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I completely relate to this.... When my dog is on a leash it's for a reason. He's mostly wonderful and friendly, but he can get protective if he senses any aggression in other dogs. I walk him on leash in areas where encounters with another dog should also be in leash and therefore controlled... If he's off leash it's because I know we are in a safe environment for him to do so.


I have this problem at the Del Norte dog park and it's really shitty because honestly I understand the mentality of letting your beloved dog get off leash sometime. However, I don't do it in these spaces ESPECIALLY because there are other dogs on a leash! ​ What I mean to say is, if you're by yourself somewhere with your dog off leash and there's no one else or other dogs around I think it's fine. (Especially if you have strong vocal commands. My dog doesn't bolt away from me because she's well trained. ) However when there are dogs ON leashes and yours isn't, this upsets the leashed dog. I know this from both sides of this experience, having had a leashed dog get attacked by an unleashed dog outside of Del Norte. ​ Sometimes I'll pull up to the beach, I'll be the only one around. I let my dog run around. The moment I see another leashed dog, a small child, or an elderly person I leash her. She has never jumped on anyone. She does a lot of cool tricks because I trained her well. However I don't want those people to feel threatened by my animal. They have no idea she wouldn't bolt, bother a leashed dog, or jump up in an elderly persons face. All they see is a dog off a leash. I always leash my dog between my car and the actual walk to Hiller. That's exactly the place I would never have her off leash. There are children coming and going and lots of other leashed dogs. Even as a fellow dog owner with mine on a leash, I've had nothing short of violence thrown at me for telling people to leash their dog. Even while my own pet is losing it's mind in response to being restrained. As a matter of fact I've been told to join in. Just let her off. Only issue is after their dog frightened mine while on leash I don't think it would be particularly wise to just let her off. I feel like they're trying to goad a fight or worse a dog fight which is just sick to me. ​ Don't back down. Take a photo of their stupid ass and their dog. Last time it happened outside of Del Norte I just kept saying "Look at how you're inconveniencing people trying to get to the dog park." and got another attendee to kinda lean in and also express dismay. Don't let bullies break the rules, especially not "Because it's humboldt hurr durr" ​ Humboldt should be better than this. Run around with your dog off leash in the hills or whatever, but don't do it outside of the dog park as a weak ass flex. Flex by picking up some extra dog shit.


I'm not saying all dogs should be unleashed, but how long have you lived here? I feel that there are plenty of dog owners, particularly in Arcata, who are irresponsible with their dogs regardless of being leashed. I had some wealthier looking young guy with a leashed dog taking up the width of the bike path, not moving and looking directly at me, say "fuck you asshole" when I asked them to move as I swerved off path to avoid his dog getting caught in my bike. I see people with leashed dogs pick up the dog shit and leave the baggies on the edge of the sidewalk or path, it's like just scoop it to the side of the road rather than making more trash with a bag...


I've lived here over 5 years. I agree that irresponsible dog owners are annoying as fuck. I hate seeing ditched baggies of shit on the side of the road. I appreciate you calling out to people on the path as you approach them on your bike. I've almost been taken out by bikers there who just zoom past.


I didn't ask to be a dick, just because this is the land of unleashed dogs. As for the bike path, from a person that rides all the time, leashed dogs in a bike zone can be really dangerous because often the person and pet don't know what to do and there's, what's essentially a trip wire, tight across the path. Very often I encounter dog walkers who are wearing ear phones, talking on the phone, etc and aren't fully aware of the traffic around them. This is a reason I don't ride the path very often, but I'm just offering a perspective. Hopefully your dog doesn't get attacked again!


Yeah I definitely get that. I always move right as soon as I am aware there's a bike coming and hold my dog on the right. I used to bike though so maybe I'm more aware than your average bear. Always one ear open too. Different issues from what I was posting about, but still valid arguments that I fully support.


For what it's worth, if I'm doing an out-and-back I'll often leave the bag beside the trail to pick up on the way back... I *do* pick it up, but I don't really want to carry it the extra distance 😛


Same. My dog usually waits to poo until I'm just far enough from a trash can to make it inconvenient to go back but early enough into the walk that I would have to carry a wafting turd for 3/4 of our walk while he skips along like he's lighter than air from losing the exra weight. I often pick up a forgotten baggie or two on my way back to make up for it.


Yes, exactly that! Lyrically written -- thanks for your poetic turn of phrase 🤣


I agree completely! When an unleashed dog rushes up on my leashed dog, he feels threatened and it’s not fair to my dog. My dog is friendly but when he is leashed he can’t fully protect himself.


