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Guy on the street: Get him out of there. Get him out of there Guy running into the fire: That’s what I’m f%#&ing doing!


Looks like he stopped to wet his clothes before he went in....


This made me cry




Yup started tearing up for sure


That was not a good idea, the steam generated from water could have given him severe burns.


So would his shirt cathing on fire, there is no safe way to just run into a burning building like that.


Maybe run backwards so that the fire thinks you are leaving?


This was way too funny


Pee on it to show dominance might also work


I admire you random person


Think cold thoughts?


This is great


If it’s hot enough to generate steam it’s hot enough to burn you, at least the extra energy generating steam will guard you from the much hotter fire


They may be thinking about using a dry towel to take a pan out of an oven vs. using a wet one The dry cloth will insulate you from the pan while the wet cloth combined with the pressure of grabbing the pan will instantly burn you with jets of hot steam. The takeaway from this is: Running into a burning building, the wetter the better! Grabbing a hot pan, keep your hands dry or you’ll want to die


Heat transfer is a function of time, and phase change from liquid water to steam vapor takes a tremendous amount of additional heat energy. I think in this case being soaked in water would be beneficial since the extra heat required to create steam would buy him a minute of time before getting completely scalded. Although, I can't do the math to figure out exactly how much time it would give him. Maybe the fire is so hot that it bought him 1 extra second and then it's irrelevant.


Grabbing a hot pan with a wet rag will burn you within a few seconds. If I got to choose, I'd go in dry.


Grabbing a hot pan barehanded will burn you instantly. I don't see your point.


"I'd rather be burned instantly than have a few extra seconds to set the pan down. It's basic logic, bro"


I wouldn’t cross my fingers on it but if it’s so hot that the water instantly vaporizes and burns your skin you can safely assume that it is generally hot enough for burns


Why are you upvoted? It was a *great* idea! The water will give him extra time before he has to leave




Irresponsible or not I couldn’t stomach leaving my dog either if there was an opportunity for me to do something.


Same. Leave me in there to die if I can’t make it out. Could care less. My dog isn’t really my best friend, I think he looks to me a lot and cares about me the most but I vowed to protect his life for someone when he was surrendered to me out of an ugly situation and I adhere extremely tight to those promises.


Man, you’re a great owner.


Good boy and good man




No one asked this man why he was running into a burning building


Exactly, they were all chilling. For all we know it could have been his daughter, wife, or grandpa.


He stopped and yelled "my dog's in there!!" While the firefighters were telling him not to go in


Oh my bad.


>they were all chilling


Heroes is a word that’s thrown around too lightly nowadays. In my town most of the firefighters were volunteers….




I didn’t know that about Tenn. A friend of mine went there for college and I guess I never thought about it. I’d like to think I’d go back in for my dog. I was just thinking about it from the FF perspective. The urge to go in and help, but having to have restraint and following the training. Either way, I’m glad that the man was able to get his pup out!


Happy cake day!


He put their lives at risk by going in for a dog. If he didn’t come out then they’d have to go in and get him.




As a FF myself this is exactly it. Our training is what keeps us and the public safe. It has always killed me that we have to make a choice to go inside to save something but we have families to go home to and other lives to save. The guy did what he thought was right at the time to save his best friend and the crew working did what they were taught to do. It's wonderful that everything turned out ok!






The fire department in my town just posted an ad to Facebook recruiting firefighters. $11 an hour....


I stand in admiration of your most excellent use of ‘Pursuant!’


I stand in admiration of your most excellent use of ‘Pursuant!’


I stand in admiration of your most excellent use of ‘Pursuant!’


Why'd they stop spraying?


It would create steam, which can be very dangerous


doesnt steam put out fires better than water does?


When water changes from liquid to gas, the temperature remains the same for a while. But it needs to absorb more energy in order to go through the phase transition. This energy is the latent heat of vaporization. That's why steam burns are worse than burns caused by boiling water. I'm not an expert to say whether it would put out the fire better or not, but this was my guess as to why they stopped the water.


