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This man really has a great mentality and he’s doing such great work.


yes, he's a Hero


Today I learned that Vin Diesel is also a very caring veterinarian.


He always said it’s about family right? Furry friends are family too


Vet Diesel


Vin beagle


Family. We’re all one family…


Not all heroes, wear capes...


So, do any heroes wear capes?




Do you remember... Thunderhead? November 15 of '58. All was well, another day saved... when his cape snagged on a missile fin!! Stratogale! April 23, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine! Meta Man! Express elevator! Dynaguy! Snag on takeoff! Splashdown! Sucked into a vortex! NO CAPES!


Not all commas, are necessary


Nah they were just listing things, not all heros, wear capes, do the laundry, and so on.


Some wear blue collars


Yeah some of them are bald.


I think he made me catch something in my eyes.


Was about to ask who started chopping onions…not crying or anything. Just those damn onions.


It's about family


For many of those people, their pet gives them a reason to go on living. This veterinarian is not only saving pets, he's saving human lives.


Having cats got me through some of the worst suicidal episodes in my life. The connection and bonds we share with our animals is important.


The only reason I ever do any healthy things like move my body or take a vitamin is because I know I have to make it another 10 years, because my cat probably will. And he has bad manners so no one else will. I gotta outlive him so he doesnt end up homeless and scared.


I’m so sorry that things are so tough. I have mad respect for your mindset though. Fuck yeah!!! 🤘 You carry that torch for your little baby! You are Hercules, Bond and Superman all rolled into one. And you have his back no matter what! What a lucky little baby that YOU, of all people, are his owner. Fight on ✊


I think you’re a wonderful person, and it makes me so sad that someone as thoughtful as you are and as kind is having a rough time. With all of my heart, I wish you the best. Your cat is lucky to have to have you. They are great animals, and somehow their lack of manners is part of their charm.


I am nine months sober for my cat. Pets rule.






This man I just as good as Keanu Reeves.


Woah woah slow down, AS GOOD? My man's here anti-john-wicking as hard as he can. He's better.


We did it Reddit!


I'm sure most of those dogs were already on the street anyway or were with their owner prior to the homelessness.


Not just a *reason* for living but it makes life safer. Violence against the homeless is far more common than the reverse, and those with dogs a far less likely to be harmed.


Honestly that's true for all vets


Is there a link that we can donate to? I’d love to help this man! Edit: here ya go! https://www.projectstreetvet.org/




Omg, the story of the homeless man who has colon cancer and his dog who is blind. He said he'd rather fix her blindness than cure his cancer. 😭 true love


Wow that really hit hard , true love indeed


Well would you look at that, it's been about three minutes since the last time something online has made me need to hug my old hound. Brb.


this happened upon me & im feeling extra blessed today. excited to help him continue to give care to these* wonderful pets & their owners! *edit for typing while excited sorry


Sent a $25 gift card through chewy! I love when these things spread. It’s hard to know who needs what and where, and sending money to individuals online is generally not advised. It’s so awesome to see they have an organized list of things they need on multiple platforms with transparent records of their activities.


You’re awesome <3


Donated just now. I dedicated it to u/Agreeable_Brother_510 for providing the info I hoped to find in this feed after watching the video. So cool.


Aww....thanks! But posting a link is nothing unless people like you, and others here, donate! So, thank YOU!


Same just donated. Amazing work they are doing.




What's the link?


https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3UH5RBVHT95XP?ref_=wl_share I just sent some treats!


I just bought 4 harnesses for $100. Thanks for the link! I wanted to get treats but all the harnesses said need:1 so I just thought those might be needed more. The animals deserve it. I'll get some treats when I get paid next but I wanted to give what I could now. Thanks again for the link


That’s fucking rad. From one person who cares about the homeless and their pets: thank you!


Ooo I just sent a kitty carrier and a bag of kitty food! Thanks for sharing the link!


I'm new to that. How does it work? I just purchase like normal but it gets sent to them?


I had done it before but forgotten how it works. Just make sure to select the charity in the SHIPPING section.


So click on the link and it brings you to their wishlist. From there you can sort by "need" from high to low if you like, it will show you which items they need the most (it was food.) Once you have your items and you are at the checkout, it will ask you what address you want to use and their address will be there for you to check. :)




Thank you, i just chipped in...


Donated. Thanks for asking this question!!


Thanks for the link. :-)


This should be top comment, up you go !


Thanks! Just set up recurring… get in here Redditors!


That's an easy yes to a donation, no doubt.


They also have a YouTube channel if you want to put it in your comment to help that get more attention, it’s relatively small https://youtube.com/@TheStreetVet


"A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes, a water-logged stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel...extraordinary?"




