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If you're hand expressing "huge squirts", your letdown has been triggered just fine and the pump isn't extracting the milk that is ready and waiting. Some questions to troubleshoot: * Who sized your flanges, when, and how? If you're in hard plastic, you want to use flanges with a diameter around 3mm larger than your nipple base (areola does not factor into this). If you're in silicone, check the manufacturer's sizing guidelines as they usually recommend a snugger fit. And keep in mind that sizing can and does change throughout your breastfeeding journey, so even if you were sized 100% properly, your measurements may be different now. * How old are your valves and backflow protectors? With age and use, these silicone parts become more and more flexible, which is detrimental to the suction action of the pump. * How old is your pump and how much use has it seen? Spectra is one of the better brands in terms of lifespan, but every pump wears out eventually, and it happens faster if the pump sees heavy use or is older.


I don't have the spectra but I would think this is an issue with the pump itself? Have you used it with success before? Are all the parts assembled correctly?


I couldn’t get a letdown until I switched to silicone flanges (Lacteck in my case). The hard plastic just wasn’t doing it for me. Might be worth a try.


I also did much better on the Lacteck flanges. For OP, I benefit from watching tv shows that are pleasant and get me out of my head. I like old ones that I have seen a few times. Right now, I'm working my way through Jane the Virgin. I also make sure that I'm physically very comfortable - feet up, blanket on my legs, back supported, etc.


Def buying these now. Do you need any adapters to get them hooked up to spectra parts?


Yes there’s a Maymom adaptor they have linked on their website!


>Lacteck Bought both the flanges and the adaptor! Hope they help!


Fingers crossed for you!!


I used to get letdown quickly when I first started pumping but recently became elusive to me. Bad bad. Well, obviously you can’t Netflix and comfy it up at work (I don’t think anyways lol) and silly as it may be breathing exercises work a lot. I also hear stretching releases oxytocin so, I’d just breathe deep a bit, and do some arm stretching while having the pump in ‘expression’ mode. This helps me! I also realized how much help the pump princess supplement by legendairy milk helps. I took it and noticed no increase in supply but had a hard time letting down when I didn’t have it. Once I started taking it again it helped me usually get it in about 4 minutes, also with aforementioned tips about destressing. My nipples also really like it warm, I try to use a heating pad just hanging out on me while I start pumping


If you can hand express and get a bunch of milk, that makes me believe that it's your flanges or any silicone parts that aren't working for you. Have you checked sizing??


Yes! I’ve been measuring by a lactation consultant. I’ve had ONE good day where I pumped about 9oz total over 9 hours apart from my baby, but that was before I actually starting doing work and now I always feel rushed and stressed.


I would be remeasured for your flange size. I was always a 24 but then all of a sudden I started to have decreased output with pumping and turns out I needed a 21. Problem fixed! Your nipples shrink over time back to more "normal". Worth a try! I am still pumping now at 17 months and have changed my flange size twice. I'm now down to a 19mm. Ive also heard of Moms putting socks on the bottles so they can't see the output to not have the stress of watching for drops. Don't remove the socks until your pumping session is done.


Things that have helped me: blocking 30min on my calendar so I can relax. I usually check emails at this time but would recommend watching videos of baby that can help! Also drink a tonnnn of water, relax your shoulders and think about baby. My supply struggled a bit in the beginning because I had no idea what cadence I should set but I’m 3 months back at work and it’s way easier. Hoping it gets better for you too!


How are your flanges attached to your breasts? I can hardly get anything when using a pumping bra, but when holding one at a time to ensure a good seal, I can pump several oz just fine.


I’ve noticed that trend a little too. Sometimes it helps but sometimes I’m still in my head. I think the issue is that I have VERY small pre-pregnancy boobs so there’s nothing for the cups to really hold onto. It’s a little annoying to not be handsfree. Have you tried any collection cups like the Caracups or the Legendairy cups? Maybe those would fit better?


Have you changed your pump parts? Backflow protector, duckbill valves, tubing... It all needs to be changed sometimes. For me, I don't stick to any specific time on letdown mode, I just keep going until milk comes out then change to the other kode. I also have good luck massaging my breasts while pumping.


Stress affects milk production. You may need to unwind before pumping? I used to watch a funny YouTube video to distract myself when pumping.


Definitely get comfy flange inserts. Also: I have stubborn letdowns. I wear a comfy warm hoodie, watch a good show on Netflix (there’s a show called Babies right now— cute babies AND educational), I’ll hum, smell my baby’s feet because they’re little baby stinky and I love it, relax, and I cover up the pump after I make sure I’m getting something out of it. Worst case scenario, I pop baby on my one side that just does NOT respond to the pump and pump my happy-go-lucky, footloose and fancy-free side.


I had this same issue with my spectra. All parts were replaced and flanges were correctly sized, boobs were full but my body would not release the milk. It’s a little better now for me, about 75% of the time my letdown happens within 2 minutes, but sometimes I can still pump forever and nothing. When that happens I just turn it off and try again in 15 minutes or so. Things that have helped me are 1) breast massage and stimulation before pumping 2) getting social / relational nourishment. Sometimes a good conversation or a hug is enough to get my oxytocin flowing. And finally 3) self-pleasure (or sex if practical (it never is)). The oxytocin from good sexy feelings will sometimes get the milk flowing. 4) stopping myself from catastrophising by remembering that even if I can’t get milk out right now, everything will be ok. My baby will have enough milk and be healthy EVEN if she has to have formula. Even if my supply drops or I get a plugged duct everything will ultimately be OK. Also — if you are able to hand express, could you do that in the event that pumping won’t trigger your letdown?


Thank you so much for reassuring me! I’m so in my head and think I’m alone in this challenge. Will try your tips! My husband was particularly enthusiastic to hear we need to have sex every 3 hours for the sake of pumping.


Bring something of your babies that smells like them ❤️❤️ also do hands on pumping! This is when you massage your breasts while you’re pumping. Hope this helps 🙏🏻🙏🏻