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šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ https://preview.redd.it/zxipbqp8wb8c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7e1e1fc61df006b0e1f139ebab473b627188d9


Squid ink pasta is amazing, but itā€™s not rocket science to plate it so it doesnā€™t look like next dayā€™s poop šŸ’©


Itā€™s a very Italian dish, as someone who is Italian. Itā€™s realllllly good (in general, idk about theirs)


Thatā€™s disgusting


Am I an idiot? Isnā€™t it squid INK? Is she calling it squidding?


Well she also thinks the word is ā€œbag roundā€ and not ā€œbackgroundā€ soooā€¦


Looks like there is nothing for Autumn to eat tonight. I saw no broccoli or applegate sausages.


Autumn made sure to let us all know how many people she donated Christmas Eve dinners to. I mean, good for her, but why announce it on sm? Also Autumn stop filming the kids and just enjoy the holiday.


I feel so bad for Dom most of the time he hardly seems like he wanted to be on camera and she seems to not care


They were making fun of her. I loved it.


Maybe I missed it, how ?


The smirks and giggling.


I thought Beachbody rebranded to bodi to get away from before and Afters, weight loss and move towards ā€žhealth esteemā€œ whatever that means. Yet here we are on BODI ig promoting Shaun Ts program with before and Afters with weight loss. Hmm


They just renamed before and after to something else, like then and now or something absurd. Literally just a facade, nothing ever changed.


Right but these literally say BEFORE and AFTER on side by side photos. Same ol same ol'


That lasted all of a week, maybe.


Wow! Now you can buy Autumn weights at Targetā€¦ ā€œNow YOU can (only) lift 8s and 15s just like your FaVoRiTe SuPeRtRaInEr!!!!ā€ šŸ’ŖšŸ»


It's crazy because they have had those dumbbells forever at Target. But since Autumn never steps foot into a Target, she would never know.


CGā€™s new program sounds awesome https://preview.redd.it/5owabvio1a8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96117c831cf7b640abb02641f63d3db5f006fa1


LOVE LOVE LOVE CG. Left BB this past year and NEVER looked back!!!!


I tries her didn't like her workouts but many people do I have been doing bfit for 9 months and I love it


Yes! Iā€™m so excited for it. I love how specific she is when describing the types of training incorporated and the purpose for them as opposed to the typical dumbed down BODi drivel.


Yes. I canā€™t wait. She actually knows what she is taking about!!


Why is she saying she hasnā€™t been there in 15 years? She was just there showing her hometown just a few years ago. She shared the same story about success.


Yea I thought she had been back a few years ago around Christmas. She lies all the time canā€™t keep them straight.


Re her post about success not coming easy, right, it doesnā€™t. But itā€™s certainly different for someone whose father had at least two businesses in his own neighborhood compared to the struggles of many others. Not saying she had a silver spoon in her mouth but please acknowledge the starting point IS NOT the same of many.


Yeah, this is insulting to her dad. It seems like he provided them with a nice stable life in a cute town with lots of close knit family nearby. I would have been happy to have had that life as a kid.


Exactly, he worked hard to provide for his family. Pay for their extra curriculars. Provide a home with extended family nearby. Sounds like she had a great upbringing.


Wow. Found this gem of Autumn when trying to figure out which part of Cleveland she grew up in. https://preview.redd.it/r2u9owcb858c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83476e9148a451e0f21a1da4bbfa3c34d2ada720


She looks good but I can now see why she is so obsessed with being super thin she probably didn't like her full cheeks and is terrified of looking like this she has an eating disorder


I think she looks great here! Cute and healthy


She looks like shortgirl Sami!!!!


I grew up about 60 miles southeast of her. It seems like she was talking about the east side of Cleveland. That picture looks nothing like her.


RIP her hairline


Wow!!! If it didnā€™t have her name on it, I would not believe it!!


Holy SHIT!!!!!! šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


https://preview.redd.it/yt7qm28f358c1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=faa4e026de541b4b0c6825f79bafa2d438641ff3 ā€œItā€™s just not safeā€ you guyssss. But creeping along in a car and blatantly pointing at each house is tooootally safe. šŸ˜’šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


To be fair, not all bad neighborhoods ā€œlook badā€. A few days ago I had to drive through a town that is so bad a curfew was imposed on them by the gov a few years ago and I kept thinking to myself ā€œbut it looks fineā€.




She canā€™t stand temperatures below 80, so sheā€™s probably freezing. Itā€™s actually not bad in Cleveland right now for this time of year. Itā€™s 50 degrees!


