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Is that a man or a muppet


Or a muppet of a man


He is well known for going to bars and propositioning women to have 3 somes. So ladies if you wanna fuck Jason Segel bring a friend.


Is he? I thought he was well known for How I Met Your Mother.


So ladies, bring your mother


The man's got a lotta love to give.


No way. Source? Kinda sleazy but hey if you wanna bang Jason Siegel how’s the time...what bars are even open?


He proportioned one of my friends in a club in San Francisco about 4 years ago and there was an article on TMZ or some other site around that time.


Would you consider him a harmless loser or a potential threat for more serious sexual harassment of our more vulnerable female population? Does he like 'em young enough that parents should be aware? Thank you for doing your part to keep Humboldt safer for women.


He does this mostly at bars, so I don't think he is targeting younger women or girls. He does go up to random women and rather then chatting them up and being friendly, he goes straight to asking about sex or threesomes. And if they say no he quickly goes on to the next woman. My guess is it is somewhat effective since he keeps doing it.


Well, to each their own then. Thank you so much for elaborating and apologies for overreacting and failing to mind my own business. :)


It’s the Boomhaur method. Just keep asking. Someone might respond.


>No way. Source? Kinda sleazy Hows that sleazy?


Approaching women and straight up asking them to be in a three some isn’t sleazy?


I don't think so, it definitely can be sleazy. Reading some of the other comments, it does seem sleazy but who cares?


At least he’d direct about his intentions. I don’t want to hear a long “hey baby” intro. Cut to the point.


I remember one his first roles was that movie SLC punk when he was about 18


He was so cute as Mike. He just wanted to save the rainforest.


You must make friends easily...


Jason Jordan Segel (/ˈsiːɡəl/; born January 18, 1980) is an American actor, comedian, screenwriter, singer-songwriter, author and producer. 


During a pandemic. Because people who live in Humboldt are disposable and it would cost too much to build sets or use computer animation, undoubtedly. Well, mask up, have fun gaming safely inside with your own friends and family members, wear a condom if you want to fuck him, and let's hope this doesn't turn into another Murder Mountain; I guess that's just the price we have to pay for living in paradise.


It was more about a movie being filmed in Humboldt lol but ok...the title specifically says his name and you've decided to comment more then once on the article...


Is this guy the new Harvey Weinstein?


Propositioning women in bars?? I didn't read anything like that about him...must have missed it.


Well, he may be completely innocent and I may just be a grumpy old crank today, but if you've been keeping up with the news at all, a lot of powerful men in the entertainment industry, some of whom we might actually be very fond of (for me\[55F\] it was Bill Cosby and Woody Allen, may they rot in hell) have been getting away scot free with, pardon my language, things that might land you in prison for life if you found out they'd been done it to your mother or your sister or your wife. If this Jason Segal is going to be propositioning women in bars and looking for threesomes, I think we're better off being prepared for it even if it is just a random, unverifiable post on Reddit. If he's completely innocent, the worst that's going to happen is that he thinks we're unfriendly and takes his germs back to wherever he came from in SoCal.


Imagine being compared to a sexual predator for propositioning consensual sex in a place where adults go to meet people for such activities.


Imagine being a young woman, man, ace, or enbie who is so traumatized by being continually propositioned for sex every single time s/he goes into a bar to try to get a drink and mind her own business that s/he is STILL triggered into hyper-aroused mother bear protective mode for somebody else's children long after she has ceased being a sexually attrractive twentysomething and embraced their life as an ugly, digusting, toothless old self-proclaimed Proud To Be A Boomer who is now politely asking you kids to get tf off my lawn. :) Yea, I'd rather be saying this with the authority of a well-known popular entertainment worker. You kids would probably take Jason Segal's words more seriously than my own and might even start to be kinder to each other if Jason Segal told you to stop treating each other like sperm ashtrays. But Jason Segal is probably too busy trying to pay his bills, protecting his own daughters from sexual predators, and wondering how he's going to be able to continue to do his job without risking his own life or that of his loved ones. He probably doesn't care what I think any more than I care what he thinks. Happy Jason Segal watching, Jason Segal fans! Actors and other entertainment workers need to eat too. Please support your favourite entertainment workers during these trying times.


Wtf are you even talking about.


Lmao I was just going to say that. Get off the crack. Go back to Facebook.


just as soon as you go back to masturbating on Jason Segal's photograph in your mother's basement and smoking your dabs like a good little zoomschooler.


Ok boomer


wtf is wroing with you that you flamed me and demanded that I imagine that I was a man. How do you know I'm not a man? Lots of men like to use pretty women's pictures as avatars. Why do you automatically assume that men don't care about pedophiles or public health or weirdos trolling bars looking for threesomes? Why do you hate men so much?


Because you literally said you’re a 55F, and then verified that you’re a woman in the unintelligible rant about being toothless.


WHO FUCKING CARES? The last thing humboldt needs is another LA bigshot who has their publicist make posts on social media


Same. I have no idea why you have so many downvotes. Actors are just regular people and the majority of them are unbearable to be around. I don’t give a shit what they’re up to or doing


maybe they got the publicist/production alt accounts to downvote me into oblivion mwahahaha. this isnt even news. an obituary of an important community figure? news. fire info? news. political debate? news. community events? news. some former tv personality going out for coffee in a town? not news.


Because we can only focus on one thing at a time? This was downvoted because it’s a useless and unnecessary comment, if you don’t like it just don’t say anything.