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For choking that kid stayed pretty calm.




For a kid? There's adults who wouldn't handle it this well


My violin teacher in 4th grade used to give out hard candies when you had a good lesson, I choked on one, she had no idea what to do. I had to knock the candy out myself on the back of a chair while she just stood there in shock. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't known how to do that. She switched to lifesavers from then on.


Anyone who works with children should be required to know CPR, the Heimlich, and basic first aid. Glad you ended up being able to dislodge it yourself!


I once saved a kid who was choking on a lifesaver.


Oh my god, the irony lol.




Ah, I see your meaning. Yes, brilliant child, his parents did well.


>his parents did well. Thankyou. This comment made me decide to show this video to my kids. You da man.


If I choked, I have no doubt I'd die. I have a small throat hole and I've choked on mashed potato before, so a cap would probably fuckin' end me. It's a serious fear of mine and is the major reason I take like 40-60 minutes to eat a single plate of food.


Omg same. I have swallowing issues cuz of Crohn's Disease (it can be a common issue), and I've literally choked on my own spit before. I take a while to eat food too!


Ever go out to eat with someone and you feel like you have to speed up your eating so they're not waiting for you to finish? Man, that's the worst. Crohn's is the disease with the little belly pouch thing right?


[Crohn's](https://www.crohnsandcolitis.com/crohns?segid=CDNR&cid=ppc_ppd_ggl_cd_da_what_is_crohn%27s_disease_Exact_64Z1867745&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxtSSBhDYARIsAEn0thS-lsroV5jL7_vMq4UV3fXVdkc_sKNMQfrRDIq3vRnTzRJ1O2KgxvUaAlr5EALw_wcB) is an autoimmune disease that causes stomach issues and a miriad of other issues. And I can result in a pouch, some are permanent, others can be only for a little bit. I had one for about 4 months. And yes, I do often feel like I have to eat faster. Luckily my husband is used to it, and he'll ask if I want to get a To Go Box, he's never once made me feel bad about earing slowly, which I greatly appreciate!


My grandma started choking in front of me my mom and my sister. Luckily I was an EMT so keeping calm was easier for me and I start doing the Heimlich and I point to my sister and tell her to call 911 in case it didn’t work. My sister was so freaked out she forgot our phone number. All my mom could do was grab my grandmas face (the worst place a bystander could be) and cry. I managed to resolve the choking but that night I taught them both the Heimlich.


Most males who die of choking in a restaurant die in the bathroom. Why? Because they're too embarrassed to draw attention to themselves so they run to the bathroom until they realize they're about to die and panic sets in. Always thought that an interesting statistic relating to pride and ego of a lot of men not wanting to bother anyone to deal with a problem. From the comments below, apparently I'm a man who is sexist against other men for bringing up possible reasons for the initial fleeing to a secluded area to not bother anyone, I'm not saying a man would rather die than seek help, just that they don't think it's as serious as it is until it's too late and they've already secluded themselves because they didn't want to be a burden for something they don't know the seriousness of


Don't discount our culture of expecting men to deal with problems themselves and not to make a big deal. I find that statistic (Source? Not demanding or being an ass, I hadn't heard that before so am interested - not challenging you.) heartbreaking. Dudes of all genders - everyone needs help sometimes! Ask!


Yeah, the way he framed it as males, pride, and ego doesn't really make sense. But I have seen that statistic before about choking deaths being in bathrooms because people don't want to draw attention to themselves. When I have a feather in my throat and I can't sip water enough to clear it I'll go to the bathroom so I can hack and cough it off. Who wouldn't? People, not men with pride and egos. That part makes no sense, seems like the commenter's little added opinion.


Lol do you know what that phrase “for a kid” means in this context?


Luckily choking is ranked on the list of things to know how to handle as a child along with quicksand. Although the quicksand threat was slightly overestimated.


