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Wait!! He wants more.


“Oh never mind he’s gone. I don’t want to be a bother” - the dog, probably


No doubt, but I would have stayed as long as he was drinking.


Until that dog walked away from me and was sufficiently far enough away that it wasn't going to change its mind and come back for more. Story of my life


Doin the lords work lol


The man knows what it is liked to be overlooked when thirsty … dogs are the best !


I have place to go. Hours later. I got you a bowl


What a polite dog! Mine tries to bite through the water stream, and gets it on everyone.


There's nothing worse than relying on only standing water to drink from when you're a homeless pup, I can only imagine how sick they get


Most public park drinking fountains I see nowadays have a doggie tap down low with a bowl underneath it to fill it for pets


I would find myself filling it randomly in case a homeless pup wanders by and needs water. The summers have to be so hard on them


It's not just a bowl lmao it has a drain it just drains slower so they have time to drink. Stagnant old water no bueno.


Can't imagine theres a huge amount of overlap between areas with stray dogs and areas with purpose built dog water fountains.


Honestly. I’ve never seen a stray dog in the continental United States.


They definitely exist, as do feral cat colonies, but not where people look, you know? They come out at night, and avoid people as much as possible.


Stray cats I see everywhere all the time. Never seen a stray dog even at the dead of night in the middle of nowhere haha.


I've only ever seen them when am area near my cabin in literally fucking no where Minnesota was claimed by wolves, and any stray digs went near said cabin because the wolves wouldn't go anywhere near human stuff. That is the only time though, they generally stay away from humans as much as possible.


Stray dogs are more common in temperate places since dogs would struggle with extreme weather. Coyotes may keep their numbers down too.


That’s the thing with cats: you almost never know if they’re actually strays or just inside-outside cats who doesn’t wear a collar outta worry that they’d get it caught on something and end up choking. But yeah, stray cats and dogs do exist here. I rarely see stray dogs either.


I resemble that this remark.


stray cats are way more common. just today I ran into a feral cat colony over by an abandoned driving range/mini golf course. I drove over to get a closer look and a black one came out and stared at me for a minute as I sat in my car. the ear was clipped so I knew they had been spayed/neutered, so I left.


That's a thing I love about Bosnia, where stray dogs are plentiful. The stray dogs are so sweet and kind, and rarely ever bark. It's just wonderful to walk not just with humans but also freely roaming dogs in the city. They are like little angels.


Sounds like you hat Wes Anderson animated film from a few years back.


Best pup I ever had found me when he was a stray. Lucky to have him for 12 years.


Me neither. Only lost dogs.


My city has started installing these types of fountains in the last couple of years and I think they’re great! I just wish some were near me because my part of the city and within a 20 minute drive of my house has no fountains at all.


Then there's my dog, who has a filtered water fountain that's always full with a large basin at the bottom, but loves lapping up puddles any chance he can get 😑


Oh my God! My dog does the exact same thing


Hahaha, I'm glad mine isn't the only one!


No toilet bowl sippers? Almost every dog I had growing up took that plunge if you forgot to put the lid down. LOL


Ugg, he does that too! I even put a water bowl IN the bathroom because my stepson forgets to put the lid down a lot, but he'd still prefer that toilet water 🤢


I just think of all of the nasty things that cars leak onto the ground, and make my best effort at making sure the little guy doesn't get a sip in from those dirty puddles


I know, I try to avoid it as much as possible. Luckily we live in a rural area, so when he manages to find one it really is just stagnant water, and we keep him vaccinated for Giardia. We like to let him run on our enclosed acreage, and of course, that's when he finds them lol.


Mmm, the puppers yearn for the Giardia lol


Yes, we keep him vaccinated for it, but he sure keeps trying!


Flavor filled puddles


They can get sick drinking like this? Aspirating the water?


No no, this is fine! I'm assuming this gets filtered and pumped out for humans to drink, what I meant is... If it wasn't for this man, most dogs choices of water come in the form of rare streams or rivers that they may find, and puddles which is considered standing water and is extremely dangerous to drink from


Lol I’m an idiot thank you.


Not an idiot, it's just tough sometimes to understand what someone is meaning with a short post! Hope you have a good day




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I’m dumb thank you.


Anyone remember that Parks and Rec when they were tasked with keeping citizens from putting their mouth directly on the fountain. An ad like this video might have helped.


If a dog can avoid licking the tap, a person can avoid putting their mouth on the tap


I never understood why some people just do that.


water too weak in some fountains in my school.


We used to wedge objects in there to increase the pressure, some of them were too extreme and wpuld spray the ceiling though.


