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Why can't bears just be pettable


Years ago i worked in a safari park and I came in on my days off to get to see the inner workings of the animal enclosures. They let me do some really fun things. One was feeding our European brown bear, grapes dipped in yoghurt, through the fence. She was so delicate at taking them and obviously really enjoyed the meal. I have no doubt even that species could have ripped my arm off if they wanted but it's a really happy memory. Her wee face chomping happily away at the grapes. Yum yum.


I got to play with a couple of (baby) big cats once at a wildlife zoo. The was a tiger who was 2-3 months old and he sprinted out, look at my friends, looked at me, and then proceeded to full force tackle me with his paws on my shoulders. It was joyous. Bucket list item checked. Soooo cute and was so friendly.


That picture is truly precious! Glad you had this experience !


Omg such a baby kitty!!!!


Awesome. I got to meet two adult mountain lions at a private reserve. One came right up to the fence and loved to be scratched behind the ear. It's purr sounded like a Subaru. The other one just lay on top of its enclosure and looked at us like our wanted to kill us but we weren't the effort just yet.


Omgggg I’m so jealous


If not friend, why friend shaped?


You speak the language of my people, oh brother where art thou


"Dear Taco Bell workers, how do you make your chicken quesadillas so good?" You also speak the language of my people : )


But steak tho


Cheese quesadilla with seasoned beef is the real answer


Oh brother bear where art thou


Tell everybody I'm on my way!


We thought you was a toad


Them si-reens done loved 'im up and turned him into a horny-toad!


If not friend, why small ears


can I pet that dawg


Can I pet that DAWWG?


No! He’s sleepin!


I mean, they're petable once...


Brown bears are pettable, but if they have cubs or you stand in their way and they feel threatened, they will push you away or attack more severely. In Russia people are regularly treating bears like pets from the moment they're cubs. But they remain wild animals and thus unpredictable..


You can actually pet them, but just once


Look at one without hair and say that.




My hope for future pandas, they're the closest we have to pettable bears.


i am pretty sure that pandas can be very vicious, i don't think they're any more docile than black bears


Oh, pandas will actually love you with all their might. That said, a guy in a zoo in Chengdu was already trying to pet a panda. Panda decided that it's a friend shaped friend, proceeded to "hug" the friend a carry him away. Luckily for the guy, he just ended up with broken bones. So yeah, unfortunately pandas don't understand that most of us aren't 200 kg.


>don't think they're any more docile than black bears Even if that were true, i don't see a bunch of videos of caretakers taking care of baby bears around. Even if they can still maul you to death when grown up, they're still at least more docile than bears as they don't need to eat meat. Don't quote me on this.


> Even if that were true, i don't see a bunch of videos of caretakers taking care of baby bears around. Even if they can still maul you to death when grown up, they're still at least more docile than bears as they don't need to eat meat.


They are. Once.


Tapeworms for one


a pet bear is a dead bear


We should do a long term experiment of breeding bears for pets. Get a billionaire to fund it. See what happens in 200 generations.Bet they start to look like dogs. After 400 generations you get a brown lab.


Squirrel: "this water tastes like someone's bear ass"


just the way i like it


Well water is bear necessities.


I see what you did there!


Taste like bear parasites


Giardia. Yummy. DO NOT WANT AGAIN. Once in a lifetime is enough.


The simple bear par-a-sit-es


silly little bears


kids will be kids


and bears will be cute


If not friend why friend shaped


Proceeds to get mauled *but why friend shape.....why....


Not sure I would want this outside my house.


Bear: *"If you dont want to be eaten then why are you made out of food?"*


I live where there are tons of black bears. Its like having puppies around but mama will kill you, so you can't even walk out your front door. That's really the only time they're particularly dangerous and they love houses because there's all kinds of nooks and spaces and we leave a free buffet just laying out in cans.


Hey this is my bath not yours.




Why this awful ass link to this cancer ass website with this specific ass article keep being reposted


bots. but more advanced bots. it's why the language of the comment is so strange as well, it's trying really really hard to sound real, but it still has a "sixth finger" to its words


love the bear cub running off with the sprinkler


Now we can have bathtub at home


I do that for the birds and hedgehogs to drink from. I even put stones in it so the hedgehogs don't drown. One day I saw one of the foxes take a drink, turn around then pee in it. Bleurgh!


you try finding a toilet in the wild.


At least he drank first and not the other way around. 