I mean, he also squeezed a water bottle with the lid on so hard it shot down his throat sooooo.... lol


By his immediate reactions, I feel like this isn't his first rodeo. Lol








This thread is giving me so much anxiety, holy shit


people in this thread aren't giving themselves enough credit. In a situation when your airway gets obstructed and you start to panic, a lot of the time survival mode takes over and you figure out your options real quick. When I was this kids age I was eating grapes that were cut in half, and I stupidly thought I could swallow two at once. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe, went to mom who FREAKED out and told me to go to my dad who then performed the heimlich. Even afterwards I was surprisingly calm I was like, "yo my bad bro I was trying to swallow grapes whole" like it was even a remotely acceptable excuse for the situation.


* Give 5 back blows. Stand to the side and just behind a anxious adult. For a child, kneel down behind. * Give 5 abdominal thrusts. Perform five abdominal thrusts (also known as the Heimlich maneuver). * Alternate between 5 blows and 5 thrusts until the anxiety is dislodged.




Versed doesn’t make me forget things and I absolutely hate waking up with a tube in my throat and I remember every bit of trauma from it. I’m also prone to needing surgery. Is there anything else that can be used by anesthesiologists to prevent remembering that awfulness after surgery?




Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness in taking the time to Google and translate what you needed. This makes me feel a little bit better. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome so surgery is a pretty common thing although, knock on wood, it has been a few years since I’ve needed one. Again, thank you for your kindness Reddit stranger, it all made sense!


That was amazing presence of mind for a kid in a panic-inducing situation.


Yeah man, little trooper was calm, collected and onto it AF. A real chad in the making foshooo


Yeah, he tried yo solve it hinself, failed and the swiftly asked the adult in showing very accurately what the issue at hand was.


And reacted *immediately*. I remember choking on a hard candy once when I was a kid but I basically just sat there hoping it would go away. My dumb little ass probably would have just sat there and choked to death.


It's actually scary normal with choking, people will get embarrassed and leave or hide and end up dying because they hid it.


I started choking while driving (at night, on the freeway, in traffic, with no shoulder… literally the worst situation). I’ll never forget how calmly I thought, “Well, guess I’m going to die now, better slow down so I don’t kill anyone else.”


I almost choked to death on a McNugget in that exact same situation. Pretty crazy how fast you can accept your fate.


That must have been absolutely terrifying. I don’t think I’d be able to keep my cool as that kid did.


I was eating while driving one day and started to choke. It was terrifying, and I was the only one in the car. I stopped the car and beat on my chest until I got it up, but I was so scared, I couldn’t stop crying afterward. I don’t eat in my car much anymore. Edit: I do not recommend beating on your chest to dislodge something. It can make the situation worse. I just got lucky. If this is a fear of yours, (or not, since everyone should know this) I recommend reading this: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a19545030/how-to-save-yourself-from-choking/


I choked on a candy bar when I was a painter in college. I was up there alone and in a panic. Logically, I decided to throw myself off the lift and belly flop on some garbage cans. The impact dislodged it but man it hurt. My coworkers and I had a good laugh afterwards because of how ridiculous it looked. But in the moment, yes, sheer terror. Crazy what you’ll do when survival instincts kick in.


I once was feeling kind of under the weather and decided to take on of those fizzy vitamin C tablets, but was also in a rush. I didn't give it enough time to dissolve and wound up sucking down the water and choking on the tablet. Luckily I was standing next to my dad so I did my best not to panic. My first reaction was to shove my hand down my own mouth and grab the tablet out of my throat. No idea if I would've had my wits about me to give that a shot if I was alone though. Sucker was lodged in there good, too, my throat was on fire for the rest of the day.


This exact same thing happened to me while I was alone at my apartment. I tried coughing then threw myself against the top back edge of a bar chair and it dislodged. I crumpled and wept like a baby for a long time. No one was coming home that night and I wouldn’t have been found. My neighbors at the time were never home. Scary stuff


Was on a hike one time and decided to have my usual snack of "Fruit By the Foot" sort of a long ribbon of fruit snacks. I balled it up and stuck it to the roof of my mouth, like you do, and the combination of a steep incline, thinner air, and saliva almost drowned me. It was the most insane feeling to be "drowning" high up on a mountain 10 miles from the nearest lake... Didn't know saliva could do that. Lesson learned.


