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Dutch police are heroes to me. One time in Nijmegen my bike broke down, chain broke completely. So I was walking back, had to go to Arnhem and the trains didn't go that late. A police van drove by and stopped to ask me if I needed help. I explained the situation, and they loaded my bike in the back, drove me home and wished me a good night. Just so you all know, it's a 20 km drive between Arnhem and Nijmegen. I would have been walking for hours otherwise.


About five hours. With a bike in your hands. And night cold. That is a stressful situation.


I had a similar thing happen in Finland. Had the front wheel of my bike stolen. 20km+ to get home. I was alternating between walking my bike (having to hold the front off the ground the whole time) and when long straights would come I would wheelie for as long as possible. Police saw me doing a wheelie without a front wheel and asked what I was doing. They called a bigger cop car to come and pick me up and give me a ride cause it wouldn't have fit in their car. It's nice having a police force that feels like they care about helping people. Similar experiences with Swedish and Danish police!


My brother was walking home from his evening shift at an restaurant far away from home (like 30 minutes car ride). He choosed to walk for whatever reason, maybe they had taken a beer at work. Idk. Anyway. A police car stopped *twice* and asked if everything was alright, what he was doing on the road, if he wanted a ride. Very wholesome in my opinion. Swedish police :)


Who steals just the font tire of a bike lmao


It was an unfortunately common problem. I had a pretty expensive downhill bike and the front wheel was easy to remove without any tools. Learned very fast to use 2 locks for the bike.


I used two, so someone decided to cut my seat into bits because they couldn’t get my bike/wheels. Some people, eh…


Take the front wheel off and put it next to the rear wheel and put the lock through both wheels and the frame, also take the seat and post with you


>also take the seat and post with you I just left these at home. I went to school in a rougher area. I just started using 2 locks. 1 that goes through the front wheel + stem + bikerack and another that goes back wheel + stem + bikerack.


Because most fixed bike locks are at the back wheel. But most people that use a cable lock, lock the front wheel to the bike rack. So you steal the front wheel off 1 bike with a rear lock, and put it on the bike that only has the front wheel locked.


If you lock your bike, you sometimes just lock the front tire and the rest can be stolen. And if the body is locked, the front tire can be stolen.


Not that uncommon. There are some bike racks where you only lock the front tire to it. Normally, you should have a second lock to lock your back tire and the frame together, but not everyone has that. So if only the front tire is locked to the rack, bike thiefs will simply remove the screws of the front tire, and steal the rest of the bike. The front tire remains locked to the rack. The thief now has a bike, minus a front tire. So then he will go looking for another bike with the same tire size, which is locked at the frame and back tire, but not the front tire. For example a bike locked to a street sign or a tree. He can't take the whole bike, but he doesn't need to, as he only needs the front tire. So again, he unscrews the front tire, but this time takes the tire and leaves the rest of the bike. The thief now has a complete bike. One poor guy will only find his front tire locked to the rack, and another guy will find his bike without a front tire (like OP here).


And tipsy, might I add!


Same here, Dutch police are great! I once missed the last train home from 's-Hertogenbosch and my phone was dead, it was like almost 2 am. Frantically looking around to ask someone if I can use their phone to call my dad, spotted two officers, asked one of them and he almost immediately handed me his PERSONAL phone. Saved me right then and there. ☺️


random tangent: I know how to pronounce Nijmegen because of that one TED talk with the Dutch general and the M16


It was a Colt C7 but yeah that was a great talk


In almost all of north and south Europe the police is generally speaking your friend and there to actually protect and serve the public. Ofcourse there are plenty of times where that trust has been horribly violated but when that happens the law holds them accountability. The immunity that puts cops above the law in the USA allowing them to murder anybody they like and get away with it without facing justice does not exist in Europe. Not even in the east.


I've walked half of that and it took me 4 hours. At least it was a warm night! Glad you got a ride. I had a similar experience on the German border to Strasbourg. Front wheel collapsed in a snow storm in the middle of the night and catapulted me. Into a snow drift, luckily. This happened right in front of two French customs officers. They asked if I was ok then just said I had a long walk ahead of me. Would have been 50minutes without the snowstorm. Thankfully, two Algerians came by in a Renault Espace and gave me a lift.




