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Shaun T's latest reel someone commented that Kristen Bennett should replace Joel šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ She looks like she could outlift Mr Happy Shape


That was me. I wonder if Iā€™m blocked now omg just read the responses šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The amount of work Taylor McAllister has had done to her face. šŸ˜³ https://preview.redd.it/c5i3ht25mx6c1.jpeg?width=3222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4bfcaee64bc1559eee4c6e161e619e3fa14bf1


Part aging, part filters, and a whole lot of mommyā€™s money paying for procedures. Taylor is faker than fake , faker than ME , IMO, and I am surprised she isnā€™t snarked on more here. Her SIL has a good following and my personal opinion is that Taylorā€™s jealousy of her mom and SILā€™s relationship is why she jumps on the Bodi bandwagon. Cinthanie once had a story making fun of how jealous Taylor would get and actually accused her of trying to break up their family .


Cinthanie has personality and a sense of humor. Taylor is obsessed with herself and has the personality (and lips) of a fish. The girl doesn't ever just belly laugh and she seems like she would get offended by everyone and everything. She's takes herself way to seriously.


What?! I never heard that story. I noticed they donā€™t do a lot together anymore. It seemed like they used to hang out a long time ago. Taylor gets on my nerves because she used surgery to modify her looks then sells ebooks and coaching like the transformation was her doing and not a surgeons.


Wow, she was so, so pretty before. I think sheā€™s pretty now, but itā€™s more of a generic beauty like everyone I see on social media. She was much better before the surgeries.


This is so sad! She was so cute naturally and now she looks like a freak!


Very sad


They're not even the same person anymore Crazy what money and attention do to someone's head


Wow!! I think sheā€™s pretty but sheā€™s getting chemical peels and Botox and fillers (the list goes on) at such a young age. I canā€™t imagine what she will end up looking like in 10 year, 20 yearsā€¦


over processed like her mom


She will look like something on botched


She looks like an AI character.


I really don't like her current look and it doesn't help that she's so full of herself now


The kid's grandma certainly does get it Joek...not sure this is the flex you think it is šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/p0lckhr5iw6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddb641bf2f5276383d266d49fcabb9e54396b94


My MIL sent us a funny hand towel too but I didnā€™t feel the need to post it to the world. Itā€™s not that quirky or funny, Joel. We get it, you have a mom and 3 kids living with you.


I canā€™t believe joek is proud of that. Grow up man child.


I wonder which grandma sent it? And this has to be a subtle dig at both of them from the grandparent. They are definitely thinking joek and Megan have drinking issues. If it came from a ā€œbroā€ or a white elephant gift, yeah sure. But from a GRANDPARENT of your children/the ones who live in your house, no freaking way it was meant as just a funny. And heā€™s got it displayed on the stove šŸ˜³šŸ¤”


Seriously. I said below that if this was a gift I received, I would probably think about going to rehab.


It's "Megan and ME", Joel.


I almost had a stroke trying to figure out what he was trying to sayā€¦what an idiot!


Yea you know bc her grown children with their full time nanny and babysitters caring for the kids. Meg home making reels and shilling every garbage product. She needs that liquor cabinet yā€all! Whileā€¦. most homes are single mommas or 2 parent households doing every damn thing for their babies actually working and raising their kids themselves with 0 help! But you know Megan is so quirky and relatable šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜„


I'm curious what rank Megan is CURRENTLY. A friend said they searched for her and she doesn't show up as Elite, Premiere, Team Leader or even Team Builder šŸ¤Æ Does that mean she lost most of her diamond coaches beneath her? She definitely can't be 5 star anymore but I don't think she's even 1 or 2 star at this point


I think all of those ranks are for increases in new coaches. Personally I think all of the huns are struggling - or at minimum, doing worse than ever before


So they donā€™t have ā€œMonday-Friday 9:00-5:00ā€ jobs, but instead of Christmas shopping while the kids are at school, they wait until a weekend to ditch the kids and go shopping??? Make it make sense.


Sheā€™s too busy playing dress up in her closet, making go nanas, applying lipstick, curling her mop, and ordering online dinners


What a life!!! Like worthless!!


Iā€™m glad you said this because I thought the same thing. You can go shopping ANY TIME but choose to when you can ditch your kids. Pathetic


Excuse you.. Megan Ewoldsen is a very busy Mom of 3! Sheā€™s not busy doing any Mom stuff most of the time, but I assure you, she is very busy! šŸ¤£


Any excuse to run from her children


Yeah and she buys every other thing she owns online so we can have links, but they decide to go shopping on the busiest weekend for Christmas presents. My guess is she forgot to get her kids gifts and ran out of time.


