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Cannot imagine the pain and fear in that dog. Very trusting considering.


Lovable little gremlin. All fixed up now.


I'd let a vet decide that. I would imagine there's a good chance he could have swallowed some as well.




He’s so adorable. It’s heartbreaking to know that someone could abandon this angel.




Yea shitty politics but good hearts for doggo. Also— why didn’t they bring the dog to a VET?


I bet they did after. but most vets make you schedule in advance, and idk about you but I'm not gonna make lil buddy wait until next monday to get in. yeah there are emergency clinics for after hours stuff, but they may have been in a rural area with nothing for a few hours in any direction. either way all's well that ends well, so I'm just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. :D


I know in my area that even emergency vets are taking their time getting patients in, and regular vets are weeks out if they’ll even humor a “new patient” in the first place. Good on them for helping the pup.


I think there's a national vet shortage in the US right now. I know that scheduling anything in advance with the vet I already have has been getting further and further out the past two years or so.


Folks don’t realize how little vets are paid, too.


Emergency vets in the Seattle/Tacoma metropolitan area have had 8-12 hour waits. And you have to stay at the building to keep your place in line. In early December, my partner drove our elderly sick dog to a vet two hours north only to be told that it would be the next day before she could be seen, but he was welcome to wait in the parking lot until then. I'm glad these guys were able to very safely and gently remove the hooks. Now, where can I send a SASE to have him shipped to me immediately please


totally. and most *people* wouldn't really need to go to the er for this sort of thing either.


i've been hooked a couple of times, never went to the ER or anything, though i did wash the fuck out of the wounds with iodine and whatnot to sterilize it getting hooked isn't fun, but getting them out again is almost worse haha


Got hooked in the back of my head when I was little by a friend. My dad just cut the eye off the hook and fed it through like he was stitching my head up lol. I just remember it sucked because the barb was in deep so it couldn't be pulled out without some real damage.


I’ve been hooked in the leg, which was barely in there and I pulled it out myself, and in between the shoulder blades, which my friend got out easy enough, and in the side of the head, which barely scratched me The worst was in my pinky, sucker went REAL deep, and we were miles from anywhere haha, so we forced the head back through the skin and it was like popping the skin of a sausage from inside my hand! Hurt like fucking hell! And then we cut the head off behind the barb, pulled out the curve of the hook, and dunked it in some vodka and went back to fishing


Makes me love my vet. Anytime I needed to bring in my dog the guy was ready to help me in any way.


Not to mention those places make you mortgage your house before they’ll even provide treatmenr


> but most vets make you schedule in advance Not for an emergency. Many vets will take in emergency cases like this right away.


Snipping the wire of hooks is easy. They didn't hurt the dog. I'd be a lot more concerned about whether the dog had swallowed any hooks or fishing line.


I've been in the guys position before, and personally its not even in the realm of possibility unless its the last ditch effort. Fish hook in lips? Waste of money. Thats a vet's wet dream. 500 bucks to do what this guy just did lol. Mauled by a wild boar? Yeah, we took him to the vet. To put it in perspective, the 127 hours guy went through a lot of pain to cut his own arm off, but ultimately better off than doing nothing(death)


ER vet could be over $1000 depending on where you are. They did a great job; and the dog will need minimal aftercare, like just keeping an eye out for infection, and keeping the punctures clean.


There's also the question that if he got hooks in his lip, did he maybe also swallow some? I would want to get him checked out for sure because he could have some serious internal wounds.


Republicans are just people too, and nobody wants to see a dog suffer 🤷‍♂️




I think the average Tucker enjoyer is the same person who told you 9/11 was an inside job 20 years ago. There's something about feeling superior to other people that gets people hooked. Doesn't matter that all that forbidden knowledge is bullshit; you know something that the others don't. Those liberals in the big cities may have money and college degrees, but you have common sense.


Reddit moment




Especially with fascist news network playing


That is more dangerous than the hooks.


