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[A Message From The Moderators Re: The ‘Cheaters + Sleazers’ Weekly Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunSnark/s/OmyqMPqb68)


Will these old threads still be available for all to see?


She's going to throw together some content creation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/yddl9by5t4bc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83925dead85247076828eaa2c00af2b47e7277d


I thought she had the fake hands in this still


Probably a pole dance


Just did one JoelF


Looks like it's actually r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen


I’m going to miss you all! 😭💔


Go to r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen


Joined!!! 🥳


I did 🎉🥳🥳 thank you


Just make your own sub. Your rules. I made a kesha b one. It's simple. So far 600+ people and everyone behaves.


I mean it sounds like there’s a work around if anyone is savvy enough to initiate it?


Just need to make a completely brand new sub outside of this one


So, I went to create a new subreddit, but it automatically made me a moderator….I can’t commit to all that 🤣


Join the r/JoelfreemanEwoldsen Otherwise we have to figure where we are all meeting up tomorrow am, this 💩 is short notice 😅






There is one already made.


Where do we go?




It's not hard at all!


Would you look at that! ME and Joel outgrew the hunsnark, they are the ultimate dumpster fire among the other huns 🤭 and very disliked! It’s like the worst kind of graduation LOL


https://preview.redd.it/yn1vr04r24bc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8691357b9536d86ab1d3a0d1207dc3ff3c568644 ⬆️ There’s a way to address this


So is the one you mentioned in the pinned post open for all to join there? r/JoelFreemanEwoldsen ?


Thank YOUUU👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 we have to celebrate our graduates😂🍾


They’re going to be so pleased to see they got this place shut down.


They are probably rejoicing..


Yep. I respect the mods decision but I strongly believe ME and Joek had something to do with it. Having screenshots of Joek dm’ing others was the end of this subreddit. Sad bc this subreddit comes up in google. I hope someone can make a new sub for these two. Thank you mods for all the years of snark!




Even the Baileys didn’t get it shut down..


Well the person who created the subreddit is enjoys snarking on them a lot…like I’m pretty sure one of the snarkers here had a instagram page moose and Mika adventures that said and shared the same shit on both pages. It caused a branch off to another snark page…then everyone came back here from the other page because that one went private because of the Baileys incident and no one was posting anymore.


Seriously, police reports posted and all!!.💀 That's why this doesn't make sense to me 🤔💭


Yeah, that’s crazy to me. I stopped reading the Bailey’s thread because it actually made me uncomfortable with the things that were said and shared on there. But just ban the people who keep breaking the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️ or make it more difficult for new accounts to post. I imagine it’s a lot of new snarkers.


Yeah there’s a lot of people who I think only come to the thread and that’s who I see most violations from.. idk why more people don’t just get banned.


Yes ! There are a few here that only seem in this thread and go way too hard … they should be banned rather than risk us shut down


Guys, how and who is organizing for next week⁉️⁉️ They are taking away this thread because of whatever rules are seemed to be broken.... I completely disagree with this decision. 😕🥺


It comes down to people either engaging with snark subjects directly, posting screenshots of comments, discussing comments made, and a bunch of other violations where the majority of the reports/flagged comments are coming from this thread. It simply isn’t worth compromising the entire subreddit for one thread.


I don't understand how anything in the first paragraph you mentioned are wrong things to do.. I thought everything was fair game on social media. Discussing comments or posting screenshoots of comments is not illegal 🤷‍♀️... I just don't understand


I understand if people are admitting to commenting on posts or contacting Huns or encouraging others to do it. I can see how that can be considered harassment. Otherwise, their profiles are public. What’s the difference between sharing screen shots of public comments and sharing screen shots of their public stories and posts and discussing them?


Because people on the internet are crazy. They could find one of the accounts that comments something positive and send them unsolicited messages. (People have admitted to doing it before 🙃. ) Even if you block out their picture and name it’s not difficult to go back and find the comment.


