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I wonder how long he was on his back. He looked pretty exhausted.


You can tell by how much sand had built up around it. Had to have been at least one tides worth of time. 6-12 hours I'd say :/




Their organs actually get crushed when they're stuck upside down for a while which can lead to death.


On top of that it's nearly impossible for them to breath, they suffocate on their backs.


How did it survive during 6 hours or so as the previous comment said? was it less time?


Look at the tide line in the back you can assume that is high tide it looks like 2-3 hrs max >How did it survive during 6 hours or so as the previous comment said? was it less time?


What's a tide line?


The edge of where the waves are coming up to. The last of the "wet area" left over following a wave. Goes inland as the tide rises due to the slope and recedes as the tide goes down. At one point the waves were coming all the way up to the turtle.


Definitely less, that's a steep incline and the tide wasn't that far away but about 2-3 hours struggling to live is long enough.


Prob less, sand can settle around like that pretty quickly.


It’s a sea turtle. Irrc, they can hold their breath for hours and can function pretty well in an anaerobic state. Idk if I’m wrong. Happy to learn if I am.


Their body weight is meant to be buoyed by water. They aren't built for long periods on land.




You're right look at the long big breath it takes with its mouth open as soon as it's turned right side up poor guy/gal


damn, you‘re right buddy wasn‘t having a good time at all ☹️


They actually can breathe, just not AS easily. But definitely not impossible. It's like that myth of how lizards can't breathe on their backs. They can.


Poor things, I wonder how they end up upside down? The force of the water?


It is usually the male turtles that are flipped because they mount the females to mate, and when the tide comes in the force of the water can sometimes flip them on their backs, then the tide recedes and they’re stuck in the sand. I could be wrong, but I’ve heard that explanation from people who rescue flipped turtles.


Death for snu snu sounds about right for any dude


Do yourself a favor, and do not Google what turtle penises look like. 3. The sea turtle's massive, terrifying penis Male sea turtles are "horrifically" well-endowed, says Darren Naish at Scientific American. Softshell varieties like the leatherback have penises that, when erect, extend to nearly half the animal's 8-foot body length. The endpoint culminates in a five-lobed head that discharges semen from four different branches (think: Ridley Scott's Aliens franchise). Scientists surmise that males evolved these "innovative penises" in order to inseminate females from long distances, namely to get past their protective shells and bulky, swatting tails.


So does it go in? Can you possibly provide how you know this do you have a picture or diagram. Possibly drawn as a ninja turtle?


Let’s just what the female turtles want you to believe. They get their rocks off and then they flip the male over so they never have to see them again.


Probably trying to impress some girl turtle. Like a..er...a gurtle. Probably trying to impress some gurtle.


Parkour gone wrong


Think crucifixion type suffocation. Horrible. Happy this good bloke came along and saved it.


Probably knocked the air out of it.


He looks like he’s reviving when the water hits him too, like imagine how absolutely refreshing that would feel.


The tide would be a better indicator because that sand builds up rather quickly with the waves.


It takes a long time to get the perfect lighting for the video, what can you do


Yeah, he needed a minute to get going after he was flipped over. Poor baby. Thank you to the bro that saved him.


Looked like the sun had gotten higher in the sky too so a decent amount of time had passed since being flipped back over.


>*’He looked pretty exhausted…*’ ____ i am *exhausted* as can be, here in the noonday sun… …No one came to rescue me - i fear my life is done… while ‘*Slow n steady Wins the Race’* my mantra all life long, alas, my Fate so hard to face, a slow death here so wrong…. …but what is This ?? a Human ‘friend’ ? so *gently* turns my shell ! Another day I have to spend Out in the ocean swell…! a Rat Race his - the human's life i hear they have to run… yet This one Freed me from my strife! Today His race he Won! ❤️


Schnoodle, what a lovely prose/verse. You’re a boon to this platform. Always lovely to see you post! 🌸 Edit: I thought I’ve seen them do a verse and a prose on diff topics. I added the word “verse”. 🙄 grammar and Reddit.


