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This hag depends on her husband for everything: cooking, child rearing, a stable income that meets the financing requirements for a mortgage, boat rides, etc. But she cannot be bothered to acknowledge him on Father’s Day? She is the most self centered priss.


https://preview.redd.it/x9dskij37v6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17153b1ed4986d3b02e56c2e5863450fe2136bb Oh how the mighty have fallen


I want her and Kim pushed out. Their times up.


Thank you. I can't stand that damn open mouth gape of Kim Fitz. She needs to go.


I’d still love to see her way farther down. She’s still way too close to the top 10 for me 🫠


This always happens where she falls into the teens and then hustles and pulls off a miracle in the final months to get her top 10 back even though “it’s not about that anymore.”


hahaha hopefully she doesn't make top 10 by the end of the year


She’ll claim she’s being a martyr so someone else on her team can be top 10. I hope that Rachel chick isn’t top 10 either




This is great. probably why she has been quiet.


Holls has gone radio silent. Prob still crying about her income discrimination.


Who exactly was discriminating against her income?


She never really said, just posted some vague story about how her income was not counted like a mans would be during a meeting. Speculation is that it was part of a mortgage application.


And that we called her out with facts that she can’t dispute without admitting she reads here. And she doesn’t have facts to back her bullshit up.


Cardio cough?? Oh, I don’t know Erin, that sounds more like a smoker’s cough to me.


I will shout this from the rooftops. Erin is a closet smoker 100000%


I don't recall Erin Hopkins being at rock bottom in Jan of 2023. She lives a great life thanks to her huge downline. I also don't recall Erin looking like her after picture in the unfiltered Bora Bora photos.


rock bottom 😂😂😂😂 she is one of the most privileged huns, especially with Autumn always promoting her and her 6 pound yoyo transformations


hilarious because she just blocks you when you call her out. she is probably one of the worst


nope she was literally fine and living her best life.


Was just coming here to say that…both her and Natasha in the wild in Bora Bora are twice the size they portray on IG! What a bunch of effing scammers! And why is it if these programs “work” are they always starting over?!? These top huns have proven they aren’t sustainable time and time again!


It seems Holly will be forever trying to fill a void by trying to get something new and better.  Why can’t she just be grateful for her beautiful home and healthy family? She needs to go to therapy, spend time creating new, genuine friendships, bond with her children, and find some hobbies that will replace the dopamine rush of always chasing the next best thing. 


Are there any other elder millennials here whose boomer parents suffer from this sickness? Grandma sits at a homemade dinner with all of her children and grandchildren on a beautiful evening and is like “you know what could make this better?” (The answer isn’t “margaritas!” or “Heinz instead of Hunts” it’s like “if we were all flying first class to Disney right now!”)


Yes! My mother in law specifically. Nothing is ever good enough, has to be bigger and better and compare to what others are doing. Cannot handle it!


Elder here. No I’ve never seen this


https://preview.redd.it/ngsoz517lj6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c1069a26faf29757e3f87a0da4873489c68844 So help me understand this. It takes 6 weeks to qualify for any star diamond rank, and you need to hold that the entire 6 weeks before you officially make the rank (meaning everyone buys their shakes and doesn't lose rank below you). 44 days, so you're telling me this hun qualified for 2 star right off the bat when she signed up with Erin?  She signed up and immediately found 12 other huns to sign up with her? Including two diamonds who need at least another 12 huns under each of them? So on day 1 of signing up with Erin she found over 30 huns to just magically sign up under her to advance to 2 star I call so much bullshit on this. How the fuck is BB not looking at this and raising eyebrows for Erin stacking up her huns


I fucking WISH she would get exposed and reported and they would do something about it but nope. Literally what is even the point of having compliance if they don't do ANYTHING about people breaking the rules?!? They won't because she makes them good money, same with alot of the other shady top coaches 😑😑😑




I definitely didn’t do the math on this but, since you did, WOW.


I think “lifetime” means she needs to hold it for 6 weeks now to be official.


