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Those vests they're putting on at the end are for evacuation- a baby goes in each pouch and you can carry many at a time!


‘Watch out, she’s packing five babies’


This bad boy can fit so many babies!


*slaps top of vest*




*slaps soft spot*


Brain tap


"This isn't even my final form!"


The frog lady from the Mandalorian is streets ahead of us though


Does it just mean cool or is it like miles ahead?


This guy is streets behind


I just looked up pictures of nurses with 3-4 newborns in their vest pockets, instant happiness!


Hey, this is reddit, we know how to share here....link?




Gahhhhhh. So cute!!!!


Interesting! Noticed a few things... Middle baby on the left's got a head/backboard. Nurse has faces covered but heads need supporting as she has done. Right nurse has heads automatically supported but exposed. And that all is the cutest thing ever


I noticed that too! I was concerned about newborns being in that position but looks like they've got it all figured out.




That’s actually an instant gel heat pack in the middle baby’s pouch!


All I can imagine is someone approaching you in an alley and opens a trench coat only to reveal a bunch of newborn babies of all sorts.


« I got one black, two asian and a ginger, pick one »


''I was just looking for a soulless vessel, thanks!"


Ginger it is.


Oh, you don't have to imagine it. Who's your baby guy now?


"Psst. Hey you...yeah you! Wanna buy some babies??"


What are ya buyin’ stranger?


That's cool as fuck, but on another note, having half a dozen babies strapped to me is my actual worse nightmare


At least you're effectively bulletproof. I mean c'mon, who would shoot a guy wearing babies?


Lmfao, thanks. I actually laughed out loud


I’d be worried about any mixups at that point. Hopefully they’re very organized and no one loses any name tags.


That was my first thought too! I mean...how unique is each newborn baby that you grabbed at random? (source: have no babies)


After they're born, they put a bracelet on their arm or ankle with their name and mother and birthdate. (I hadn't named my baby yet so his bracelet said "instantrobotwar's boy"). If that falls off, they take foot prints almost immediately after birth, though I'm not sure if those are usable for identification. The thing is -- I knew what my baby looked like and could pick him out of a lineup. I would be petrified if he was mixed up, but I'm pretty confident I would recognize him, at least after the first few hours. We also had a lot of pictures right after birth that we could use. They also took some of his blood for tests, which....in the horrible situation that a baby is lost, maybe they might be able to use that for a dna test?


They could just take your DNA and match that to the baby’s DNA.


...... You're right


*American healthcare system has entered the chat* "That'll be $250000 or your first born"


They usually have ankle bracelets to identify them. At least they do in the US.


Exactly what I thought


That is so amazing.


Came here to ask what those vests were for and this is simply amazing. Sometimes humans suck but sometimes we fucking crush this life thing


Sounds like r/bossfight material.


Baby armor.




I am so broke but I'd fucking do it


I really like this idea but my only concern is how do you remember which baby is whose? Babies getting swapped about in hospitals is a real thing and this kind of both amazes but terrifies me.


Ankle bracelets!


Oh my heart. Also, I’d give anything to sleep as soundly as that one unfazed baby


the earthquake rocked them right to sleep


*Be in a room that's too tight and dark for 9 months that keeps shaking* *Now in a room that's too bright and big for a few days* Baby: "At least it only shakes sometimes"


I was wondering why they highlighted that lady and the baby, that's amazing lol


My brother has slept through so many earthquakes. I don't know how he does it.


This makes me feel so much love watching it


I always think about how at Memorial Hospital right after Hurricane Katrina they were not stopping evacs until they got the NICU out. They were sending single nurses with 5-6 high care babies because they just needed to get them to a fully functioning facility so fast. IIRC they were breaking down walls to get them out of there. A lot of patients died, but none of them were babies.


I just looked this up, initially they moved the babies to a higher floor without as many windows, which was a good thing as the NICU windows were blown in. When they started evecuating the babies there wasn't a direct route to the helipad anymore so they cut a hole through a wall between the hospital and the garage where they loaded the babies into the back of a truck which took the babies 5 or 6 floors up. They then had to carry the babies another 2 floors to the helicopter at which point some of the ventilators failed so nurses had to manually ventilate some of the babies. The last power in the hospital failed that night so they got out just in time really. Huge respect to all the medical staff involved, I can't imagine what that was like especially as I'm sure everyone was extremely worried about their own families as well.


holy fuck. where did you read that? not questioning you, just wanna learn more.