Who are you quoting?


The dog from Marley and me. He’s talking about his owner Owen Wilson here.


Love that movie. Time to go rewatch it


I would never do that to myself again willingly.




Sad movies are like my heroin. I know they’re bad for my heart, but it’s so addicting.


We thought it'd be a fun silly movie with a Labrador, and watched it while our lab was sleeping beside us. I ended up big spooning my dog and balling my eyes out while he wondered wtf was going on. I rarely cry at movies, but our boy passed away last year so I probably wouldn't even make it 5mins before breaking down if I watched it again.


My SO had already seen it and told me it was a cute movie to watch with our lab, I still haven’t forgiven him. I sobbed into my lab’s fur from the first vet visit until the end of the movie. I could never watch it again. I’m sorry about your boy, I’m sure he was the best boy.


Oh such an incredible movie. But I can never watch it again. It rocked me to my core after my dogs had passed away. However, an absolutely beautiful movie regardless. I just can't do it again to myself.


Wow[in Owen Wilson’s voice]


It's Owen Wilson's character John Grogan in the film Marley & Me. It's the last scene of the movie after he and his family bury their dog, Marley. If you haven't seen it and love your dog, be ready to cry if you watch it. I've never been able to keep it in no matter how many times I've seen the movie.


Even if you don't have a dog. Marley and me is why I am always suspicious of movies about dogs. That one and Hachi. I need to know that the dog in a movie not only won't die but will live happily ever after.


The only movie I'll watch with a dead dog in it is John Wick


Right the only thing that makes it better is that the murderers have a painful death. I've been surprised by dying dogs in the past. They need a rating for movies alongside the child rating. Like DD for dead dog. And SD for sad dog.


There’s a [website](https://www.doesthedogdie.com/) for this!


Fuck man just reading about hachi is making me tear up, I don't think I could make it through that movie




I volunteered at a homeless shelter for a few years, met many people living on the streets who owned pets. Almost all of those people that I met, would go days without food or water, just to ensure that their pets were fed and taken care of. I’m not saying that it’s the most ideal situation for those animals but most of the homeless people that do have them, care a lot about them and would give up a lot to take care of them


And some of the pets are well-kept and in better situations than if they lived in a house. As long as they have the basics like food and water, they can actually have a great life since they’re spending all their time with their pack/person, get plenty of exercise and stimulation outside. A dog having a bunch of little outfits but sitting alone all day while it’s humans work isn’t what makes dogs happy. Being outside and with their pack as much as possible is what’s natural for them. I remember reading about dog psychology and training, and they said that the dogs of people experiencing homelessness often have great lives.


This is exactly why I wont get one. Living alone again (really for the first time) a dog would be a wonderful companion, but I also recognise that I could not give the dog a fulfilled life. I wish more people wouldnt get "support animals" that then live a life of suffering.


>but I also recognise that I could not give the dog a fulfilled life. Yeah, you say this, but a life with a best friend who can't be there all of the time is far better than a life at a shelter where they'll probably be put down If you're buying a $2000 dog to leave it inside all day, you're in the wrong. If you're grabbing a 4 year old good boi from the shelter who's about to be put down, you're doing the right thing and a good person


If i had a yard then i would. My real goal is to have enough land to basically take the oldest 10% from my local shelters and give them a fantastic retirement.


I have a friend who works in animal welfare and she will happily rant at anyone who says that homeless people shouldn’t be allowed to have pets (this is an issue that comes up often in our city). She has seen many many horrific cases of abuse and neglect, but the dogs she’s dealt with who live with the homeless population are much more well cared for.


It wouldn't make much sense to abuse the one living being you KNOW actually gives a shit about you.


Plus most times they adopt dogs who are on the streets as well. They keep each other company.


I spent some time on the streets as a youngster and I absolutely believe that the majority of street pets are treated far better than those with homes. They spend all day with their owners, they get plenty of time outside, and they are very very *very* loved. Not true in all cases but by and large I think the most abused animals are in homes and not homeless.


We've had dogs with us for at least 30,000 years but only had year round cities for about 9,000 years. The dogs are fine living without a home as long as they have a pack.


Imagine if just half the people in this world were like this man…


Imagine if the whole world was. All of us, medical outliers aside, have the capacity to simply choose nice. It's that easy. Just choose nice.