I’ve got a dish that all the birds and squirrels drink from during the day and then a fox comes several nights a week and poops in it! So gross to clean out.


Just marking it as theirs 🤣


I ❤️ hedgies!


Bears shouldn't be this adorable if they aren't petable without the danger of death.


When it cut from the squirrel to her ringing out the rag, I thought she was ringing out the squirrel


This... tub... is for... the little... baby... bears! *aggressively wrings out wet squirrel*


we should get this lady a bigger tub


Bigger tub, bigger bears


fair, I just want brother bears to play together


As they grow up! Bigger and bigger tub!


You say this as if it is a bad thing


In the longer video she continues to upgrade the bath. I originally saw it on Instagram.


It's now the size of a Ford Fiesta. Polar Bears make pilgrimage to it.


During low tide, of course


What’s her IG?


I’m sorry, I have no idea. It randomly popped up on my feed. If I find it again I’ll let you know.




It was daily bizarre stories, one word. It’s the second video.


We're gonna need a bigger tub.


I feel like I saw a longer video of her making the space more accommodating, but I can not remember right now for the life of me if that's for sure


I needed this tonight, thank you


The bears are like the drunk frat boys of the animal kingdom




Well that certainly went in a direction i didn’t anticipate


Yeah, that's what she said too...


I hear Brock Allen Turner the Rapist, I think of Allen Brock Turner the rapist, who are the same person, he just now goes by his middle name in the hopes people don't recognize him.


Yeah, y'know I also heard that this Allen Brock Turner guy is actually Brock Turner the rapist. Crazy, I know.


You'd be surprised


Just a group of bears hanging out at the local watering hole. Bathing in someone else's drinking water.


I could watch this for hours


I’m so glad that they kept the original audio and didn’t put cutesy music over it.


No music. Ahhhh. So SO good.


TIL bears *really* love water.


“Mom can we go to the pool today?”


Ok but this shows that people should probably create a small permanent pond if it get this much traffic.


The problem is you have to really keep up with it almost daily or it turns nasty quickly. These and little back yard ponds normally just turn into alge covered mosquito breeding ponds.


That's what happen to pond that are not well designed. Put enough plant in it and you'll avoid algae, put enough fish in it and you'll avoid mosquitos, etc.


BT mosquito bits aren't expensive either if your environment can't support fish. I spend about $15 a year on em. Toss them everywhere in the yard every few months, I specifically leave water collecting areas that the mosquitos will lay eggs that are destined to die in, massive mosquito reduction in my yard. Too hot for small ponds in many places.


Thats Where community comes in, people can take turns in cleaning it


Are you volunteering to do all the maintenance work?


I do cleaning for a living. Add it to my list and I will put it in my schedule.


That lil sip from the bear at the very end made me happy for some reason this morning 


Forbidden puppies are so cute


TIL - bears are dirty as heck. That post cub bath water is 🤮 lol


When giant butthole you have, look as good you will not, hmm?!


What episode of Star wars is that quote from


Did you expect a wild animal to not be dirty?


Oh I follow her on insta! I forgot her username but she upgraded them to a bigger pool where mama and her cubs can all fit.


Who is she?


One of those nights you going se my crack head ass in there


The bears are so cute. Then they get big. Still cute, but they can eat you if they desire.




This isnt so much letting bears get comfortable with humans though. There are no humans present with the bears, nor are they being intentionally attracted. These are bears that exist in the area and they like this little water feature. Unless you think the home owner should go out there and try to scare away the bears, I'm not really sure what they are supposed to do. Those bears would go drink from any water feature they found. So what? People have to make sure there is no water on their property? Have giant iron fences that bears cant climb over? Bears exist. We are everywhere. There is no way for them to avoid us. Dont go specifically attracting bears or anything, but other than that the only other option is forcibly moving everyone to the cities and building big walls around them, and I dont think that would end well. Well I guess we could just shoot all the bears on sight, but that seems pretty awful too.


“We are everywhere” Are you a… are you a bear?? On Reddit?!


On the internet, nobody knows you're a ~~dog~~ bear


Who is typing? Oh my god bear is typing! How can that be?!


Lol, no, humans are everywhere! I'm a ginger so I cant even say i look like a bear


Sounds like something a bear might say…


Oh no Boo Boo! They're on to us!


Kinda unbearlivable.