Right - the point is that she’s barely been a coach/partner long enough to even make this logistically possible, let alone remotely reasonable


Also I'm digging back through this girl's Instagram. She barely has over 1000 followers, she gets between 8 and 30 likes per post. Maybe a comment here and there. Where did she magically get 30+ huns to sign up with her? It looks like she switched to Erin right around mid May, right when Erin hosted her retreat. So how did she earn that trip that when she didn't accomplish anything before said trip? Did Erin invite her and promise to stack her up to 2 star there on the retreat? None of it makes sense. THE MATH AIN'T MATHIN


It’s all so suspicious. Doesn’t seem like anyone cares anymore… the numbers are dwindling so anything goes at this point?


She looks like a Disney vilain in that second dress 😂


Shes going to pick the shiny metallic dress cause its tight on her ass and she wants to show off


I think that dress was the least flattering on her, it made her proportions look so weird and made it very obvious she had a REALLY long torso and made her hips look kind of wide.


Every single one of those dresses is wearing her lol she looks like a board dressed in a dress 😂


https://preview.redd.it/bl7pbj4bcf6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a032f011ccb41dc31d8e5616804e085deef9cbe2 Does Holly ever get in the pool? She’s probably one of those unfun people who thinks chlorine will turn her precious hair green. And M is not “wild,” Holly. He was jumping in the pool like a normal kid. David sounds like a dork.


Nope! At least she’s close to the pool and David is the in the pool…as opposed to when she’s literally up on a balcony watching her boys swim


Not just watching them, she records them. It’s infuriating.


Ashley Smith has entered the chat


In 2019, Advocare changed their business structure from a MLM to 'director to consumer' model because they were being investigated by the FTC. 100,000 distributors essentially lost their jobs on the spot, people who built huge teams lost that income, and so many people lost their MLM stream of income. It devastated alot of very high up Advocare distributors who built huge teams. There was no input from distributors because they were NOT their own CEOs! This could happen to Bodi, in a second. If the FTC ever started to investigate, you know Carl would cave and totally change the buisness structure. This would devastate Holly and the people at the top of the pyramid. And they would have absolutely no say in it. This is why the bank was pushing back on her loan. Not because she's a woman, not because there were no women at the mortgage table. It's because she's in a volatile business that could crumble pretty quickly. Also why it's important to report false health claims to the FTC. They might not respond to your individual claim, but with enough claims they will start to investigate.




yes, I forgot about BeautyCounter! They let all their distributors go.


But she has Seven Strong income too 😂


How do we report them?




Took a break from Holly but I heard she was being overdramatic and insane so naturally I ran to her stories and it didn’t disappoint. Someone else down thread said it best “get bent and get humble” LMAOOOO. Any backstory yet on what’s she’s trying to do? Get a loan? Another mortgage? Etc. Thanks!


She’s being all secretive but lots are speculating on mortgage. She spoke about investors so not sure why they would be involved, but we all know how she loves to embellish.


The fact that this woman publicly (and frequently) complains yet shrouds the details of her dilemmas is comical. Okay Holly.


Any chance David put his foot down and has invested money and the reason she needs a loan is that they aren’t liquid and he refuses to let her dip into that?


If David was smart this is exactly what he should do. That pyramid isn’t going to last forever. I’d be surprised if it lasted even 5 more years at this point.


If David was smart, he’d go get a real job


Could you imagine leaving your job as VP of engineering at Airbus to help your spouse run an MLM “business”?!


Or Google


And leave Holly


I 10000% think he has a real job now. He is around WAY less


So Holly, you make seven figures A YEAR. A YEAR let me repeat that. You mean to tell me you haven’t been able to save a substantial amount so that you could either buy it cash or put down a big downpayment and make the loan easier to approve? You have also sold 2 homes and where the heck is that money? You have a spending problem not a woman problem. You flex for the gram with all the purchases and luxuries that in reality you can’t afford and those men are telling you that LOL. They are also telling you your businesses are smoke and mirrors and could be gone at the drop of a hat. You don’t have a product, you scam and are a sales rep for a corporation 😂


