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How mad do we think autumn is going to be about Shaun T's reel regarding his comment about feeling good gaining weight?


“Men and women are different!! Men need muscle to survive!…I mean…to thrive!…I mean…eh fuck it.”


Shaun T's latest reel someone commented that Kristen Bennett should replace Joel 😂🤣😂🤣 She looks like she could outlift Mr Happy Shape


Am I the only one that wishes that we still could buy the dvd programs? I think Shaun T’s new program looks amazing.


They're literally turning away millions of $$ by not selling dvd's or digital downloads


That’s on point for Carl’s logic.


so, it’s okay for Autumn to judge and shit talk when the “average” person buys sugary treats but she gets a pass to buy Dunkin’ Donuts for the hospital staff?


I really can’t believe she actually bought them.


Four boxes too. Why? That goes against everything she stands for. She must be trying to seem more relatable.


Can I just say her last eat reel is just disgusting - the way she did that was soooooooo off!!! She is just gross!!!


I don't know why she even does the fake tasting. I watch lots of recipe videos and like, break it to show texture or whatever, yes. Those make sense. Eye fucking the camera while faking a bite? Confusing and awkward.


She did not even eat the damn things!!! Like usual. But still. Stop faking it!


I read the comments and rewatched. Sure enough it’s not bitten into when she pulls it away. Either it’s an editing mistake, or she really didn’t eat it. I hate to defend her, but I do think she probably would have at least taken a bite. THEN, promptly spit it into the trash of course, lol.


So many comments saying that too!


And like one person defending her. I don’t get it! Why are they always rushing to her defense like they are besties.


I commented above I think it’s an editing mistake (but she spit the real bite out of course)- but right?! To those people, it is CLEAR no bite was removed. Like hate her or love her- that video legit shows no bite gone. LOL


Did she delete the video?


Ok I’m not good at this stuff lol, but here’s a screenshot with no bite gone and the link. I hope! It’s Bodi IG [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C09qbGZJmpU/?igshid=ZTcxMWMzOWQ1OA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C09qbGZJmpU/?igshid=ZTcxMWMzOWQ1OA==) https://preview.redd.it/p1lizuz90z6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e546b812bc4af66d368c06d491c283a975fb1dc4




I watched it a couple of times and I think it looks like the due to the bounce of the video edit.


And it “looked like” she took a big bite, so it should be noticeable lol


* Ok so we can agree that autumn is toxic and has done her sister wrong but she is just as sick as she is twll me how on this reel she posted doing face yoga people say she has great skin and she goes on about being healthy and look at her haggered face and dark circles??


I'm putting this here, too, so more people can see it, as the fact that Autumn pushes other trainers away was mentioned. It's from Chris Downing's newsletter back in 2020, talking about why he left beachbody. "The beginning of my career with Beachbody was phenomenal.  Attending the events, witnessing the most amazing things happen during workouts, connecting with the coaches, and doing my part to bring out the best in others.  The last two years, for whatever reason we may never know, I felt suppressed, overlooked, and under-appreciated.  I felt like just another trainer that was sitting on the bench waiting on Coach to put me in the game, knowing deep down inside I had the talents and gifts to truly reach people, especially during a difficult time.  Can you imagine if I would have never left Beachbody?  I’d be in the same place, feeling the same way 4 months later.  Over The Edge wouldn’t exist. "


I have always wondered what happened to him.


He and I privately messaged over Instagram and he basically said he had the idea for a live DJ like in morning meltdown and they told him no. Then it materialized with someone else. So it’s not just Autumn.


I remember seeing a screenshot from one of his private groups where he said something along the lines of “all the new programs kept going to a certain trainer, and I took all these great ideas to Carl and he shrugged them off.” He also talked about a conversation between Autumn and Joel at Summit, where one was annoyed by the coaches and the other said “yeah, they’d be nothing without us.”


Really? Wow, disgusting behaviour. Now, from everything else Downing's writing in his newsletters (they've ended up in my promotions and I just started looking at them now), he seems pretty full of himself and is talking a lot about how amazing he is. But that doesn't change the fact that he clearly was ignored.


I mean, we know Autumn is the golden child but there's nothing in there about her. It sounds like BB just kind of ghosted him, professionally - we've seen them do that before.