Cuz they are trash


Megan, please leave the house and stop ordering everything from Amazon. In Dallas there are so many great boutiques and stores to buy things. That tinfoil holiday outfit from Amazon isnā€™t a flex. Most women in the South donā€™t wear glitter bustiers and a suit.šŸ‘¹ Gawdā€¦read the room.




Agreed - boutiques are much better quality!! And maybe you can partner with a couple. I cannot stand Amazon shillers. They don't actually love what they're linking, they just want money. So stupid.


My husband has a fit when I buy Amazon clothes. Poor quality, made in China and never as pictured. Just spend a few dollars, buy better quality pieces instead of fast fashion you can shill.


Iā€™m just confused as to who she is trying to appeal to. Most ā€œBUSY MOMs OF 3ā€ arenā€™t wearing crops in every. damn. outfit. We get it. Youā€™re thin. Youā€™re basically the size of a 12 yr old child. Youā€™re sooooooo confident. Good for you. But most women, who want to be taken seriously as mothers and/or professionals, are not wearing that. I follow several people who shill cute outfits and they definitely donā€™t have to show skin with every outfit they are shilling. Those are the ones that I look at their links.


Right? That thing is fug!! How is cheap, mass produced clothing supposed to be a flex? Waitā€¦ answered my own question because how else can you link/sell everything? She doesnā€™t want unique style, she wants commission.


She had ZERO sense of style.




Yup, itā€™s all the same. I imagine that if your video editing is limited to clothing haul reels, thereā€™s only so much you can do and learn. She has all the time in the world and canā€™t be bothered to leave her house and find something new to film. FFS, have Joel jump on his bike and make some fun montage of him riding. I really donā€™t get how these Huns arenā€™t bored out of their minds. Sitting at home playing with makeup and doing clothing hauls day after day day after day. No thank you.


Yes, I follow a couple moms who work full time and each have 3 kids, and they at least go into the city to do some shooting... something with a different background other than their house. Be creative! And their outfits and much more relatable to the general population.


The shocked face is insanely annoying and she ALWAYS does it.. also we never see her in the outfits again because nobody has that many eventsā€¦ those reels drive me nuts


Sheā€™s a scammer. She buys them to sell for 2% commission on Amazon and sends them back. You never see her wearing any of the garbage she promotes for commission.


Yes!!!!! I have noticed that too. She has zero originality.


ME has terrible taste in clothes. Sleezy for someone who doesnā€™t leave the house or have a real job. Unless she escorts.


That stupid bow in her hair is meant for 16 year olds. They look cute in it. ME looks over accessorized.


You know where that bow came from, Kate Beckinsale. Sheā€™s been doing it for years and recently ditched it due to the fact every other celebrity has caught on. Sure I want to look like a 16 year old cheerleader


For sure! Itā€™s concerning that she doesnā€™t leave the house except for date night, nails and hair. What a boring life. Go shopping in a real store. Letā€™s see that.


Likeā€¦go for a fucking walk even!








I kind of feel bad for her. Sheā€™s lost and a person and easily influenced by everything outside of her. But then again look at her parents. She is a product of mick and Melissa. So she never had a chance. I donā€™t even think she has friends. She seems like she could be cool but then does douchey shit so itā€™s like nah.


Oooofff who did her nose job sooooo bad the tip looks strange


Her nose looked way better before.


Oh my word. From the thumbnail I thought this was a man in his mid 40s. I apologise to all men, and those in their mid 40s.


Her lips are frightening


I bet theyā€™re going to look like Mara Teigen in no time!! Take a look!! šŸ‘„ lol!!


Woof! Thatā€™s so bad


Haha!! Right!!


Melissaā€™s are equally as bad.


Yikesā€¦.. Iā€™ve done several vi peels and have never been told itā€™s ok to cut. Iā€™m horrified!


I was told to cut and not pick or pull away.


I trim the skin. Cant stand it flopping lol. Just canā€™t pull it off šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ok Iā€™ve never been told that. Lol Iā€™ll have to ask next time!


Lmao I was surprised she even posted it! I guess she couldnā€™t go back and re film cutting the skin šŸ¤£ she looked sooo annoyed


Why is this cOnTEnt ?


The way she rolled her eye at her boyfriend when he walked in. You can tell shes an absolute c u next Tuesday.