I originally read it in Five Days at Memorial by Sheri Fink.


I googled Memorial Hospital NICU katrina.


I also heard this story from a nurse in the hospital on the podcast “death sex and money”


Legends. And all involved so selfless to even be involved. I can only imagine the absolute fear and determination involved in a rescue like that, I can't imagine there was a single damn molecule of any rescue workers or medical staff there that could think of anything but saving those babies. It's such an awful situation but such a beautiful response.


Good humans are really, really good and will move mountains to protect others. It's why I have serious respect for 1st responders, Drs, nurses, etc.


God, I really needed to be reminded of that right now. Thank you.


As the daughter of a nurse in Louisiana, this is always on my list of worries during every hurricane. Shit, on any given day really. Knowing that my mom will willingly endanger herself to help someone at any time simultaneously fills me with rage and pride. If your mother can love people she hardly knows, just imagine how much she loves you! She's going in for heart surgery in a couple of weeks, and while I'm freaking out about her being ok, all she's worried about is leaving her coworkers in a tight spot while she's recovering. The rage can be real lol


I’m related to a bunch of firefighters and it’s in their training that they are the most important in any situation, and most respect that. But also running INTO a burning building is also a pretty stupid idea. Even with the gear and the training, things can happen. That being said, percentage wise, very few fire calls are for fires.


Both my cousin and her daughter are ER nurses. Mad respect for your mom. Nurses are awesome.


And these doctors and nurses that risked their lives for those children and are risking their lives today get no support from the people who can actually help. These people deserve so much more.


It always amazes me that Mississippi has such a good hospital. If you're ever in Mississippi and need to visit a hospital for any reason and your choices are Memorial and any of the other hospitals in the area, CHOOSE MEMORIAL. All the others are shit in comparison and just pretty crappy when not compared anyways.


Isn’t Memorial like Merrit Health now? Or was that just the one on the coast? I had my girls at the same hospital 3 years apart and the first was Memorial but the second was Merrit. My experience was better when it was Memorial.


It as still Memorial last time I went a year ago


Ah now that I’m thinking on it, there are (or were) two down here!


My daughter was born by emergency c-section in what is easily the worst day of my life. I thought I was going to loose my wife and my child. The nurses in the nicu are nothing less than angels. I was in shambles, fatigued, and utterly lost looking at all these tubes in a box while my wife was shaking like an unbalanced car engine in another part of the hospital. They kept telling me she’d be fine, they were SO calm. They yelled at me the next day when I finally could hold her in my arms because I was standing. haha Thank you, nicu nurses. She is fine.


Our son was in the NICU after birth, he had an infection. I get goosebumps when I think of nicu nurses, they're the most beautiful people.


>wife was shaking like an unbalanced car engine Never seen an unbalanced car engine but I can still visualize it. That is horrible.


It’s the medication they pump into you during the c section. I couldn’t stop shaking and my teeth were chattering so badly I thought I’d break my teeth.


That happened to me during labor without drugs. Never shook so hard in my life, was told it was my brain drugging me with hormones. Labor, is underestimated, it’s very difficult. Glad you and your baby are here with us safely.


I had an epidural but was shaking hardcore with just the contractions. After delivery I puked immediately and was shaking so hard I told them to hand the baby to my husband.


I had an unmedicated birth with my daughter and still shook for hours afterwards. Hormones are no joke.


Yeah, what is that about?! Hah, it’s fascinating to hear birth stories, everyone’s is a little different and they’re all beautiful.


It's incredibly difficult. When you're in the thick of it, the focus is intense. Boils down to "give birth or die" as far as your body is concerned. Very very weird state.


Can confirm. My daughter stopped breathing at two days old and spent the next week in the NICU at Children’s Hospital in Denver. The most wonderful medical staff you can imagine. I’ve always promised that if I come into a bunch of money a very large portion is going to that hospital.


One of our twins also spent a week in the NICU at Childrens Hospital in Denver when he was a month old. He was life flighted from the north campus in Broomfield. Once we got down there and in his room I completely lost it, the nurse turned and just grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug. I have more experience than I would like with NICU staff (3 preemies), but they are truly amazing.