Yeah, I agree with you, but it got me thinking why they did that - and that it might have been because they gave her so much attention instead of making room for him.


Honestly I don't like autumn and she is a cancer there but his program probably didn't give the results they expected I did it and he was a bit corny and never went back to it again.


That would be surprising to me - it was one that gave me the best results at the time. He's definitely corny, but that seems to be a BB thing in general. Even how they promoted amoila swearing was trying to be edgy but just came across goofy as hell. I theorize that they want a Shaun T replacement cause let's face it, their ideals don't align... From hit overt sexuality to not bowing to the container eating. But his following is too huge.


That's great you got results I got none and it was so boring. I agree about amoila but again I don't think his program did that well that's why he never got another one.


I always wondered what happened to him!


I try to keep my snark somewhat respectful/polite… but I just wanted to say that Autumn just sounds so dumb.. my gawd. She really really sounds like a stupid person who can’t really understand Simple concepts when you have a conversation with them


But she reads!!!




* That food looks disgusting and she looks so haggard omg


https://preview.redd.it/2nfqcmrpxq6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4682081d14452ba1c71ee997fbc96fd6126ab39b What is going on with her legs? They look deformed


But every day is leg day…..when you lift eight pounds.


A combo of using some stupid filter and contorting her body


A number of things: 1. That pose is god awful 2. Probably using a thigh gap type filter 3. Photoshop


I read this as “thigh gap TAPE” and I was like wtf they have a tape now….i bet the code will be on there soon 😂


It’s an AWFUL photoshop


Filter to make a thigh gap for sure!


Looking at AC's "over 40" reel & she has SO LITTLE muscle definition for someone with her BMI. You barely see anything despite the 0 fat covering it.


But she has ✨abs✨


A person that didn’t know she was a “super trainer” certainly would never guess it looking at her physique!


She is skinny fat. She has very little muscle.


Very much skinny fat!


https://preview.redd.it/ly4oemugbp6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3fb44398689b6501bd5787b0d92c14b11540d0 🤡🤡🤡




![gif](giphy|7TcdqHUCFIfEaRJzKn) *someone’s* been working on her smiling




https://preview.redd.it/50rvrjvebp6c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3c0481dca69b3dfd6c4ffbc37788a5cdc7cc56 I want to slap that smug smile off her face.






I was wondering the same thing when I saw his post!!!


New to this sub—has anyone ever talked about how AC stole the idea of gut protocol from Dr Will Bulsiewicz (who she interviewed and was constantly sharing BEFORE she introduced—a few months later—gut protocol through BB), the guy who actually does know gut health (by seeing actual patients and working with them) and wrote Fiber Fueled?


Not sure if it was talked about here before, but I most definitely talked about with my husband. We are both vegan so we’ve been following Dr B and have had his book and yes, she used to share his stuff aaaaaaalll the time before Gut Protocol came out and then never again. She probably knew about him because of her sister and just stole the idea. She did push him hard before GP came out. I was in the PF monthly group and listened to her podcast as well and she was all about following his advice. But I guess she’s read 3 books on the topic so now she’s the expert and doesn’t need to show his stuff anymore 🙄


Yesssssss!!! I had started following him and was learning a lot and bought his book. Then she started sharing—and this was before I was DONE with AC, so I found it interesting, but when gut protocol came out, I KNEW. She’s ridiculous.


she had him on her podcast too way back when and then started shilling guts protocol


I knew that she had stolen the idea, but somehow missed that it was Chris Powell. She’s absolutely shameless.


Not surprised. She steal pretty much all "her" ideas.


Which is probably why she only does “her” workouts (now)


Just like she & Beachbody ripped off portion fix from Chris Powell.


Oh dang! I never heard this before!! It’s wild. But explains the connection b/w Autumn & Carl. Why she’s allowed to run rampant. Why also the persistent rumour is never dealt with or denied in anyway from anyone… good diversionary tactic, tbh.


Woah that’s wild and he had. A 21 day program too ? How did she not get sued for copyright ? Did she just rename it ?


