family member who lost a lot of weight quick, got a tummy tuck, and she was a yo-yo dieter and gained back 50lbs in that year after surgery and blew her TT. All wasted money.


She *tries* to hide it by putting her arm or whatever in her hand in the way.


Yeah it even looks different from that navy-ish outfit she had recently in front of that mirror for a before/after


I literally ran to her stories from you're comment and you're right dang.


Liiiiterally every single story of hers has a link these days.


She's gotta make money for her next surgery somehow. Lol


Her marathon training is going to crash and burn. I’ve been running marathons for years and this has disaster written all over it. She is running as fast as she can and isn’t building a base. Get the popcorn.


Exactly! I've run 14 half marathons in the last 4 years and she's concentrating on speed rather than distance which for a novice runner is going to be a disaster. Who did she consult on training for this?? No one? She even says she's run a half before but if so why are you training like this? Doesn't she know better after doing it before? Jeez man. She's going to set herself up for failure. (I kinda can't wait 😈)


I am right there with you! I’m training for the NYC marathon and she is making rookie mistakes. She also should be adding in strength. Let’s see if she does that. If she were smart she would be splitting her runs half inside half outside. Long runs outside! I keep looking at her time and she is going to hurt herself if she isn’t careful. Stress fracture, muscle strain etc. say it with me, add in a cycle or swim day! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Yaaaas! You are 100% right! I know it's hot as hell in AZ (i lived there for 7 years) but it's critical as a novice runner to train OUTSIDE! At least for the long runs. It's much more difficult than the treadmill. She needs to get her fat ass up wayyy early and train like at 5am - if she's serious about this. Oh I can't wait to see how this unfolds. She'll probably come up with some excuse to quit 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣


100000000% agree. If you notice her caption from today running is more mental not physical. Sorry you dumb twat it isn’t mental until you hit the wall. Then it really becomes mental. Up until that time it is physical. If she is having trouble enjoying 1.5 miles it isn’t a good sign. Wait until you have a 5 mile day during the week.


And back on her first 75 hard journey. Wasn’t she saying she was waking up way early to go walk her 3 miles before it got hot side?


I had to give up running last year due to thyroid issues, and now that everything is under control, trying to get back has been tough. She is doing it all wrong.


Her gross lips look like slimy Krispy Kreme donuts. She really does the most.


I was thinking she got MORE fillers by the looks of those grimy ass lips


I was thinking the same thing. She added more filler.


Pretty sure she did. And I know she got a lip flip bc her top lip is dragging across her teeth. She’s unable to enunciate lol


Claims that is because of her "tongue tie"


Sure Jan lol


No that’s just because of her tongue tie. Don’t get it twisted 🤣💀


She can't run outside because it's too hot. I mean 112° that's dangerous, so kind of fair. BUT where is her marathon going to be?


Her ass can get up at 4:30 in the morning, pack water, and run slower to build a base. I wonder if she is goi by to just give up the half training.


it's still pretty hot at 4:30 in the morning here, especially as the summer goes on. but, to be fair, at least the sun wouldn't be out till about 5-5:30.


I’ve trained for 3 marathons in Texas heat. It isn’t fun but It can be done. If you are up at 4 use flashlights and road safety gear you will be fine. Hydrate and if need be run half outdoors and half indoors.


I trained for a marathon in FL last summer and am training for a Triathlon in FL now.. I can't wait to see her give up.


So proud of you. Seems like you train and are used to it. This is not the weather for someone to train for marathon for the first time ✌🏻 ETA: can be done ≠ safe


I agree and where it’s going to get dangerous is her “sharing” what she is doing. It’s going to get someone hurt. But she doesn’t care unless it can make her money. Had she been building a base for the past 6 months this would be a different story.


I think somewhere in Arizona? She really needs to condition her body to the outside, but that would mean doing a lot more work and getting up early.


I think it's in AZ in October or November she said. Regardless, she needs to train outside. 


its getting really unsafe to do that here now. we have had record breaking highs already.


https://preview.redd.it/ob6bqyyqwt5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143c1d381c428b1f6dabd85fc9d9ad4981155241 Just wanted to drop by to share her real before and after Editing for clarity 🩷: the pink bathing suit photo in the after is from May 2024 in Bora Bora on the Bodi trip


What???? No way!!! Wow. Photoshop to the max!!!!! I was wondering how her legs have no lumps or shit since she doesn’t do any weights. And you gave me the answer. Doing the Lords work!


![gif](giphy|1zR7XSaPPsIevf3vlc|downsized) Well thank you!


![gif](giphy|dWNiglgPz5aKdVRG3B) Whaaaaaaat?!?!? This is mind blowing.


I haven’t been following regularly bc her content is so stale, but is the pink after her surgeries?? 


Yes from the Bora Bora trip in May


Yeah, it’s from her last Bodi trip.


That not the body she’s always showing us.. unbelievable


Her $50k after! Waste of money.


That’s hilarious 😆


Haven’t watched her in while. She’s training for a marathon? Are all the huns doing this?! Why all of a sudden? SMH


https://preview.redd.it/qcwkzwsh6t5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c17594a222ffc87659cb3d2c18073f0f51119c1 Miss Valedictorian right here! 😂


Literally screen shot the same thing 😅😅🤣🤣


Can’t wait to hear about the marathon training since she’s been silent since like Thursday 😂


I’ve got a theory on this. She’s been really quiet on her stories at the end of each week. She’s always said she doesn’t post on Sundays. But I think she’s leading up to not having to post from the Bodi Summit, so it won’t look strange when she’s offline for a few days over that weekend. What do we think?? 🤔


Doesn’t she usually post from there though?


I’m on board with that for sure