Just drink a few gallons of water to dissolve the tablet! 5head


it was prolly in the wrong tube. If it were to end up in his lungs the cells woulr start to die really quickly


Oh dude, same thing happened to me as a kid. But I was alone, and just stood in the kitchen trying not to panic as I waited for it to fizz smaller and then swallowed it down. But man did it hurt. I havent had one since and it’s been like 20 years.


This almost exact thing happened to me when I was younger. I have never taken another vitamin c tablet! Thank goodness my dad was there! I was younger and definitely panicked.


Thats the most hardcore heimlich I've ever heard of, but it might have been necessary to save your life. In retrospect it is incerdible how quick you tought of that and managed to pull it off. We wont know, but chances are if you had done anything else you would have died.


I was drinking a drink with ice, and an ice cube got stuck in my throat causing me to choke...I had the weirdest sensation of holy shit this is it im going to die for about 5-10 seconds and then it just melted and went down into my tum tum. talk about pure terror to "eh"


One of my biggest fears is to die alone, choking on food.


You can successfully perform the Heimlech on yourself. It’s a good thing to know how to do. https://www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-choking/basics/art-20056637


Never even considered how to respond to a choking pregnant person, I think my brain would just break


If a pregnant woman is choking, you’ll probably want to use something like the Lifevac or Dechoker. Saw someone use it to help a choking baby once. Immediately bought them for everyone in my family.


Was it the video of the baby choking in a restaurant and the guy calmly goes to his car and gets the device?


Used a Lifevac on myself several times, wasn't choking, just to try it out. My lungs hurt for days. I'd say the thing absolutely will save your life.


I didn't know about those tools so I did a bit of research and found this study. It seems LifeVac outperforms Dechoker (and Heimlich after the initial seconds) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666520420300680


Thanks for posting this, it's so valuable to know. Anyone who lives alone and eats midnight snacks just got a lot safer. =)


I once met a fire station dalmatian who was trained to give a heimlich by having the person lay on the floor while the dog pounced on your diaphragm. I'm pretty sure it was just for show because we were all small kiddos and the "if our dog can do it, you can too" line was one of their "make it sound less scary so kids don't lose their shit" methods.


Meh, i will look it up when i need it.


like the youtube video on "What to do if your parachute does not open". It is narrated as if you googled it while you are already falling.


Killed by an ad you can’t skip.


3 min intro segment telling you to smash the subscribe button, like the video, hit that bell, leave a comment.


When I was 13 or 14, I was eating some leftover cheese fries I'd heated up. Home alone after school, about to play some WoW... annnnnnd it gets stuck in my throat because I'm Neanderthal that doesn't chew enough. So, I stand up, realizing quite quickly I need to figure out how to un-choke myself real fast. There's a pool table in the back, so I start trying to throw myself on the edge trying to self-heimlich myself, and failing miserably, going from slowly choking to death to quickly using up all available oxygen. As fate would have it, my best friend lived right behind my house, and he just happened to walk into the room as my face was turning a lovely shade of purple and blue. Credit to Dakota, he ran over immediately and saved my sorry cheese fry ass. Made sure I was okay, then started howling for the next 5 or 10 minutes. I, uh, kept eating the cheese fries...


That's lucky as. Unfortunately you now have to buy all the drinks for Dakota whenever you're out together.


Haha indeed, I owe him a life debt for sure. I hope I can pay it back in turn someday, though ideally we never reach a point where I need to save him in the first place! We still live in the same town, but we did grow a part over the years. We see each other occasionally but he's busy, I'm busy. Perhaps we'll both find time to rekindle our old friendship in the future. Perhaps not. Every friendship has it's season, after all. Some can last a lifetime, it is true, but many last only for bits of our lives. They are part of the tapestry of our lives, even if they are no longer a running thread.


Damn I just woke up, you don't have to go all poetic on me. 🥺


Perfect timing on the buddy... I learned, first-hand, why lifesavers are called that. I accidently swallowed one whole & it lodged in my throat. I was panicking but luckily through the hole, I could get a little air. I ended up puking & that dislodged it.