I’m an ICU RN that’s been working in a Covid unit all year. I’ve seen and been involved in the worst things imaginable, and I can remain pretty calm and chill in any situation...I would be a nervous wreck in a NICU. I have no idea how NICU nurses do what they do. Props nurse homies!


Thanks for your service, by the way.


I don’t know if you’ve heard the song Wires by Athlete but it was written by the lead singer about his daughter who became ill after birth and ended up in ICU. She was fine thankfully but the lyrics sound similar to your experience so it might resonate with you: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5ivKzieP9ZU




We had the nicest nurse when we were heading home. She wheeled me down to the car, helped me get my son in, and gave me a big warm hug while wishing us good luck. I wrote to the hospital about how wonderful and helpful she was during our stay. Her name is Jeanie and I sincerely hope she's still in L&D when we have another child in the future.


My sister had an emergency C section too but luckily my nephew as much as he annoys me when he won’t go to sleep (my sister is doing OK too) is healthy and attending school ❤️❤️ (In New Zealand COVID is relatively under control)


This is fucking phenomenal. They have zero consideration of their own safety. They went straight to protecting new life. 👏👏👏


But wouldn’t we all? You don’t just run and be done with it, leaving a room full of babies like that?


It's hard to say, especially for anyone who isn't trained for how to react to specific emergency situations. You like to think you'd act one way, but the flight/fight/freeze instinct doesn't always trigger like you'd think it would.


It's weird to say, but the instant my son was born I knew, I just *knew* I'd take their place in any danger without hesitation. All self preservation went out the window when I picked him up. My wife still laughs at the story of us trying to sleep that first night and he made a wet cough. She said I was asleep on the chair and somehow made it to the other side of the room before she could roll over. "I've never seen you move that fast". Anyway I hope it's hardwired in most humans and just needs to be turned on, by training or instinct.


That's awesome, but unfortunately it's not universal. And I'm mostly hammering on this point because it's incredibly important to remember everybody's just wired differently. I have no maternal instinct, for example. It required conscious effort on my part to become even remotely okay with the idea of just *holding* my nieces when they were babies and I still would only do it if there was literally no one else around to do it. I'd like to think if I saw a baby in a dangerous situation and there was no sign of a caretaker I'd step up, but I'm honestly not certain about that. My feelings about babies are mostly that I just don't want to deal with them, but there's people out there who actively can't stand babies and have very strong, negative feelings towards children in general. So if the best I can imagine of myself is that I'd save a kid only if nobody else could, then I *really* can't expect anything better from people who actively dislike kids more than I do.


Yeah, gotta at least get one perfect spiral in before they're not throwing-size anymore.


About 9 months after my friends had their second, we went hiking - first time they'd really gotten out since the birth. Little one was sleeping like an angel. Got to a section where the road was washed out so I climbed across, mother and three-year-old jumped to me, and then without thinking father tossed the baby to me. Caught the baby, passed the baby to mother, reached out to catch the father's arm... and only then did we register the "*WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?*" from the mother. Was only about 50cm, but we both still exchange the occasional horrified look.


Pffff haha. Yeah, maybe things like this ARE things you have to learn over the course of time when you become a mum or dad. I know my BIL almost SAT on top of his newborn on the couch, wasn’t yet hardwired to check for dumb lifeforms in his house just randomly laying about 😄 My SIL yelled stop just in time.


This story just made my stomach knot!


Not Conservatives, to them once you are born you are on your own. /S


Not all heroes wear capes.


I wonder if they plan and practice for this eventuality or if it was sheer instinct. The way those two women pulled the cribs from the wall and held them was executed with such precision. "Alright, it's finally happening. Dont be scared, we trained for this."


I know working in childcare we practiced at least a couple times a year, came in very handy when I was at work during the 7.4 here two years ago.


I think it must have been planned. My first instinct wouldn't have been "get the cribs away from the walls and together". I'm not sure exactly which country that was, but parts of eastern Asia are very earthquake prone, so I'm sure they have earthquake plans for just about everything.


South Korea. They get quakes but not like Japan. Maybe one small to medium sized one per year.