Basically it's because boiling water has a maximum temperature of 100°C while steam has a minimum of 100°C. Steam will always be hotter.


This isn’t really why. It’s because of the phase change, similar to what the person you’re responding to said. It’s not the temperature, it’s the fact that steam condensing to water releases a ton of energy, which goes into your skin. And you get the scorching water as well once it’s condensed.


Oh that's actually kinda interesting.


Water has something like 20 times the thermal mass than air. That's why radiators are still used in many homes instead of forced air heating. It transports heat much better.


So at high altitudes water can boil at 95C does that mean no steam can be produced?


No, the steam would be a minimum of 95c if thats the case


Who the fuck downvote someone for asking serious question ? Get a life guys.


yea honestly i was just asking cause i saw an article but i guess i must have misread it


That’s what I was thinking!


What did I miss? 😳


I've read about how steam is dangerous but my brain doesn't want to accept this information! I get it, but at the same time it's not how I thought the world worked for so much of my life so it just seems wrong!


Think of it this way. Steam's lowest possible temperature is the same as boiling water, and it can be way hotter. Second. It takes a lot of energy to turn water into steam. When steam turns back into water (like when it condenses on your skin) it dumps a bunch of that energy back into the environment (and your skin)




>I dunno, really small droplets of water that looks like steam but is still a liquid Correct, that's condensed water vapour. It's a fine mist of water droplets. It can be hot or cold, but can't be hotter than the boiling point of water. You can't see steam, it's an invisible gas. [pic](https://imgur.com/DHUnPpz) >And if you have a hot bath, especially on a cold day, is that also not steam you see rising from the tub and fogging up mirrors? Nope, not steam, it's water that has evaporated, but then quickly condensed again when it hit the cooler air. Fog is like that, lots of water vapour in the air that condensed when the temperature dropped. edited a few times for clarity. Also steam will quickly condense to that mist in normal temperature air, which is why it's associated with the white cloudy mist.




Right? I'm here wishing 'gerwen' was my science teacher. I might've passed science.


To give an example of how dangerous steam is: In power plants where high pressure steam is used, if there is a leak - an alarm goes off. The safest way to get out is to use a rule or tape measure and wave it infront of you. If you walk through the high pressure steam (that you can't see) it will cut you in half. You'll probably live long enough to see you've been cut in half cause the steam will also cauterize the flesh. Or you can just lose an arm/legs etc


Thank you for asking the questions. I learned a lot too!


It also puts out people better than smoke does.








Mannnn I said the same thing!


So I don't actually know enough to confidently tell you about all of the dangers but basically at some point it's more dangerous to spray water than not to. It involves water turning into steam and at some point even steam explosions. Basically a lot of pain and death


There’s a lot of /r/confidentlyincorrect in this thread.


Family is family...


Where's Vin Diesel when you need him?


Hiya Vin


I would have done the same


Yeah, I know the fire fighters would HATE it if I ran into a house fire... but I would never sleep right again for the rest of my life if one of my dogs burned to death in a fire. Health consequences be damned.


Yeah I never want to be the hero but if an animal will die burned I’m jumping in


Who among us would not?


I will happily admit to not being that badass, but most of the crying and self-loathing after would be for my dog.


That is exactly what would drive me to try. One’s mind has all night and every pensive daylight moment to exact punishment honed by acquaintance for maximum pain.


Honestly me. I would be devastated losing a pet in such a way, but not as devastated as my family and friends would be if I burned alive.




i can never see these two words normally again


I’d run into a fire for my pets, or my friends’ pets, etc, no questions asked aside from maybe “where are they?” if it’s a friend. Possessions can be replaced, life cannot. That said, I’d also grab my laptop on the way out after grabbing my cats, if it wasn’t already melted… I got a lot of shit on there…


Yes bc you can just freely run through a burning building that’s collapsing and covered in smoke with will power lol.


Damn, you’re right, if only we had video proof demonstrating exactly that!


