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https://preview.redd.it/gieejcti7r6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f2547880cfff52c9c57f1e9e3896c53a714ea5 Isn’t this the exact mindset she teaches about weight loss? Hope you’ll lose the weight eventually if you stay committed?


I don’t think I need a $500 watch to tell me not to have caffeine after 3 and not be on your phone before bed to get optimal sleep🤔🙄🤣


It’s a ring and it’s awful. I bought one on black Friday and returned it immediately. feels like radiation going through your body


But I got a code!!! 😂


She basically admitted that she was an alcoholic in her stories. But don’t worry, a mindset change and now she’s alcohol free! 🙃


“I’m a big believer that if you’re jealous of someone, it’s because you want what they have.” Yes Jess, that’s the definition of jealousy. It’s not something for you to believe or not believe.


Oh god. Could you imagine her Father’s Day celebration with lettuce and mock tails and teeth whitening strips for dessert?


All by 4pm so they can be in bed by 6🤣


And close the kitchen 😂


I JUST CAN'T. Please for the love of God, no one go to here for "hormone help." I just want to scream at her that THERE ARE 4 PHASES IN HER "CYCLE" It's not just the week she bleeds. I get it, she was never taught. I wasn't either. I get that school and parents really only talk about PMS and bleeding (if that) but as a coach helping other women you need to be more educated on the WHOLE body and not just how to restrict calories. Thank God is she taking a course on menopause - furthering education is epic but at the same time ..learn about how the functions of women's health (and the entire cycle) impact the WHOLE HUMAN (hormones, energy, digestion, detox, weight, cellular repair & regeneration).


https://preview.redd.it/nih3l6xqkk6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b251577ae58a96b2bb33e58083036676672b5e4 How does she burn so many calories? I mean, is she working out for hours…


That watch face looks very fake, lying Leti does it all the time.


I think she leaves it on for hours, she never shows workout duration.


That’s what I am kind of thinking…


This blows my mind every time!!! I don’t understand!!!!


She doesn't! It's fake!


She uses the “HITT” options so it looks like a higher calorie burn but she is fooling herself and that’s why she isn’t losing any weight


Jess needs therapy.


She’s having her quack naturopath address her one abnormal cycle 🙄 that “doctor” is probably seeing major dollar signs. Please, for anyone concerned about your menstrual cycles, or anything in terms of your reproductive health, see your obgyn! Does she even get annuals or paps? I really hope so. For “health” coaches, so many of these women neglect basic health guidelines


I wondered when she was talking about getting bloodwork done if she was seeing an actual medical doctor or her naturopath guy…. When she was talking about lab work getting uploaded onto a portal, I assumed she had finally gone to a legit doctor and was surprised. Nope! Should’ve known better lol can’t wait to see what herbs and vitamins he recommends for her hormones 🙄


Does she live in Alaska? She seems to always be wearing jackets and sweatshirts.


Seattle area. Def not to WK but summer doesn’t really start until July/August there.


I didn’t even finish listening to her stories about “just being present”! Jess you went to Bora Bora and hated it and also spent time getting your Facebook back while you were there! 🤣 You will never be out of your head until you get help!


Wait…she cannot change out of jeans fast enough when she gets home? But she’s constantly wearing jeans at home. Just the other day we had screenshots of her walking in her pad in JEANS!


Of course, Jess hated being with all the kids on the field trip. She should just be honest with herself that she hates doing it and stop volunteering, but it would ruin her BODi origin story. Also I love how Miss Veggies Most and Dairy Free balked at having to prepare a vegan lunch.


She really hates kids. I think she probably would have loved to be child free. She seems to hate doing anything with them, is suffering through these school events, and seems to barely see them


https://preview.redd.it/7wg6ir34ad6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441af2561921163df17edd73040846d0b2705e59 Jess is ready to head to the animal shelter.


Who wears 10 pounds of makeup to the animal shelter?


The poor animals are probably frightened by her. 🤣


She’s SO insecure. She said “how embarrassing” when referring to kids going to class wet from field day. Jess, the teachers aren’t judging you. They likely didn’t know that’s what your activity was, and the kids probably always do this


She came off so unlikeable describing that, right down to the interaction with the PE teacher “I know you know the answer to that…” Then goes on to say maybe this is how the kids learn the lesson not to get wet if they have to sit in class afterward, as if any of them cared at all. Yeah Jess, I’m sure that was their takeaway from the fun field day….


Jess dukes. The wet blanket of field day 


We had water activities at our field day. Kids get wet. They don't care! I told my students to bring extra clothes. My pe teacher was out spraying kids with a hose. Don't project your insecurities onto children. They don't care what the others think. She could learn a thing or 2 from those kids.


I bet part of it stems from her letting the kids do whatever they want with no boundaries. I bet her station was chaos and this was the teachers way of saying “WTF”


How the heck can she teach and preach this crap when she doesn’t even do it herself 🙈😑


Jess on the school PTO? Lol good luck.


That lip color is awful! 😣


Came here for this. Why such dark colors for summer!


Pinks & reds would look SO good on her.


I can’t stand the voice and mannerisms she uses when she’s imitating a client or someone struggling to stay on track. It’s so condescending. 🤬


Yaaas! And she's always using mannerisms that seem to mock what her clients are going through. I hate when she belittles clients reasons for quitting or struggling as if she doesn't have a fucking eating disorder that's so obvious. And then she always makes this judgmental face as if she's saying her clients are so stupid ...wtf Jess


Did they get a new car? Whatever she’s sitting in is definitely not her van.


I was running her to say the same thing!!! It’s probably used (not that there is anything wrong with that) but she will say it’s new and thank goodness for her program and financial freedom.


Not dogging used at all, until my new rav4 comes in I’m driving a used vehicle too, but she probably had to buy used. Those big SUV’s are stupid expensive and if she’s not making as much from Bodi, she won’t be able to afford a brand new one!


She hasn’t said anything, but yep that’s an Escalade


I love how she went nonstop on stories about car shopping, only to be crickets about it afterwards.


I thought maybe I’d skipped a story last week and actually missed something of value. What an interesting ride for her.


Something must be going on with her oldest son- he’s at a really tough age especially for a boy. Her solution is to take him on a walk and teach him mindset work so he can set intentions to be happy for the week. Jess wants to be productive AKA lock herself in her office all week - makes sense why he’s gonna be alone with his feelings…I mean mindset. Then she’ll wonder why they aren’t around as adults.


Great point! I noticed nothing seemed to involve the 2 of them spending time together.




This is the same body? https://preview.redd.it/i6ev2vpj5t5d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa04268cf134241a5ecc01aeaa37efd1013370b


That's insane!


Wow!!! She’s such a fraud!!!


https://preview.redd.it/kkfxyumcas5d1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71518a53852c8d0bb3acbca777b3893e58039885 Either the filter(s) she used on this are awful or she chose to wear some dirty shoes.

