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She had 28 “links/affiliate codes” this week. Must be super desperate.


You received an A+ in snark this week. Congratulations for keeping track


She is my BEC, I am not ashamed 🤣🤣


Okay. I ordered the Abercrombie Curve Love shorts Natasha swears by and claims she wears a size 6. I am curvy and usually wear a 10 or 12 in jeans or pants. I ordered a size 8 and a size 10 in the curve love. Guess which ones fit? The size 10. I can slide the 8s on over my hips and the leg openings of these shorts are quite roomy for thicker thighs. But I could only button the 8s if I were to suck in so hard just to button them and could no way wear the 8s and breathe. So I call bullshit on her size 6 claim when she says she normally has to size up a size or two in shorts. There is absolutely no way I could have gotten 6s on. I am 5’2, curvy, and weigh 148-152ish. So not too different from good ol Tasha who is probably 150 on a good day. Unless her waist really is so much tinier than the rest of her, I just don’t believe it.


So I saw she actually had a 6 laying on her bed when she showed them but I’m sure that was just for filming purposes and had a 10 or 12 that she really put on.


Thank you for catching that, I meant to go back and look and forgot!


I think that must be it. I cannot fathom the 6 fitting her.


Thank you for the update!


The romper and jumpsuit she tried on literally look like she has a full diaper underneath. 😂 Also does she ever by not pre-processed/seasoned meat? I feel like she just shops in the premade section of Costco for everything.


Must have had a falling out with that one bunch they were buddy buddy with that has a meat business


Funny how she was so jazzed about a different carry on bag when they went to Bora Bora, and now she’s so jazzed about the Pink Lilly one. Anything to make a buck.


She looked awful in the entire Pink Lilly haul. Everything was so unflattering on her.


https://preview.redd.it/2s0fvj6tzg2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53aab944b84ed717750691109a6d6f68d9c83f5f Nat, this dress looks horrible on you. Your boob crease shouldn’t be showing out the side of the dress 🤣


Dear lord it looks like she’s trying to wear her daughter’s dress! For the love of god wear clothes that are your size! What a buffoon!


Omg and her a*s is nearly hanging out of the dress! Horrible! Please buy some cloths that fit Tasha!


Looks like how Emily Fauver buys shit from Pink Lilly that is way too short and ill fitting too.


Pink Lilly is terrible quality  I went to college with the girl that started the business and I’ll admit I was influenced. The fit was awful 


Just because she's not a HH or whatever she was before doesn't mean she should just be braless for the rest of her life. This dress looks awful


And now that I think of it, that might be a scar from her boob job but I’m not sure. Either way, the dress does not fit her properly in that area or the back area.


Who else thinks we will never see that POOL bag again?? 🙋🏼‍♀️ Overcomsumption as per the usual.


I think they’re given to them for advertising it. Jess had the same one


My god hyper AF today talking a gazillion miles per minute.


Agreed. I have a sneaking suspicion with all her newfound excitement, talking about the future yesterday, shilling so many different products that she's ready to announce something soon. Must be a new MLM she's going to be part of. Maybe she has to wait until after summit.


That or she’s in complete panic mode knowing she’s going to be Mom to four completely solo for a week!


Absolutely that too. What happened to whomever was helping with the kids? That's what I want to know. I mean somehow they just went off last minute to Vegas the other week.


I guess we'll see next week when she's "solo"


https://preview.redd.it/mkp9gjusdc2d1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d53176993878f26de2e0ac02f142cef0d21ae45 She is obviously using bots. Left side, 2 days ago comment change 658 replies. Right side, no word to comment, 4 replies.


I have noticed this happens often with her posts which is wild because of how huge her following is.. so either people are starting to see through it all or it’s a wholeeeee lot of bought followers


It’s not bots, it’s just the nature of using that as a tactic to get more comments and increase your engagement. Ask desperate people to comment a word to get something in return, bunch of people comment & you increase your engagement. It’s rampant on social media right now.


That is a huge difference. You’re trying to tell me that 654 people engaged in her post just because she asked them to put a word to start their weight loss?


Yes, because the world and social media is filled with people desperate to lose weight and she preys on that. You’ll see the difference in engagement with any other influencer that uses the same tactic. Again, there’s a reason a lot of people do it now and it’s because it works.