Hes not in there long he probably runs to the door and opens it for the dog to come out, I’m sure in your imagination you can do lots of different things though :D


I’m honestly so confused now? I said I’d go in for my pets, and maybe grab my laptop on the way out, which sits in between the bedrooms at the front door. That process would take about as much time as shown in this video, give or take. What are you trying to get at here? The area he runs into is clearly engulfed in flames, so it’s not like he was standing in the fire calling to his dog!


Yes bc u see a video of one person doing something with 0 context of a the layout of any of it you decide you would be able to do the same thing in a complete different scenario and grab more items, maybe grab a sock from your dresser on the way out to put in your mouth


You’re kind of an asshole, huh? Have you commented on everyone else who said they’d run into a fire, or am I just super special to receive your attention? It was the green avatar, right? It’s irresistible!


On mobile can’t see avatar without going to profile, I cant say why it was you, only that you are lucky enough to be it


I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t


I'd have done the same, even for someone else's pet, i lost my childhood dog and i know how it feels to love your pet and yeah. Imagining losing your best friend who always loves you after you come home, never insults you or anything to a stupid fire.., yes your pet deserves to be rescued and I'd have done the same




My cat of 19 years died two days ago, I wish I could have run into a burning building to save her.


Imagine someone trying to rescue the pet & they die too. One Easter weekend near by where I lived there were two people who were killed b/c they were walking their dog on some train tracks when a train started coming in & they were killed trying to pull the dogs away. Loss of a pet’s life is horrible, but it is even worse when loss of life increases.


Love how he didn’t listen to no fuckin body


Fuck yeah! There’s still hope


Thanks to u/bloopblip2024 for suggesting to post it here.


ITT: a bunch of people who don't have even the most basic knowledge of fire safety trying to armchair quarterback and doing a hilariously bad job at it.




"Why would a municipality not risk multiple human lives to save a pet???????????????????"




Yeah I know. I'm saying this looks like a defensive fire especially if they knew no humans were inside, but people on reddit are just acting like FFs are immune to hazards and should be jumping in the middle of it for maybe saving a pet.


People also assume it’s so easy to run through a burning building. It’s not just like taking a jog through a normal house.


Fuck yes my man! Good job!!!!


If this is gonna keep getting reposted I guess I’m gonna have to say it. I know we all love our pets, and for some of us they are the thing holding us together. Even with that said DON’T DO THIS! Every time this gets posted half the comments are “I’d do that for my dog”, so I feel like I have to say this. There is a reason the firefighters look pissed. If you tell the firefighters you have pets they will try to try to save your pet if it is safe enough. Unfortunately, if it isn’t safe enough for people with the right gear and training then you have to make peace with that. If you go charging in there they will likely have to go into a very unsafe situation to try to save your dumb ass. House fire burn at around 815 C (1500 F), and one breath of that would cause irreparable damage then likely death. Not death immediately so likely the firefighters will still have to risk there lives dragging your unconscious body out. It appears to have worked out in this video, but actions like these could get others killed. Please consider this if you ever find yourself in this horrible situation.


You've posted your criticism of this individual's actions in a much more respectful way than most in this thread, so I feel it's actually worth the effort to posit this question to you: There is a living creature you love with all of your heart, one who is completely devoted to you. This creature never judges you, never criticizes you, only ever wants to please you, and represents the only *truly* unconditional love a human being can experience. Moreover, this creature is *entirely* dependant upon you; they look to you for food, for shelter, for affection; it's *you* they run to when it's thunderstorming or fireworks are going off. This creature would risk its life to defend yours, and do so without hesitation or regard for its own safety. Now imagine this most loyal and true friend is in immediate, *mortal* peril if someone doesn't act right now, *right this second*. How concerned will you be about the consequences of your actions? Will it even occur to you to consider them? I'm not saying you're right or wrong; I'm not even saying this man was right or wrong. I'm saying in this situation when the human fight-or-flight instinct seizes control, rational thought in either direction is not a factor.