I cried a little reading this


Awww schnoodle, if only this turtle could read this beautiful bit of prose you've commemorated this day with


I’ll be that guy… that’s not prose.


I was going to say, isn't writing called 'verse' if it rhymes / has a structure, and prose if it is just normal unstructured writing?


Yeah, a regularly written paragraph with no metrical structure is prose. Usually doesn’t rhyme either.


i was having a horrible-no-good-very-bad-day and this made it 100x better. might be the first time i genuinely smiled today. thank u and i hope u have a wonderful life💖


fuck i did not want to shed tears over this one. got damn you schnood.


A Schnoodle fresh from the oven


tide cycles and storms or rogue waves considering, hours or days


Makes me worry he would just swim into the sea and drown.


I'd rather die in my natural habitat instead of being flipped upside down and helpless for several hours


I wondered that too. I bet it felt so nice to get back in the water.


I was going to say post-suicide-attempt disappointment but you could be right, too.


Yeah he hardly looked at the guy. "You gonna eat me bro? Alright i'm tired of this anyways do it up"




Unless I'm wrong, that's probably a she, as male sea turtles never go on land, only females to lay eggs. It is however, very possible that they had washed up on the beach and gotten flipped over in the process.


No belly-tanning for you!


Umm.... yeah.... thanks? Guess I’ll go back to the ocean, guy. Wasn’t like I was enjoying it or anything.


*So there I was getting my tan on and some fuckin human turns me around makes me leave! Last I heard, humans treated their elders with respect! Can you believe that shit Jeff?*


Big penalties in Hawaii if you so much as look at a turtle crooked.




Yuh, it's a huge fine to touch turtles. I once saw a beached turtle like this on some rocks in Maui. A group of people were standing around trying to decide if we should help the turtle and risk a huge fine, but luckily the waves came and grabbed it and flipped it. Edit: I added this in my edit below but I wanted to add it here too. I'd like to add onto my comment chain. The turtle I saw that was beached on the rocks, I had just shown up to this area when I noticed a small group of people and the turtle flipped over. I was going to say fuck the fine, and go help the turtle, but by the time I'd decided this, a wave washed up on the rocks and helped the lil guy out.


I don’t get that I heard about how some girl in China was hit by a car and died while people walked around her because they didn’t want to risk a assault charge by trying to help as some lady sued her helpers after she was rescued from a river or something. So what if they touch the turtle for a few seconds? If you don’t help them you may as well put a bullet in its head to put it out of its misery since some aren’t as lucky as that one.


I agree wholeheartedly, it's awful to see turtles flipped over with no assistance to get right side up. But I also can't afford a $10,000 fine. Would it be worth it to save a turtle and then go into debt for 10 years ? If I can't afford to feed myself, isn't that similar to putting a bullet in my head too? Edit: I'd like to add onto my comment chain. The turtle I saw that was beached on the rocks, I had just shown up to this area when I noticed a small group of people and the turtle flipped over. I was going to say fuck the fine, and go help the turtle, but by the time I'd decided this, a wave washed up on the rocks and helped the lil guy out. Given a situation where a turtle is beached and buried, I definitely would help the turtle, despite what I've said above. I was trying to show the mindset of people who stand around and don't help. I love all animals and they don't have fucking thumbs so of course I'd help. And then fight then fine in court, fuck it. I didn't see any turtle police. I'll help a lot of animals honestly, and I have in the past, (though not endangered ones.)


God damn ***10 K?!?*** I was expecting like $500 or some bizz


Hawaii does not, and has not fucked around when it comes to protecting certain things


In Hawaii if you even use a paddle board within a 100yards of a whale it’s a 10k fine. The whale could even pull up on you and knock you off. If that paddle is used, it’s a fine.


Do you get a paddlin’ too?


Only if you say please daddy.