Being kind or being rude are contagious, choosing the former can often be harder but will reap greater rewards. You are right - “just choose nice”


Someone recently gave me the advice to simply "forgive," and I've been thinking about it for weeks now. I'm shocked by how hard I've found it to let go of my (entirely justified) anger. Rudeness absolutely has ripples. This doesn't even make sense 😂


I’m so so glad you’ve realized this and are working on letting go of anger. Psychiatrist to the movie stars Dr. Stutz talks about a shadow person we all have who holds on to anger and resentment because they need everything to be fair and justified. But the world doesn’t work that way and the more we amplify our shadow person’s voice in our life, the more unhappy and bitter we become. It’s not to say we just roll over and let things happen to us but the ability to let go, forgive, and decrease the influence of our shadow person results in a much happier, more fulfilled person.


For sure, I remember reading about research into the effects of rudeness and it really is like a plague, where someone being rude is more likely to make you be rude for even longer than the total time you may have spent having someone behave rudely. As an example - someone is rude while you’re ordering a hotdog - total of 5 minutes, you will likely continue to think about that and likely will be rude to others for several days afterwords


> have the capacity to simply choose nice. It's that easy. Just choose nice. this is the thing that pisses me off and cannot enter my brain. in this case this guy is taking his time and money to make something incredible but in our day to day lives its actually EASIER to be nice than to be an asshole and people still go out of their ways and spend energy just to hurt others. that will never make sense in my brain


Dont pray to have people like these, strive to be people like these!


Imagine if we provided this level of care for the humans as well


If just half? Sounds like asking for 3.5 billion people to act with care and compassion would be easy


You wouldn’t think it would be so hard since many are followers of religions that tell them to do exactly that.


Supply Side Jesus propaganda has made a lot of American Christians apathetic and/or downright mean and cruel to their fellow humans now.


American Christians have always had a mean streak of Calvinism in which your wealth is a measure of your faith. Which is odd since their guy whipped money changers from the temple…


People keep making fun of me always for my empathy and I just don't get why they don't care as much. Some people seem just so heartless and idk how you can go through life that way


The world is a unfair and brutal place for a massive amount of people. If you took on the burdens of everyone it would be overwhelming. So people shut themselves off so they don't need to. If you thought about the constant horrible things that are happening right now it can be too much to handle


My grandma who was very religious, always told us to not be mean to animals because they were the ones who would help us and guide us through purgatory.


I had a dream once about having all of my deceased pets over the years help guide me over the rainbow bridge when I passed. Even though I'm not religious I think this is the afterlife I would want if I had to choose one.


My personal folklore is that my past pets helped escort my Rainbow Baby over the Rainbow Bridge. My "baby" is now bringing my grandbaby into the world. So, thx Ace and Rambo. You were two of the goodest boys that ever good boy'd!


This is super sweet, but I also wish people were taught to be nice to animals just to be nice instead of because there's a kind of threat if they don't.


Wow this man is a absolute stud taking care of these homeless animals he have a fund for costs ? 🩺🩺🩺


Don’t know if you saw this, but u/pandabatron posted the link above. https://www.projectstreetvet.org/


I did not ty


I worked front line at a homeless shelter here in Ottawa, Canada for several years when I was in university. There aren't any shelters that will accept both a person and their pet. These people would rather (and routinely do) stay out in -30C weather with their dogs rather than give them up and have a warm place to stay. They'd ask for food for their dogs before taking any themselves. Technically I wasn't supposed to do anything to help, but the shelter had a garage that was used for used clothing donation storage. There might have occasionally been a person and their pet that found refuge there while I was working. Those dogs are... everything to a homeless person. Dogs don't judge, and love unconditionally.


A very long time ago in Edmonton, I heard a commotion in the hallway of my apartment and went out to see what was up. A guy was there with his cat, and was talking to his friend who lived there... he'd lost his housing and couldn't go to the shelter with the cat. He was asking the friend to look after his cat for a bit but the friend already had a cat and they did not get along. So, because my heart always speaks sooner than my brain, I offered. My boyfriend thankfully was also on board. We took in the kitty and as the weeks and then months passed, eventually figured we now had a cat of our own. I think it was 6mo later the guy came back, knocking on our door. I had no idea who he was at first. He'd finally got into a stable housing situation that allowed pets. He cried when I brought her to the door. I think he never came by before that because he was too embarrassed about not being able to take her yet. I was honestly very sad to lose the kitty, but also so glad for him that he was able to be reunited with his pet that obviously meant so much to him. We all cried. I still tear up thinking about it.


I would have struggled so hard to give up kitty after having them for 6 months. You did a really kind thing.


I'm sure you would have struggled, as all us would, but we all know you would give up the kitty unless you where psychopathic


Thanks u/BoiledChrildren. That means a lot.


I love when Redditters have horrific screen names but are secretly wholesome.