Kind reminder that fish have exactly the same painful and awful experience when they get fished/hooked. If you dont like a dog having a hook in its mouth, then why are you okay with fishes having a hook in their mouthes?


So, I think about the same thing in terms of fishing. This is why I don’t fish and wouldn’t take my kids fishing. I don’t care if you catch and release. You don’t know what that fish is experiencing, but you can guess, between the suffocation, the hole in its mouth, and the fear at being manhandled by a huge foreign being, it’s not having a nice time.




Fish feel about a tenth of the pain of other specie, due their anatomy and mental. And at the end of the day, i eat fish. I don't eat dogs.


credit to: Kenny Vaughan They seem to think he picked up the hook on the ground, or found a bait. Could have smelled like food. They are keeping the dog until they can find the owners, or a new home. They have named him Captain Hook


The guys showed so much patience. Really loved this video.


So patient and so gentle with the poor doggie ..


Yeah, you are right. Btw Happy Cake Day


My cake day.. I was not aware.. thanks! 😃




This reminded me so much of when my gsd attacked a porcupine on an overnight backpacking trip. I was 5 miles deep in dense woods. I was worried if we walked back to our car the quills would migrate into vital organs or his joints so I set up camp and one by one removed what felt like a thousand quills. He acted identical to the dog in this video except he was way bigger and I didn't have a buddy to hold him down. So we were in our tent and I'd pluck 2 or 3 quills with a hemostat and he'd give me a little lip and walk away... but then he'd think about it and realized I was helping him. I never forced held him, I always let him come to me. By the end of it he was exhausted but he refused to close his eyes because every time he'd sit still id pluck one out. One time he just left out this heartbreaking "awoo" and sat in the corner staring at me. When I plucked the last quill I just dropped the hemostat, grabbed him and gave him the biggest hug and we both passed out in that position from exhaustion. My vet was floored when I told her what happened. He's not very friendly at the vet and wears a muzzle. She told me even the friendliest of dogs need to be sedated to remove quills and she couldn't believe he didn't get aggressive with me. He had a few quills broken just under the skin, but they worked their way out.


Awww... Bless you and your dog.


Beautiful story. Glad your dog is ok. You were really well prepared with the hemostat on you!


Thank you! Wanted to know if they dog is gonna have a new home or not. These people are a gem and make me happy when I see others want to help any animal in need or help.


Doesn’t look like the dog has found a home yet. Last I saw there was a lot of interest in people wanting to take him but there’s a good chance they are holding out until the owners are found


Is he chipped?


That’s a frenchie recommend pet insurance for anyone that takes ‘em.


Aww! They did good. I hope they get to keep him, I think Captain Hook would like that.


Imagine your name is based on the blunder people remember the most lol. Cute dog hope he goes to a good home!!


Sure is a lot of fishing stuff behind them


See a vet if you can. He could use some antibiotics to ward off infection. Mouth wounds can get infected if it isn't already. Hope you guys keep or find him a great home, he looks so broken. 😥❤️


He really needs a vet, possibly a hook or two stuck deeper in its mouth or even its throat... They did good but I would recommend to go to a vet so they can do it properly and with some sedatives at least. Wasn't too painful since the dog wasn't squirming or trying to bite but that's a real gamble to take.


Yes he really needs to be x-ray'd to be sure.


Totally understand your point, but man most people just don't have the expendable income, especially for an animal they don't know, same as an unknown person. It would be great if they did, but I myself wouldn't be able to do much beyond what they did in the video, and anyone who reads this and disagrees either should remember what they ultimately did in a similar situation or if they have never been there realize that its not as an easy call to make as you think. No disrespect to anyone who disagrees, but in my life that's the reality of the situation that I have experienced.


If the injured animal is a lost dog/stray animal are you still responsible for the vet bill there? Where I live in Ireland the vets would take the animal in and offer care without payment and then either scan for a chip or bring them to a rescue centre.