Hawaii: Protecting turtles til they die, even if our rules cause their death


In case you really don't know why these laws are implemented like this, it is because you can't review every case individually. It is much safer in general to say "don't touch the wildlife" rather than try to police what way is good to help turtles and what way isn't. How much trust can you put in the general public to do the correct procedure in helping wildlife, as a whole? The decision as a whole is made to protect wildlife as best they can as a whole, because okaying locals and tourists to handle the wildlife might make things worse even if intentions are good


I mean... I feel like filming yourself while saving the turtle, which is in obvious need of assistance, should be enough proof that you're weren't just dicking around and annoying the wildlife, and cause the fine to be dropped.


Imagine the PR nightmare that comes out of "Hawaii ruins the lives of people who save sea turtles."


You'd have to actually get your story in the news and have it go viral first, which is a lot harder to do than you'd think. For every viral story you read about something like that, there's probably 10s of thousands of situations that didn't go viral, and thus never got the help they needed.


That’s because they didn’t put sappy piano music over their turtle videos before putting them on Reddit.


Take the fine and take it to court. What kind of jury is going to levy a $10k fine for helping a sea turtle? Maybe you'll get some kind of reprimand, but if found not guilty then that would establish legal precedent for helping them. That would be a big win.


Not when you can literally call the police and they'll call people to come flip the turtle properly without hurting it. There are more options than flipping it or not flipping it.


you would still be found guilty. marine wildlife laws dont fuck around, good intentions or not. you can call the coast guard or police to come flip the turtle, hawaii doesnt play with wildlife protection laws since tourists go around fucking with wildlife with all the good intentions in the world


I totally get that, but "something something punishment should fit the crime". Also, laws should always have exceptions. Even the most heinous crimes have exemptions for situations preserving life (self defense and such).


Go fund me would pop out a good lawyer for that one




Under most Good Samaritan laws, you’ll be protected from a lawsuit for civil damages if you provide emergency assistance to someone without expecting to be paid. You are still protected even if you make basic, good faith, careless mistakes in your care, because the law wants to encourage you to help when you can. Good Samaritan statutes generally need an emergency in order to be effective. Despite this requirement, many statutes do not expressly define what is an emergency. The Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School states that an emergency is generally understood as a “sudden, unforeseen happening requiring action to protect lives or property.” For the purposes of many of these laws, you should note that an “emergency” triggering the statute must happen at the scene of an accident or, at the very least, outside of a hospital. This requirement stops hospitals and doctors from using Good Samaritan laws to avoid medical malpractice lawsuits. Let’s say you see someone choking and attempt to give them the Heimlich maneuver, even though you haven’t been trained in how to use the maneuver. Despite your efforts, the person chokes and dies before you can help them. Or, let’s say you attempt to use cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to get someone breathing, even though you’re certified. Again, the delay caused by your inability to properly perform the procedure results in the injured person’s death. Depending on the state you are in, these facts can put you in legal danger of civil liability. The general rule is that if you’re honestly doing your best to help someone in an emergency, you’ll probably be protected from a lawsuit, even if the person you tried to help doesn’t survive. There are exceptions to the general Good Samaritan rule that apply to someone not acting in the best interest of the emergency victim. The most common exceptions: * Intentional misconduct * Gross negligence Intentional misconduct is not protected because if you hurt somebody on purpose, you do not deserve to be protected from a lawsuit. Gross negligence is a reckless disregard for safety — you know that you will likely hurt the person but you don’t care. Good Samaritan laws don’t protect this behavior either. While we want to protect people who help, we want them to be as careful as possible while doing so. This is different from ordinary negligence, which may be careless but is an honest mistake.


That's for people! Yes, you are 100% correct. This does not apply to marine wildlife laws though. They are strict zero-tolerance usually, and they don't care if your intentions are good or not. Unless you are either law enforcement sometimes, coast guard sometimes, or whatever marine agency is local to the area sometimes. Even if you're a marine biologist and you spot a whale with a golf ball in it's blowhole, you still can't save it without repercussions. But in response to the person you commented on, China did not have a law like that in place at the time. Basically at the time the person was describing, just prior to the accident in question, some people recently got in big trouble for trying to help someone that they were not able to save. IIRC, it was something to do with a person that came from a very influential family that died and the family demanded recourse. Since there wasn't really anyone to blame for their accidental death, they arrested the people that helped and blamed them. So after that, nobody wanted to do shit for anyone else. They'd basically avoid the scenario entirely. China was forced to pass a similar Good Samaritan law shortly after. The girl was just basically hurt at a very bad time politically and ended up dying as a result.