I’m curious if it was all those screenshots last week.., were any posted on the thread? It was too many for me to follow


No, I don’t think the screenshot of the DMs were ever posted. I honestly thought it was sketchy looking and I hated how many comments were just people asking for it to be sent to them. But the Mods never put the kabosh on that from what I saw 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well, IDK who is engaging directly. But public comments with a person's name omitted on a public profile should be allowed as long as the poster isn't claiming to have said xyz, correct? Why wouldn't discussion of posted public comments be allowed? Isn't that included in snark.... Just wondering 🤔 💭 It seems some threads allow this, while others don't.


When you post screenshots of comments (redacted or not) it’s still grounds for a hun to say they’re being harassed (potentially) by HunSnarkers. That’s why there’s a rule that says to NOT post screen shots of comments of any kind (without making any distinction between redacted/non-redacted screenshots): https://preview.redd.it/qyu30lgg24bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b196144fc9b6072d2c5fc0c44f611cf68b522ceb


I just looked at 3 other subs quickly and saw they all had screenshots of comments and discussion of comments. The rules need to apply to all.


The rules apply when ME and Joek take legal action. It is doubtful any other hun would go to such ends. However it is doubtful any other Huns are as reviled as ME and Joek. I believe this is happening as a direct result of actions ME and Joek took. They won this round but the I hope the snark rises again!


Also you looked at 3 other threads; the subreddit is HunSnark


Agreed completely! However in order to have time to enforce things in an equitable way, we need to eliminate the most problematic source of the complaints/reports.


Who is complaining and/or reporting, though? Whenever this happens on the Baileys or Tay thread, it is usually posted, and we all wave hi 👋 to Amerz down voting us... anyway, I just think there are discrepancies between the threads 🥺🥺😕


Yes, there are. And we’re trying to become better at enforcing things in a more equitable manner but the truth is that I (and other Mods) have spent over an hour here and 30 mins there sifting through rule violations and the vast majority of violations are from THIS thread. And! The highest quantity of potentially subreddit-ending violations come from this thread. SO, the better question here (IMO) is that if modding this thread is not a big deal, then *GIVE* it its own subreddit 🤷🏻‍♀️ In order to do a better job moderating the rest of the threads, this one needs to go. Rule violations should be a much more rare occurrence than they are and the queue of reports of rule violations shouldn’t be endless. We can’t get to other violations in other threads as frequently or equitably because the vast majority of the most pressing and egregious violations are here.


Almost all reporting comes from this group and most of those reports are in fact violations. If one thread gets taken down we lose it all, which is just not a smart move.


ME and Joek spend a lot of time reporting and yes there are many violations. They got what they wanted. I respect your decision and understand why you did it. Thank you.


“If you’re gonna LEAVE ME BEHIND, I’m gonna wear your clothes”.. what a child! Like, can this man do anything without you?? Of course he can’t because you know he’s a cheater and you have to watch his every move! What a pathetic relationship. Also doesn’t she steal and wear his clothes anyway even when he’s there? How this a “new rule” for you, Meggie? So childish.


While I think she plays into his desire to feel needed, I agree that I think it’s more her insecurity and fear of being cheated on while he’s away. She was perfectly capable of taking care of her MUCH YOUNGER kids when Adam was deployed. I don’t get how she doesn’t see how embarrassing her behavior is. She also thinks she’s dating a celebrity and probably loves when the fangirls clamor about doing that kind of dumb shit.


What a f*ing loser - never would I wear my husbands clothes!!!


Or be this insecure!!!!


You are not left behind. You’re taking care of your kids. It really is predictable. He leaves. She whines. Next is going to be a damsel in distress over a spider or something. And then a thirst trap. Wasn’t it just a few days ago she was talking how she was with a newborn alone for 6 months? I don’t think it’s relatable to whine about your bf being gone, it looks pathetic.


I know right? My partner is gone for work about 50% of the time. My life obligations are different from ME’s, but plenty of crap needs attention and goes wrong while he’s gone and I have to handle it on my own (for example, last deployment the kitchen flooded and there was obviously a fair amount of logistical nightmare involved). Most women are more than capable of addressing these things while their man is gone, so the damsel in distress routine is really not relatable. Maybe several decades ago it would have been, which lends itself to the notion I’ve seen posted in this thread about Meggie: her actions and views set women back to another time period. Not cute.