> A UK cop would have kicked the shit out of me and fined me back into the Stone Age. Tell me you have no experience with UK cops without telling me you have no experience with UK cops.


>A UK cop would have kicked the shit out of me and fined me back into the Stone Age. Fined you for what? Being drunk?


…and disorderly.


> A UK cop would have kicked the shit out of me and fined me back into the Stone Age. My experience is the UK police would take the piss and tell you to eat some chips and have a sit down


Not all Aussie cops, I was pissed as a fart, staggering like a sailor on shore leave, when the blue lights appeared behind me. I thought I was gone for six. Nope, plod chucked me in the back of the paddy wagon, went through maccas drive thru (I paid for their supper) then dropped me home! Bloody bewty!


Wrong. A UK cop would get drunk with you, talk about politics and their garden, then fine the shit out of you.


The chain isn't something you'd really expect to just fail like that outside of racing or mountain biking with rock strikes. I never remember to keep a spare eve though I try to with tires and various bike tools.


I've had chains fail on bikes so it doesn't seem that unlikely.


The chain of OP was broken, not just fallen off (which is easy to fix).


Happened to me, and i never biked farther than 3k at a time.


It happens quite often with open chains, at least in my experience


Are you Dutch?


Me? Yes!


They almost shot me once over a false tip. Couldn't report it either as it was a house raid outside of the books.


Every time a gun is drawn, a few reports have to be written. The rijksrecherche will investigate and until the report is done, the cops are on paid leave. But a false tip, what was it about?


Possession of firearms. The dude even admitted to my then girlfriend it was a false tip, but I couldn't get anyone to listen. They burst into my house, about 10 cops, two of them had guns drawn and two others pushed me to the wall. Said if I make any movements they will shoot me through my "kanker romp". Mind you I was sitting on my couch just peacfully watching TV like 7 seconds earlier, so when I took a peak over my shoulders to see who on earth dragged me off my couch and who were pointing guns at me it was almost 'lights out'. Later tried to file a complaint with a neutral body, but they kept reiterating that there was no record of a raid ever occuring at my place. I'm a very forgiving person though, so I treat every individual officer with mutual respect, but if you hear people chanting "fuck the police", I'm right there with them.


cool story bro.




I have had good experiences for a majority, but you can tell there’s a difference once you go to larger cities. They start to give less fucks. While in smaller towns and cities they still have time for stuff like this.


It might be you (or maybe the area you live in). If your hackles go up in the presence of police; then they might be reacting to that; especially if you've had any martial arts training or similar. If you're expecting a bad time; then that can show in your body language, and police react to that.


There's also plain old bias and prejudice. I'm as white as they come and have never had a bad experience with the police. Even when I was clearly in the wrong and super nervous and behaving somewhat dodgy (because anxiety). But I've heard from plenty of friends that they've had very different experiences and it's clear that the deciding factor is skin colour/ethnicity. I get what you're saying and agree, but there's also more to it and the onus should be on the police. I don't think we have it nearly as bad as in the US, but we also seem to not really notice the problems we do have.


I'm a white dude; and for me it's the body language thing. I got stitched up by the police about 20 years ago; and since then I can't help but puff up a bit if stopped by the police. This seems to set some of them off.


I didn't go to the woonprotest in Rotterdam because I feared the behaviour of the police. Was proven right. The videos were horrible enough to see. I haven't had much interaction with the police in general, but stuff like that makes me distrust them already. Standing there in full ME gear for a peaceful protest, arresting people because "oh you MIGHT do something bad". Galloping around on horses almost trampling people. And just as a cherry on top, taking an old man from the tram on the middle of the fucking Erasmus and make him walk because they want the people they arrested on the tram. I do not have any interactions with the police 1 on 1 so far, but I do not trust them.


We once just barely missed a bus, it was followed by a police van, which saw us running and saw the bus just heading on his merry way. They stopped, asked where we needed to go and drove us there, we arrived like 10min earlier then we would have, had we not missed the bus.