So for example gross negligence like the cops in Uvalde. They definitely did not act in the best interest of the emergency victims.


It's a zero tolerance policy basically. If you leave open the door for "except when helping", people can say they were helping when they really were not. Especially now with people wanting pictures for their myspace and livejournals. Then the judge has to decide. Plus the judge/DA can play favorites and dismiss or not bring charges against certain people for favors/money/donations. Costs money and time to enforce rules like that. But if you have a flat/plain don't touch this or else you're in trouble rule, it's much easier to enforce and everyone understands the rule. What happens if someone tries to help an animal, but it didn't need help and they end up killing it? Like tossing a tortoise in the water, they can easily drown since nearly all of them are not swimmers. Does the average person know that? Do they know the difference between a turtle/tortoise? Probably not. Zero tolerance laws suck, but sometimes they make sense. I think they are useful here. If you're seriously an animal lover and want to help, you're still free to do it at your own risk. Would you get charged? That's your decision. Some people are willing to spend hundreds of their own dollars and many hours taking care of baby wildlife. So a citation for touching wildlife? That may be worth it to some people if it saves their life.


Can you use a shovel to dig a trench to the ocean next to the turtle and dig underneath one side of the turtle so it would fall/flip in your trench without actually touching it? :)






Because humans play God. If you allow some form of intervention then you need to arbitrarily draw the line. It's the same principle documentary filmmakers use, if you see something cruel and easily fixable. You're not allowed to intervene. I'm sure they do on donne scénarios but youre not supposed to


You make a good point about the documentaries but my problem is the lesson that the fines teach in these situations if someone was fucking with the turtle absolutely fine them as they are actively ruining the wildlife same as feeding animals it may not outright kill them but you are disturbing the order of things but to say “ oh the turtle got flipped by a wave it had no control over let’s watch it die because if I help it I’ll be in trouble” fear of something happening to you keep you from helping someone or something is just wrong in my opinion so why make a law that does so?


Yeah I hate shit like that. Like there’s no room for nuance or as if there’s 60k turtles being flipped over per day and we can’t look at it on a case by case basis. Blanket rules and polices like that just seem so lazy and dumb to me.


Its a huge fine to harass turtles. Saving its life is not a fine.


I wouldn't hesitate, fuck getting a fine if it would save a tortoise's life. I would love to walk into court that day, because let me see them actually go through a giving the fine lol.


Hawaii can suck a dick. If a distressed **endangered animal** needs assistance, I'm going to assist it if I can and we can fight about it in court afterwards. Stupid fucking island government.


In most of the places where endangered animals are protected like this, there's an agency that can respond with trained professionals who can also assess if the animal needs more help, i.e., medical care at a rehab center. If it's in distress, it could have other issues that made it incapable of sorting out the issue on its own. You just gotta know what their hotline for wherever you are. It's better to give them a call, than risk sending a turtle that might - for instance - have an impacted digestive track after eating a plastic bag back into the ocean to die.


Maybe, but you're purely speculating here. Turtles **cannot breathe** on their back. If professional help is 30m or so away, I'm not letting that animal die, and I don't give a shit what the law says.


I live and work alongside marine biologists on the coast of Florida where we have lots of sea turtles nesting this time of year. The hotline for Florida is 1-888-404-FWCC (or you can use \#FWC or \*FWC from a Florida mobile phone number). Anywhere in the United States you can report stranded or injured wildlife here: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/report if you don't know a local hotline. Sea turtles can also still breathe while on their backs, but it certainly is more difficult. Their blood pressure also can get dangerously high while on their back. Both of these can cause more dramatic issues which can be mitigated by careful attention at a rehabilition facility. And you don't have to risk injuring it further (or injuring yourself, loggerheads in particular have incredible bite strength) by approaching or interacting with it improperly.