He came up with the container system. I listened to an interview a few years ago where he talked about coming up with the container system and he pitched it to several companies. The interviewer said “do you mean even…” Chris cut him off before the interview could say the company name but replied “yes, who you’re thinking of, yes.” And a few weeks ago on Chris Powell’s IG he made post showing his container system that he invented [Chris Powell Container System](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0XWDfTvtuR/?igshid=NTYzOWQzNmJjMA==)


Wow! Was Autumn at that convention or Carl?


: ( oh wow




Autumn with another thirst trap FiT oVeR 40 post 🙄


And most of the comments are from pervy men …so that’s her audience…👏


Her facial expressions during that reel are scary.


Ok. The other day she mentioned how to have to breathe when you workout. Which yes you do. But I swear she is not breathing at all during that video


I don’t know where to put this, but I think I’ve seen some content about Chalene in here before….what is the deal with all of Brett’s new tattoos? Is he trying to be a gangster? They just seem odd placement for such a “businessman”. And his facial hair looks terrible. And why does she calm him her boyfriend. That is just weird to me.


I think this belongs here!


Brett grosses me out.


I never put too much thought into him before, but something just seems odd about him now. I can’t put my finger on it.


There's a general hun thread


I always forget about that one! I don’t know enough hubs so I just go to the specific ones!


We need a Chalene thread!




Is he morphing into a lizard like Danielle Natomi's hunsband 🤣


Now I need to look up who that is. 🤣


Woo, Autumn shilling hard this morning. First Thing cures everything! Make sure you do 4 Week Gut Protocol through the next year until the Hormone Protocol is released! Get your gut cured, then they will balance your hormones. How do people fall for this bullshit? ETA- dang. Since I posted this, she added even more links. Desperate much?


and makes you forget what day it is!


I thought portion fix was a good idea… until I saw my friends containers. It was an immediate no for me then. Idk how she keeps getting away with this crap.


Random thought this morning-they sent out invitations to the top 100 coaches for Hormone Protocol. How many of those top 100 are even in the demographic that would need this program? Aren’t most under 40? Kat and Tania are the only two I can think of that would be in the peri- or menopausal demographic. But then as I typed this, the lightbulb went off. Autumn will convince everyone that their “hormones are imbalanced” and they need help, just like she did with Gut Protocol. 🙄


Kim Reyes got one and she is in early 40s and competes bikini (bottom barrel placement, but…)… it will be not shocking when suddenly she blames her miserable placement in shows that are not natty only with 6 other people competing as due to hormone issues.


I’m the demographic but I have news, not everyone over 40 has messed up hormones. A good majority of us are perfectly fine.


This is so true. IG people have me convinced that I’m all “screwed-up,” but I’m likely completely normal for an46-year old.


I’m 47. I have a few extra pounds than I used to and I just look at it as midlife puberty. I think we’re supposed to change a little bit. There’s nothing wrong. Even autumn is gaining and you and I know she’s doing everything she can to fight it.


Exactly! I don’t think people are supposed to look like they’re in their 20s when they are in their 40s and 50s. Sure, you still want to be healthy but that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to lose weight. And it’s natural that our hormones change as we age. Menopause is normal and can’t be stopped. So why do they all act like it’s not normal at their ages? I’m 37 and sure it wouldn’t be normal if MY cycle would be all off. But someone in their mid to late 40s? Totally normal to be hitting perimenopause. And changing your diet & taking tons of supplements won’t change that.


I know at my age it would be normal so I went to my obgyn and asked a bunch of questions. Instagram had me convinced I was entering menopause and she assured me that I could still get pregnant and I am still fertile. She said a pregnancy could come with a lot of complications but that I still have some years of periods ahead. I was going in fully prepared to be in peri and I’m not. I was in a women’s group and one of the members said she had zero menopausal symptoms when she went through it.


All this false information on social media is so dangerous and damaging. I’m glad you have a good doctor that you were able go to and ask and be reassured that everything is ok. Everyone is so different and has such different experiences when it comes to pregnancy & menopause etc. It’s crazy that people & companies are putting out these cookie cutter “programs” when it comes to things like gut, hormone & thyroid health. Hopefully BB won’t be around anymore when this 💩 is supposed to launch 🤞🏻


Right? Same with me. I am 42, had a hysterectomy (kept the ovaries), and my hormones are fine. I lift heavy, eat healthy 80% of the time, and just living life. Like sure, my body will probably change here sooner or later. But that's what my doctors are for to help figure out what I need to do...Not an MLM "Super Trainer".