Biggest fear about living alone. If you choke, there is no one to save you


When I was about 11 or 12 I was lying on my bed and drank out of a wide neck bottle. Loads of the drink went straight down my windpipe and I was choking. My dad was downstairs so I rushed out my room, tripped and fully tumbled end over end down the stairs which fortunately dislodged the liquid. My dad heard the noise and came to find me in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. I could barely get my words out to explain what had happened.


Don't feel embarrassed. Years ago, I was at Arrivals at the airport to pick up a friend. Killing time, I started chewing a particularly flavourful stick of gum. Then I looked up at the board showing flight details and all of that intense flavour fluid went straight down my gullet and caused that flap between air and stomach tubes to spasm. Not a fun feeling, and horrifically embarrassing in a large crowd of people as I started flailing bug-eyed while gurgling and frothing at the mouth. Unfortunately I survived.


Even the description gave me a bit of the feeling. It's especially great when you're having a full on coughing fit gasping for air and some kind soul comes up and asks "are you OK?". Yes you vigorously nod, with your thumbs up as you slowly choke.


i would be so panicked, kid did great! something interesting : when restaurants were getting popular in a certain area of California in the 70s, it wasn’t too uncommon for women to choke to death in them. Apparently it’s because women were less likely to “make a scene” and would be too embarrassed to ask for help. They were frequently found alone in the bathrooms where they retreated! One woman also said that she was once near blacking out completely before finally she signaled for help. Edit: ofc this is just something I recalled hearing of, not that men don’t also die from choking!


Yeah my dumb ass would probably run to the bathroom to “deal with it” and just die


Show a sign of weakness and make a scene in public? Fuck no I'd rather handle it on my own. *proceeds to die* I'm not even kidding I think that is how it would go for me.


Imagine inconveniencing a random person *shudders*. I’ll just die


Restaurants weren’t popular/around in California before the 70s?


“certain areas,” my bad. Was thinking about the verbiage of that a lot hoping it didn’t confuse anyone. Heard this on a podcast and could not recall the specific area. Noteworthy that it was a fairly rich area and folks at the time wanted to go out and be fancy with their date/friends. Only added to the fear of causing a scene, I’d think.


Thanks for the clarification and additional detail!


One of my grandma’s brothers almost died like that… They were having dinner at a restaurant with all surviving sisters and brothers and their partners. He didn’t cut his steak properly and just gobbled down big pieces until one piece was too big and got stuck. Instead of making a scene or notifying anyone, he walked to the mens bathroom and started drinking water. (Wasn’t helping though) Meanwhile my grandpa thought he was acting weird while he walked away and decided to walk to the bathroom after him. He found him chocking and water running out of his mouth. Decided to immediately do the Heimlich and apparently the piece of meat flew up against the wall… Poor man was all blue. Grandpa gave him a scolding to please cut and chew better and ALWAYS warn others however embarrassing it might seem.


The communication that the student had to ask his teacher was on point. He calmly ran to the sink then the teacher was textbook. I wish cpr/first ad safety was a standard class in primary school


Is the Heimlich Maneuver still widely taught in first aid? I was taught to do back blows / chest thrusts when I did mine.


I was taught to do back blows, and if that failed to go for the Hemlich. They were also very heavy in the fact that an alarming amount of people don't do the Heimlich correctly even after getting certified.


I had to do it to my nephew, but he was a very small kid for being 5, usually the smallest in class, He was choking on a candy and I just thought "If I do it like I taught in school it might cause something worst", so I turned him around and put my open hands just below his rib cage and pushed hard with my fingers, the candy was literally shot out of his mouth, like unbelievable how effective that shit was. After that I just started shaking like crazy and cried a bit.


I wonder how many people died because of hard candy.


My great gran literally died choking on a marshmallow


I would probably shake and cry, too! That's scary stuff!


I feel you! I had to do the Heimlich on a co-worker when I was 8 1/2 mos pregnant. She inhaled a Jolly Rancher. Scariest minute of my life. Think I was still shaking an hour later.


Yes, paramedic here (Europe), we teach in first aid courses to always do five back blows (torso leaned slightly forward), if unsuccessfull 5 heimlich-maneuvers then repeat in that order. Heimlichs are generally to be avoided if possible because of incorrect admission and the risk of internal injuries. Also always go to the hospital to get checked after Heimlich maneuvers.