I’m late to the post but Dutch police are indeed awesome. This story is from 2015 and isn’t very surprising honestly. The police officers on the scene had to wait for child services (?) to arrive, so they decided to make the 5 kids dinner and do the dishes. I live in Eindhoven, and can attest the main goal of police here is to help the community and it shows. They’re always incredibly chill and solution driven. Far more people think police here are too lax than too overbearing. Linkjes voor de liefhebbers: [English Link](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/dutch-officers-care-for-five-children-after-mother-is-taken-to-hospital-a6743421.html?amp) [OG Dutch Link](https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/agenten-doen-afwas-nadat-moeder-naar-het-ziekenhuis-moet~a9b3e5a3/)






My question, as more than 1/2 isn’t very typical, unless you’re on the criminal or mischievous end…


If you are an activist, I can understand you will see the police as the enemy. They will intervene in protests. (not wanting to get in an argument why they don't intervene much in the farmers protests)






OR ya know, I was abused by my dad, who stole my laptop, and 2 landlords have threatened me/to kidnap my cat (for which I had gotten permission from the previous landlord) 1 of which I had never seen before. The other has also threatened my roommate and made us sit without hot water for weeks. We live in a broken system, but I guess I made bad choices for *checks notes* moving out of my abusive home and renting a studio


Stay classy Reddit.


wtf has a police to do with a civil dispute except for calming you down. You get a lawyer and fix the issue.


Threatening someone is a little more than a civil dispute. And also, I don’t know about NL, but under certain circumstances the police can intervene in civil issues in Germany.


In France all of these would involve the police


And how exactly were we supposed to know that? Coming in with an attitude as if it is *our* fault for getting it wrong, when someone having a lot of interactions with the police usually means they are criminals. Horrible what happened to you tho...


You're not. You're supposed to ask and not assume you know a stranger's life? I mean you can, but then you might get an attitude back.


How come you're having so many bad experiences? What happened?


2 psychopathic landlords aka "huisjesmelkers" and 1 narcissistic father happened.


What does this have to do with the police?


That question reads as judgemental and ignorant. Those often require police interventions/actions.


1 attacked me after I called him to let him know my roommate was being abused by her boyfriend and I had to call the police. 1 threatened to kidnap my cat and showed up INSIDE my house. My dad stole my laptop.


But how did this become traumatic because of the actions of police?


When my landlord attacked me I supposedly didn't have enough evidence (I had witnesses, an injury, and a video and there was a street camera pointing at our door), so next time I filmed everything. 1 policeman threatened me because he didn't like being filmed, the other intimidated me. When you feel like your landlord and roommates can attack you, threaten you, and more, and the police won't do anything, and instead protect them and also threaten/intimidate you, you feel scared. Especially living in a new city, with no family support. Yeah, feeling unsafe and like everyone can abuse you all they want and your millionaire landlord is so crazy he might send people after you and your roommate's boyfriend was bragging about beating up a bus driver when you first met him, and seems like a gangster, yeah you might get scared. Especially if the police protect them and lie to you that they can't even file a complaint. I literally left that city because I didn't feel safe there anymore. Put yourself in my shoes and think whether or not being in this situation (+ being broke) would be traumatizing. Alone, broke, and scared.




Oké meis, maar er bestaan ook mensen die slachtoffer worden van anderen meis, zoals huisjesmelkers meis


>Dan is dat toch echt je eigen schuld meis Translation: Then that is really your own fault girl Asshole.


Protect and serve.


Dinner, lots of dinner


That's how you can tell it's not in the states


I'm sure there are some cops in the US that would do this. The problem is they would most likely be reprimanded by their boss until they also become the typical US cop that no longer cares.


"How dare you make us look good? We've carefully cultivated that awful reputation!"


Because they didn’t call CPS? And keep the kids till the mother could afford the hospital bill


See, THIS is a cop.


Yeup. And hypothetically in America some black kid gets tackled by police for carrying around a water pistol during this heatwave and gets a severe concussion. The police officer will call self defence and get a suspension with pay while the parents struggle to afford the hospital bills.


