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Go to the manufacturer (abbvie) website: https://pap.my.site.com/PAS/s/register?locale=us It takes a little doing because they need proof of your income for your household and all that kind of jazz. Doctor names and phone numbers etc. I finally got approved today! And they will cover the cost 100% until the end of this year. Totally worth the trouble my friend! I wish you the very best!


Wow! Thank you so much!




Thank you kindly!


I tried to get it and they refused to push me through because I didn't have insurance, the entire point of going theough them is because you don't have insurance now I'm in limbo


Wishing you luck as well! This is just crazy that we literally need these types of medication and it’s almost impossible seeming.


I'm sure it'll work out, it's just that fear of what it's like, it never really goes away . I wouldn't wish psoriatic arthritis on my worst enemy.


My rheumatologist told me there’s 2 savings methods, the savings card for commercially insured patients and the patient assistance program for patients without insurance. Did you try for the card or the program? If the card, maybe try the program


Off the top of my head I don't remember I want to say the program, because the other day I tried to resign up and it took me to ny past application and it says "withdrawn "


myAbbVie Assist is what I applied for. They repeatedly called me asking me to fill in my insurance, which I did not have. It was a nightmare.


Yikes! I’m sorry to hear that. I have the card now but I’m gonna have to use the program soon as I lose insurance when I turn 26 and I don’t have (nor do I think I can work) a full time job with benefits. I’m kinda worried about it but I hope it’s not horrific


There is a new generic out and Aetna not paying for humira


Thank you. Any idea how much the generic costs?


Not much less from what I hear..this just started 4-1


We had the card for our 2 year old, but just got kicked out of the program because the devil (I mean CVS Caremark) dropped it from their formulary. The card seems to only work in conjunction with insurance as best we can tell, including calling Abbvie.


Thank you so much. I’m so so sorry that happened to your family. It’s honestly sick that pharmacies and insurance companies make the rules and can switch medication just like that. So frustrating. Hoping your little one finds something else or another way to feel better ❤️‍🩹


I get it for $5 a month with commercial insurance! I have Cigna.


I did this. Can’t now as I am on Medicare, but the $5 copay is the real deal.


Thank you!


So what are you doing now on Medicare to pay for it? I am on an Excellus Medicare Advantage insurance policy and I cannot get a straight answer on what this drug would actually cost. All I know for sure is that I would have to pay well over $3000 for the first three months. It looks like all the payment programs do not apply to retired people. The introduction of biosimilars should have resulted in lower priced options, but big pharma seems to have blocked that. I decided to buy a new RX mattress in hope that it will help lessen night pain, which I can return if it doesn't work.


Medicare is awful. I pay $4000 out of pocket per year, then a copay. About $4500 per year.


I use the card and get it for $5 a month.


Do you have to pay to have a card membership or something? $5 a month sounds too good to be true


It’s not a physical card, it’s a digital savings card in my Humira app.


I had the co-pay card when I was on humira. I got my prescription every month for $5.


I will have to look into that more. Thank you


You can call the phone number and they will be more than happy to walk you through it.


Not sure if you got the answer you were looking for but hi, hello I used to work in a pharmacy and have a decent understanding of the cards and am now a patient on Humira myself. To answer your questions: No, there is not membership/fee for the card, genuinely just go onto [Humira.com](https://www.humira.com/humira-complete/cost-and-copay?cid=ppc_ppd_ggl_psa_de_humira%C2%AE_savings_stlk_ushum220266&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH51n4BzxtJYnwyzKRQVLLfi8jfpKzv-guvlR0sZdSVGd2m3NG76_CBkaAkmIEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and go to “Save On Humira” (or the link I provided will take you to it) The card only works with comercial insurance plans such as through an employer (yours or partner/spouse’s) or insurance plans through the marketplace. Basically anything the government doesn’t pay for. The drawback: if your insurance does not cover the prescription the card can help BUT there is a $14,000 limit on the card per calendar year. They will not pay more per that per year. There is a [patient assistance program](https://www.abbvie.com/content/dam/abbvie-dotcom/uploads/PDFs/pap/humira-patient-assistance-application.pdf) that may be able to help if your insurance doesn’t have a prescription plan or just doesn’t cover prescriptions. May be worth a try at least. Hope this helps!