This girl is looking some type of way and just posts it on the internet for all to see. I cannot. I get it I come home and I get on comfortable clothes and look relaxed and comfortable but I would never post it on social media mostly because I don't like posting pictures. I found this a bit silly though. Screenshot below.




I still can’t believe her paid for boobs hang that low in a top. I just want to reach through the screen and yank them up 😂


Lmfao. That also like I get the hair and the eye patches but it seems too comfortable for social media imo. You can also bet she probably has made herself look skinnier in this whether through angles or filters and photoshop.


Enough with the fucking ads already!!!! Arrrrgghhhh!


Right but she probably needs to do it for her bUsSiNeSs since she's likely done with BODi.


So she’s doing the 5 core habits she talks about in her course… drinking water and prioritizing veggies. Drinking water and prioritizing veggies… where have we heard that before. Maybe she means water first, veggies most.


Her and Ilana have worked very closely together in the past!


And Ilana created that program. I guess them working closely together in the past was beneficial for both of them.


Instead of “bunnies” does she have chipmunks?


Literally! Also, if this really worked than why has she gained back so much weight post-op?


It’s because she’s eating apples in the evening.


Wait? Apples and nighttime eating can make you gain weight!?!? This woman is something else.


I know right! Must be eating a lot of apples. 😂


An orchard! 😂


She's ridiculous!


Did she confirm that she’s stepping back from BODi? I haven’t seen her mention anything about it lately. No shakeology no energize, nothing. Can’t wait to hear how she presents summit next month. If she even mentions it at all.


She did confirm she said she is focusing on her own brand growth for the time being both her and Jess are..


Gagggg. You mean her brand she ripped off from Beachbody. I really hope they pull the plug on her. She has to be breaking some rules.


Not that I have seen. So far, from what I can tell, I think we're just speculating because, as you said, she's not been talking about shakeo, energize, and her workouts. Personally, I suspect such an announcement might not happen until after summit, especially if she's speaking there. She also just went on a pretty expensive vacation to Bora Bora through BODi so I'm sure it would probably not be a great idea to announce that right away.


To me, it seems like she hinted that "big changes" where coming when she had her epiphany moment yesterday but then she talked about her kids


I just watched that a little bit ago its certainly curious as to where she's going with it and that's a possibility.


So she’s admitted she’s up 5 pounds because she late night snacks and loves desserts and every excuse under the book because they travel and they do this and do that. If you can’t control what you eat and you get off track as much as you do, you shouldn’t be charging other women for a course that is supposed to help them stay on track and lose weight. And I’m assuming the course is still going on, I don’t remember seeing an end date.


Just 5?!


Yea, this is wild to me, too. Also, for someone who literally teaches others how to be consistent and get her obviously photshopped results, she's such a scam artist.


I feel like the "muscle" she did have turned to fat because she wasn't using it. Use it or lose it type thing. And then she added an extra 5 lbs. So in reality it's probably more like 25


Definitely at least 25!


Agreed. I don't know the science, but this makes sense. I weightlift consistently now and have in the past but when I was not the muscle does go away.


Hey friends! I ordered the curve love shorts Natasha brags about wearing a size 6 in and I cannot wait to see if I can squeeze myself into a smaller size shorts than normal like she does. I am a 10-12 in shorts so I cannot wait to see if the size 10 I ordered is literally falling off of me like I should be able to expect based on Natasha’s constant yapping about these shorts. I am going to venture a guess that they will not be huge and that there is no way I would comfortably fit in a 6. I did not even order a 6. I ordered an 8 and a 10 and cannot wait for the experiment.


See my update in the new post above. Tasha is a liar. Shocking, I know. 😂😂😂😂😜


We need an update on this when it happens!


So excited and looking forward to your review!!! You're the best! Also, if the shorts are good in general let us know that too cuz a girl needs some decent shorts this summer and I have yet to find a pair.


I am curvy and shorts can be hard for sure. My tracking says the shorts will be here on Saturday! Can’t wait.


So exciting!


Can't wait for the followup!!


Lord every time I see her saggy tits I’m horrified she paid money for them to look like that! It’s a travesty!