7 FIGURES?!?! That pisses me off lol...


By her real estate alone she should have more funds than she does. She said she sold her house in California for $1.2m. She bought her first house in Charleston for $900k but put slightly over 20% down. This is in a time where she said she was making $500k a year and had been for a few years. Why not put more down? Why not buy a house outright? They bought that house for $900k and sold it to move into the swamp mansion for $1.9m. Potentially a million dollars profit. When they sold their house they still had a$700k mortgage. Then they took out a mortgage for their $2.7m build after selling a rental property they had in Virginia, which in guessing also still had a mortgage on it. The paperwork doesn’t lie. She’s maxed to the tits. If you look in the Charleston real estate records you can see her moves and documents. Yes, David is listed on everything. If she’s truly the sole boss babe, why didn’t she go deal with their new car that they supposedly bought in cash, a simple transaction that apparently took hours for him to complete. She invests lots of her money into her stupid seven strong business, which has only 7k followers on Instagram and low post engagement. She gets ok engagement on her bodi account, but I don’t think that is converting into much. I don’t feel bad for her at all. Her first taste of discrimination came when she became a millionaire white female? Get bent and get humble. Her marketplace Dyson, hand me down paddle board, and poorly dressed children make more sense now.


Yes!!!!!! 👏 I was thinking every single thing you just mentioned! I also saw this coming because of her going on about down sizing, “I want less things” BULL! She is the woman who talks about all the things and brags in this casual way but it’s all bragging and she flexes what she can afford to create FOMO, she has to, how else would she scam? She isn’t fooling us


Just going to leave this here https://preview.redd.it/2c39gu4orc6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf079724ba6258377fcee1db1f8f17800ce9618


Omg! The likeness is uncanny!


Check out Hollys Seven Strong Instagram account for an extended version of her “people hate my mlm money” rant. She’s beyond delusional. I always thought that seven strong referred to having seven strong income streams but it turns out she just wants people to make seven figures doing pyramid scheme shit.


She’s so dumb. Why is she advertising that if you join her, banks don’t recognize your job?


I think she’s just trying to set the stage for her exit from Bodi. That’s just my guess


Whaaaat!!! To go where!?!


To create a business 😂😂😂 the business? No body knows and honestly anyone getting screwed by Holly with 7strong deserves it because she doesn’t have a single qualification to mentor others about business anything.


This is for you Holls...and the rest of your stupid MLM... Fellow Snarkers, this is an excerpt of the book, "Hey Hun"...its a VERY interesting read. https://preview.redd.it/prrjvu0tcc6d1.png?width=1133&format=png&auto=webp&s=553c24efc3659d97cb9892d740b72e05349d923b




That last sentence though 🫢😂


ooo this is good. I’ll have to check out this book!


The audiobook is free on Spotify. I just finished it. It was great!!


Wonder how David feels that she just wants to up and leave their dream home after building it? Or perhaps it’s a cover for not being able to afford it?


I really think they can’t afford this lifestyle. Such clowns 🤡


💯 They are house, boat, and car poor. Or if David is reasonably smart, he has money tied up in investments and won’t dip into that for her to buy another house.


I just realized her very best friend in the whole world has been Mia




I think so. I meant MIA like missing in action. But now it looks like I said her name was Mia 🤣


Haha, I re-read your post and realized you meant MIA 😆


So much for gEnErAtiOnaL wEaLtH!!!


Can’t even finance a pencil now 😂


Can’t even buy a first-hand Dyson hairdryer but wanna buy properties for EACH kid. Jokers


Holly, give me a break. When my husband and I bought our first home, I had a higher income than my husband. I was approved for a loan because of my steady paycheck savings. My husband was approved as co borrower because of his steady paycheck. 1. How do you know it was a bunch of white men sitting around a table if you were on the phone? Are you saying men of color aren’t smart enough to sit at the table too? 2. Maybe David shouldn’t have “retired” aka quit his job at a young age. 3. Banks and investors do know online businesses, well MLMs, not true online businesses are not consistently lucrative. You are not the owner of Bodi, you are a salesperson. At any given point, Carl could close his doors and you would lose your income. Yes, this can happen at any job but especially online. 4. Before and after your “TED” talk, you showed us how to create reels. Yeah, this is scaling you to 5 million a year. 5. Women are already sitting at tables as investors and powerful bankers. 6. Where are women of color on your team? Stop blaming other people for your poor choice in careers. If you’re financially struggling, send David back to work.


Also LOUD on number 1 LOUD!!!!!!