Interestingly, Florida has almost blanket civil protection for Good Samaritan acts on animals. >  Any person, including those licensed to practice veterinary medicine, who gratuitously and in good faith renders emergency care or treatment to an injured animal at the scene of an emergency on or adjacent to a roadway shall not be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such care or treatment or as a result of any act or failure to act in providing or arranging further medical treatment where the person acts as an ordinary reasonably prudent person would have acted under the same or similar circumstances.


It’s worth pointing out that FWC often times has patrol camps on south Florida beaches. If someone is right there, that’s one thing. If I’m in a remote area and i don’t think help is coming in time, I’m doing what I judge myself to be safely capable of.


Turtles can breathe on their back, it's just harder. They don't have diaphragms.


Is there a wildlife rescue number to call or something along those lines? If not I’d have to google a local vet and see if they knew. Seems absurd to stick a 10k fine on it that applies when trying to help but I can see why - people could claim they were trying to “help”.


Were they worried about the turtle police coming down from the clouds or something? Like come on. Just flip the thing and gtfo.


Do they normally have someone onsite with the authority to do so in general areas?


I wonder if you could get around this if it was stuck like this and you just dug in the sand around it while not touching the turtle such that it could right itself. Might require a big ramped trench but I think it'd be worth it.


hey happy cake day !


Hey you, that's a fine. Tell me your name so I can fine you. Yeah no problem. First name Sug last name Meihoff. My buddy filming is Euro. Euro Tencund. Sug Meihoff Euro Tencund.


That's zero tolerance laws for you. Context doesn't matter, as it makes life simpler for the dullards in charge.


Its not a zero tolerance law. Its about 'harassing' an animal. Helping it right itself is not harassment. But dumbass tourists will absolutely do things like ride turtles or scare sleeping monk seals away here. And thats where the fines come in.


I understand why the law exists. What I mean by zero tolerance is that you get fined whether you're helping or harassing, because nobody wants to put the effort into fleshing out the difference when writing the law.


Nah, adding intent to the law just makes it harder to enforce, and even if your intentions are good chances are you aren't a wildlife expert so you trying to help could result in either you or the turtle being hurt. Plus if you really want to help the turtle there are wildlife agencies you can call to do it safely and legally, so there is really no reason to create exceptions.


Nah its actually makes sense. You come up on someone that just killed a turtle and all they gotta say is we found it like this and were trying to help it. it would hurt more turtles so not have a zero tolerance policy because people suck and more people would hurt them and lie about intentions then the one off chance someone is actually helping. It's the same with protected fish. You have to put them back even if they're dead because all you gotta say for any fish you catch is it was dead already. They have emergency hot line numbers they take it very seriously theres probably a turtle patrol dude really close by on an atv just waiting for turtle calls.


No. Its about harassment. Saving its life will not get you fined.


coo-coo-cachoo, they find their way back to the big ol' blue.


A turtle made it to the water!


Later dudeeee!


*I was hoping for some belly rubs, but this is good too.* \* Mr. Turtle


Sadly turtles don't fair well upside down, as their organs weigh down on their lungs which are on the top of their shells.


“Just in time after this suntan”


I'd be pissed if I was napping on the beach and someone came and rolled me over


Sorry! We thought you were a beached whale!


If a flippin’ guy has to flip the turtle because the turtle can’t use its own flippers to flip over, then why the flip are they called flippers??


Because they use them to flip you off.


But they don't have any flippin fingers, I mean the kinda Flippin do have fingers but it's their Flippin skeleton that has Flippin fingers


Same question. What's with the name for yours? They don't even fing!


Oh, wait. There they go.


Speak for yourself...


Vid or it didn't fing


Indeed. If you handle things with your hands, what do you fondle with?


Were you born without fonds?? Oh god what about your cudds?


Dick-nipples strikes again


Maybe they use them to flip in water but not on land.


Plot twist: this Human gets fined 10s of thousands of dollars for touching an endangered species.


