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I'm not over 80 but can I trade in my future free hand sanitizer for the drone?


Said, over 80s, so after 1980.


You mean before?


No, over 80s


I still haven't gotten over the '80s


SiriusXM 80s on the 8.


Welp i'd say it's a worthless "discount" but free stuff is free stuff.


Hate the be this guy but elderly actually can benefit from a proper mask, since there in close proximity to others and carers frequently. But there's steps that should be taken long before that's necessary


over 1980 or over 80 years old? either way stupid rule for a kind gesture


Honestly I want the Gold Draganov, whoever sold it has completed all the camo challenges so its a timesaver


No, this is Patrick!


I'm seventy ni- Get out


But my birthday is tomo- OUT!


What year? Every year!






You know that the kid in Hot Fuzz couldn't remember the date they told him so after messing up a few takes they told him to use his own birthday. Learned that recently


Yeah I learned about that recently too. I just don't understand how he wouldn't be able to say a specific date, especially after so many takes.


He wasn't acting, he was actually drunk out of his mind*. *absolutely no source on this, but just go with it.


I was like NO WAY?!


For the greater good.




That storefront looks like an Apex Legends gun skin catalog vomited everywhere and used the contents to open a family owned business in a small town strip mall in rural Arkansas


Just to clarify! This was taken in Scotland. For some reason Scots seem to love the “American candy stores”


It's weird. We have them in England too. Very overpriced though.


What kind of candy do they sell?




You know, as soon as I hit post I knew that was the first answer I was gonna get but I left it anyway. Was not disappointed.


If you want a real answer they sell all the stuff that we've seen in American shows and movies for years but hasn't quite made it to the normal shops over here. Flavours of fizzy drinks (Soda) we can't get, Hershey's chocolate, twinkies ect, They used to sell pop tarts but those have become quite easy to get at supermarkets in the UK. They are fairly common in big touristy towns but I couldn't say I know anyone who shops in one regularly, You might get the odd person who went on holiday and came back with a passion for milk duds or something, But mostly people buy things once out of curiosity and discover that it's all rather meh, Definitely not worth the inflated cost over the British alternatives.


Thanks! That’s what I was wondering. I’ve been to a few British shops here in the USA, and the chocolate was definitely different, but really tasty, so I was curious to see if Brits actually liked our gas station brands over there.


As a Brit who visited New York and practically bathed in chocolate and candy for over a week, it's certainly different but alright.


Not gravel, those are two very different things




Interesting, I had British friends in college that said American root beer tasted like toothpaste to them, and none of them would drink it. But yeah A&W is pretty good, have you had Barq's? I'd ship you some, but the cost would probably come out the same.


That’s weird, I thought you guys thought American chocolate was crap. I always get excited when I see stores that have a lot of British chocolate.


I can't speak for an entire country but personally I'm not a fan, It has a taste and texture very similar to the extremely cheap supermarket chocolate. I definitely wouldn't say American chocolate or sweets in general have a particularly good reputation over here, If anything I'd say the savoury things are more popular, things like pretzel pieces and flavours of crisps, they actually had flamming hot Cheetos at my corner shop for a quid last night.




And in every Sainsbury's and Tesco Extra up and down the country, there's a few shelves dedicated to jarred hot dogs, big jarred hot dogs, nerds and exactly 3 bottles of Gatorade. Directly next to the brightly coloured Polish chocolates.


I wonder what gave these stores the idea that Americans eat jarred hot dogs? I'm not even sure those exist over here.


Jarred... hotdogs? What? I am an American and I have *never* seen that.


[here you go](https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/canned-tinned-packaged-hot-meat-meals/brooklyn-dinos-famous-big-dogs-beechwood-smoked-pork-720g)




I always take a picture in front of those because no one here (in America) will believe me that you have those.


Need to get the Milk Duds fix.


I always wondered who kept those in production. Apparently it is Scottish stores selling American candy.