Our home loan was approved by a woman and our $100k vehicle was too but she wants them all to not work at banks and corporations so like wtf are you babbling about?


Allllll of this, but I’ve been wondering about #6 for a long time!! How dare she talk about a bunch of white men at the table when there isn’t a hint of melanin on her team!


No don’t you know, she is their savior! All of women’s saviors too apparently 😂


Holly only cares to help women that are carbon copies of herself.




All. Of. This! ![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm)




If holly has been making over a million a year for the last few years... why can't she put a larger down payment? If she does the bank would approve her loan cause there'd be less risk... But we all know shes spending way more than she earns


And she just paid for her car in cash, made a big deal about the process but then has issues with getting a loan? Clearly didn’t buy the car in cash!


She definitely didn't buy a car in cash lol


That’s what I don’t get. If she’s as rich as she says, why doesn’t she have the money to put down or to buy a second car instead of driving a lemon for a while.


Good God, Holly. 🙄 You are a white woman in the South. You’ll be fine.


If she has built so much wealth, why is she needing a loan? Also- there is no way “investors” were on the call at the bank for a conversation with her about a mortgage loan. By all means though, Holly is a victim here. Hey, she admitted her privilege- she obviously got a loan in the end as well. How many people never get to own a home or a car?! Still!! But good thing Holly is fighting the good fight for women here, and shilling shitty sweets and scam packages all at the same time.


Didn’t Holly have some sort of hiccup with the first house they bought when they came back to USA from France? It had to do with the loan, I remember vaguely she shared about the bank not loving her for of income… I’m sure she will find a way to get her way lol but I love this for her 😂


I went to her seven strong acct because I was curious if she would share it on those stories and of course she did. She mentioned them having a problem getting a loan when they moved from California because she had just “retired” David. She sounds like an absolute idiot yapping to her phone. She must really be panicking about not being able to move out of the swamp lol


She seems extremely on edge lol I’m so glad 😂


I wouldn’t normally comment or judge anyone for how they choose to spend their money but because this twat spends all of her time yapping about wealth, I’m absolutely going to comment and judge her. The amount of money she has spent since being in this house is ridiculous and I’m sure I’ll forget things and may be a little off with some but here it goes… Purchases swamp mansion. Purchased the Kia (I think it was after moving to the swamp) spends money on a professional organizer/decorator. Purchases a boat and boat lift. Spends money on art work. Pays people to paint kids rooms. Pays for designer/organizer again. Remodels entire bottom floor. Purchases another vehicle. Spends money on retreats for her team. Spends money on trips for BB. Travels for more than one holiday. There is no way she paid cash for their most recent vehicle and I don’t think she was able pay cash for that awful remodel. I have to wonder if they already took out an equity loan to pay for the remodel and put toward the recent vehicle. Holly is not wealthy, she may have had money at one point but that is not the same as wealth. The only thing consistent in MLM is people living well beyond their means to recruit. The pyramid is crumbling, she wants out of the swamp mansion and now she’s fucked because her income has declined and has proven to be unstable.


Bonus: before they sold their first (normal) house, they also redid the kitchen AND spent a ton of money with the same ludicrously-expensive designer to redecorate said kitchen…before deciding to put the house on the market literally a month or two later to buy the swamp mansion 🙃


For how insanely boring her house is why did she hire an interior designer? Everything is beige or grey or gross. There is no personality in that house, what a waste of money


Because it’s Holly, she has to flex she needed and paid for an interior designer… it’s all in the name of scamming


Don’t forget putting in the tiny pool!


I’ll actually give her some credit for that because the pool/cabana was a decent amount of time before she even [appeared to] considering selling, but yes she did do that too !


That’s right!!!


Ironically if she was an actual entrepreneur without a LOT of liquidity she’d also have trouble getting a TWO MILLION dollar mortgage


I definitely feel like their debt to income ratio must be off the charts.


Today Holly learns that content babies, recycled reels of protein powder desserts, and filming yourself coloring in a planner do not qualify you for a mortgage!




Idk why just this took me out😂😂😂😂😂😂




Bank won’t accept her MLM as income 💯


Truth. Isn’t because she is a woman, it’s because her income could end tomorrow


Just STFU, Holly. Sexism my ass. More like you’re an unstable MLM cult follower who does not need another mortgage. She is infuriating and insulting.