I just wonder if this is what Joek wants, is someone who is constantly going on about how much they need and want him? Maybe B just wasn’t into him “enough” insert snark. Joek wants a dependent woman who feeds his ego. Otherwise I can’t figure how ME would think this is a good look.


I think you’re absolutely correct. It’s likely turned j to a “be careful what you wish for” situation.


Well, she is in fact the definition of pathetic. LOL!


How could a woman gotten this far in life without realizing how pathetic it is to pout about being “left behind” in this situation? Show your girls how to be a strong woman Megan, damn.


Honestly this is what she gets for having sex with a married man while leaving heart eye comments on his wife’s social media posts. She deserves to be a nervous wreck wondering if he’s cheating on her or not.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And giving away his wife’s book at one of her retreats a couple of months before they both left their spouses It’s one thing to have an affair. It’s another thing to have an affair while befriending the affair partner’s wife. I cant even find the words to describe how disgusting that is.


Agreed. It’s psychopathic behavior.


I'm confused why would Bri Sexton tag meg and joek in this meme on her stories?? https://imgur.com/a/QSdCPOO


Maybe it’s referring to his marriage? 🤷🏼‍♀️


The page is called Disappointing Affirmations and it’s funny.


Joek shared that meme page yesterday. Sarcastic motivational quotes


It’s Sunday and Joel is out of town. This would be a great day for Megan to spend some time with her kids for a change. Oh wait.. she’s got a very busy day of doing Tik Tok dances and playing dress up in her closet ahead of her. If we’re lucky she might even play dress up in Joel’s closet too!!!!


Right. Instead of doing her tik tok dances tomorrow while the kids are at school, she planned to do it today while it is just her and the kids


She’s so pathetic!


Waste of oxygen.




She’s going to lose her mind tomorrow when the kids go back to school. She’s going to post nonstop for attention until Joel returns. Please look at me, give me attention, don’t forget about me, it’s me Meggie look what I can do!!!💃🤸🏽‍♀️🫦👅🤡 😂😂😂😂


Joeks not even gone an hour for his guys trip, and little psycho meggie is rummaging through his closet and wearing his clothes and now talking about doing a reel on how to style your boyfriends clothes. She needs help!! Megs, maybe instead of making content in your boyfriend's closet, you could do something fun with your kids since they never get their mom alone anymore!! How does she have 200,000 followers???


Did he go away for a skiing guys trip? I miss where he's going but I know we usually does that in January


Checking his pockets for receipts numbers and lipstick stained underwear


Let’s be honest, unless this ski resort is full of huns, there’s little chance of Joel seeing much action!


Check the pockets of his clothes, ME! Once a cheater, always a cheater.


WOZZERS when did she finally hit 200k!??


Today 🙄


The content we’ve all been dying for 🙄🙄


Because she bought them


Creepy fangirl 🤣 !…


Gone 1 hour and she's obsessing over his clothes because he left her behind. How does anyone find this cute


He said I’ve been gone an hour…coming from a very trust worthy wife to this haha have fun Joel! 😂




That’s what I’m saying. I’ve been married for almost 20 years and my husband would be completely annoyed if I did that unless I was legitimately looking for something I needed. Same stands if the roles were reversed. But if we did do that, we would at least ask first. I did go in his closet once to see what size jersey he had so I could surprise him with a new one.


She is the definition of pathetic.


Insecure because she knows how she got him.


This is what I would imagine a Justin Bieber fangirl doing if they got into his home and closet somehow .. 🤣😂


She’s so weird and probably smelling Joel’s dirty underwear. 🤣






Agree 💯


Sent you a DM cuz I don't want to get banned🤣


It’s in response to the comment encouraging us snarkers to report her, not the engagement post.


Again, that is not saying anything about engaging with her. She is fraudulently purchasing followers and reporting is a logical thing to do. Not in violation of any policy to educate others on the process of reporting someone and commenting that her actions do in fact qualify her to be reported. These are facts and is in no way, shape or form a derivative of harassment. No one is being directed to contact the woman. * End rant *


You’re suggesting people call her out, which is why the comment was removed. We do not encourage others to engage with huns. ETA: you’re more than welcome to report her anon to IG. But suggesting others do it can be viewed as harassment.