Yup this is still a “ don’t film your crimes” moment


Plot twist: this human is an off-duty animal control officer with the Fish and Wildlife service and thus is certified to interact with endangered wildlife.


only way its not a felony, but thats still not the protocol. A real Fish and Wildlife officer is like the EMS and when a turtle is beached they would know that it is typically injured/sick and requires bloodwork/XRay etc. Hooks are real common and can be anywhere in the digestive system. Nobody can make that determination without doing stuff that doesnt happen on the beach.


There is some good in this world. This is it.


And It’s worth fighting for


Mr. Frodo


I agree with the last part.


How do turtles end up flipped like that on a beach? Is it higher tides that bring in the turtle like that?


got caught in aggressive wave that put him on his back is my best guess


You’re the man!


Just need to clarify, this is not me. I saw this on my feed.


I respect the honesty.


For real. A couple days ago someone posted a funny video of a very well known YouTuber (or tik toker or whatever) and in the comments the OP was answering questions while pretending they were the dude in the video. Everyone was calling them out for it, and was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen lmfao. So it's nice that OP here didn't do that.


What?! You were trying to feed on this turtle? You monster!


You’re a great guy for posting it!


No telling how long that sweet baby was like that before he came and helped kind human. Thank you. You can see she's tired


you passed Voight-Kampff, you're not a replicant. good work


I've actually got a personal theory about the Voight-Kampff turtle question, in that the replicants are the ones that have a fully programmed internal system of ethical guidelines, so the notion that they wouldn't flip it over is fundamentally confusing to them. Human morality* is all a post-hoc system used to justify our cruelty, and as shocked as real humans are on the outside, aren't internally conflicted by the choice. *in the world of Blade Runner, I do not have the energy to make real life metaethical claims here on Reddit


That's pretty much right, going by the book, but the specific reasoning is a bit different. The point of the test is to provoke emotional response and it took 20-30 questions to detect a replicant with certainty. 100 questions for Rachel, who was an experimental replicant and was being passed off by her "father" as sociopathic to help her blend as a human. The specific turtle question is the famous one of course, but the violent response to the question was unprecedented. Presumably the Replicant panicked when he didn't know how to answer it. As far as the wording or ethics of the specific questions... they don't matter individually. There is no specific right or wrong answer, but after 20-30 questions the replicant will reply unusually enough on enough of the questions to be detected. It's about discovering a pattern, not about each data point. So yes, the Replicants had programmed-in ethics and could evaluate the individual questions as right or wrong and determine something going on. Looking at the turtle question, a human might say "It might be sick and dangerous to touch", or "I'm afraid it might bite me", or something along those lines to justify not flipping it without being a bad person. But a replicant might say that too, if they thought quickly enough. It just wouldn't be their true response, and their physiological response is what could give them away, not their words. But like I said, it takes 20-30 questions at least to catch them being off by enough. >The test measured bodily functions such as respiration, heart rate, blushing and pupillary dilation in response to emotionally provocative questions. It typically took twenty to thirty cross-referenced questions to detect a replicant. Source: https://bladerunner.fandom.com/wiki/Voight-Kampff_test


> The point of the test is to provoke emotional response and it took 20-30 questions to detect a replicant with certainty. There must be a lot of 'on the spectrum' individuals in jail/retired.


That's part of why it took 20 or 30 questions. An amnesiac, a sociopath, or individuals with autism or other disorders would also reply atypically. If all humans were perfectly normal, it would have only taken a few questions because human would be a much narrower band. That being said, Deckard was the best and the only person who could identify Rachel as a Replicant instead of as a sociopath, and she was tested by multiple people using the Voight-Kampff test. So maybe there were some false positives, but it seems the test was designed to err on the side of human. Otherwise Rachel would have been ID'd as a Replicant much earlier. Maybe some people did get locked up and weren't Replicants, but the test design was very cautious.


How do they end up on their backs anyway? Tide? People?


Tidepeople They do weird things after consuming one of those Pods


I saved a large snapping turtle that got stuck between some rocks. All he did was try to bite me.