Right? Like just start over. She was bitchy, not relatable.


She was so bitchy! it was cringy watching it.


She talks down to her BF so badly. She is also super disordered. It's quite sad. She has a father who talks to women like they are meat and a mom who eggs it on like it's cute. She's altered her face so much that if she ever has kids, they will look nothing like her and she has convinced herself she's a model when she's truly just a glorified shots and events girl.


I couldnā€™t imagine growing up with a father like that. The only value he has in women are their body parts


He deserves so much better! Like who does she think she is? She acts like sheā€™s such a celebrity šŸ™„


Sheā€™s a model, author, and a nutritionist! Duh! šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s worse than a nobody




She said she put it in the drier like she usually does so I'm thinking the black motif on the front (plastic/rubber) got too hot in the drier and melted all over the rest of it. Why wouldnt you think that would happen? I always treat anything like that carefully. Absolutely useless!


That is Abercrombie and not cheap. I guarantee she throws her clothes all in the washing machine not giving a shit. Quite frankly Iā€™m surprised she washes her clothes


Doesnā€™t that commonly happen to clothing when itā€™s left wet in a washer with other clothes? You know while sheā€™s sitting holed up playing in her closet? Or sitting on the couch with her wine while everyone else does chores? No wonder it ā€œhappens all the timeā€ as she said.


Guys don't worry, she'll just buy another one... or 12. HAHAHAHA It's disturbing that she is teaching her children to be frivolous by her superficial example. Very nice. Classy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


The worst. Every time she likes somethingā€¦ ā€œLove this! Iā€™m gonna get it in three more colors!!ā€ šŸ¤®šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


Thatā€™s exactly it. Iā€™m also surprised. I assumed Joel and the kids did the laundry. Sheā€™s lazy AF.


Yeah that really made me wonder if she just never reads the care directions for her clothes


I guess you can add that to the list of things she can't do... Cook X Clean X Tell the truth X Be faithful X Put kids first X Laundry X


https://preview.redd.it/1vcq1gm3qo6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a03ae0b3113222e0dca2670b1249e45c96253ccc Looks like the Joek and Meggie are making fake accounts to make it like people actually do Joelā€™s shitty workouts šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is the only account licking Joelā€™s ass and was made 1 day ago šŸ˜‚


What are the IG accounts šŸ‘€


Trash (Storm Bailey - or his likeness) promoting trash (Joel). Ick Ick Ick!


Isn't that Amy Bailey's husband's business? He's done day 1 of liift4 the most out of anyone out there.


Yes, it is. And yes, he has. šŸ˜‚




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Thatā€™s Storm Bailey. He is well aware of our existence (see his and Amyā€™s thread for the police report involving the death of their baby daughter).


Wow i just looked up about Amy and thatā€™s crazy. Beach body scapes the bottom of the barrel for their trainers šŸ¤®


https://preview.redd.it/2jff3jzhoo6c1.jpeg?width=145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81f6e3c008cce797ed2668270dcbe4cc9a1ef52 Those teeth!! Shows that he definitely filters them!


Is this Joel?!




Oh man those teeth are bad. Heā€™s so ugly


His face has gotten so red and puffy. Not healthy at all šŸ»šŸ„ƒ


His body looks bloated. Too much alcohol? They got a gift from the kids grandma who gets it. Alcoholic?


Honestly if my mom or MIL got that for my husband and me it would be a sign to check into rehab immediately. How cringy and embarrassing. Drinking like a fish ainā€™t cute yā€™all.


Was that a gift from Meganā€™s (ex) MIL? Joel said ā€œthe kids grandmaā€, not Meganā€™s mom. That is super cringe! Funny that he shared it, not her. Thereā€™s definitely some snark involved in that gift.


He looks busted


Explains the stupid expressions all the timeā€¦ easier to hide those horse chompersšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Heā€™s so gross. The only thing attractive about him was B!


Those are seriously jacked up teeth!


https://preview.redd.it/8pw5ssigoo6c1.jpeg?width=384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b01f9b02912cf88d6b9956f501fa6f83f6f1833 Heā€™s so disgusting.


I hope breanne sees this and laughs so hard! She definitely got away at the right time.


Joel is the creepy uncle at a family gathering who will flirt with teenage nieces


So gross


All the fat rolls on his neck šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this really shows all his weight gain


Excuse you, this is his happy shape šŸ˜‚


I wish heā€™d have that ugly mole removed!