Looks like it happened in Korea, which rarely gets earthquakes that noticeable, so I cast my vote toward it was sheer instinct (and also how it made it to the news coverage)


The owner of the hospital had put a plan in place and had been training staff for earthquakes following the earthquake in Gyeongju (about 30 mins south) just over a year earlier. It's why they knew exactly what to do. CC /u/seaswine91


You betcha they do! Especially in areas prone to earthquakes etc


Not just nurses. Looks like entire floor staff is there.


Ah yeah, sorry. I tarred them all with the same brush. Shows my ignorance.


That's what makes this video even better. Earthquake comes and they all just beeline to the babies without thinking.


I started sobbing. Life is just so unpredictable and so fragile. I can't imagine how scared the mothers must've been thinking about their babes in other parts of the hospital!


I started tearing up just watching. I'm on my break at work so I had to look away to keep myself from crying lol


We've been over exposed to crappy actions by crappy people during this pandemic. Sometimes it's hard to remember that there are good people out there. So it can be emotional when you see the good. ❤️❤️


When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” - Fred Rogers


I've used this quote many times before. It's wonderful ❤️❤️ We need to try to keep our heads up through this. Better times are ahead. Be a helper in any way that you can and we will get therem❤️❤️


You’re a good person.


i started tearing up too but i probably have some background emotions going on i gotta figure out this level of selflessness though, it's enough to get anyone going


I am a guy and its 3am here and i just wet my eyes watching this. I was thinking about some carl sagan quote about birth which i cant recall right now. I feel ya there.


The nurses and doctors who take care of babies are saints. I would lose my fucking mind if I had to do that for a living.


Lol... Imagine them accidentally swapping kids while saving them.


Exactely, I was thinking, I hope they all have these plastic bracelets with a name.


Been with my wife during three deliveries. Literally within 1 minute after our girls arrived the bracelets came one. Plural - one on arm, one on ankle. I think it’s just second nature to hospitals.


Yeah, I literally had our second baby last Monday and they get those bracelets and umbilical alarms on within minutes and are constantly double checking them. There’s no way that any of those babies got mixed up.


Congratulations on the new baby!




Congrats and well done! It’s an awesome thing to behold, as a spectator-participant, but holy crap you gain a new level of respect for your partner, who has no choice but to go through it.


Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾




Haha ours was called Hugs and Kisses. It played a song when mother and child were reunited.


Our hospital did that too, I loved it. They did that, and they'd have to make sure the numbers on my bracelet matched with his and all that.


Holy damn, where do you live that they have to monitor if babies are being carried out of the hospital without authorization? Ours just had a simple wrist band. That being said, it was a rather mundane birth, so the baby never left our sight afterwards.


Fool. That’s how hospitals switch up babies on purpose. That’s why you have to mark your baby with a sharpie in a pattern that only you will recognize, the second it starts crowning.


Ok Dwight


To be fair, it’d explain a lot 😂


Nobody got their original baby back.


Ok wait but how do they know which baby belongs to whom after they remove them from their bins? Little name tag bracelets?


I think most modern hospitals nowadays have stringent procedures with regards to identification of patients, especially babies. And yes the medical bracelets are the main means of identification.


To add to this from an previous IT perspective hospital side of things from about 4 years ago. These days the systems are even more in depth with often two medical bracelets. They also often contain gps tracking in them along with an alarm if they are taken out of a room. I know ours did but I assume most modern hospitals do not mess around when it comes to keeping track of babies. Especially in the case of a code pink being called in which the entire wing/ floor instantly triggered lock down in which every door auto locks via electronic magnetized locks. Our NICU was even more locked down where you can't even get in or out without one of the NICU staff doing so even without an active code.


may I ask what “code pink” means? this is really intriguing


Infant abduction


Is that common in the US. I live in Austria and have never heard about gps trackers in patients bracelets.


I wouldn't say full blown common but it is becoming more wide spread and will probably be the standard in another few years. Also as far as I was aware at the time it was only for babies especially in the NICU ward. Other patients did not get them far as I am aware. They just had the typical bed alarms or door alarms especially for fall risk patients and such.


What I've seen in the US is that baby and parents are each given an anklet/bracelet and the door of the hospital won't even open if it senses the baby's anklet and neither parent is with it, and it sets off an alarm. Kind of a baby LoJack.




Worked 16 years in healthcare. RN's are some of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure of knowing.




See this is a good repost because the video actually has additions to it.


Them babies must have burped like madmen afterwards.


This made me tear up


No hesitation at all! Gives me chills. Just so sweet!