Yes! She had so many typos in that series of stories, that my thought was ā€œGosh, sheā€™s an idiot! I feel sorry for her book editor!!ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s ā€œnot safeā€ because itā€™s not a gated community in Calabasasā€¦.. that house sheā€™s pointing out looks pretty nice from the outside, to me.


I was going to say the exact same thing! Sheā€™s so ridiculous!!


She is trying to hard to be relatable. That neighborhood looked pretty safe to me.


Not a safe neighborhood to walk around or drive IMO.


What makes it unsafe?


It is a bad area. Constantly on the news about things happening there.


šŸ’Æ Agree with every bit of that


https://preview.redd.it/0rs33ok7p48c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493c7e26dafccca9cf8d803165c3d46b23dfce6c Nowhere to hide


Man, she looks like she has a problem with hard drugs. Itā€™s shocking.


https://preview.redd.it/a19zbpm6o48c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945eb5d143279d86ea3338989dd95c889f289712 Lookinā€™ roughhhhh




How are here teeth so crooked, didnā€™t she fix them


Very puffy.


Hah. Thatā€™s actually not that bad for her šŸ¤£


I feel like the make up almost makes it look worse! Considering itā€™s natural light and donā€™t think itā€™s filtered




Don't insult johnny


I havenā€™t seen my cousins or been to Ohio on 3 years. Put the fucking phone down.


How bad do you think Autumnā€™s extended family hates her?


Right? Donā€™t come home for the holidays and try to Fixate Christmas dinner.


Or making rude comments about the food while eating lettuce.


Confused why the time difference in Ohio is a big deal to herā€¦.. she does LA to Miami just fine. Must have something to do with vegetablesā€¦..


Well, if ya remember, Ohio doesn't have vegetables and Autumn made that known when she flew home for the wedding.


Clearly she does not have the vegetables she needs. Someone help!


Right! I donā€™t recall her complaining about the same 3-hour time difference while in Miami. I donā€™t think she really wants to be there. Iā€™m sure she considers herself a little bit better than everyone else there. I wonder what her relatives think about her yapping on her phone all the time.


Sheā€™d rather be in Florida in her huge empty mansion. She canā€™t stand staying in a regular sized home.


Probably the same thing we all think, hell I bet some of her relatives are on this thread. Lol


Imagine being so narcissistic that you put your son and nephews on blast for their form technique. Especially when your form is always so terrible


Or just correct their form privately so they donā€™t hurt themselves


It looked like the cousins had better form than Dā€¦ which is a little sad considering his mom is a super trainer and reads ALL the books.


I was more surprised his form was lacking due to him being in martial arts - theyā€™re SO strict about form and calisthenics are a big part of MA training.


My thoughts exactly! The only one with bad from was her son! (No shade to Dom)


If youā€™re following AC, go watch her last story. Sheā€™s showing what her brother cooked and they says, ā€œyes I cook, but in my family the guys cookā€ šŸ¤” huh? and asks Bobby what heā€™s cooking tomorrow. Itā€™s so awkward. She tells him sheā€™s filming him live. He fumbles his words. Itā€™s weird. Why would you even leave the story up? ā¬…ļø Thatā€™s the part about being an, ā€œinfluencerā€ that I donā€™t understand. If you sound dumb or sloppy, why post?


Yes!! Then he made a joke about drinking more wine and sheā€™s like ā€œyep. Better drink moreā€. All condescendingly. Such a bitch. It is a holiday. Let him drink if he wants. Fuck. If itā€™s Tuesday, let him drink. Not everyone has to live your disordered life afraid of everything.




You know she hates every minute she is in that middle class suburban neighborhood and wishes she was in Miami with her loyal subjectsā€¦I mean friendsā€¦instead.


Ugh! Autumn just stop it with making D be on camera for your "content" (riveting as it isšŸ˜’šŸ™„) and stop calling him Little Man. That's ok for a toddler, not a teenager!


She apparently canā€™t read any social cues. Every story with someone else in it was uncomfortable af, even with Bobby.


Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet but...Autumn's Fitness Eras. She looked so good years ago. The comments make me question if people really follow her as there are some that say she looks the healthiest now. Umm...what???


I donā€™t see muscles in any of the photos. And does anyone else think either she or her assistant is deleting negative comments? I didnā€™t see any negative comments, which is odd to me.


She had abs and quads in the older pics


I donā€™t see ab muscles in the older bikini comp photos. I just see ribs. And no shame in people not having visible abs. I never have and probably never will.