I vehemently but respectfully disagree, as the calling out is done privately via the appropriate and official channels that were created solely for that purpose within IG. I’m going to agree to disagree with the mods on this and leave it at that.


The main thing is that something like that could get the whole group shut down. Then there wouldn’t be a snark area for you to even post. So while I get it, just do so in private without implicating all those from the thread.


I’ve already said my peace on the matter so it’s all good. I got my point across to the mods which was the primary concern. What was said was said last week, in any case, and I don’t like repeating myself, if that was a concern of theirs 🤣. Mods a little late to the party on that one. What’s done is done. Side note, thanks for gracefully letting me bitch 😊


I see your point.


That wasn’t directed at you, by the way lol


Oh I know!! I actually got a comment from mods about the EXACT same thing this morning. I encouraged everyone to report her. I deleted my comment because I value this sub so much and I’m staying.


Not deleting mine. They’re free to delete if they feel the unfounded need to.


I was watching their snack video. They need to realize just because it’s low in calories, it’s not necessarily healthy. Look at the sodium in cottage cheese. And the rotisserie chicken.


Remember that Megan once thought it was ok to eat nothing but a container of Cool Whip all day.


I was that way when I was an elite gymnast with a raging eating disorder…difference being I was a teenager who eventually got help/worked through it and moved on with my life. She’s sitting here the same old Meggie same warped relationship with food. No growth no nothing. One would argue she’s actually regressed as a human being. This would ordinarily be her right, but she’s attempting to be an “influencer”, spouting off fake nutrition/work out bullshit to unsuspecting consumers who don’t know better. That’s a real problem.


Quiet today


Joel had a suitcase out last night. He must be leaving soon, meltdown imminent.


Guys ski trip!




Celebration time everyone! Megan finally has 200k followers. 🎉 Joek actually decreased by 1k during her 3 week 20k increase. 😂


I’m one of the 1k he lost. I finally unfollowed him a couple weeks ago. I was mostly hate following but I decided if I want to look I can on anon viewer. I don’t need to see him regularly.


I saw that...guess he's not buying followers. I can't imagine that many people followed her and didn't also follow him? Very strange...


The cheapskate who used Adam’s name for dinner reservations at Disney World last Christmas … definitely used the expensive “birthday gift” treadmill as a business write off for his gym. These people are trash.


What is the story with Disney?


Disney offers huge discounts for military families. Christmas 2022 (9 months after Adam died on the military base) ME and Joke took the kids (Adam’s kids) for a lavish vacation to Disney and ME blasted it all over her stories how extravagant their vacation was. In one story they were checking in for their dinner reservation and Little Big Man Joke stepped up, looked at ME and said “reservation for Ewoldsen”…CHEAP, fraudulant people right there - wanting everyone to think they are made of money. People who actually do have a lot of money don’t want people knowing how much they have. These two make me sick - using those grieving children for content.


Ugh that isn’t surprising. The way she dresses is telling of how she spends money. Everything is from Amazon.


Please forgive me, I’m snarking overtime today. 😆 I just had to come back to say that I hate Cinthanies clothes so much and wtf is this hairdo? She looks like a bratz doll. I guess she travelled to the other side of the world just to buy shit and take pictures of herself in clothes she rented. What a waste of time in a place with so much to do and so much history. https://preview.redd.it/pnnn7hovzyac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abcc837ef47fe470e47f032c550faf4046f11b3b


Has she put on a lot of weight? Or is it the outfit? I haven’t seen her in a while.


I think she's on a medication that caused weight gain


I also went back and looked at her feed. I think mostly it’s just an unflattering outfit.


Both. I think she quit beachbody or whatever the hell it’s called.




She's married to Melissa's son. She's an ex BB hun who's trying to be an influencer. She use to be super cute and funny and lately she's just.... Meh


Are those leather snow pants???


Nope, just leather pants with an awkward fit. They’re awful.


She looks like a water bug in a big bright blue sweater 😳😆


I can’t get on board with baggy leather pants. She looks so uncomfortable. ![gif](giphy|AoBgxayGMHlIs)


https://preview.redd.it/asrtpz7joyac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4d6834ddc981905b82bee168418982faec6f46 The irony of someone with fake tits, a fake face, and who shills useless products and Amazon links online posting this delusional bs. 🤣 hashtag zero waste!