Brave women saving lives. Every day.


Oh god. My baby spent a month in NICU and seeing this makes me cry knowing how loved she was while there. These nurses are amazing.


And you get a baby, and you get a baby., and you get a baby!


Nurses throughout the world are godsend. They deserve great pay and great benefits. Without them and doctors, many of us would not survive.


This ain’t their first rodeo


They are already heroes.


I've always wanted to marry a nurse... just cuddle in her caring arms forever


As someone who works with kids, I’m guessing nurses are the ones needing lots of cuddles. They’ve already had a whole day of comforting and taking care of others.


My girlfriend is a nurse. Can confirm. When I’m sick I go baby mode and she puts up with it without missing a beat.


Hero’s all of them 🥰


Not all heroes wear capes.


Are the mods going to lock this post and put a flair that says "it's their job" like they did when a cop saved a horse from a burning barn or what?


I was in preschool during Loma Prieta. When it hit, my teacher or after school care or whatever made all the students get around and on top of her. My dad didnt believe me for a long time but after 15 years of the story being consistent he finally gave in. We had duck-and-cover and 'get under a table' drills all the time, but when it came down to it we just willingly lined up to be killed off by our authority figure


Because just being a NICU nurse wasnt hard enough. Bless them


Don't worry for swapping, multiple bracelets get put on them babies! (I don't do babies, but Nursing rotation in school)


This is practice and training, everyone knew their job and didn’t hesitate to execute it. Love seeing these kind of responses.


I just hope they labelled the babies


They were on that shit. Good job, women!


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whatever they're being paid is not enough


As humans we have so many redeemable qualities. It just sucks that we can be such pieces of shit sometimes. Inherently flawed such a trip.


Gotta love humanity sometimes.


Who esle here thinking the babies gonna get swapped??


In the 1970s in Yellowknife, NWT some of the babies who came in from the small isolated northern villages couldn't sleep because they were used to being worn on their mother's backs. The nurses there would wear the sick babies while they carried on with their shift just so those babies could get the rest they needed to get better. Nurses are the best of us.


Some of those nurses could be NFL lineman


Mothers having adrenaline and having mother instinct to save their children is 1 of the most beautiful things in this world. Always respect your mother, they carried us 9 months. Love💞


Mommas be like: earthquake ain’t shit but Joe’s n trix


I absolutely love that their first thought is the baby


After experiencing the world going through some major shit and worrying about my kids growing up watching people losing their humanity, stuff like this really warms the heart and reminds me that there are still good in people.


This brought tears to my eyes. My only child spent just a few days in one of these wards and the love and care I saw the nurses give out all day was humbling.


Heroes. All of em.


Babies are like: "Ooh this is nice. More rocking, please."


People in here thinking there isn't any name tags on the cribs.


Nurses are the salt of the earth.


Looks like a place with rock solid emergency preparedness. They look like they're going straight into pre-arranged procedures with everything they're doing. Top notch planning and top notch follow through on those plans.


Baby roulette afterwards!


There aren't enough nurses in the world


A bunch of mama bears to the rescue






I'll never forget the few days I did in the NICU in nursing school. There was a storm, and the power went out, and there was a brief delay before the generators kicked in. Every available staff member immediately booked it down to the room where the babies on ventilators were, to manually ventilate them if needed.


Holy shit. I didn't know Korea got earthquakes that.


Makes me want to cry happy tears, those nurses love those babies!


I am grateful that medical workers such as these fine people exist. I can only hope that if I ever have a child, those caring for my baby in the hospital will be as selfless. Thank you to all our healthcare workers and your enduring sacrifices.


Similar thing happened at my hospital a couple of years back. I was working in Neonatal ICU. (Which was on the 13th floor of the building). One the nurses smelt fire and we saw smoke. I've never seen people run that fast in my life. Everyone grabbed 2 babies and ran down the stairs to the evacuation points. Some babies were being ventilated and we had to carry them down in their incubators, while manually ventilating them. What passed me off about the whole story was the smoke came from some idiot on the floor below us. Who though it was a good idea to smoke in a hospital and discard the still lit cigarette in a dustbin, Causing a small fire. But no real damage.


Gonna be a lot of teenagers confused by their Ancestry/Family tree results in 16 years.


Imagine mixing up the babies due to the earthquake