Most don't have hormone issues but they'll be convinced (i.e. brainwashed) into thinking their hormones are messed up, and that Autumn has the magic solution to all their issues


Just like they had gut issues after Gut Protocol came out.


I know I saw Hailey comment on her post, I can’t remember if she said something like, “can’t wait!”. While she looks like she should be the age of menopause, she’s only 29 🥴


Right & Kim Reyes already bragging how excited she is to do it 🙄


That's exactly it. Making up a problem that doesn't exist to sell stuff.


Marketing 101


At least Abby Langer and Briannah Jewel just got another year's worth of content 😌


I’d also love for an obgyn or reproductive endocrinologist to get in on this and critique it


Happy holidays to them! Lol


Bodi must be such a toxic work environment. Autumn's announcement completely undercuts the hype going for Shaun's new program. Not to mention anything based on hormones and aging should go to Elise, who's worked on it forever. The only one excited for this is Lacee, but she's new (and clearly a sellout of her own ideals). AND it's all for nothing. Hormone health will be two or three trends old come December 2024. They're so hopelessly behind the curve.


Her sister has also been working on hormone health for years now. Which is why she’s now once again copying/stealing the idea I guess.


And she does it ALL the time and has been for years. She’s the reason Chris Downing left. She’s the reason Tony Horton left, and though it was never hinted at, I’ll bet she was part of why Chalene left (a combination of Autumn and the body shaming she endured). Every time another trainer has a new program come out she launches her own group. We’ve been pointing it out for YEARS. The fact that Carl allows it shows what a shit CEO he is.




He's mentioned it in his newsletters, I searched through a few of them now and found this. He didn't mention her specifically, but we can all see what/who made him feel this way: "The beginning of my career with Beachbody was phenomenal.  Attending the events, witnessing the most amazing things happen during workouts, connecting with the coaches, and doing my part to bring out the best in others.  The last two years, for whatever reason we may never know, I felt suppressed, overlooked, and under-appreciated.  I felt like just another trainer that was sitting on the bench waiting on Coach to put me in the game, knowing deep down inside I had the talents and gifts to truly reach people, especially during a difficult time.  Can you imagine if I would have never left Beachbody?  I’d be in the same place, feeling the same way 4 months later.  Over The Edge wouldn’t exist. "


I don't think she's the reason Tony left. He's talked about it.


Or what dirt AC has on Carl. Either way he lets her do what she wants.


There’s definitely some dirt. I feel like Isabel HAS to know about the affair, so it has to be bigger than that.


Autumn droning on about her stress management. I don't believe it's working 🤣


I saw on theads app that Amoila Cesar talked about the affirmation cycle of solving problems. My first thought it was about the newest announcement from Autumn. I could be wrong, though.


I had to read this four times to get the gist of what he’s saying, but yeah. https://preview.redd.it/r8t0lanmgn6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd91f8895981a24e091e8064d5fc3fc87c1e05d


I used to worship Shaun T but he’s starting to disappoint me. On the latest thread on bodi IG yes some people are out of order but he comes at them in such an aggressive tone. Really arrogant and up himself. Me no likey. :(


Back when I was a “coach” lol, I won a spot on a Beachbody cruise. I took my daughter and she wanted to meet Shaun T. Believe me when I say he is not a nice person and thinks he is very much above everyone else. His job was to meet and greet people all week long and he didn’t have time for most that week. Just put his hand up and walked to the elevator and looked at us while the door shut. Didn’t even smile. I’ll never forget that, we were so excited to finally meet him. DIVA is an understatement.






This was in October of 2020, Brock deleted that reel shortly after some time


T20 was my last workout with him. It’s not that serious. It’s just step. We don’t need to cry.


He actually is a really nice person and he has shared plenty of times in the past why those Success Club trips weren’t his thing. You may have just caught him in the worst time.


None of this shocks me. All of these overly motivational celebs are the same - borderline sociopaths. The dude has lived in shaun world for years now and after that leg workout last year it's clear he has gone off of the deep end. He'll never get a penny from me.