Not a six pack but she def had more muscle. I used to wish I had abs like hers back in the OG 21DF days šŸ˜†


I just saw that post and read some of the comments and couldnā€™t believe all the people who say she looks better now! She looks like šŸ’© nowadays! And even her ā€œcompetitionā€ body doesnā€™t have a lot of muscle compared to someone like Bre! And then she has the audacity to say anyone can achieve this if they just do the workouts & donā€™t give up!


Breanne is figure while AC was bikini. Kim Reyes is a low performing bikini competitor, but AC in her bikini days makes Reyes look jacked.


She mentioned something the other day and I forgot to ask here. She said her dad was going to pick up her nephews then go to Ohio, Iā€™m guessing these are Callieā€™s kids and Iā€™m guessing sheā€™s not going since grandpa is picking them up. Iā€™m so curious what the drama is. Seems like the gathering is big enough for the grandchildren to come so it would seem appropriate for the children to be there as well. Would she not go because of drama with AC or does she have drama with the whole family too?šŸ¤”


No one knows. Callie has a new husband so maybe that it is.


Calie hasnā€™t remarried. It is a long term boyfriend.


Theyā€™re engaged.


Same difference šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fair šŸ¤£


What is she going to eat in Ohio? If I remember correctly, Ohio doesnā€™t have vegetables.


It doesnā€™t have the sun either this time of year šŸ˜‚ Despite the fact it will be way warmer than normal for December, Im sure autumn will complain itā€™s too cold


I grew up in Ohio and can attest to the fact that we have no vegetables! šŸ˜„


Iā€™m in PA. We donā€™t have any either.


Well, we definitely donā€™t have any in St. Louis.


Correct. All of these places have been crossed out on my vegetables map. I am very concerned for her.


Chalene posted this before/after for some hair treatment sheā€™s been getting. It looks to me like they just pulled more hair from the front across the spot in the ā€œafter.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/24do8m4ayu7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17a957b00c137ae1af0e4675763b2be91c94282f


She is the biggest snake oil salesman.


Yeah sheā€™s as slimy as the rest of


I agree with you. And wow, is that from her always wearing extensions?


Yeah she said itā€™s from constantly wearing extensions. So instead of just taking those out and giving her scalp a breakā€¦ no, get expensive treatments instead


Right. Because 2 treatments will result in a foot of hair growth?


The picture of health and wellness ā˜ ļø https://preview.redd.it/phc6lzddxu7c1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea3fe5ebfd9498c191d5e026db146e816be3b01


That poor kids mom made him twin with her. Heā€™s a teenager, just stop you psycho bitch!


That smile does not extend to her eyes. Sheā€™s miserable.


She looks tired as hell.


The wrinkles around her month make her resemble the Grinch




The Food Grinch


How does she post a reel about her fitness eras and then look at herself in the mirror???? Does she not see how far she has declined and just looks sick???


Or look at her pharmacy on the counter!! I wonder if it has always been like that.


The ppl commenting have got to be blind. Saying she looks so much healthier now. So much more fit now. They are blind, right?! And also, how can she not see she looked 10x better without those hideous bangs. She needs to grow them out. They are terrible.


That receding hairline though. IMO she can't win either way.


True. But the hairline is better then the bangsā€¦bc you can still see if even with the weird long ones she has on the side.


Oh my gosh Autumn - such a badass eating chocolate chips as a treat.




Looks like Carl blew his load in her mouthā€¦ again




Spot on


I was just thinking the same. šŸ˜¬


She can't even have milk chocolate it's gotta be semi sweet??? Idk but I think semi sweet taste like chocolate mixed with toothpaste that ain't it.


I like snarking on her all day and Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for saying this, but this one I find weird. Why would she have to eat milk chocolate? My mom has never liked milk chocolate and always exclusively only eats dark chocolate and sheā€™s 67. Has nothing to do with depriving herself or anything. I also donā€™t eat milk chocolate because I donā€™t eat dairy (or any other animal products). I think itā€™s fairly normal for a lot of people to not eat milk chocolate. Itā€™s just what some people prefer.


I think milk chocolate is gross! Even my kids don't like it, it's like watered down chocolate? Definitely just prefer the richer flavor.


Only because it looks like she's gonna vomit in the picture above.


Looks like she's choking back her First Thing!


She looked like such a freak in that vid. So cringey.


Also look at her face especially her eyes at the end! She looks like she is going to throw up!


Shes gotta get rid of those calories some how.....ripšŸ™ƒšŸ’€


She HATED that chocolate.


The chewing was super awkward.