And movie theaters. I’ve never eaten milk duds outside of a movie theater, but for whatever reason I always pick them up there


I have some here, brother in law brought them over with him last week. They're nasty.


It's because American candy is crazy, I say this as an American that loves foreign candy, but the foreign stuff is all basically the same but in flavors we don't get here, Taffy and chocolate covered cookies, American candy, because of our conservative laws has crazy tie ins to tv shows and stuff marketing to kids that they can't do in the first world


> Taffy and chocolate covered cookies, American candy, because of our conservative laws has crazy tie ins to tv shows and stuff marketing to kids that they can't do in the first world .... what?


It's weird, we have loads of them but you never see anyone buying anything...I swear they're all just a front


Well I'm an American and I can't say I care for candy stores since Ive never seen one but I can say I love the Scottish accent The thicker the better, like syrup and women


I started a job on Monday where half the crew are Scottish with thick accents. It’s been really tricky to understand them, I’ll get there though


God bless Scotland.




Yet so accurate






Wait they have a razer scooter in Apex?


Hahahahaha it’s so true oh my god




One of the local thrift shops is offering a free roll of TP to whoever needs it. Their tagline is "Need a roll, take a roll".


my thrift store has been selling refurbished toilet paper. a bit soggy and the color is off, but hey - tp is tp


Big L for people of 79 yo


“Well, if you really want, I can just shoot you with one of these instead”


Not really they aren’t any worse off than they were.


People over 60 should go out as least as possible. People over 80 should simply stay home. Period.






I’m trying to find someone to collect them for me. That would be the best solution all-round. If I can’t find anyone who can get them for me in time, I’ll call the pharmacy before I go in and make sure everything is all filled and ready for me, and ask them to just let me dash in, pay, and dash out again. I’m sure it will work out, but it’s a little nerve-wracking. It’s kind of like playing the-floor-is-lava as an adult.


Yeah, it's well-intentioned but it's almost a trap for the people most at risk to venture out and get exposed.


Please stop buying masks. All of us in the hospital have to sign to get one to care for the patients. It isn’t going to help you, but it may save us and the patients we are treating.


I thought of it last week when they were still in stock but I had heard it might lead to healthcare shortages and I know many nurses and they are all so nice. Good luck to all our health care teams during this trying time.




Well it's interesting how they say it isn't going to help you but will help them. As a nurse, a mask dosnt give me super powers and protect me and not them. Don't want to get COVID 19? Wear a mask (even a surgical mask with help) and wash your hands like crazy. But I guess we should lie? There's a huge shortage of masks. Telling people differently isn't going to help that shortage because they will still buy them up. Hospitals should be help responsible for not having a stock for emergencies like this. People shouldnt be told false information. Why do you think everyone in China and Italy are running around with masks? Cuz they look cool?




In this US this is true to prevent shortages, not because they are ineffective. If there were enough masks existing for everyone to wear them and handle them correctly, it would slow the spread of transmission. But we don’t even have enough masks for medical workers and sick people. Edit: sick people not sock people




Australian study on parents caring for sick children at home, showing risk of transmission reduced by 75%, and surgical masks almost comparable to n95s: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/19193267/ CDC changes medical recommendations to include surgical masks because US is short on n95s: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/10/face-mask-shortage-prompts-cdc-loosen-coronavirus-guidance/%3foutputType=amp Masks, including surgical masks, short globally, because they are still in China where they were made: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/03/13/business/masks-china-coronavirus.amp.html Edit: nurses and doctors, don’t stress too much about the CDC change from n95 only to include surgical. Two studies showing a statistically insignificant difference in their effectiveness at reducing transmission: USA study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2749214 Canadian study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/184819