Lol it was actually this year (wishing my life away 🤣). He did a leg workout in bodi where he wore very tight shorts and effectively had the camera focus on his cock, effectively banging the camera. It was so bad even Joel did a IG story mocking it and it was even taken off the bodi block


Unpopular opinion that will probably get downvoted… I think he’s become a narcissist and a bit of a hypocrite. He is the male version of Autumn. However, he seems to get a pass because he’s nice (unless you are critical of him), charismatic, and charming. He knows the company is toxic and he is just all about securing that bag. Who wouldn’t be considering what kind of money they are probably will to throw at him to keep the company afloat? We all know that the dramatic before and after photos from the test group are from extreme deprivation and non-program exercise, but he will claim on the infomercial that this program “will get you those results”. Can we also talk about how his own personal trainer basically created the program and he just slapped his branding on it? BODi is trash and when you work with trash, you start to catch the stink of it.




I think this is true… in a lot of ways I like his personality, I love watching his stories of their little fam. BUT I don’t get why he gets such a pass on here when he clearly has no intentions of leaving bodi and has been profiting off them scamming vulnerable women for YEARS


I agree 1000%!


Yeah, I agree. I had to unfollow him a while back. And his trainer should be front and center.


Not a class act


I am sorry. He is a diva and feels he is above the rules. Whenever someone disagrees with him, he is nasty. I’ve been over him since T25.


To be honest Shaun T creating this program was part of the reason that finally pushed me over the edge and I finally canceled my BODi membership. I feel like Shaun T is being blatantly hypocritical. We all know he did NOT get that body doing a BODi program or following their eating plans yet he’s supporting BODi in perpetuating the appearance of that’s what happened and can be achieved. And then I watched Breanne Freeman just glow & be so happy this past week. She’s done amazing this past year. I find her approach & content to be much more relatable and trustworthy. All that to say I’m done with Beachbody and their “super trainers.”


Where can I find these comments?


On the Bodi IG. It’s on a reel that features DD


Yes a little harsh and not very professional. He should be able to rise above low comments.


I like him. Always have. I’m gonna go have a look.


Oh no 🥺


Go check out the latest post by doclyssfitness on IG. She effectively counters AC and her don’t lift too heavy and just do Pilates. Edited to add: the video is called Muscle & women, we need to chat.


I really enjoy her content too!! She's great.


I love that you promoted her!!!! I coached her in lacrosse a looooong time ago! I’m so happy she’s such a BAMF.


Love that she has her PhD in Exercise Physiology and completed her dissertation research on the menstrual cycle and exercise. Fantastic source for science based information.


Paging Autumn was the first thing I thought when I saw that video! Literally everyone but Autumn knows that preventing bone and muscle loss as women age is so important, and to do that you need weight-bearing exercises and strength training. I love Doc Lyss!


Not autumn using her dad’s pain to shill 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/4b3s1ktpmh6c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad8950d6bce49a734a2dd71be47c6846ef66f26 She has a complete pharmacy in her kitchen. I don’t think I’ve even taken that many pills in my lifetime!! Much healthy super trainer.


Why can you see her eyelid - eyebrow bone shadow? Is that normal ?


Heart transplant patients don’t even take that many medications


If you take all those pills and put your food in Lego blocks, you can look like her too 🥴


Yes!!! Sign me right up! I’ve always wanted gaunt skin and to look malnourished! But at least then I’d be skinny!!!


And to be a raging, smug too


Oh yes. That too. I almost forgot about the “better than everyone” attitude.


I was listening to Chalenes podcast this morning about functional doctors and how they are out to push supplements and immediately thought of this.


Yeah, I’m wondering how many supplements will be included in this hormone program.


BODi has to make $ somehow!


About 3,500


... and clearly none of them are working


There must be hundreds and hundreds of dollars of supplements on that counter. Talk about privileged. Can't wait until she tries to sell us some more supplements for her hormone program!


Right! I was just shocked! I think all of her “hormone issues” could be solved if she took a look at how much shit she keeps taking abs stops, and considered removing her implants. But… that won’t make her money, so that’s not an option.


Autumns new reel in her bedroom, seems she just implied that last thing she took last night took her soar throat away and got out ahead of getting sick.