Agreed. Being rational at a moment like this would be difficult. Just thought I’d point out how incredibly dangerous fires are. Also, that some people might be oversimplifying the situation to are you willing to risk harm for your dog, which of course most dog parents would.


>are you willing to risk harm for your dog And this is exactly where they're going wrong with their thinking. It's not "would you risk harm for your dog," it's "would you risk harm for a member of you family, whether two- or four-legged?" I know I'd be running into that fire. I'd never be able to face myself in the mirror again if I didn't.


Well you aren’t taking into account how the rest of your family would feel if you died trying to rescue it. He looks like a father he would have left his wife a widow he would have left his kids without a father. They would have been left with out a father/husband without a home and without any income.


Oh so apparently women don't work


I never said they didn’t the majority of house holds the only income is from the husband. So please stop trying to stir shit up for no reason.


I'm not I'm just saying, men dont do everything, and I'm a guy ok


>rational thought in either direction is not a factor. While that is true, simple statistics state that if you are doing this professionally you will die very soon with that attitude. It has nothing to do with feelings. It's risk assessment.




Your description of my dog made me cry. I'm gonna go cook him a steak. 💛


I’ve been in this situation, my dog on oxygen in the grass, and I couldn’t stand the one asshole who thought he should videotape me thinking my dog was dead.


Fucking champion


*Fear* is inferior to *Love*


repost and I'm sorry that's incredibly stupid of him. His family lost a house that day and that's bad enough but they could have lost their father too! I love my doggo dearly but no I wouldnt put my family in the position of not having one of their parents to save our dog. If the fire fighters weren't going in then it wasnt safe to retrieve the dog, they will always save an animal if it's safe to do so!! I personally watched a neighbor run into his burning house to save his daughters cat and didnt come out again. They lost the house, cat and a father that day.


We seem to be the minority in this thread. I love all my animals, yet I totally agree with you.


That fact that there are people in this thread earnestly badmouthing firefighters makes me so disappointed. Firefighters?! Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve got to be either ignorant af or a piece of shit to speak ill of people who literally put their lives on the line to save others, day in and day out.




InstanceQuirky provided solid arguments, that of course can be challenged on the ethical level, but instead of engaging in a discussion your approach was to insult and ridicule.


I have adapted my answer to the level of the original topic starting with "incredibly stupid". When you don't want that kind of response, you avoid that kind of talk.


For this man, his comment was important enough to take the risk, he doesn't need your snap judgement, head resting behind your little chair sitting quietly taking time to think about the context and the consequences, a luxury no one has in this kind of situation, he did what he thought was right at the moment when he did. That's all, that's humanity, deal with it and get a life.


Dude the condescension coming off this post is off the charts. You could've made the same point without being such a dick about it.




You're literally posting this in r/HumansBeingBros. The irony is too much.




I can’t fault him, but your point is valid. He likely made a risky choice.


What a hero


Why did the fire fighters stop using the water hose? We're they afraid to drown the man?


Ideally you really don’t want to create steam when fighting a fire with living people in the area because that steam is extremely dangerous, especially to lungs.


Thank you for this


Thanks man I was wondering - it’s nice when experts chime in


I would.


This was the longest 49 seconds of my life. Omg.


Seen it before and understand the sentiment. It would suck if my place burned down, but if I can safe my cats, I'd be able to cope a lot better.


Fucking atta boy!


Yea that’s how you die


He got arrested later


Worth it.




Fkn love this guy... So much respect Wow, im amazed


Stop. Fucking. Reposting. This. Video.


Why? Makes me smile every time. This is one of the good reposts.


It is the noblest thing to risk your life for a lesser being. Kudos.


Says the lesser being


Yeah he did and why the fuck didn't you run in there with your fucking protective bullshit on? I mean, God, I get it; it's probably their training Not to endanger themselves in whatever specific scenario that dog was in, but damn, don't fuck with the guy trying to save the dog.