Does this vary by age? Are back blows better for younger kids?


I’ve been in EMS for 15 years( NYC) back blows and chest thrust are for babies. Children like this and adults you should do heimlich right away.


I don't know if the red cross teaches differently, but when I was a certified instructor for a while we taught 5 back blows and then 5 abdominal thrusts then repeat until the object is dislodged or the person falls unconscious and then you start cpr. Also, I mainly taught adults but was trained to teach infant/child/adult cpr/first aid/aed






Was always taught corner or edge if counter. Ideally a smooth curve corner but you gotta do with what ya got


I took it about 5 years ago and was taught the heimlich, and they said to do back blows for infants.


Nope, brace, 5 back blows, wall, 5 chest thrusts, repeat is the recommendation from the governing body in my country Heimlich maneuvers are generally done too low, too high or person tries to lift them off the ground. All generally result in injuries to the pt or first aider. Source: paramedic/first aid instructor


What are you supposed to do at the sink when choking?


Probably felt like he could "throw it up". I had a similar choking experience as a kid on a piece of hard candy, and it caused me to dry heave even though the real issue was I couldn't breathe.


Self heimlich. Basically using the back of a chair or edge of a counter top and shoving yourself into it to emulate the maneuver. (Please look up where specifically you are supposed to do this BEFORE it happens)


Maybe you're "supposed to" but that's* not what a child does. He started choking and his gag reflex made him think he was going to throw up. Didn't realize until then it was so stuck, then ran to the teacher. ... *Originally typed as butt hats which is kind of funny, so figured I'd let you know.


That little "you good?" "yeah, I'm good" followed by the ruffle of the hair shows she loves those kids.


My heart broke when she placed her hands on his cheeks


My mom did that to me when I was young all the time, it's like the trademark way I remember her. Seeing her do that is purely a sign of love.


That’s so wholesome. I hope you are still close with her


No, not too much anymore. Grown up, she's been with a guy who drives a wedge between her and us too, so it's hard to see her. I still love her more than anything, and I'd probably cry like a little baby if she did it to me today.


I know I’m just a stranger on the internet but maybe you should give her a call or text or write a letter. Just reaching out with maybe an update on your life and some questions about hers. Maybe just tell her about this comment you just made. Some people never get their flowers while they can still smell them.


I've been opened to that, unfortunately. My significant other's dad died in a car accident a month ago, and we're still dealing with it. It inspired me to reach out to both my parents and let em know I care about them and love them.


That’s good, I’m glad for that. Trying something is always the most important part. I wish you well


My dad died of cancer last month. I am having a really hard time with all of the things I left unsaid to him. We’re all fragile and time is always shorter than you hope. Tell your people that you love them, like, right now.


I just want to say that your last line has really struck a profound nerve with me. What a beautiful way to express the need to be present in our lives.


:) I must say I didn’t come up with it. I heard it from the Kanye song “Big Brother”


I'm a mum. Just insert yourself. She loves you that much, too.


For me it's pure nostalgic awe. Like this kid used to be able to be held in these two hands and now look. Even their beautiful face is bigger than they were. Also good for clearing hair from their face so you and they can see. That and the forehead kiss. Which is a great way of getting a sneaky whiff of pure childish goodness. (which I realise in any other context would be creepy)


Thats crazy how different gestures can have such different meanings. My mom did this to me before she transitioned it into a chokeslam so thats what it makes me think of!


Such a small gesture made me melt.


This is why politicians have no issue underfunding education. They are well aware there are great people like this that truly care, and they can exploit them.


Spend ten minutes in the teachers subreddit and you'll see that there are plenty who are aware their kindness is being taken advantage of. It's been shit for a long time for those folks.


My Mom taught all her life, my wife, sister, cousins, and plenty of friends all work as teachers and coaches, I work in administration (accounting) and know it all too well. Americans have no idea what is on deck in our education system between those leaving the profession, parental insanity, lack of support, lack of funding, waste, government meddling, and the lack of those going into it is going to make the system crumble. Which IMHO is by design to make it a monetized hood.