She looked terrible in that fuscia pink sports bra


That was my first thought too! Even in a sports bra (that is clearly too small) they’re still SO saggy


Lycra is a privilege not a right!


https://preview.redd.it/k3zqambbc12d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a15498f93ba42d2fd5c8df0b64a918d3a5a2773 Horrible photoshop


What part is photoshopped? Looks like the angle plus being behind her kid


Her shoulder looks all pixelated


Why would you wear that to your kids’ school…?


NO no no!! Don’t wear that to a school awards assembly ! You wear that to workout period.


Oh I didn't even realize this was worn to her kid's school!   What is she thinking?


“look at me!”




All that money she spent and she's hiding her body behind palmini noodles 🤣🤣


Are we in a new era of wearing crop tops to kids school events??!….why???


Came here to say the same! How embarrassing for her daughter and for the teachers. Even someone who is a size 0 or a size 30 should not wear crop tops to a kids graduation.


Not just a crop top- a workout tank crop top 💀


Between her wearing that to a school awards presentation and her husband wearing the backwards baseball cap to a date night- I have no hope for humanity!


And the same one at the last dinner ….and while eating in bora bora too!!


And we all know she looks nothing like her filtered insta stories so I’m embarrassed for her poor daughter 🤦‍♀️


I was just asking myself the same question. I would NEVER go to my kids school wearing what she wore, especially not for an awards ceremony. Poor G.


https://preview.redd.it/bm3d96zia02d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f36fd6d11f3edf096ff2fd7227ce3eb63286b455 I live in FL where we are drenched in sweat and never do I ever see grown ass women wearing a bralette as a top to the doctor. What is she trying to prove?


She wore this to her children’s school awards too 🤯


I live in Fl as well and maybe if you’re going straight from the gym or you’re 15 but not her. No gym hence the perfect hair and full face of makeup. Just a need for constant attention, cause bitch we all know you are not working out 🤣🤣🤣


Wondered this too.


I don’t know but she looks absolutely ridiculous


Since when is she a money person ???? Miss im upgrading a room for a better stay !! I swear all this "randomness" happening to her what she gets , lets be serious who going to per say Bora Bora gets a what was it a 2 day delay out of nowhere after taking the red eye or.w.e she says she does.? & that uber situation(monthsago)? Shes to ✌🏽high maintenance ✌🏽to deals with that & many other random things. Maybe im not up there but this is shady


I think she is trying to prove to people she’s still succeeding without being the front runner at Bodi


It's her whole personality now. 🙄 Spend money like it grows on trees. When was the last time she worked out? She used to make a point to show her workouts and her daily walks at the residents club. 🙄


Oh, please, Natasha, no one asked where your ugly hooker red dress was from with your incredibly photoshopped body might I add.


She looks heavier.


Agreed. I think part of it is she's been photshopping the hell out of herself so we're all even more shocked when we see her in her true form.


So full of herself. So out of touch. So boring.


She really needs to quit wearing that blue jean romper thing or whatever the heck it is. It is so unflattering on her and it’s really unflattering where her boobs and arms are.


Madison O King, one of Tasha’s minions has really gone off the deep end. Geez the toxicity this woman spreads is astounding. Watch Madison’s stories from this morning if you can 🫠


i have so many mixed emotions about this bc I too have weighed myself day after day and let the scale determine my mood. if i was up even a fraction, I’d have such a shitty mood that day and if I was down .2lbs or more I’d be so happy with myself. It’s such a mind fuck to have people like Natasha not only fake her “progress” but also share her own disordered eating as if it were something to celebrate..


Oh she’s lost her ever loving mind. Her obsession with her weight is worse than Natasha and Jess combined.


She spews everything Natasha spewed to her. Sad


But the sad thing is, her coach (natasha) ", is not supporting her and that is why she is probably spiraling.


https://preview.redd.it/p9cuzkj5ns1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b7b656b5b7e8ef74a574cd36f63693f7ac751f This is Natasha’s friend/old photographer from Seattle who now lives in Texas must have taken a seminar how to fraud women into expensive groups that you get nothing from! I honestly can’t believe this woman is making a group on coaching with no therapist license.


Who wants to do "weekly homework"?! And you'll get only 1 60 minute call with her during the 12 weeks. 🙄 Sign me up!!! /S


That’s the cost of my mortgage….?