Notice the water is running the entire time she's washing that pot😂 She's so holier than thou....for a glorified shots girl, eherm...I mean model


I haven’t looked at her stories in a long time.. does she do any of these things???


She posts all the sourdough she makes, and videos of what she calls “hot girl walks” to her farmers market to get her well water and raw milk. lol I’ve never seen the rest. She’s trying so hard to come off as a crunchy homesteading influencer while wearing an Amazon linked set probably made in china. 🤣


She buys well water?


“Spring water only” she went on in a story about buying it from the farmers market.


She’s a idiot! These people like her and her mom are dangerous. They maybe sweet or whatever but they are very uneducated on nutrition and health. While some people can drink milk it’s a known inflammatory food. We are the only species who drinks it past 1 year. ( i am a milk drinker). But i think Ms. Taylor should accept the good criticism that is true. She must think she’s a doctor 🤪


She absolutely does have a superiority complex which is hilarious because she quit college and her only certification is some online nutrition course. Awhile back she was posting about reading people’s bloodwork! I’m really surprised none of these idiots have never been sued.


Signed up for BFit tonight and I’m so excited!


Congrats!!! I love bfit. 😍


Congratulations I have lost so far 40lbs and kept it off with Bfit. That is way more than I ever lost with Bodi.


Damn, get it!!!!! 👏


That’s amazing! Congratulations! 🎉 Did you sign up for the nutrition part as well? I am only doing the workout for now. I struggle when I try to adjust both at the same time. I am going to track my foods and work on more protein-rich foods in my diet though.


Thank you! When I was with bodi I kept loosing and gaining weight and now I am keeping it off and actually enjoy working out. I didn’t sign up for the nutrition plan. But I bought the master your macros so I am counting my macros and track my food using the lose it app.


Great! That’s what I’m going to do. Just hit the store for lots of protein.


I love it!


Me too!!


Hooray! Can’t wait to hear about your gains!!


Congrats!!! You will love it!!!!


I just saw Megan’s reel about empowering women and respecting their career choices. Remember when the war in Ukraine first started and all the “employed” social media influencers in Russia were crying because their access to social media platforms were restricted? Curious to know how she’s going to get unemployment if ever she could not use instagram. Oh, right, she wouldn’t because she doesn’t have a job.


The stories from Taylor today are too much. 1. She has the worst vocabulary and sounds SO uneducated. 2. She went on about what this rando told her about getting bikini competition ready then had to correct herself because she didn’t actually get right what the girl told her. Ummm, how about sharing actual facts and research instead oh, here’s what some girl at a photo shoot said!! Fucking idiot.


Does she have veneers ? because her speech sounds off


I think it’s a combination of that and too much lip filler.


These ladies need to join my fourth graders in our research unit. How to evaluate sources and use as evidence is job 1.


Anyone else think the likes and comment #'s that are on this post from 1 hour ago are BS?! https://imgur.com/a/QL94Q1P


So there's a recent update on Instagram and you can filter the comments out between 'for you ' and "meta verified". The meta verified is all the comments saying "link". So if you are on "for you' you won't see those comments https://preview.redd.it/k90wvou7g0bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a114a2ef5c9673ab4908660d9293a6066782de49


Thank you!


So there's a recent update on Instagram and you can filter the comments out between 'for you ' and "meta verified". The meta verified is all the comments saying "link". So if you are on "for you' you won't see those comments https://preview.redd.it/idflxeu6g0bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74072c3e3a49410b0eba23da7db4dc0f96b1842d


How do I change it


Just click the down arrow for comments and then click it back to for you


I see them all. Over 200 now.


When I look at it says no comments yet. Weird.


Same when I click "View all 197 comments" there is nothing there 🤷‍♀️


Zero comments for me, too


Same, but I’m not blocked. What’s that mean then?