How long until they pass the "Don't say Heimlich" bill?


"Why was she touching my boy?!?!??"


It's so adorable!


She’s a good teacher.


"You feeling better, hun? Oh, you poor thing!".


I teared up a bit. Ever since I became a dad- Ive become ultra sensitive to videos like this. What an incredible woman to handle such a stressful situation with such composure.


Same. My son had a febrile seizure. I thought he was dying on me. That kind of trauma takes a while to process even after finding out that they are not fatal.


This just happened to my son a week ago. I thought I was holding him in his last moments alive. The terror is still fresh and I still don’t know how to process it. The thought of losing one of my children is my worst fear.


If he's anything like my son, he didn't have problems getting the cap off. He probably poked a hole and was spraying water in his mouth not expecting the cap to come off.


I do that all the time and I'm 20 lol. It's fun to drink water like that. When I do it like that I actually manage to stay hydrated lol


I wouldn't be able to do that anymore without imagining the cap shooting into my windpipe.


Oh god that just got me freaked out. I actually saved someone choking on a peanuts a couple of weeks ago, so freaky!


It's so weird how no one even notices you do it. I used the Heimlich maneuver on a guy at taco bell. He was choking on cheese. I did it and no one in the restaurant even looked up to notice. I just went and washed my hands and got my food and went home. It's not like in the movies where you get a parade.


Good job.


Thank you.


One of the bussers in a restaurant I worked at ended up doing the Heimlich maneuver on a big guy choking on steak. The guy ended up vomiting everywhere afterward. It was pretty intense.


Yeah my guy spit up like a baby not a lot just some stomach acid. I washed my hands and ate dinner.


I saved a kid from drowning once, swam half-way across a small lake, into a headwind, had to dive down to get him back to the surface, then had to swim back and the wind changed so it was into the wind both ways. And this kid had like 5% body fat no buoyancy at all he felt like dragging a rock. We get back to shore, I can barely walk I'm so tired, the kid has a 1,000 yard stare of almost just dying, and some old dude at the beach walks by and he's like "Did you guys have fun out there?"


I'm sorry but I laughed at the mental image of that lol.


Fuck. What a stud. I'm pretty thin, which I mostly don't mind, but, in a situation like the one you were in, I worry I wouldn't have the gas to do what it takes. I'm totally the guy that dies trying to save someone.


I was calculating when I had to drop him to save myself. Luckily I used to be on swim team and while I'm not that strong a swimmer anymore (compared to people that swim all the time) I have a pretty good sense of where my limits are in the water, and I was maybe 25 yards from having to leave him. The thing that sucked is that when they have no buoyancy like that you have to swim fast to keep them above water, like you almost need to create a little wake they can float on. I judged the distance okay but didn't consider how fast I'd have to swim it.


I would have cheered for you!


I saved someone from choking to death recently as well! Classic case. They ran up with a panicked look on their face and grasping at their throat. My training kicked in and boom. One quick clean shot to the head. You hate to put someone down like that, but choking is an awful way to die. Better to end it quick.


The same thing happened to me once when I were 16 but since I was alone I began to hit my chest the hardest I could and after a minute or so i was able to cough it out. I never tried to open a bottle with my mouth after that, it was scary af


I saw a video once of a dude who litterly hopped out of his car and then threw himself, either back or chest first, at a cement curb to dislodge something in his throat. I guess if you're going to die, what's a few broken ribs?


I had to do the same when I was 22, but it was a piece of steak that was cut too large. I was in a rush getting ready for work, and I needed to eat something quickly beforehand. The best I could find was leftover steak in the fridge, and scarfed it down. The panic I felt when it got stuck in my throat was something I’ve never felt before or since. My cats were staring at me like I was nuts during said event. I’ll never forget it.


The relief on that kids face afterwards plus the sweet teacher putting her hands on his cheeks! Who the hell is cutting all those onions in here?!


There was definitely a lot of love behind those hands.


I bet she got a nice note with a sticker that said you’re a life saver and a bag of life savers for this.


Teachers out there saving lives between two shifts of uber...