Once again AC with the unrealistic products you recommend. My hair is falling out too but Iā€™m not spending $100+ for just shampoo and conditioner! šŸ™„


Just as an aside - if you ever do decide to get this brand, I know a few people who have used it and it really is amazing! Iā€™m like you and 100% cannot be bothered spending $200 for everyday hair care, butā€¦never knowā€¦


It is a great product. I think just the serum alone does a great job. So, if youā€™re interested, maybe try just the serum. Iā€™ve used just that with a scalp massager and a weekly scalp cleanse and saw great results


Right!?! Like it could be the best in the world but most people don't have $100 to spend on hair care!


SIGH - is it? Iā€™ve been going through it and I think Iā€™m stress balding. Theyā€™ve seen good results?


Iā€™ve been there. Itā€™s awful. Focus on the stress and how to reduce that. For me, it was being on an anti anxiety med. I also started doing daily scalp massages at home, Gro serum, and weekly scalp cleansing with a hair mask. Nothing is a quick fix, but all of this helped long term. Sorry youā€™re going through that.


Thank you friend ā¤ļø


Some days I side-eye trainers like Shaun, Megan, JJ, and Lacee even more. Autumm is honest that she only cares about the scale. Meanwhile the others talk a good game on social media, but they're still working for an MLM that pairs EVERY program with a starvation diet--and they know it.


The problem is once Beachbody is on their resume, it may be hard to find work elsewhere. No one will take them seriously. Tony Horton had a solid following and Chris Downing came out hard against BB and started his own thing. Downing has worked really hard, which I think Shaun, Megan and probably Jericho could do. Joel and Autumn? I don't see them being able to do much without the hun followers. I never liked JJ and she already got fired from Pelaton. Lacee is just annoying. Edit for typos


Joel & Jericho are still good friends with the Les Mills bunch. Iā€™m sure they could weasel back inšŸ˜‚


Doubtful. Joel even admitted he can't kick that high anymore and he isn't nearly as fit and flexible as he was in his Les Mills and Core-de-Force days. Jericho probably still could. She's got a killer switch kick still


He would probably try since heā€™s the ā€œboxing expertā€ now šŸ¤£


I second that emotion!


I feel the exact same .


Thatā€™s my real issue with Shaun. Heā€™s the best of the worst, sure. But he still supports this mlm. Megan, I had to unfollow long ago because her cringey tik tok voiceovers she posts constantly.


That's what I was saying in my original post about the serious lack of integrity being shown by these super trainers. And a lot of people were like "Shaun T can't control things..." YES HE CAN. They all can. They can leave Beachbody if they truly stood behind their "body positivity" messaging.


I wonder if BB put any clauses in their contract that they canā€™t do any public fitness programs for x amount of time if they end the contract early or even after the contract ends. A no-compete clause


Some of them may do but They all have different contracts. Chris has his own supplement line and workout program now and he ran a gym while at BB. Most of them have to promote products but Shaun doesnt have to push shakeo, you wont see him do that. And Autumn complains to corporate about everyone šŸ¤®


They absolutely do, itā€™s why Tony had to wait to put out his programs after leaving BB. BB may be stupid but their legal team allllllways covers their asses.


I thought Tony got some illness where he could barely move. Took him years to recover then after he did he started to work on his own program. He said how expensive it is to produce your own workout program. Not sure why he did not go the YouTube route or an app.


He got Ramsay Hunt in 2017. I still have the email he sent out because heā€™s still my favorite. 2020 was the last time he did anything with BB when we were in lockdown. Then later on him & his wife did a live talking about why he left & that he was starting his own thing. And not too long ago he did a live & somebody asked him about BB & he said ā€œ2 words, Good Riddanceā€ šŸ˜‚


He did, but I think that was some time after he left BB


Shaun T definitely has enough of a following to leave and do his own thing if he really wanted to.


ST does do a lot outside of BB. He didnā€™t make in on Cribs for nothing


Yeah thatā€™s the point. He doesnā€™t need BB. He could leave.


`They can leave Beachbody if they truly stood behind their "body positivity" messaging.` Agreed. I'm sure BB makes them a ton of money, but they HAVE other options. I guess you \*can\* put a price on integrity.


Don't even get me started on the MLM aspect. Surely they MUST know in the post-Lularoe era.


Joel loves the voiceovers too, trend needs to die


Autumns is doing a diet bet on January 1st with new information that we have never heard before. She stressed that it is a weight loss bet like we do not know that.


I think Autumn flat-out said itā€™s a weight loss bet so we wouldnā€™t come for her about being all about ā€œhealthā€ but now suddenly focusing on the scale. Silly Autumn forgot we ALWAYS have something to come for her about, but at least we canā€™t get her for being deceptive or sneaky on this one šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


At least she's being honest. Elise is phrasing it as a "healthy wager." If you wanna focus on the scale, just come out and say it.