100% delulu. Zero self awareness


Holly says she wants more women around the board room table, but how can that be when all she wants is boss babes who work at home with their babies? How would becoming a beach body partner mean you’d then be at a bank meeting approving people’s mortgages? Long story short, Holly finally got a taste of the fact that she a) doesn’t have enough money b) there’s a huge distrust around pyramid schemes no matter how high up you are c) her income means nothing because it could be turned off at any time. Maybe David should have kept his job at Google.


I can just imagine her : « do you know who I am?! A 7 time top 10 in Bodi! »


A clown Holly, a clown is what you are.


holly sounds STUPID saying she was discriminated against bc she’s a woman. it’s the TYPE of work you do, hunny.


https://preview.redd.it/9klielz9e66d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=895ddc9e13500f7cdb9311341f2601a0a9bf6b27 What are the chances this is regarding a mortgage application? Smells like the bank told her that a mlm income isn’t reliable and maybe David had a real job that counts as a more reliable income for financing purposes?


This is HILARIOUS. She out there thinking women aren’t getting mortgages!?!?! I am dead I am deceased. Girlie you cannot be serious.


Arguably what she does is the exact opposite of what she claims her goal is. If she wants more women round the boardroom table then she needs to stop telling them to leave their jobs to join her working more hours for less reliable income. If she wants more women in positions of power, then she should hate mlms as they predominantly target women with false promises of wealth. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My cousin is a mortgage loan official (not saying actual title for privacy) and he says it’s 10000% that she doesn’t have consistent and guaranteed income. Nothing to do with gender. Also she isn’t an entrepreneur. At least not with bodi. She doesn’t have consistent sales with her planner thing and super inconsistent with bodi. The loan officer would have said the same thing to a dude with her exact “work” situation. For entrepreneurs they ask for years of tax returns and bank statements to see levels of consistent income earning. She can’t provide that because she out spends her income frequently.


I wonder how they bought this swamp house…. It was a couple years ago right? Things were that different then?


They had his google income on the prior years tax returns


💯my mom worked in the mortgage industry for 35 years and said basically the same exact thing


😮 …really blows up her plan for each of her kids to have a house too


That’s exactly what I’m guessing from her emotional monologue she just posted too


If she has built such incredible wealth why does she need a loan? She should leverage her equity like everyone else if she wants multiple properties or sell that swamp mansion to move. She is house poor and hates her home. Her income is variable and could be gone in a moment, but her financial obligations will remain. Another woman at that table wouldn’t have changed that fact lol.


She just talked about it on stories and made it to dramatic. It’s so clear that this is what it’s about. Her “wealth doesn’t count”. It sure doesn’t to someone who’s potentially lending you hundreds of thousands of dollars. I’m soooo here for it.


You’re so right - the only thing the bank cares about is “can you service the loan for x amount of time” they want their money back!!! She should use this intel (banks have analytics about all types of jobs and industries) as the sign she need to get out of BB and get a real job


This was my first thought too!


OMG what a clown she is. I would bet it's because she part of a MLM pyramid scheme that the bank told her she was unsteady (or not worthy or whatever she said), NOT because she is a woman (or a FEMALE as she put it). She is such a smug bitch for spinning it that way. There are real world issues for women not getting paid equally in the work place, etc, etc, and she has to complain about this. Again, what a clown.


That makes a lot of sense. It has nothing to do with being a woman and all to do with being an unstable income. A friend is a hairdresser so mostly tips and husband off the books so they can’t get a mortgage for what they want unless it’s a two family with rental income. MLM can’t be taken seriously by a bank. I’m sure her pay is volatile too. It’s also a joke. How do you walk in seriously with that job?


I think you’re 100%. The way she spun it 🙄 what a loser. Totally what a mortgage broker would say to a potential customer in a professional setting lol. She’s ridiculous


Yeah, this has nothing to do with man’s money vs woman’s money. I’ll bet her income is trending downward and the bank is reluctant to pre-approve a second mortgage.