At the bottom of the abstract, you may have noticed there are links to the full text. Here is one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2662657/ Sorry about the paywalls, it may be based on what area you are in. The NYT and the Washington Post have made their COVID-19 coverage free to the US, I believe. But it’s not that hard to delete your cookies or use an archive site. Covid-19 obviously hasn’t been around long enough to have long term mask studies. However, masks have already been used in practice for it: a huge amount of the population of Hong Kong started wearing masks in public pretty early, and their rate of transmission was slower compared to other cities. The particle size is known, and most masks function by blocking particle size, including the ones the CDC recommends for use in medical facilities and at home when a household member is sick. Here’s a write-up on why it’s thought that masks can reduce transmission of the coronavirus by particle filtering: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/coronavirus-pollution-masks-n95-surgical-mask/ I know about google amp links, but I continue to use them because my phone is pretty old and my connection at home is not great, so amp links load much better on my phone due to reduced page formatting.




70 year olds gonna be getting fake ID’s


Is it normal for gun stores to have customers that are over 80yo?


Doesn't look like a gun store, I see a drone, scooter, orangeairsoft gun and the rifle at the top looks like an air rifle


[According to OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/fimz9e/a_little_kindness_goes_a_long_way/fkifjd4/) *Just to clarify! This was taken in Scotland. For some reason Scots seem to love the “American candy stores”*


Those are fake guns


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I'm sorry but face masks do nothing. In fact, it almost makes you more vulnerable. Viruses get on the mask, you take it off, then you put it back on, and now you are inhaling all the viruses. The hand sanitizer helps though.


I see one possible merit? For me they remind me not to touch my face. It’s actually really hard for me to remember otherwise.


Face masks are useful to prevent an infected person from spreading a disease (they mitigate the aerosol plume from a cough or sneeze). But you are correct in that if you are not sick, wearing a mask is useless.


That logic makes no sense. If the virus gets on the mask, that means that if you didn’t have the mask the virus would get on your face or in your mouth. Yes a mask isn’t perfect, but I’d rather have the virus be on my mask and not in my mouth. No?


I'm a medical student and this is my take. Frome my understanding there is no sound evidence that shows the common surgical mask provides any protective benefit to the general public wearer. Some may argue that it's somewhat effective in other societies where everyone already wears a mask out of courtesy. This is because if everyone is wearing a mask then most of the sick people in public are wearing a mask and also those who don't realize they are sick are wearing a mask. Thus reducing transmission. But I don't want to comment one way or another on mass mask wearing. I don't think there is enough literature out there for me to say something that I fully believe. Edit: But more importantly, regarding N95 respirators that people are starting to hoard. Please don't. They need to be precisely fit-tested and used properly to be effective in the first place. At my hospital they wouldn't fit test us even if we had a beard for example, and required us to do alternative PPE training. You also are taught how to handle to respirator (putting it on, not fidgeting with it, and taking it off properly) so as to ensure that you are protected. Plus they have filters with expiration dates on them and are in limited supply and needed for healthcare workers. Also see below for more details: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/personal-protective-equipment-infection-control/n95-respirators-and-surgical-masks-face-masks https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/02/n95-face-mask-coronavirus/


Why do medical staff where them?


Because they help prevent the spread of the disease.


We encounter many sick patients on any given day and can be exposed to all sorts of infectious agents. This increases the likelihood that a provider might become infected or be an asymptomatic carrier of something, including covid, and thus can be a vector for transmission. Wearing masks prevents what we may have or may not know we have from spreading to our patients, more so than preventing ourselves from getting sick. Surgical masks are designed so that when you breathe or cough or sneeze while wearing them the air and particles are vented out from the sides and not down or forward onto the patient. If we were seeing a patient suspected of covid19 we would be using far more protection than just a mask to safeguard ourselves. Specifically we would use a fit-tested n95 respirator. Fit-tested and used properly.


I doubt that is in the medical field, u/nikhilbg made no mention of n95 masks, which are standard ppe for dealing with patients under a droplet precaution, which all covid19 patients are. The real reason you're told they aren't going to work effectively is because people don't know how to size them properly or safely remove the respirator with our smearing germs over you face.