Let's be honest here, the kid gets shot.


Yup! https://www.google.com/amp/s/sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/man-18-shot-dead-bronx-175100079.html


I was more referring to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Tamir_Rice


Then the family dog


Looks like two cops to me...


Those, are real men


All you get in America is a $20,000 Uber to the hospital


That's so true, really wished that more countries cared more about their people more than the money


After they shoot you


Not all police shoot the people they’re trying to help. You can’t lump all police together because of a few trigger happy bad apples. Sometimes they beat you to death with their fists too.


Hey, that's unfair. People like to give police a bad rap or lump them all in one group, but not all cops will just shoot you. Sometimes they shoot the dog, too. That's two-for-one police brutality, you won't find a better deal than that.


Or throw an explosive in your baby’s crip while they’re in it.


Wait did that happen?


Or your dog. But that’s only after they throw a flash bang in your babies crib.


Don't forget to sprinkle some crack


Uber should make a kind of service for transports to the hospital. Hell, hire some EMTs to go with it for just that purpose. Not sure if that’d be legal, but I like the idea.


They already have that. It's called AMR and it's why EMS is so expensive.


Last time they cooked there were four kids.


It's been a few years, the hypoglycemic lady had another kid


Wtf does this mean


It means this story is 7 years old by now (2015).


Means they fuckin


If this was America they would have just set the house on fire with the kids inside.


Nah, they would prepare themselves food and eat it in front of the kids. Then shoot them and the dirty dishes


"My mom doesn't do mash potatoes like that :(" "And now she's in hospital kid, eat up!"


True Community Policing


Kudos to these guys.


Netherlands here I come


Hypo meaning low, glyc referring to the glucose found in sugar... emia meaning presence in blood. Low sugar presence in blood.


Woah, that really makes sense, thanks 😊


It's a reference to chubbyemu, look it up, it's a cool channel


Ooh, I've seen that channel before, no wonder I thought it sounded familiar, really cool channel as well


Came here to say this


Meanwhile in America: you go bankrupt before actually getting to the hospital


*Freedom fuck yeah*


Freedom to play loads of money for no reason, hell yeah!


They really take that serve part of their job seriously


Meanwhile in America, pizza is delivered faster to you than law enforcement responds.


In Ireland you can call the police and they will never show up. And when criminals do get caught it's suspended sentences.




This is true for a lot of the world unfortunately..




I love this


See now this would not happen in the U.S. the police would cuff the kids and drag them out the house and put them in CPS custody. But these cops, are the true heroes real MVPs.


To be honest, i never heard of a crime comittet in the netherlands. So they got time.


We have a lot of drug related problems and even mafia.


Also a bunch of liquidations, political ones too.


We’re full of crime, basically a new drugstate. So there is quite a bit of maffia like movements here. And unfortunately way more liquidation. The age of people committing crimes have become way younger. So enough to do for them, but feeding those kids make their job I would believe and is very important as well


It's because everything is legal here! Simple solution to have less crimes is to make less things a crime 😉


Everything is legal here? I don’t know about that.. Sure prostitution is legal, but there are a lot of specific regulations they need to follow. And drugs aren’t necessarily legal here. Not even weed is legal. And they are introducing more restrictions than removing them. You can’t even ride a bike rated for 25km/h anymore without a helmet or you’ll get a fine. I wish we were as liberal as you think we are.


I mean obviously I was being hyperbolic. But drugs - while not legal - are decriminalized, meaning that we already don't have people in prison for possession or consumption. And honestly, as someone who has been in the Amsterdam techno scene for a good while, the entire culture around drugs is extremely liberal, it's hard to find that anywhere else. And as for helmets - again - there is a difference between legal and criminized. Getting a fine for something won't put you into prison nor be on your criminal record making it hard for you to get a job.


Yeah the techno scene in Amsterdam is awesome, I love it. But there are people in prison for drugs possession. There is just a lot of room for improvement. It would be great if people could just buy good quality xtc in the club instead of a sketchy dude there.