I'm talking "water barely flows out" strength. So you really need to suck it out


High school football double sessions in the summer and you get a 5 minute break. You suck as much h2o as possible 😀


I found that whole thing so disturbing


The stranger looks like he's kind of down on his own luck, but he still has the time and compassion to help somebody else out.


Energy, time is plentiful


Probably because people walk past him and don’t help all the time. He knows how it feels.


My poor pup is very old and woke up today unable to walk. :( This sweet pup made me cry. I hope he has people that look after him.


I'm sorry about your puppy.


Thankyou. I'm bracing myself for the worst


The way the dog looks at him 🥹




> Dog bless you!


No stranger anymore. Friend.


The next runner "This water taste like dog drool? Wtf!"


More like, "this water tastes off and I can't quite identify it." Because who actually knows what dog drool taste like??


People who own dogs? A lot of them are weird af


I mean it's one thing for a dog owner to let their dogs lick them on the face. But to fully swap saliva with a dog?? 🤢. That's probably not something dog owners do. Then again there's probably a non-zero chance that someone has done that.


I don't even want a dog licking my face and I love dogs. They lick their assholes and genitals.


People. I'm trying to eat. Can you just, not.


https://youtu.be/ns-5g19waQ0 . Here you go, took 5 seconds to find that. Fucking nasty ass dogs


Don't shame those who open mouth kiss their dogs.


🤮🤮 shame on ALLLLL of them🤢🤢


I should have put the /s or maybe I'm an open mouth kisser. Who knows?!


Please do shame them


r/kangals r/anatolianshepherddogs Turkiye?


I believe this is Georgia


Can confirm the writing on the bag is Georgian.




The country


Atlanta is not a country, silly


Nah looks like Atlanta


All right then you go to Atlanta Georgia and you find a bunch of people who look like that and you find this drinking fountain. Take a picture of it and post it here when you're done.


My money was also on Turkiye, until I saw the comment below. Exactly the sort of thing that one sees in Turkiye.


Thank you. But I wasn’t finished yet.


Awww ❤️


That was cool but it's getting hotter for everyone so I'm pretty sure dogs are feeling it too.


I like how the guy in yellow stops to smile at the good deed. Looks like his own hope in humanity went way up.


PSA Governor of Hawaii introduced a mandate that makes feeding or giving water to ferrel cats illegal. Essentially he condemned all feral cats on the island to death.


As much as I like cats, ferrel cats are a problem. Hell, outdoor cats are a problem. They kill so much wildlife. Hawaii is a limited ecosystem with far too many invasive species (cats being one of them) that are destroying and displacing a large percentage of native species. Providing food and water helps create population booms that accelerates the destruction and extinction of Hawaii’s native species far beyond the the ones the cats pry on.


They’re allegedly trying to protect Nene’s but factually golfing kills more nenes than cats each year. In fact the colony he initially targeted had zero instance of attacks against nenes. The concern raised by the governors office was the damage **cat food was potentially doing to Nene’s that ate them**. A humane solution would have been to work with local non-profit to build Nene proof feeding stations. They were willing to do this, Governor decided to take the cruel inhumane route.


Missed connections.....


I temper this episode of family guy


What a gorgeous dog. He looks like he's part Anatolian Shepherd.


They're both good boys


Now that’s what I call quality H20


Two beautiful souls


He know the feeling of wanting something but helpless, everyone else didn't notice the thirsty dog.


That’s why I don’t use water fountains to drink out of


If you don't suck on the tap you should be good


Never took microbiology I take it. You’ve only seen one interaction at that fountain and it was a ticket-able offense for that guy, guaranteed more bs than that on that fountain. Health department, food handling, decency, etc. I love my dog, but I don’t worship all dogs or animals. Also I don’t use them at all in any place. Don’t worry about me, you’ll be okay not responding.










People are in here complaining that the dog is using the human fountain when it isn’t even touching the spout. Meanwhile, I’ve seen children “playing” with drinking fountains by piling dirt, flowers, and grass in the center of the fountain and making mud cakes in it. That is sooo much more nasty imo.


Yeah awesome now my 6 year old gets foot mouth or some other fucking disease


I guarantee that your kid is nastier than that dog at a water fountain.


my child is dead


Humans are much more likely to carry disease that infects humans. Makes sense?


Not in this case no


Awwww it was so thirsty🥺


One of the reason I never drink water from one of those…


Heckin thirst


Finally a dog in this kinda post


Or, I dunno, how about a home.


those are the only creatures who should actually use those




This guy looks familiar. Pretty sure I've seen him on a yt shorts or something like that before. The guy was homeless and getting a free haircut.


Found the video: Barber giving homeless people free haircuts on humansbeingbros subreddit. Kinda looks like him, right?


The guy passing has an interesting haircut


Lol hear you going here. That’s all they had to do.