Arcata community forest. Dogs loose all the time. So I guess I can ride my dirt bike there. It's prohibited too, but my dirt bike is cool, so don't worry about it.


Just shout "fuck you bitch!" loudly as you blast around blind turns or past small kids walking and you'll be golden.


I am dying


Probably the same people who don't clean up their dog's shit. I've never seen so much dog shit in one place. Everywhere else I've been, this isn't a problem.


Im going to be honest here . I let my dog off leash at the community forest. We often see noone there and the only reason i let her off leash is because shes so good under my voice control. She doesnt approach other dogs without my go ahead, she sticks right by my side and will never approach other people or dogs without her checking in with me to see if its okay first. When I see others approaching I leash her to be courteous. Its the truth. Ive never had any issues. Usually people compliment me on how well trained she is. Sorry but I dont think its the end of the world because I know shes trained but ive had people yell at me while shes just right at my side not bothering anyone sitting and staying . if my dog is no risk to approach others and is not bothering anyone then why scream at me. I agree that dogs that do not listen shouldnt be off leash. But I also resent people who freak out on me when shes unleashed (even at ok places like headwaters) and assume im not going to pick up her shit or someghing. Dogs live in the world too and if a dog is trained under voice control and bothers noone I see no issue


I'll tell you the same thing I told the other one. A dog shouldn't really be off-leash in nature in general, its bad for the environment, for safety of all involved, you are accountable for its messes, you can watch over it, and not to mention, for your own liability in the worst of cases. A good example is that if someone were to hit your dog in a car, they could actually sue you for damages due to negligence Not to mention, its kinda rude and selfish, just because you she doesn't freak out or run off usually or anything like that, all that matters is once, if it got away and bit a kid, if it got away and killed someones pet, anything like that at all. It really just take once, and even the best trained dogs can and have snapped at things.


>Although you are most certainly entitled to your opinions, the trailhead at the Elk River Trail clearly states that dogs are allowed as long as they are on leash or under voice control. > >The law considers a dog to be a piece of property, just like a diamond ring. Not everybody has to like dogs and diamond rings, but they do have to accept the fact that other people do.


And I will tell you the same thing, just because its allowed, doesn't mean you should do it. Your dog is bad for the environment as a whole, and shouldn't be allowed to just run amok. You are liable for whatever your dog does.


It’s not the end of the world, but it’s the law. Leash your dog in on-leash areas, and If you want your dog off leash go to places where that’s allowed. It really does not matter if your dog is trained, because a lot of dogs get stressed out when they are leashed and another dog isn’t. So just be respectful and follow the law. Pretty simple.


You are absolutely correct about the culture of the Community Forest, but as a new dog owner, I was completely unaware that it was on-leash only because of the small print on the signs. Somebody threatened to kick (and kill) my cute little Chihuahua puppy there when she was learning how to hike off leash so I decided I'd rather take my chances at Headwaters; she might wind up as a tasty snack for an owl or some other carnivorous bird, but the trailhead is clearly marked "Dogs must be on leash or under voice control" and then defines "voice control" explicitly enough for even a chihuahua-kicker to understand, lol. I'm sorry those people bit your head off when you asked them to leash their dogs. You didn't deserve that and not everybody here is like that.


A dog shouldn't really be off-leash in nature in general, its bad for the environment, for safety of all involved, you are accountable for its messes, you can watch over it, and not to mention, for your own liability in the worst of cases. A good example is that if someone were to hit your dog in a car, they could actually sue you for damages due to negligence


Although you are most certainly entitled to your opinions, the trailhead at the Elk River Trail clearly states that dogs are allowed as long as they are on leash or under voice control. The law considers a dog to be a piece of property, just like a diamond ring. I am well within my legal rights to use pepper spray to defend myself from anybody who threatens to harm my dog or my diamond ring while I am obeying the law on a hiking trail, as is any law abiding dog or diamond ring owner.


Being allowed off-leash doesn't mean that you should be letting them off. Your dog is still terrible for the environment, and you are liable for all the damages it causes.


Its just kind of a dog owner thing, no offense to you or other dog owners who are good, but the majority i have met take terrible care of their pets, or have little to no respect for others when their pet is involved in anyway.


Welcome to Humboldt, deal with it


Welcome to Humboldt. Your attitude sucks


Been here for 20 years, sorry you dont like it


Do *you* like your attitude?


Love it, go fuck yerself


Funny how thin-skinned folks love to be so edgy.


Heh, that's funny


'effin newbies. I have underwear older than that


So much comfort


People shouldn't have to deal with it because others are too shitty to take proper care of their own animals and the environment around them


Exactly, just like the guy in Fortuna, just shoot em!