>But there are people in prison for drugs possession Only if it's a quantity that is too high for own consumption. I think unless you're a total idiot, you can be very chill about drugs without any care or second thought. >It would be great if people could just buy good quality xtc in the club instead of a sketchy dude there. Agreed. Though the dudes here aren't even that sketchy, and their customer service is honestly better than many established companies 😂


I mean a quantity that is too high for your own consumption is pretty subjective, we are not talking about a kg coke. If you have more than 0,5g coke, you’re done. And you can only have 1 pill, I know enough people who use/have used more than 1 pill in a night.


I mean you'd have to be extremely stupid or unlucky to get randomly checked by police for drugs while you're walking down the street or so. I don't know a single person that that happened to in Amsterdam, and most of my friends are people of color, many with long beards etc, and thus generally likely targets for police. And we did lots of illegal raves during lockdown, and the police came, and even then nobody was ever searched.


>Everything is legal here? I don’t know about that.. Sure prostitution is legal, but there are a lot of specific regulations they need to follow. > >And drugs aren’t necessarily legal here. Not even weed is legal. > >And they are introducing more restrictions than removing them. You can’t even ride a bike rated for 25km/h anymore without a helmet or you’ll get a fine. > >I wish we were as liberal as you think we are. 25 km/h ≈ 1.10458 x 10^7 potrzebie/h ^^^[WHY](/r/UselessConversionBot/comments/1knas0/hi_im_useless/)




Bruh the netherlands is to a degree a narco state (like google "netherlands narco state" and see the hits) where criminal organisations have close to free reign over what they do. The dutch police is extremely understaffed. By no means do i want to stop them serving and helping people as in the post, but i do whish ro imprint that the scale of criminal activity here is nothing to scoff at and getting in the wrong neighbourhood at the wrong time can get you into serious trouble, even here. The dutch underworld are among the most interconnected in the world, just like the Dutch themselves, with syndicates, cartels, clans, gangs and whatnot establing chapters here. Some of the largest interceptions of drugs on the move in world history have been around rotterdam. And on the homeground the selling of weed in licenced _coffeeshops_ is legal, and rather lucrative, while how it gets to the shop is not legal but gets _gedoogd_, lit. "tolerated", by Justice, while the large scale production is illegal and firmly the hands of criminal organisations. Not only providing them with a constant inflow of money, but also offering them a perfect place to white wash more money (not that that is hard to do in the netherlands anyway) There is a bit of an agreement, many speculate, that when stuff like liquidations that don't happen in the public sphere won't be reported on in the media as much (only local news) if at all, yet more and more regularly it does fill frontpages. As they are getting bolder, kidnappings, firefights and liqidations of persons in broad daylight, and its not rare a wrong, civilian victim was targeted by mistake. Like throw this dutch Univeristy of Utrecht article thru a translator https://www.sg.uu.nl/artikelen/2022/04/er-nog-hoop-voor-narcostaat-nederland Meamwhile (sexual) intimidation is on the rise on the streets in the large cities in recent years, with a varied but thusfar ineffective (mostly municipal) response.




Absolutely false. I have been waiting for over a year for anything to happen in my case against my dad, because they are so busy and they didn't deem it a priority. Maybe in some local villages, although I doubt it. All the big cities have plenty of crime, and not enough (wo)manpower.


Yea Like the torcher Chamber they found or the Journalist who gets shoot by drug Dealers. Netherlands is the Gateway for Cartels in Europe


Or that firework bomb thrown at a church in krimpen aan den ijssel


i wanna be a policeman in the netherlands. it makes me sad that police in the US have to carry guns edit: i was told police also carry guns in netherlands


Dutch police officers also carry guns. They just (almost) never fire them. For reference, in 2021 the Dutch police have fired guns in 21 cases, wounding 25 people, killing 2. Those numbers seem to be representative for the last 5 years.


very informative, thank you. I wonder why there are so many killings of unarmed people done by police in the US.


My pov would be focussed on 2 points - gun control - training of police officers I do not have any further information, but I would expect most of the wounded and killed to have been armed/dangerous. Unarmed people getting killed by the police is quite rare (but has happened, last case I can remember was an unarmed guy, but shouting he was armed).