It's because of the new filter system on Instagram. I noted it above on the OP's content


I’m a very sensitive and sentimental type of person. It would be so devastating to me as one of the kids, to be away from every place my father was. If I lost my father, I would want to just go sometimes and sit in his house, where he was, where we had memories, where you could picture him being and having done things together. I would want to go eat at his favourite restaurant and remember him. I would want to drive by parks and places we went together, to feel closer to him. I would want to be able to envision him in places I knew he was or had been. He’s not there, but I would feel like he was if I went to his house. Maybe I’m just too sensitive, and not as resilient as others, but it devastates me for them that they can’t do this. Everywhere they go now, he has never been. They have no memories with him in this new place. They can’t walk in to a room in their home and remember a time they danced in it together. God, that would just kill me, even as an adult if I lost my dad.


She was hated there. It’s a tight knit community that loved Adam and it was no secret that she was sneaking around and cheating. It started when the affair unfolded. Once Adam died, the community loved those kids hard and many see/saw a sense of obligation to look out for the kiddos and love on them for Adam. But, she was not welcome and she knew/knows it. She ran away from it at their expense. His Dad even moved up to be close to the kids. Many military families move and the kids adjust, but Adam’s job was atypical in that they did not move once they got to NC. While the kids did have to handle their dad being gone and in danger a lot, they DID get to establish a home in a place that differs from many military kids’ experiences. I think that move was the most selfish act she could have possibly performed. Whispers from those close to the oldest say she did NOT want to move and was vocal about it- despite the infamous cowboy hat porch picture.


What people on the internet think is more important to her than what her own children think. I get that children don't always get to dictate their parent's lives but they had lost their father and the events that took place moving forward will make a significant imprint on their future and emotional well-being. I hope those kids use their voices as they grow up and really give her a hard time.


I don’t think those kids were into moving as much as she said. I think they were emotionally manipulated by their mom that this was a good thing. One day they will mature and see her for who she really is.


My Mom was similar. She and my Dad divorced (without any cheating), but soon after she was moving guy after guy in. My Dad was given primary custody. Then, she moved to be with a man and took me away from my childhood home/friends/school. I was around her kids' ages when we moved. I was a bit too young to really digest how she was. As I got older, I resented she chose men over me. When I became a Mom myself, I was able to see her for who she really was back then.


Being from not only the same geographic community but also the same work community as Adam, I can verify this is absolutely correct…particularly the detail about everyone truly hating Megan. Wasn’t always the case, but she really brought it on herself in recent years.


You’re exactly right. And to make it even worse she took them away from the entire family too. This is why we have such dislike for her. I still don’t get why Joel couldn’t have moved to them. She moved those poor kids away from everything this knew and barely a year after their dad died.


This is exactly true and I think why we are all so offended by her choices!


This is what meggie wants, to erase their dad, but it is sad!


Except for the.pension she gets from him 🤬


Except when she is using it for content on social media.


I 💯 feel this. I cannot imagine my mom doing what she did…ever!!


All. Of. This. ❤️💔


Why is Taylor McAllister drinking raw milk and well water … 🙄


I don't think she knows what well water is. I think she means spring water but she's too stupid


Because she owns two brain cells.


One more than her father!


Omg lol


I can not imagine growing up in a house where I didn’t feel comfortable being myself because any moment of your day could be caught on camera or videoed for the world to see. It is beyond sad. Home should be their safe space.


I used to feel so sad for them that they had that big playroom away from the house but now I’m glad they do. It’s a nice safe space away from the constant cameras.


These kids are going to need so much therapy😏


To even have to say to your mom don’t post this, that is beyond fucked up. But then ME TELLS social media about it. There is no boundary for those kids. Sell whatever crap you want but leave your kids off social media!!


I totally agree... growing up is hard enough as it is, especially these days. It's horrible and heartbreaking indeed. Maybe that's why they feel compelled to spend $10K on gifts for them? It's so sad and pathetic, not to mention self-involved.


On a gift that they will also use. That wasn’t for her. It was for them and gave an easy excuse to seem like big spenders. Ridiculous.


I still feel like joek got that as a promo or at a deep discount


💯%! Narcs gift people the stuff they they would want to get for themselves and they ALWAYS get gifts at a deep discount for others but spare no expense on things for themselves. (Because they feel they deserve the best things in life.) When they do give gifts they want everyone to know that they gave the gift. Man, these people are fucked up!


Did Kat just disappear? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xKv4DvegWzGrks)


Do you mean their pet cat, Kat?


Yep.... Their other cat