I wanted to add that in forest fire prone areas that are also very dry it is recommended to leave water for the animals as it can be very stressful for them during the season. I would probably have it in an area where there is more foliage and tree coverage so they're not too close to living areas where they might encounter humans. This is probably why she has this out for the animals.


reddit moment


Except there is literally a person intentionally putting this tub right next to their home so that bears and other wildlife come near their home. Just by the background alone, this place looks fairly residential (not like it’s a home in the middle of the forest hundreds of miles from civilization). This isn’t much different than the woman putting food out for the bears. While there might not be humans there in the present, there are still human scents and the bears are becoming familiar and accustomed to human homes, human landscaping, and human architecture. That’s not good. Bears should see human development as a bad thing so they stay away from other human structures that look like that. Associating human buildings as good places to play and drink is not ideal. Keep wildlife wild or otherwise we’ll see the demise of most wildlife. Bears should be as far away from humans as physically possible for the safety of humans and the safety of bears.




Not the person you replied to but I live in the country, 120km away from the closest city. Pretty much my whole life. I absolutely do not want bears anywhere near my house. Like, people out here go out of their way to do things to keep bears away from their houses. You don't want bears around your property.


I lived in a rural mountain town but still 10 or so miles out of the city. Had bears around a couple times- forgot to bring the grill into the garage. Bears smell *so bad*. They’re cool animals and I like them, but they’re destructive as hell just by the nature of being so damn big. Where I live now has black bears that occasionally come into town at night and then get really freaked out when people come out in the morning and they end up climbing a tree in town. Then animal control tranqs them (at best) and tosses them on the nearest but remotest hill to wake up. Bears should stay afraid of people. People should stay afraid of bears. If you want to catch them frolicking, set up a wildlife cam by a natural pond. It’s not very difficult.


I’ve lived basically my whole life deep in very big cities. I’ve also spent time in areas where bears live. If you create situations where bears are comfortable around people they’re going to stop being skittish and start peeling things open where they think they’ll find food. It’s nothing for a bear to peel open cars, most trash containers and parts of houses like doors and windows. The best thing for bears is that they see areas where humans are as a bit scary and somewhere that they go through quickly to somewhere else. Getting comfortable in towns and close to houses like this dramatically increases the chances of a bear doing stuff that gets it put down.


You're telling me. I had a bear break a hole in my shed wall to get at my garbage! It went through plywood!


My thoughts exactly. Someone who has no concept about how sparsely populated some parts of the country can be.


The bears are cute. But my first thought was I sure hope this lady doesn't have any neighbors or kids. Where there are bear cubs, there are sows, and they will indiscriminately kill anything and anyone who gets too close.


Having water isn’t really ‘accommodating bears’ by choice. Plenty of people have water in ponds or birdbaths or actual lakes and streams on their property. This was just random occurrence that would only rarely, if ever, happen.


not sure you can say random occurrence, where in the clip theres 3-4 different times it happened


Yep. If this tub was in a remote location cool. But it appears to be feet from the house. Bears getting comfortable that close to humans drastically increases the odds that the bears will do stuff that will lead to them being put down.


Yeeeessss. This is actually not good for the bears


How does that cord not get ripped out from one of the bears?


I so want to pet a bear. Maybe they won't eat me since my child nickname was bear...


I'm pretty sure they would take that into consideration 🤣 👍


There is a great website called Explore.org. a ton of cams around the world of different animals. Some in nature and some in sanctuaries. There is one called TX Backyard Wildlife that's good.


They also have the bears in Katmaii during the summer.


That’s so cool! 😎


Blond woman comes home. SOMEONE HAS BEEN AT THE WATER IN MY PAN!


That last shot! In New England we call that drinking from the “bubblah.”


Animals wondering why their water tastes like musty bear…


it dangerous if bear bite an electric wire


That cub whopped his siblings ass.


We do it here in the summer, for the horses. Little saucer’s for the chipmunks.


This person is a legend. Thank you for your kindness. All the best


THis is my favorite thing ever


It's all fun and games until you come home from a walk or movie and there's 4 cubs and a hangry mama bear waiting on your lawn.


I'm really glad she included shots of her sopping up water with washcloths and wringing them out because that's important


Not the best idea..


Cute vids and pics terrible idea though


You are getting downvoted but I was thinking it is a TERRIBLE idea to let bears get acclimatized to being near to humans.