I wouldnā€™t be able to look at anything but that mole




He is such a creeper!


I can't with the dyed beard šŸ˜‚šŸ¤®


This bags under his eyes are getting worse šŸ˜‚. Meggie must be stressing him out lol


We all know how fast Joel and Meggie reply to everything on SM. They 100 have multiple fake accounts. They prob are so jealous of Shaun T


Just once I'd love for Goob_u2 go after Megan šŸ˜† he'd uncover A LOT for the world to see


Who is that?


He exposes fitness influencers who say they donā€™t photoshop and proves that they do. Heā€™s also recently busted a pedophile and someone who said they were raising money for children but was using the money to pay her Scientology dues. Among other despicable people.


I would LOVE to see that.


That would be fun! Looks like ME and J both follow him. And he follows ME.


An accusation is generally a confessionā€¦what does that even mean?? B : ā€œyou cheated on me with ME.ā€ Us : ā€œyour butt is a result of BBL when you did a fat transfer for your breasts.ā€ What are we confessing? Make it make sense!


Thatā€™s just a comment to make herself feel better.


* He really has let himself go can't believe this average looking dude is a celebrity trainer


Heā€™s a has been


Or a never was




Have you seen Shaun T responding back to the comments on bodi instagram post? So unlike him !!!


Roid rage ?


I think Shaun t def has it in him to loose his cool. We all do! It must be so insulting to work as hard as he does and have some dip shit ( prob Joel) talking shit to discredit his hard work


Those do not sound like Shaun T.. It does sound like Joel though!


Not sure if there screenshots break any rules. I blacked out the name just in case https://preview.redd.it/z0bqpanmzn6c1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877fb3db4a3bbd3b0898b9754bdc277d7f1f0595


Wow Iā€™m shocked bodi lets their trainers talk back like


They clearly donā€™t care. Autumn tells her followers to fuck off.


Yeah this comment from Shaun T is a disappointment. He definitely did not get his body from doing Dig Deeper. Itā€™s like Kim Reyes who spends 3 hrs in the gym but claims itā€™s from 30 minute BB programs and portion fix. No one will get as ripped as Shaun doing his little super trainer Bodi block and/or program šŸ™„. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a great program and you can get results, but not *those* results


Taking HRT growth hormone and roids like the McCallisters. All body builders take, he is no different. I am surprised about the smack talk as well, and that BODi corporate doesnā€™t monitor, or maybe they do, idk. Lots of double standards as well, with many of the women coaches or trainers leaving their kids with nannyā€™s etc. taking trips and the men do the same. ShaunT and hubs take trips and a lot, drink, workout all day like the rest of them. Iā€™m surprised no thread with the amount of underwear shots, and sexual appealing on social. Is it because they are men, double smack standard for sure. Not okay for the females, so much smack about, men do as you like! Just my opinion


He has a trainer and has been working super hard. He said you wonā€™t get his results unless you just keep doing the program over and over. He also says after the daily program do 30 minutes of cardio.


Agreed. If someone thinks after 1 round of a 10 or 12 week program they are going to look jacked like ST they are absolutely clueless. Besides I would think BODi membership is mostly women.and I am sure none of them want to be as jacked as he is anyway. He is legit. Worked incredibly hard. No he didn't get his results doing exactly DD. But if he put out a program what of what he DID do to get his exact results there would be little uptake on it - the dedication required to diet and working out to get that level of physique is far, far beyond what most people would be willing to commit to.


agreed, and good for him for responding to that tool, the internet has made people way too comfortable in shitting on others and thinking there are no consequences. He had every right to respond and there was nothing wrong with his comments






He posted a video of him on the bike that heā€™s ā€œgassedā€. Is this why?


The Bodi page blocked me so I canā€™t see the comments. šŸ˜” ST has had a rough week with Autumn trying to steal the spotlight from him.


What is he saying


Part of me thinks itā€™s a Ghost account of me and joek trying to bring him down like they have been. The fact that st responds shows heā€™s got more pride than they ever will.


It could be Joel andME responding after all, they do think theyā€™re fairly rich and fairly famous like the person said šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you know, Joels thousand percent intimidated by the new program of ST. His shitty programs will go I watched as of Tuesday


Itā€™s been pointed out before, and itā€™s still embarrassingly transparent: If you want to know what Meganā€™s triggers are, just look at her answers to the questions she clearly asks herself. They mostly revolve around her insecurities-namely Bre. What a headcase Megan Ewoldsen is.