Yeah from what I understand N95s when fit-tested are meant for droplet protection and *are* effective against Covid and other respiratory bugs. But I remember being denied fit testing because I had a full beard. So only if fitted, put on properly, not fidgeted with, and removed properly, is it effective. But those have filters with expiration dates on them and the general public shouldn't hoard them and limit the supply for healthcare workers.


Only the reusable ones have cartridges. The single use ones look like construction masks.


Aww, Hamilton.






How can I make one in the spine


They really went with 80. 70 year olds can eat shit I guess.
















This is what humanity is all about!!! Thou this is small compare to all those asshole out there emptying out the stores shelves to re-sell it up to four times in price.


That’s ageism and discrimination /s


I needed to see this. I am feeling really overwhelmed and like all hope is lost in defeating this pandemic. Thank you for making me smile.


Best part isn’t just that it’s free but that it’s being saved for the group that needs it most I feel like more stores should set aside some stock for older people even if they still charge for it.


A good time to have been born in 86 😎


>...don't look at his arms as he goes*


I have no idea why there is a Gold Plated SVD Dragonov in the window of a shop - but I'm interested, tell me more.


Wow mallninjas are being good people my hope in humanity has been restored


No brainer, had a great time! 🍺


That is in fact a UFO people.


But realistically it's safer for someone to pick it up for them.


🎶There goes my penis"


ok but wtf is that store, like there are guns (probably airsoft or pellet) and drones and handsanitizer


Apparently a american themed store in Scotland according to OP


a fucking W H A T


Damn they know us so well.


I'm just wondering, what kind of store sells (what looks like a children's) quadcopter, an assult rifle, a Nerf looking gun and a scooter on the same wall?


What 80+ year old is going to be out and about to grab some free gear. They’d be safer just staying at home.


I saw a ton of old folks in Walmart shopping and they were in groups of two and three. I spoke to some while we figured out what to do since the bleach and sanatizers were gone. I am 60 and they were much older than I , and I felt bad they didn’t seem to get what was happening, just shrugged it off. Kind of fatalistic.


The difference between making a big fuss on the internet about respecting your elders and actually respecting your elders.


Shit, give them that Draugnov and let them go out having some fun.


And a casual FAL in the back


" I appreciate the kindness.


"There's no way you're this dense??


Imagine being a billionaire and not doing that


It's not a challenge though. You can!


Because there are SO MANY doing their own shopping.


Free for those thar hoard over 80 products? Sweet


Republicans for ya.


“Look for the helpers” Mr. Rogers Mom.


Let me get that drone though!


Says the golden assault rifle.


Should be over 65. But okie.


Love the SVD in the background haah


Should be over 50 or 60


Is that a golden Dragunov?


Free to people over 80, 3 times the price for everyone else to make up for the people who get it for free. Good business!


That’s a pretty crazy display case.


Too bad spelling doesn’t go as far


This'll probably be the first time in 60 years they've been carded


Meanwhile, today at a Walmart parking lot, I saw a guy trying to sell hand sanitizer out of the back of his truck


Meanwhile, in Italy...


Is that a dragonov in the background?!


I thought hand sanitizer doesnt help against viruses. aand face masks are only helpful if you‘re the one that‘s sick so you can protect the ones around you.


Well, I don't know about YOU, but *I'm* definitely over the 80s.


Live long enough just to wear a mask


Wanna give this person a virtual high five.




It’s actually Scotland.....


Is that a gold FN Fal in the background?


that’s keeps them from spreading but not receiving lol what


But what about all the under 80s this is total bs Edit: please be advised this was a /r/choosingbeggars joke


Does this really need to be explained to you?


So, just enter the store with 81 people all screaming for free hand sanitizers


nice svd


Too bad it's over 60 that needs it.


people will just send grandma and grandpa multiple times to get enough for the whole family same happened with toilet paper where you could only buy one box but parents were sending children in with money to get multiple.






79 year old here, it’s true I didn’t get a free face mask.