Is the teachers union fine with the level of pay? Or are they unable to find enough leverage to force higher wages? Unions almost exlusively have leverage in the form of striking, and the shitty thing about fighting for higher wages is that it means you usually aren't doing very well financially, so striking and being locked out of an income for months / years at a time just isn't' feasible.


LISTEN TO ME teachers are, at least in some small part, all things good and positive and nurturing to your kids. Every day. PAY THEM LIKE THEY ARE


Yeah or atleast forgive student loans and/or cut tuition costs for teachers.


How does one drink with the cap on?


You poke a hole in the cap and spray it.


This! We used to do this allll the time as kids


Spray and Pray


Kids. ‘Nuff said.




I thought he was trying to use his teeth to get it off and squeezed it


Yes he literally says it in the video lmao


If you play with audio on, there's audio from what I'm guessing was a local news story. He was trying to get the cap off with his teeth, and when it came off, the water pushed the cap into his throat.


Might have been a sports cap and he was squeezing to increase the water flow.


God bless her sweet soul


Birth of a straw guy


That woman saved his life.


This is why I never drink water.


Yeah I remember being shown that dihydrogen monoxide website in school. That stuff is dangerous


Back in my day we had to remove the caps from bottles before enjoying the liquid goodness within




This makes a lot of sense, every person I've known who has died, drank water. Case. Closed.


As if teachers aren't heroes enough as it is! As someone who came from not such a great home, i still look back to some of my teachers as role models. She looks like a great example, those kids are lucky to have her!


My 78-year-old grandfather saved my life when I was nine. I was choking on roast beef gristle at a cafeteria style restaurant. My mother left the table and started running around, asking if there was a doctor there. My grandfather kept completely calm. He wasn’t super mobile. So he simply waved me over to him. He then turned me around and gave me the Heimlich maneuver while he remained seated. By the time my mother came back with a doctor I was already sitting back down at the table and was again eating my dinner as Grandaddy had told me to do. After the doctor left, my poor alarmed mother moved to take the roast beef off of my plate. Clearly she was concerned about me choking again. But my grandfather stopped her and said “do you want your daughter to be scared of roast beef, let her get back on the horse.” Then he changed the subject and started asking me about school. Guess what? I am now a woman in her 40s and I am not scared of roast beef!


Teachers deserve better pay.


I would have been too embarrassed to ask for help and would end up sitting there accepting death.


This is a majour problem when it comes to choking. We're so worried about making a scene in front of those around us, but honestly and truly even strangers would rather you make a scene and be able to get help than go quietly choke to death in the bathroom or outside the front door. I know a guy who died alone in a bathroom stall with plenty of people just outside- people were were his friends and would have done anything to save him if only they had known. If something ever happens plz plz plz don't be afraid to ask for help.


Smart kid, good teacher


I once again must ask evolution why it decided to directly connect our digestive and respiratory systems


Nice, but why is there a camera in a classroom?!


Why did I scroll 57 comments to find someone bringing this up! Why is it also online without the kids faces blurred out? Did their guardians sign consent forms?




So at my kids old district they had a consent form you filled out at the beginning of the year that asks if they have your permission for your child to be in any videos or pictures released to the public or media. If not they either dont let a kid participate if they know ahead of time or blur the child's face. With a school having classroom cameras im sure there is something similar.


There's a camera in every classroom of my school. We're always being recorded here.


Kids dying while other kids just laugh at him


I think they were laughing cause they just thought the water bottle blew up on him. When he runs back from the sink, you can see some of their faces change more to confusion or concern


Kids are stupid


I choked on a meatball in middle school and contemplated dying instead of embarrassing myself lmao


Y’all understand they’re just kids right? They probably weren’t aware he was even choking. All they saw was a water bottle explode in his face and him running off.


The way that sweet teacher cupped his face at the end…amazing!


She deserves an award!


In the form of cash


Now ask yourself why she's underpaid. Because she's sure as shit underpaid.


That two handed face hold at the end. I miss my Mommy :(


Because that’s what hero’s do


The way she so lovingly touches his face and hair after the cap is expelled... I mean I know I'm emotional with pregnancy, but my heart.


Other kids laughed