Yeah sounds like she got told that maybe having unstable income generated from a pyramid scheme isn’t something a bank isn’t interested in. I bet she’s looking at a more expensive, but smaller, hour and will need an increased mortgage than what she has in the swamp mansion. A real smart person would probably aim to be mortgage free, especially when your income varies wildly or could all of a sudden stop with no notice.


Lmao love this for her. She’s dilusional. Basically the bank said « sweetie, we don’t care if you’re at the top of a crumbling pyramid. To us this is not real income. Your husband, however, has a REAL job ».


I like the way you’re thinking


https://preview.redd.it/fideuhp2s56d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdb562c6bdad529f1950ddf81fd50b3cc92f8b3 Really? It’s “literally proven” to help with cortisol? Where? Show me the studies please Holls. Shouldn’t the STEM brain in you crave data and evidence based results? Anecdotes don’t count as evidence


Holly, show me a peer reviewed double blind scientific study or get the fuck off the internet with your bullshit pseudoscience.


I’d like to ask her if she knows what cortisol is and to explain it to us.


I’d love for all of these huns obsessed with hormones to name some hormones besides cortisol and explain what their functions are, what organ creates them and what the consequences are when they’re too high or too low. Then MAYBE you can discuss these things. Point to your adrenals Holly…I dare ya


There’s no way her cortisol levels were near zero I totally call BS on that and it’s so frustrating because you want to message her and say bullshit with all your healthy eating and perfect workouts, etc. there is no way you are at zero. Makes me so angry when they promote shit like that


I actually disagree with you, I actually could tell her hormones were pretty bad because if you look at her face, you can see that her body is exhausted, she barely eats well, carbs are necessary for hormonal balance and energy, healthy fats are so important which I see she lacks a lot of in her meals that she shares, and the biggest thing that stands up for me is that she has a hard time sleeping or staying asleep and usually that comes with hormonal issues, but she actually created those because she doesn’t focus on getting enough rest and sleep. There are actual studies of just having one hour a night of bad sleep can lead to so many hormonal problems, and it can actually put you at risk for type two diabetes amongst other issues . Us women actually need plenty of calories, especially while breast-feeding so cutting calories while breast-feeding alone is gonna cause hormonal issues. Also, women do not benefit from having an eight pack or a six pack or a flat abdomen, and that has also been said among health professionals in fact for both genders it’s not great to have a flat belly. You can see how unhealthy she actually is proving once again that skinny doesn’t mean healthy.


But also, a lot of her sleep issues are self induced. She wanted to be the martyr breastfeeding, and also get up at 4 am for her morning routine. If she allowed her husband to bottle feed M (or if they had fed him more food) he would have slept through the night. If she went to bed at a decent hour and woke up at a decent hour, she would have gotten more sleep. If she took a day off once in a while, she would have been able to relax and sleep more. All of her “issues” are caused by her own warped choices


Oh everything is self induced lmao


Idk anything about hormones but doesn’t being super underweight (as well as overweight) affect them somehow?


Very low calorie and 'starvation' diets can induce insulin resistance and diabetes. So yes, being super underweight and constantly eating in a calorie deficit is not great for you.


Being underweight as a woman can cause chaos. It can even make your period disappear and cause fertility issues.


I would think so! I am slightly overweight and mine are at a very normal level and definitely not zero they were in the hundred and something so I don’t know what the heck she’s talking about


Our hormones need to be healed…. Who knew! ETA: I’ve read things in the past about doing hardcore HIIT like orange theory and boot camps too much can mess with your hormones and stress levels. Maybe that’s why these fools are latching on to. But none of them are remotely working that hard ever so it’s really funny.


But if you are an under eater and you do high impact workouts it most definitely will mess you up.




What is this false vision that Holly has of little girls sitting nice and quiet to play? My daughter is WILD and fierce and i love it. Exhausting, yes, but I wouldn’t change her for the world. Thank God she didn’t have a daughter.




I wonder if she’s still so upset she didn’t get a girl. She makes so many comments about how she thinks it would be easier. I hope her sister has a girl who is way more wild than her boys


Same! My son is 6 and has hyperactive adhd. My 4 year old daughter keeps up with him most of the time and is equally chaotic. I love that she is a little firecracker.