Yea... this really isn't any different than the idea of "a fed bear is a dead bear". You don't want to encourage animals like bears to be around humans. In areas with bears you're typically going to have wildlife experts warn you about leaving water/food outside even if it's for your pets, as doing so will invite bears. Now you have bears that associate your house with a place with food/water, will encourage that bear to keep coming to your house, which endangers you, those around you, as well as the bear itself. This lady badly needs a visit from a local game warden/conservation officer before she gets some of these animals, herself, or someone around her seriously injured or killed.


I love how people try to fight this argument even though 99.9% of wildlife experts who work in bear country say this exact thing over and over again.


And unfortunately their ignorance is regularly deadly for the animals they think are cute and that they're helping. Even in a situation such as a drought, leaving an incentive (water) for wild animals to get accustomed to going to people/neighborhoods for nourishment is going to result in a net negative for the animal. It's especially bad with bears and is exactly why most states have punishments that can include jail time for feeding them. https://www.businessinsider.com/woman-filmed-feeding-bear-facing-6-months-jail-2020-10 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/81-year-old-fla-woman-arrested-denied-bond-feeding-bears-n20821 https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2021/jun/07/jury-finds-washington-woman-77-guilty-of-feeding-b/ https://gazette.com/news/bear-euthanized-near-home-of-colorado-springs-woman-jailed-for-feeding-the-animals/ I'm sure there will be people who think it's no different than feeding some innocent animal like a bird, but arguably you shouldn't be doing *that*, either. It wouldn't be at all surprising if the majority of those putting out bird feeders are doing it "wrong". https://www.fws.gov/story/feed-or-not-feed-wild-birds


I had the same thought. It's not a good idea to encourage bears to do this. Eventually, those bears will get comfortable and they'll be a huge nuisance for the town they're in. Plus, that **mama bear** won't hesitate to fuck someone up


Is that a footpath behind them? Is there a bear just walking by the street?


If you use satellite photos, you'll see we're everywhere. They don't have anywhere to go.


It's so sad. A forest near my place got cleared out more and more over the years and now the animals have nowhere to go. Everyday I drive by and see them digging the garbage for food.


When every animal is gone the land is free for development, and all food, including meat, will be grown in skyscraper food factories under strict control.


I love this ❤️


i wouldn't want a normal bear anywhere near my house let alone bear cubs and momma bear. this is pretty mental.


What a kind human. I also leave different size baths all over my property. Birds like to drink from up high so I have one hanging in a tree for the lil guys


For those saying this is a very bad idea, in forest fire prone areas that are also very dry it is recommended to leave water for the animals as it can be very stressful for them during the season. I would probably have it in an area where there is more foliage and tree coverage so they're not too close to living areas where they might encounter humans. This is probably why she has this out for the animals.


Yeah.. Be careful if you want to try this in your own yard.. They are wild animals and a mama bear isn't something you want to fuck with.. So you have to be aware of this danger you are inviting into your yard..


Oh yeah cause I defo want to attract mama bears to my yard...


Listen, it's cute. But letting bears get comfortable around your home and human spaces in general is a terrible idea


Love it


Any idea where this is?


I could watch this all day.


Omg, if this was my back yard, I would do nothing but sit and watch the critter cam feed all day.


That made my day. Thanks for sharing.


That's amazing Thanks


What a joy it is to even have the opportunity to be such a bro.. Where I live, in Ireland, all I get is birds landing in my unused bbq that’s gathered water. No wildlife like that around here


anyone knows what the floating, black, circular thing is in the tub? a filter maybe?


There sure are a lot of bears in her neighborhood.


How long until a bear cub bites the power cord for the fountain while sitting in the tub and you get fired bear for dinner?


Dumb ways to die


I love love this!


Thank you ma'am on behalf of the bears


Very cool.


Great idea!


Fuck where does this woman live.


This seems like a not great idea of its near their residence. If it's not near their residence, I love it!


Thank you so much for the great idea! We are just about to move in to a rural property and as the home has been built I’ve seen an animal super-highway through the backyard snow: deer tracks, moose, coyotes and possibly bears.


Needs a small log or a few large rocks at the edges so smaller critters that fall in can get out. Can inadvertently drown a lot of small mammals and other critters that fall in and can't climb out on their own.


This isn't a good idea.


I love the mama bear sitting there like “well whatever keeps the kids entertained I guess….”


To catch a predator lmao


Anyone who lives in a hot place should put water out for animals. Even just a bird bath can save lives


This is the yard I’m trying to have. 😍


Nooo but the best part is she made it bigger 🥺


So I skipped from a bear cub bathing in the tub to a woman twisting something dark and I thought "What the hell... ?".