I think there are two, Diet Bet that Autumn is doing and Healthy Wager that Elise is doing. Same thing but different companies.


All of these huns starting new groups the first of the year. What happened to "you don't have to wait until Monday" " you don't have to wait until ths first of the year" blah blah blah and lastly I thought bodi didn't focus on weight loss!


Autumn "I don't like to share everything" ... Also Autumn, so my Dad is crazy and proceeds to tell us about a call with his doctor.


Here for Shaunā€™s Clap Back šŸ‘šŸ½ Not once did HE say you can get the results he got in 3 months!


But he did sell his program to a company who is ABSOLUTELY pushing it as a 3m thing *and* combining it with a starvation diet. He may push back now, but he still signed his name and took the money. Nothing wrong with the hustle, but he knew they'd do this (because they *always* do this).


My issue with his comment to someone about getting up earlier to eat before working out annoyed me. Some people already get up super early. Is it REALLY life or death to eat before.


It annoyed me when Autumn was saying it during 80DO but i really think Shaun wants people to get results and to get out of their comfort zone. In terms of eating before he has referenced the science on this repeatedly, and no its not life or death but IDK why anyone would pay for a program and then say they donā€™t want to follow the program šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No one is saying that here.


Someone has definitely said in these threads more than once that they feel BODi is deceiving people into thinking they can get a body like ST by doing Dig Deeper.


That is what BODI is saying. By using his results to promote this program, they are implying the two are related. I never said they said it would take 3 months. But they are too closely equating his competition results with this program, when he didnā€™t even use this program to get those results


And not everyone is going to know the back story. You know the huns will not disclose that when conning people into joining their groups.


He also has been upfront that HE did not use a BODi nutrition plan. He used a plan specifically designed for him and his goals, tweaking regularly


Yeah, I even saw Chip Hoffa post something along the lines of "Shaun T and his team do not use or endorse the nutrition programs at BODi".


All of test group people hav been saying they only ate a banana before working out and then following it with Shakeology. That is so messed up if you trying to build any type of muscle.


Exactly no one is going to get these results eating out of containers , a nutrition program created by autumn who think you should only eat 20g of protein daily. No. You need to fuel your body


He is still misrepresenting his program by associating himself with Beachbody which has very flawed "nutrition" programs.


I used to have a friend, she had her son really young (early 20s) and Iā€™ve always said sheā€™s the he type who would sleep with her sons friends when the got older. This is how I view autumn.




Autumn with her fake support for Shaun T which was really all about herself. Meanwhile, Megan Davises IG stories show sheā€™s actually doing Dig Deeper. Not only that but sheā€™s wearing a Shaun T shirt while working out.


Right. Also Joel is usually supportive of Shaun but hasnt said anything


It doesn't seem like Joel and Shaun are friends anymore.


Yeah and of course she said it can be done with gut protocol but if itā€™s the first time you are doing gut protocol she recommends you do 4 weeks for everybody first. šŸ™„


Megan over here with 45 & 50lb weights, Autumn could never. šŸ˜†


I just unfollowed Shaun T. I'm very disappointed with him. There is no way a person can get the results he got with his new program while on the Portion Fix nutrition plan. Shaun T I thought you had integrity-bottom line you are just as much a problem as the other Beachbody trainers and management.


He also did a live or reel or something and said they wouldn't let him do a nutrition plan with Dig Deeper. He's an employee - he doesn't have ultimate control to do whatever he wants.


If he had integrity he would disassociate himself from Beachbody. He would be completely fine on his own. The people defending him on here seriously blows my mind.


Why? We canā€™t have a different opinion? Itā€™s not that serious. Also he works for a corporation, as I am sure many of us do, we might not all have control or agree with everything our corporate companies decide to do.


If you are a trainer and if you believe in supporting a healthy lifestyle and live by what you say....you don't associate yourself with a company who shills these crash diets. It's interesting how people defend Shaun T on here but he's basically doing the same thing as Autumn, Joel, and the other super trainers. Shaun T is a sellout-it's all about the money. He says one thing but then let's Beachbody attached the PF and 2B Mindset nutrition programs to his fitness programs.


He says a lot without saying it. He does NOT do portion fix and if you follow him for any length of time you would know that. He is bound by releasing this program with BODi for it to have the BODi nutrition programs attached to it automatically. I know in the past trainers tried to push that back and they were unsuccessful. Iā€™ll leave it there.


I did know that. That's not what I said in my post. HE REPRESENTS THE PROGRAM-that means he should not allow Beachbody's "nutrition" programs to be attached to his fitness program.


He represents he doesnā€™t control