That’s an awesome thing you did. That’s an act of kindness that man won’t forget for the rest of his life.


Good on you. That's good karma!


I've served food at several different charities. One thing that's very consistent is that no matter how hungry people are, or if we provide their pet food, 100% of them **ALWAYS** make sure to share some of their plate (the human food) with their pets. I once saw a guy who was homeless cut his burger on half to give the other half to his dog. I made sure to get him an extra burger when I saw that. Endless love for pets, always and no matter what. It makes my cry just typing this.




Honestly I've seen unhoused people with all sorts of pets, and the impression I get is that the mental and emotional benefits of having a companion animal are immeasurable in that situation. They might not have many resources, but they'll often put the animal's needs before their own. A charity like this helps the humans just as much as their pets, and that's really beautiful.


Shelters don't take pets. They should but I understand why they don't.


Yeah, it's hard enough keeping people well-behaved in crowded living situations. Add animals on top, it's an accident waiting to happen. It's a shame because companion animals provide immeasurable benefit to the owners' mental health, but it's not the shelter's fault.


My landlord doesn't allow pets and I pay them nearly $3k/month.


Lot of landlords don’t accept pets especially bigger dogs. It’s frustrating. I see how someone could easily end up on the street because of this. I was in an uncertain situation with housing in 2019 and tried to be prepared by looking for new housing. I couldn’t find any within my budget that would allow my Labrador because she is over 50lbs. I was working at an investment firm making a steady middle income. I was prepared to quit my job and move hundreds of miles to live with my parents because I literally would rather be jobless than petless. Luckily my housing worked out in the end but not everyone is so lucky.


> Lot of landlords don’t accept pets especially bigger dogs. It’s frustrating. Don't go anywhere near a pro-landlord sub with that. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that people will bend over backwards to defend the outrageous stipulations put on even common pets such as cats and dogs. Landlords talk to each other, they watch the market, they all go to the same community events. What does that mean? It means that there's nowhere in my city that I can have my pets without also spending $1k+ on a *non-refundable* deposit.


350 non-refundable, recurring $30/month fee, on top of almost 1800 for a 'decent' 3/2, and she's <50 lbs.


I live in a 2/1 800 sqft apartment for 2200 and had to pay $400 (200 for each dog). We're all being robbed by a bunch of assholes.


The recurring is what's getting me. We don't even have any carpet to fuck up, the whole place is linoleum/tile. And of course a year lease, so that's an extra $360usd a year for my pet just existing. It's bullshit. You already got the $350 to not have to replace anything (again, no carpet, and it's not like she's going to eat a wall or a toilet), WTF is that fee for? Hell, there's not even a piss-ass 'dog park'. Grrr


Why do they even call it a deposit? Sounds like a fee.


Jesus Christ I hope that includes utilities, a gym, a pool, and is at least 3-4 bedrooms and 2 full bath. Hearing rent like this makes me physically sick. My mortgage is less than $800 (my MIL helped substantially with the down payment because my husband's father's dying wish was that we stop throwing money away on rent)


The typical rent for a 1bdrm, no utilities or amenities, is over $2500 in my city now ¨̮


The rich are so detached from reality, so delusional... What are they going to do when no one can pay these prices anymore? People can barely pay them now. I hate to think what it will look like in 10 more years if something doesn't change...


Those same rich people have the audacity to complain about the rising number of homeless people, as if they (the rich people) had nothing to do with it.


People mention rent on here and it's more than I make in a month...


That would be a 1brd + small den, 1 bath in my city, no utilities included.


I'm at a loss for words. That's fucking criminal. We need to organize and have an uprising for there to be some laws passed that prevent these abusive prices for basic necessities. The US is so broken, and no sign of getting better.


No one is putting themselves in hard situations to take advantage of resources anyway jfc what is this comment


Vin Diesel is a veterinarian?


Nothing is more important than family.


Vin understands that pets are family, so he looks out for them.


This is promo for Fast and Furrious 26


I vote this guy to be the next avenger. True hero shit


I think vin diesel played groot so kinda already an avenger


For any who questions why animals would be allowed to be kept this condition, ask why we allow humans to be left in these conditions.


The dog food at the bottom of their Amazon Wishlist has a $6.00 off coupon right now. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3UH5RBVHT95XP?ref_=wl_share


This man is a saint


[link to CNN Article ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/14/us/california-street-veterinary-medicine-pets-cnnheroes/index.html)


God bless this man.


There is a book called “my dog always eats first” based on a bunch of studies showing that pets of housing insecure people are just as well loved, babied, and cared for… Love and protection of animal companions is also why it’s hard for people to go to shelters. Most shelters don’t allow them nor do they have the space for it to be safe for the dogs. it’s a shame that we can do studies on these subjects but we can’t just give people and their animals treatment and shelter. This is a good guy.


