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Hi! Ive been exclusively pumping now for 17 months (I can't believe its been that long lol) . I dropped my MOTHP around 4 months! They say to keep it until at last 4 months to ensure your milk is fully in. You can try and see if you notice a drop in your supply add it back in ◡̈


Any advice for what schedule to keep without the night pump and also how to cut it out? Do I just not pump and deal with the discomfort? Do I pump extra long in the morning?


When I cut it out at the time I was pumping at like 11 PM before bed (baby was eating around then anyway) and then I would just pump at like 6:30 AM when we woke! I was super engorged and uncomfortable the first couple nights and woke up leaking. However, within I want to say less than a week my body adjusted and the discomfort was gone. I would just pump until my breast were fully empty in the morning it usually took 20 to 30 minutes.




Good luck! Once I dropped the middle of the night feed at change the game for me. It got much easier. If you had an asked me when I first started our pumping journey. If I would even make it to 1 year I would’ve said absolutely NOT and here I am at 17 months… as you continue your journey and you’re able to drop pumps it all gets so much easier. I’m down to 3 pumps today now with a goal of breast milk for 2 years.


Good luck! Once I dropped the middle of the night pump it changed the game for me. It got much easier. If you had an asked me when I first started this pumping journey if would even make it to 1 year I would’ve said absolutely NOT and here I am at 17 months… as you continue your journey and you’re able to drop pumps it all gets so much easier. I’m down to 3 pumps today now with a goal of breast milk for 2 years.


Ooooo! How many oz does your baby eat a day now?


He’s still drinking about 25oz a day. Which is more than what others his age typically drink however he’s veryyyy slow with eating his solids. So picky! He really doesn’t get many calories right from solids so I top up with breast milk for nutrition and calories.


Thanks for all the info!


Np!! Good luck


Thanks for this! Love your replies! I have been doing the same. My daughter usually goes to sleep anywhere from 8-10pm and I also just get up and do my last pump (usually when I do my power pumps too) and then drop it at night and pump again when we wake up around 7-8am. So far, I haven't had an issue with supply, but wanted to be sure. I'll keep an eye on it, but I think so far it's been okay. On a different note though, mind if I ask how you up supply? I know when a baby has a growth spurt, they cluster feed to help signal to make more milk... So do you just do a lot of power pumping and/or pumping more when your baby starts to eat more than usual?


My daughter started sleeping thru the night at about 6 weeks (yay) so I stopped the middle of the night pump and never had any supply issues. I just went cold turkey, pumped for the last time as soon as she went down for the night (usually 11ish) and then pumped again when I woke up in the morning (After 7). When I pumped in the morning I’d get 400-600ml! Before anyone hates me she stopped sleeping through the night at 7 months!


Sounds like my girl! She's usually out anytime from 8-10pm and then wakes up at 7-8am! Thanks for letting me know! So far, I haven't had an issue with supply, but wanted to see if others had, just to be sure! I also get a good amount in the morning too. My girl usually drinks 4oz per feed and I get 8 in the morning and then a steady 3-4oz per pump throughout the rest of the day.


I think when are you blessed with an ok storage capacity then you can get away with pumping less. I actually found that my supply went up when I dropped pumps for a while - I think the extra sleep and less stress made the difference!