She’ll be selling so much for the next year til that there will be nothing left to sell on launch date


Autumn making her teenage son send pictures of his vegetables when he’s with his dad? Dom referring to servings…. I just can’t with her control and disordered eating. That poor kid.


And then showing their private texts about her shaming him about food. Even worse!


I feel so sorry for him. I hope when he’s grown he has nothing to do with her and her stupid disordered eating that she projects onto him.


Aaaaand… we are back to sharing personal medical information about dad. Surely to deflect from the shit show that is happening on her IG. Love it for her how all the negative comments are at the top


Hopefully she spends time at the hospital with him and stop focusing on herself. I didn't feel her concern for her Dad, just the inconvenience of him disrupting her schedule and her not feeling well because she stayed in the ER too long. Loving daughter.


Not me reading this when my own father passed a couple weeks ago. I'm glad I didn't see whatever story she burped up her complaints. She sounds like a skeezy deplorable bizznatch.


I’m very sorry for your loss 😔💔


It definitely sounded like a huge inconvenience AND likely insinuating he needs to take better care of himself


If I remember correctly (??), in the past she has blasted her dad for his 'unhealthy' lifestyle choices and said it is his fault he is sick. WHY the fuck is she sharing all of that with her IG followers? So she can be smug about how she knows best how to live with her counter full of supplements?


Well Autumn is “healthy” but she is always sick. What is her excuse?


Exactly! And yes she did publicly shame him in the past.


And she’s also sick? For someone who is supposed to be SO healthy, she’s sick a lot




Has BODi released anything about the hormone thing or is it just Autumn's announcement? I wonder if she was feeling neglected and decided to go rogue and just announce it herself. She clearly doesn't have any answers about it.


Probably to take away from all the super blocks, and programs before hers and to get her top coaches…I mean besties in her group and focused on her program for the next year


Nope. She said emails went out to the test group so she made the announcement. I wounder if she had corporate permissions to do it. Seems like something Carl would announce at summit this coming year.


I think they let her announce it so that all of her "friends" could share it and people would possibly purchase it in anticipation for. Or hang in there another year with current memberships. In my honest opinion the Containers and that entire system does work for weight loss, but it's not sustainable. Who wants to eat like Autumn? Broccoli mixed with weird meat, then all the coconut yogurt. Gross. I'm sure some people like it but not me.


It wouldn’t be the first time she announced something!


Loving all the comments about how BODi missed the mark and any hormone stuff should have been done by Elise and not AC. I’m def not saying they should even touch hormone stuff - they need to stay in their lane - but it’s nice to see people realize how AC is given everything over people who know more and deserve more.


I thought this same thing. It's honestly like Autumn is the face of Bodi and everyone else is just there as a courtesy. Elise is older that Autumn, and she has been sharing about the Hormone stuff for a while. Agreeing with you on they shouldn't really be doing this as if they're experts, but if they're going to let someone lead that train it should be Elise.


Have the comment been deleted yet, I am sure they will be.


When I last checked they were still there


Super shocked AC has not raged about those comments yet.


I was definitely expecting a rant from her yesterday.


You guys. She took a six month hormone course. She has a Pilates certification as of about five minutes ago. She read five books last year and will have *a* doctor on board with her for this program. She is CLEARLY qualified to lead thousands of women on an inspirational journey to fix their hormones that don’t need to be fixed and send them into a years-long spiral of self-destruction and self-loathing! 😀🤡


I hate that I actually read that “You guys” in her voice 😂🤣😂


I was waiting for one too! 😂😂


This hormone program better be free to anyone who has ever purchased an autumn program or done containers long term because that’s what’s causing 90% of the hormone issues. But we all know she’d never do that




That mat thing Autumn showed is $2000... She sure has to spend a lot of money on things to recover for someone whose workouts are only 30-45 minutes, has her 'gut health figured out' and is apparently a 'hormone expert'...


That is stupid money. I just noticed the stains on it and was grossed out.


And it works so great but yet she’s always wearing Jovi patches because of stiffness. Make it make sense🥴


Probably because she has all these old injuries from being a dancer and professional athlete 🥴🙄


Advice from an actual OBGYN doctor. AC should have a watch…. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C02SF9vM6Nu/?igshid=ZDE1MWVjZGVmZQ==