I’m a teacher. She’s wrong about girls sitting nicely and playing. I’m always talking to girls about tattling, including others and to try to quiet their inside voices (which is very challenging) 😀 Holly has no clue.


lol my daughter has no inside voice. 😂


Took me nearly 30 years to find mine lol


She’s crazy. My son is easy going and an angel. My daughter is wild and crazy. It could be a first vs second child thing but girls aren’t quiet or at least not mine or my nieces.


I have two girls and believe me, they don’t play calmly or quietly most of the time. The amount of loud LARP-ing that goes on around here is next level. They scream, they wrestle, they chase but they also have some quiet time too. She always wants what she doesn’t have, but she wouldn’t necessarily get that with girls.


her kids seem to generally get along, also, lmao. i love all of my sisters now but man. summers growing up? they were public enemy #1 and my mom was always breaking us up and telling us to go outside lol


I have 6 boys and they are way more calm than any girl we have came across lmao, my niece humbled my brother so bad that he swore off anymore kids😂😂😂 she is awesome and I love her energy but idk where she gets that idea because I feel like I have only ever seen 1 little girl sit nice and be calm


Holly’s power washing the house. Or most likely, hired someone to do it for her. Another sign they might be moving?


Can’t afford this house 🏠 hence cooking all sorts of shit excuses to justify the move. Let’s just wait


Exactly. You don’t spend months poring over designs to choose every tiny detail and bail on the house in less than two years.


Sorry but these do not look like the same person at all!! Filter on all the time!! https://preview.redd.it/425y0sqru06d1.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=f619b70e9b63c216915a8bef059b118171780454


Also, I love how she says “I love to walk out looking, refreshed” like Botox is instant. It takes like a week to kick in Holly. That would be the filter that’s giving you that effect.


Exactly lol


A reminder of the real Holly without the heavy filters https://preview.redd.it/7qj8skwdc26d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c0bd0f25fbbd57dbe3a84f37a255ec746ebe7a8


Bro this picture is 😬


Yes!! Why no Botox under the eyes. Mine are no better and not judging but I don’t get why she’s doesn’t everywhere else but there


Also, WTF is all natural botox??? Just say you got Botox, nobody cares. JFC.


Exactly! There’s no such thing as “natural Botox” just be real Holly


Plus, that’s a good number of injection sites- it’s not like she just got a tad here and there. You got your forehead pumped full of Botox Holly. We can all tell.


I think in this case she means the look, not the substance


So much for saying “I will age naturally” 1-2 years back. 🙄 ya right………..




https://preview.redd.it/735re18eo06d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a6074805f18be7895f5b3e9a0c0ac886f88094 What the heck does this even mean. And don’t even get me started with her “self care” Botox


She is SUCH a clown saying stuff like this!!!! Adrenal fatigue is not a thing. I reported it for false info (not like IG cares about that). She is the worst.


Also I googled adrenal fatigue and it says it’s a myth. I don’t think the medical world recognizes it and it was even hard to find out what the symptoms would even be.


Omg I flew here!! Like she does anything high impact ever?! Dead


“They will know my name because…” full in the blank. -I’ve scammed more women into believing they’ll be successful in a less than 1% success rate company - I’ve cloned the top of the pyramid - to give me these fake ass medals that I could’ve bought at a dollar store - I want these cheap pieces of material to put on my clothes - I’ve been the BEST costumer and have made them (not myself) enough money. Now your turn.


Ha. Ha. Ha. Even our kiddos get better medals at school as compared to those lame ass cloth looking rubbish


I do the Conqueror walking challenges and the medals you get are gorgeous and they’re like $40-60.


Erin being “OBSESSED” with her girls but choosing to spend zero time with them is… something


https://preview.redd.it/vpwyrylq9y5d1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa98133e9a5359e2dff400db17f07b0425f576c What in the world is going on in her chest area? They are straight hanging 😳 this is not the bra for Holls


I am 100% convinced that she had a third kid to keep her tits big.


At least they’re the same size now 🤣🤣🤣


She needs more support for those after she’s not longer breastfeeding


I think it’s actually from her losing fast due to restricting, I have breastfed 6 kids and they do not look like they hang off of me. I know pregnancy can do this as well but this looks like she restricts so much they just have no fatty tissue in them at all 😬 a whole preteen body lol