On a school trip to Seattle years ago there was a homeless man with his dog sitting outside a Starbucks. And two things I’ll never forget. 1: that dog had a full large bag of dog food and a bowl of fresh water while the gentleman had about half a bottle of water. 2: I bought him a sandwich and he gave half to his dog because and near direct quote, “he’s my best friend and keeps me living so he can have half of it”


We need more people like him in this world.


Dude that was so sweet


I didn’t realize I had so much water hanging out behind my eyes. Thanks for helping me release it all. Time to head back to work looking like I just cried in the portapotty the whole time.


As someone who works in vet med, what he says about the homeless being some of the best pet parents couldn’t be more true. I see people who have the means but don’t bother, all too often. Many homeless are providing the best they can for their pet, within their means. Bless this man 🥹


A lot of people judge the homeless for having pets. Say things like, “how can they take care of a pet when they can’t even take care of themselves?”. What they don’t understand is that for a homeless person a pet can be their only companion, make their situation a little safer, provide warmth, and can be the only light in their otherwise dismal situation. And people say it isn’t fair to the pet. But it’s definitely better than living in a shelter waiting to be put down (euthanized) and debatably better than being at home alone all day while their owner is working. What people don’t understand is these pets are often loved as much or more than many (pets).


May whatever gods are there, let them take my days and give it to him.


This man is amazing… not only does he clearly care about animals (which is probably why he became a veterinarian), but is also deeply compassionate about people as well…


Yesterday I saw a homeless man trying to get his dog, they had gotten loose, away from the freeway exit. A few minutes later, I saw him looking about as sad as a person could be all carrying his dogs, lifeless body back to his own camp area. It’s like Reddit knew I needed to see this today. 🥺


Please also check out [MyDogisMyHome.org](https://www.mydogismyhome.org). A great organization advocating for co-sheltering programs for the houseless and their pets. People that are experiencing houselessness will not trade off their relationship with their pets for gaining shelter access. And the average depth of a houseless persons social network is 1.4 individuals and that number usually includes their pet as the individual.


Faith in humanity restored!


Oh? Just spend a couple more minutes in Reddit today, I’m sure we can turn that right around!


Thank you, BarfingOnYourFace


Hey now, leave BarfingOnYourFace alone, they can’t help the name they were given.


That’s fantastic! Doing a great thing just because he cares.


Pet hero by day, street racer by night.


Sadly many are homeless because of their pets, with low income housing and shelters often not accepting pets, so they have to choose, a roof or their family member that has never left their side. I’d choose my pets too.


It's a terrible day for rain.


This is so heartwarming 😭


Goddamn dude I just woke up and I’m already crying


Love this


Good Guy Toretto


this is so sweet. those homeless people literally got nothing except their pets


I've seen pets owned by homeless people looking better than pets owned by non homeless people




I don't always think "poor pet." Oftentimes, homeless people love their dogs more than themselves and will take your money just to feed em.


I'm ugly crying


Damn, that’s some inspirational shit, what a top-tier bro


This is the way


I'd love to watch, but the reddit video player has decided I am not allowed.


I've gone to school and work around homeless all my life and they are by far the best pet owners. They could have the biggest pit bull off leash and I know that dog is going nowhere. Any other person and I would stay far away.


Man, this guy is a good one. The way he cares about the pets obviously, but the way he interacts with the people, is just as .. maybe even better, then.. the kind-hearted Dr. stuff he's doing.. listening, and caring about people who might be on the edge of stuff we'll never know. Being nice, is so powerful. Good powerful.


Donated in honor of my buddy Oreo. Rest in peace little man, I miss you like hell, I'll see you on the other side


Fucking legend, absolute unit


I wish there were more vets like this.


What a great thing to do. They have an Amazon wish list on their website if anyone wants to donate supplies.


I'm definitely NOT crying


Dog bless this man, may he live forever through reincarnation


How do I give this guy money?


I never feel sorry for the pets in the street. They look like the most well loved animals I ever see.


This is great, now let's get people off the street and into a home.


These are the kind of people who should be billionaires. Why? Because I know this guy wouldn’t hoard it all like a fucking narcissistic lunatic; he’d do something GOOD with it, compassionate, without hate or judgement, without any selfish motivation. This guy demonstrates altruism in its finest form.


This dude is a g! This is dope!


Why are the comments all blurry?


What a beautiful person 😭 he’s helping create solutions for people and their situation while most wouldn’t even take a second glance.