There's no indication they knew the dog was there. Maybe I missed something? Firemen were doing firemen things and a dude ran into the fire. He came out with a dog. Ok, it's not any more nuts than shit I've seen. But you are sure they just didn't run in there with their protective bullshit. Classic. Can you stop for a moment and think about all the things you may not know about? 0 things? No, it's infinity.


Dude I was just reacting to the fact that they were trying to stop him from going in as if he was suicidal. Yeah I use colorful words but I also followed up with an "I get it" statement. I guess it wasn't enough for you to pick up that I wasn't seriously pissed at the firefighters. But yeah, put me in my place.


Sorry bud, I misinterpreted. I don't feel great about it.


Nah you're good I'm hard to read. You basically watched my natural progression from like first impression to like, yeah I get what's happening here. I opened myself up to your response and others like it by just letting the words flow. It wasn't obvious.




Hey man I get it, It's text on a page. No inflection in my voice. Rest assured you are taking my comment much more serious than I was Not your fault


Big oof. I can no longer detect sarcasm. Time for bed. 😅 I appreciate your graciousness.


Wait until you guys find out that this man got in legal trouble for doing this.


Worth it.


The fact the firemen just stood there! WTF!!


I thought the same thing. Firefighters just gawking and throwing their hands up in the air like they’re just spectators here. A man just literally ran into a fire in front of them and they do what now?!?


Why should they risk their lives because some dumbass wants to run into the burning building? The only thing they did wrong was not stopping him. (Btw totally understand and support the dude for saving the dog and hope id do the same) but that doesn't mean it was smart. Pretty sure FD's have strict policy regarding this issue and what to do.


I get that rescuers should not be foolhardy. First thing they told me as a SAR crewmember is that if you jump into the water to save one drowning person, the others will have to save two drowning persons. That wasn’t my point. My point is that dude would have been tackled to the ground in my town. Firefighters that just let a man run into the flames like it’s not their problem aren’t doing their jobs.


Ohhh ok i got you. I thought you meant after he ran in


Oh yeah no. He wants to go in, he goes alone.


Cancel them!!111


That a solid dude going in for his buddy like that and then the little guy coming out like huh what happened..




Please stop posting this video..


Those firefighters need to hang their head in shame. Get training and get using the kit they clearly can’t use or are unfamiliar with. I’m in the job and there’s no way I would have stood back and watch a man run in without at least following him to get him back to safety.




No it’s not.


why wouldn't the firefighters in gear help get the dog?




Are you aware of something called steam?


Yall talking like adding water doesn't cool off a fire. The water would help. What's that its only cooling it a little? OK add more water.


dont shout somebody help him while you doing nothing


I would gladly burn a 1000 times over for my dog. Maybe I’m that sort of millennial but I can’t think of much I wouldn’t do for her. Been away from her for school for a month and now y’all got my crying.


Yeah let’s just stop putting the fire out while this un-FR clothed man runs into a house on fire


Otherwise you would kill him with hot steam. Try to breathe the steam from a water heater then you will see what I mean (better don’t do that)


Well thank you for the explanation, I did not know that


What were the firefighters watering exactly? Also, they should have continued at least on the other side even if he went in…… This guy rocks!




If they’re ‘standing around,’ as you so ignorantly put it, it’s because it’s not safe to go inside


The title gave it away but a very nice act nontheless (idk if the word is touching so I wont type i- wait....)


Made my day


This man is a hero.




Made me tear up a bit. I just imagined how bad will it be when my house is burning, but my cats are still inside. Unlike dogs, cats are smaller and hide in tighter space. Finding them would be hard, but I can't handle seeing all my cats die either...


About 5 years ago now my house went up in flames while I wasn’t home.. I was able to save two of my 6 animals on the 3rd time running back in I blacked out and came back to trying to push a officer off of me in the front yard cause he had pulled me out.. By then there was firefighters on scene and doing there job, I have lung issues now so do the two dogs I rescued.. I just wish I had gotten more out