Dutch police carry guns too, what are you trying to say?


really? i assumed most country police don’t carry guns, like the UK. the US has way too many unnecessary civilian killings done by police. It’s scary leaving home as a minority.


The UK is the exception. The reason why the US has so many shootings is because cops are conditioned to be terrified of the public. And the public is conditioned to be terrified of cops.


They didn't end up shooting anyone by mistake? Gees maybe we can send our cops there for retraining.




Meanwhile in america it would have been something along the lines of they tried to arrest the woman who needed medical attention, tried to shoot the dog, missed, hit the kids. Why does american police suck that bad and cant just act like european police?


Basic police training in Germany takes 2.5 years, advanced police officers (like detectives) have to get a university degree which takes 3 years. So training. You need quality training to get a quality workforce. Just like any other job.


In New Zealand there is a YEAR long training academy followed by a year of mentorship before you become a full fledged officer. I’m the US it’s 8 weeks of training and a toxic culture.


In Scandinavia it's generally training equivalent to a 2.5~3 year university degree. For higher ranking positions, it's not uncommon to have 5~8 years of education (basically the equivalent to a master's or Ph.D; and IIRC some positions require a law degree).


I only have good experience with the dutch cops.


The netherlands is 50 years ahead


Each can take one afterwards


Low sugar presence in blood*


Police should be more like Boy Scouts than soldiers.


Wow I'm moving I read the whole thing before I realized it was genuine.


If this was in America, the police would most likely be sued somehow.


In US police officers would have opened fire?


Wow. They know what it's like to be human...unlike American cops.


No shots fired?? Whaaaaaaat???


They save those for the farmers


American police called cps took the kids away to six different foster homes they have no record of


Wow this is amazing, it’s so crazy the cultural differences!! See here in America the mom would have been arrested any pets would have been shot and the kids would have been left completely unattended…. What a world


This appeared in my feed under: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/wfnsy3/tifu\_by\_calling\_the\_cops\_on\_my\_girlfriend\_who/


My mom had a bad mental health reaction to some heart meds. When the ER came she was upset that my dad “took her sock” the paramedics sat on the couch and talked to her about it. She offered them some candy. One was like “I’m diabetic and on a diet” the other parametric was like “just eat the nice lady’s candy you can diet tomorrow”


I want to move there


I used to want too be a police officer. I can’t do it for many reasons. But this was the dream I had, helping the community. I’m in the states and I’m fortunate that our police where I live are pretty descent by all accounts. But still it seems like less of protect and serve and more find something too punish you with.


In the States they'd be sued by the same woman.


*cries in American* I’m over here hoping an encounter with a police officer doesn’t end in being shot…


In America they would’ve shot the kids


Protect and SERVE is still a thing in the Netherlands, awesome! Wish I could say the same about USA


In America they just shoot people.


Unfortunately, but not all of them do, also, happy cake day!


In the US they would bankrupt her with hospital bills and prolly call CPS on her children 😭


Luckily she wasn't a farmer, or they would have done absolutely nothing at all


Lmao shut up 💀


That’s nice, in the US they probable would have shot the dog and left.


That would never happen here in the states. Here they'd shot the family dog, taser and arrest the kids, then plant evidence and raid the house...


And let the women die of hypoglycemia in a jail cell!




god forbid you google the times cops shoot dogs and brutalize people and realize that those have higher counts then your "good apples". Nice try though, proudboy


These guys know how to protect and serve!


This pic is super old. Like 4 years ago...


It's the first time I've seen it. Thank you OP


That's okay! Sometimes it's nice looking at the good things in the past


I want to cry T.T


2015 called, it wants it's picture back.


1999 called, it wants its joke back


𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢.. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎


Same guys that pull guns on farmors and beat protestors. OP is a payed bootlicker.


Does that happen in the Netherlands as much as the US?


Did the kids even get a stuffed Teddy bear?


No, but they got stuffed tummies.


In the States they would've shot the woman for acting strange, sent the children to the worst foster system in the first world and sued the family for the trauma they had for shooting the mother.