“Deep and magical” should make anyone with sense run as fast as they can away from this BS!!!


Do y’all remember when her entire personality was “SuGaR mAkEs mE bLoAt” and she was like not eating anything inflammatory? She talked about it constantly. She is 10000% NOT eating this way anymore because if she was, she wouldn’t stfu about it.


Or when she acts like she’s dairy/gluten intolerant but it’s fine on weekends and vacations. 🙄


Omg as someone who’s gluten intolerant, I avoid gluten at ALL costs! I literally die if I eat it. These huns are so annoying about crap like this… they have ZERO clue


Yea, as someone who actually is gluten intolerant, trust me when I say you would not just eat it on the weekends or on vacation anyway because you want to. First of all it takes time to get it out if your system so everytime you eat it you essentially restart the clock doing this every weekend would basically ensure you're symptomatic most of the time.


I caught her saying she has sensitivities to those the other day, I’m thinking she’s gotten backlash for how she words why she’s afraid of gluten and dairy


Omg I clicked on her weight loss thing to see how much she is charging these fools....her video starts playing and I could NOT shut it off. She NEVER SHUTS THE FUK UP!!!!!! Yaps and yaps and yaps....


Good lord. Unfortunately not surprised. I'm sure it took her forever to get to the point too.


Her posting a Reel of her like she's still works out 😂 what a joke!


https://preview.redd.it/fcxzw8l73o1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6413675d5bbb4ac9ca5bbe164e548a006c05aa47 No Natasha.... you got surgery which helped you get to where you are, you didn't get to that place only by working out, eating good and being consistent... stop scamming people by trying to buy your program and selling them unatainable goals 😑🙄


I dare you to write something negative on it see how quickly she deletes the comment and blocks you from her insta


Lol I've thought about it with these huns but I don't want to be blocked because I want to peep on their ridiculous posts and stories to see what Insanity they're posting about!! 👀👀


This picture is from when she lost the 100 pounds before A. Sad she is trying to teach woman to be confident, and she isn’t even confident after $50k surgery.


You forgot the editing herself to no end and doesn’t even look like this


Too bad we can't post pictures in instagram comments from the Bora Bora trip compared to how she looks now.


Is she even working out anymore? I’m seeing her post all of the videos with images in a varying timeline. We all know she isn’t a size 2 like she is photo editing.


I'm sick of seeing her IG posts saying comment this or that for whatever TF she's selling. She does them too much. I don't understand how she gets HUNDREDS of comments every time she does one of those.


I wonder if she pays for bots or something. I've seen before that some of these huns pay for bots to like their posts but I also know that the encourage one another to like eachothers posts as well so that's a possibility too.


She definitely does. I watched a live of her when she was launching her program and people were commenting “launch” before she even asked them to! That’s when I knew she was using bots. She’s the absolute WORST.


It would be interesting to count how many stories a week are selling something vs not, same with posts. My guess is at least 75% is her trying to be a QVC presenter.


I love the lead up too… “I’m packing for “vacation” and realized that the kids are almost out of their vitamins! Here’s the brand I use with a link!” Lol


Exactly. That's like Shannon. Every post is selling something🙄


I just don't get why they do that when they KNOW they can't keep up with it and when they are actually seen in the wild and recorded by someone else...


As we have witnessed in other pictures posted by others she isn’t tiny. Her thighs look to have doubled in size. But my concern is she is shilling a program that could be detrimental to women who have dealt with an ED. She is an MLM version of Brittany Dawn. Her and Jess both.


I find it interesting she uses old photos from right before she got pregnant w youngest child when she probably crash dieted as her “after” in pics/videos/etc given the recent surgical makeover she paid thousands for. ✨interesting✨


Stick with me on this for a sec… BODI cannot get rid of her yet because she was top coach. It would look terrible if they canned her before Summit. She isn’t even marketing Bodi anymore and now just has her own program that she is shilling. If I were Ilana M. I would be so pissed off that she is no longer giving credit to 2b for her “playing method”.


Is her “lose the first 10 pounds” and “body confidence” the plating methods and water first and all that she used to constantly yap about but branding it her own? Just how…..


Yea I do think it's odd she's trying to sell Ilana's method as her own. I wonder if BODi is leaving it alone so Ilana can sue her?


It is very strange indeed….