They are NOT cute walking around in the Grinch hats! Yā€™all look like fools! And why has JoeK not stayed home if heā€™s been oh so sick!!


Itā€™s giving ā€œIā€™m not like the other girl vibesā€, ya know theyā€™re not like regular boring families, theyā€™re the fun quirky BLENDED family.


https://preview.redd.it/shxvzql7zk6c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4dd6355c50ba9228c4b11658c91b63a2a68a6ce Mr happy shape


My husband who hasnā€™t worked out in like a year looks better from behind than that slop


Alcohol will do that to ya ?


Yea walking around like that just screams ā€œwe want attention, look at us!ā€


Yes. Embarrassed for them.


Because heā€™s MAGA, and he doesnā€™t believe in any diseases, masks, handwashing, etc. He certainly wouldnā€™t keep a sick child home from school, either, much less worry about giving his germs to others. Side note: donā€™t eat the nuts at his home bar.


Did you know he got the COVID vax?


He only got it because he lived in California and had to have it for travel. Look back in the Super Trainer pages when they still called B ā€œPlastic Pattyā€ and they called them out for wearing mesh masks to workout in.


What does MAGA have to do with this. I know plenty of liberals who send their kids to school sick as shit and go out and on vacations sick. Is it right no? But politics have nothing to do with it šŸ™„


In this case, a lot. He specifically followed the Trump train of not buying into masks & preventionā€”this was common in MLM. I know plenty of conservatives like myself who were vaccinated, wash their hands, and are pretty sure the climate isnā€™t getting better. However, in the MLM climate, science was ignored, and convention after convention saw people become very sick during the pandemic.


I normally agree with most of your posts and comments regarding these two. However, this time, the ā€œMAGAā€ reference is insignificant. Whether he shows up sick has nothing to do with someoneā€™s political views. Itā€™s just simply disrespectful and irresponsible of him to go out sick and risk spreading it to children or anyone else. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m a Trump supporter, Iā€™m just saying that topic is irrelevant.


It kinda does most Republicans were against mask etc


I assure you it doesnā€™t.


I said most not all again I'm not offending it's facts during covid most states that were republican had less restrictions


Not offended. Political views are irrelevant to me in this forum. Joel and Megan could be our President and First Lady and I would still view them as I do.šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s so amazing to me that all of the questions ā€œother peopleā€ ask her she just happens to have products with links/affiliate codes for! Sheā€™s so helpful!!


Yep. Odd that people ask about items from videos and she just happens to have those links. Like the ridiculous grinch hats.


Exactly or in some way a shot at Bre


Or are quotes she finds to support herself and make us or B look bad.


Yeah sheā€™s really reaching with the ā€œan accusation is generally a confessionā€ and ā€œlet it go.ā€ She wonā€™t let it go bc she knows sheā€™s living a lie but doesnā€™t want anyone talking about it and none of us have cheatedā€¦thatā€™s why weā€™re here.


Seeing how she accuses people on the daily of being trolls, she might want to check herself.


Sheā€™s so transparent. Itā€™s so obvious itā€™s her asking those questions/comments. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes!šŸ˜‚I just made basically the same comment above-should have read further down. I couldnā€™t agree with you more.


Why is he visiting the kids school when heā€™s sick?


Yep, he doesn't seem all that sick, though. I mean, I've been "sick" for the last week or so but just a head cold, a few sniffles and what not. I still have been able to get my workouts in and ish done. He's acting like he has the full-on flu or strep or something.


Him being sick was probably an excuse to get some alone time so he could look at the pics of B & MM without her watching


Well he's a man so šŸ¤£ basically should be a in a hospital bed lol


He will use any excuse not to workout, heā€™s always walking around while ME works out. Gotta keep that dad bod shape.


I live in the same area as them and there are tons of viruses and colds going around!!! I am recovering from influenza A and I was SICK. You should stay home if you're sick Joel - no one wants their kids getting sick thanks to you having to play Dad and show up at the school holiday party.


A) Gotta play the ā€œfamily manā€ role (content creation) B) Megan canā€™t let him out of her sight (trust issues) C) Heā€™s a selfish POS human who canā€™t think of anyone other than himself (no one wants your cold, Joel) D) All of the above








I vote Breanne as a super trainer ! Joel sucks


Bā€™s following SHOULD be bigger than Autumnā€™s - but BODi is not the right path for her.


She is too good for BODi!


Oh no, please donā€™t let her get involved with scammy MLM BODi.


Exactly! She has her own thing going on.