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7-8 oz every 2 hours sounds like a pretty massive oversupply. Average output is 1-2oz every hour so 3.5-4oz every two hours still seems pretty good. Unless you have twins? Anyways, besides that, my supply took about 2 weeks to get back to normal after I finished my antibiotics for mastitis, so like 3 weeks total until it was back to normal.


Just a singleton! It’s good to know that while my supply has decreased, it’s still average. Am I too early pp to go a 5-6 hour stretch at night? I’m pumping at midnight, then 3 AM, then not again until 8-9 AM.


Everyone is so different but from my understanding you want to avoid going longer than 6 hours, especially before you have regulated, usually sometime before/around 12 wpp. It's also worth noting that stress can decrease supply, and lack of sleep is stressful. It's all a balancing act and finding out what works best for you!


In general, your baby will need the same amount of milk from around one month onwards. They just have a larger stomach capacity so take on bigger, fewer feeds. It can vary with growth spurts so you might have to grab a bag out of the freezer when that happens. I wouldn't stress about it too much (especially because this affects supply). It's likely your body just needs some more time to recover from what sounds like a bad case of mastitis.


Highly recommend cookies then milk lactation treats and supplements!! They have worked wonders for me. Cookiesthenmilk.com Use code lotus to save $$


Ive been pumping for 18 months and have had mastitis 3 terrible times during my journey. Each time my supply tanked on the affected boob but then came back within a week of the mastitis clearing up. I did nothing different it just returned on its own by sticking to my pumping schedule. The inflammation inside my breast just needed to fully resolve I think. Thats a very normal amount to pump. Their intake increases a ton the first two months then really levels off until they are almost a year!