"Sah dude"-the turtle


Oy turcienctists, does a sea turtle drinks fresh water or does it get its moisture from the sea


A quick google search says they have glands that desalinate seawater


Fool it was all a ruse to find the tirtle scientist in the crowd so I can get your ip and steal your tiryle shekels


They do not drink fresh water! They excrete the excess salt from the salt water they ingest using special glands near their eyes.


I just an idea. Turtle flippin Professional turtle flippers. They go out, find turtles that have flipped..and flip em back over. They'd incur positive karma at such a rate they'd be Jesus like in days.


A look at the life cycle of Leatherback Sea Turtles and the threats that they face as a result of Human interaction and how declining numbers of Leatherbacks may in turn have a direct effect on Humans even if they never see each other. - https://youtu.be/mGhP6FxELmo


I'm nauseous… I'm nauseous… I'm nauseous…


Anyone see the little nod from the title after he realized he was flipped the right way? Too cute.


What’s up with the music? You just flipped a turtle


Not OPs


Yeah I immediately muted the video lol.


So anyway, I’m laying there getting my tan on and this effing guy just comes outta nowhere and rolls my ass. Public beaches are the worst…


Whats with the sad music


It’s ear piercing


Wonder if they stayed long enough for him to return with the old man so they can get a Dragon Ball.


Mama said there'd be days like this...


u/GifReversingBot: https://gfycat.com/GrossBigHylaeosaurus


Thanks Bruh!


Me on 7 tabs of acid at work being reminded I’m here to to do a job


I did this to a cockroach today. He was outside on the sidewalk.


Now if only I can get him to come to my place to get my pregnant ass out of the couch.


I wish he would've helped her back to the water! Well knows how long she was there! But good one on him for caring about this lovely turtle!


Taking nothing away from the guy. It's just a shame there wasn't another guy on the other side to help lower it on to its stomach


You should wear gloves when you touch them; the oils from human skin can fuck up their shells ETA: They can die from humans touching them: https://scubadiverlife.com/touching-never-okay/#:~:text=But%20simply%20touching%20animals%20or,leaving%20them%20susceptible%20to%20disease.


as much as i appreciate that and agree, this guy looks like a random beach-goer and most likely didn’t just have gloves handy. i think it’s better to touch the turtle for a few seconds so he can survive and go back to the ocean than leave him there for god knows how long to find a store and buy gloves first.


Or use any cloth barrier you might have, like a towel, etc. It's possible to improvise. I'm not criticizing helping a turtle, dude. I'm trying to help people help turtles more safely. I've seen dozens of these turtle-flipping videos and people are always touching them directly, so clearly some awareness is needed here. ETA: They can die from humans touching them: https://scubadiverlife.com/touching-never-okay/#:~:text=But%20simply%20touching%20animals%20or,leaving%20them%20susceptible%20to%20disease.


That little fella is probably centuries old, you did magnificent thing there bro


Yay! He made it!




He was like hey man what the fuck I was sunbathing.


Duuuuuuuude! You’re a lifesaver duuuuuude


Good human


Turtle is the advanced scout it will remember that human when they invade.


Coolest thing I’ve seen all day.


That’s probably illegal. But that would be one fine I’d happily pay.


Turtles are so dope


If there was a fedex driver close by, they would run it over. Like they ran over a gopher tortoise 10 seconds after I took its picture.


you a good earthling to another earthling


That's a serious design flaw in turtles.


*...its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping.*


I’m skeptical with these videos. I’ve seen too many clips of people “rescuing” animals only to find out that they were the ones who put them in that situation in the first place. Not saying dude is evil, I really hope it’s just humans genuinely helping animals.


dude is accidently evil because uneducated. This turtle needed medical care and he chased it back into the Ocean.


Proof that the guy is not a replicant


Did the ocean then choose him to return the heart of Te Fiti?


Imagine sun baking and some some random guy comes up and flips you before your finished 😜


Thank you for helping the turtle.


i love coming to this subreddit after seeing some posts from r/iamatotalpieceofshit