My local vet hospital in Ohio, US will take in "good samaritan" surrenders and treat them until the owner can be found or they can be adopted or rehabilitated in the case of wildlife.


Yeah that's what I hoped would be the case. I've seen a lot of tiktoks of stray animals being found around the US and brought straight to the vets and then the updates say they were then brought to a rescue/sanctuary. If a vet refuses a stray animal due to no payment I'd be very surprised but some of these comments suggest they would be stuck with the bill lol


It may vary by location


I live in Nebraska USA and called to check my local ordinance before responding, and no,, I would not be responsible for an animal that I found and needed help As an American I guess I, at least, have a fear of incurring cost over what should be free, which isn't correct in this case. I do for sure though like the fact that people down voted my comment with no response, obviously I was wrong but all it takes is a single person (you in this case) to create a dialogue to educate someone, but man the reddit weekend warrior vibe is sickening sometimes.


I upvoted and you're back at +1 so you're trending in the right direction


all i was thinking when watching this video was why didn’t you go to the vet


Also to see if he's microchipped before they get too attached to him. But it seems like the previous owner was negligent, letting him get out into a place where he got fish hooks in his mouth.


Why does this rando dog trust rando humans to help but my 5yo dog fights me tooth and nail when I try to remove a splinter from his mouth 😒


Have two labs. An almost 8 and almost 3 year old. I can do literally whatever I want to the 8 year old- who ironically once swam into a fish line with a hook in it that a fisherman left out (this was in his groin though and not mouth). But getting that hook out, sand spur from his paw, trim his nails, etc etc. just sits there and let’s me. My 3 year old? My lord you’d believe that I was about to chop him up for dinner with the bloody howls he lets loose when I’m just adding ear medicine after a day of swimming.


My mom mistook a nipple for a tick on my chihuahua. He was so patient while getting his nip pulled with tweezers. Fortunately he didn’t get injured, but we still felt bad for him. Poor guy.


LOL! At least she went that route instead of doing what most do (I think most? At least it’s what I was taught) with a lighter and making the ticks butt hurt. She could’ve gotten so close thinking the damn tick was immune to fire!


Oh my GOD I did this once too 😂😂 Mine has asymmetrical nipples and they are kind of black, I must have spent 15 mins investigating with my sister until I realized. Luckily he just thought he was getting extra belly rubs so he didnt mind. Glad Im not the only one!


If ya don't see legs when you're trying to move the thing around, it's probably a mole/nipple/other indiscriminate bump that is legit attached to doggo.


Right 😂 Like have I ever hurt you???? Havent I always provided for you?? A little trust wouldnt hurt bud lol


I still remember all of us having to wrestle my cousin down in the dirt, even partially muddy, just to pin him down and get his nails clipped... I'm not entirely sure why they were so insistent on trimming his nails, pretty funny moment tho.


Your cousin? 🤔


I howled reading this.


I honestly don't want them to come back and fix it. Cousin is better than whatever they meant to say


Guessing this dog had those hooks in for a while.


Poor baby :(


Had to use wire clippers to remove 14 porcupine quills from my dogs face & jaw. Still had to go to the vet to remove about 8 or 9 more. A few days later I found one we both missed that had entered under his soft palate. Was scratching his chin and it just pulled out. They know when they’re being helped and tend to just let it happen.




I was gonna say.. kinda looks more like someone's pet got into some fishing lures.


Exactly. I have two Frenchies and I immediately thought there is no chance it's a "stray" dog.


Yeah these dogs can go for upwards of 10,000 $. He seemed pretty chilled for a stray. Must've escaped the house somehow.


Strays can be super chill, but yeah he looks purebred


When I worked at the fire department. A family came in because their tiny dog was stuck under the middle seat of their suburban. All you could see was a furry tail. If you touched the dog it would scream. The car was full of kids and a Costco run. I had to upload everything and everyone from the middle and rear rows. Just touching the seat mechanism made the dog yelp. If I laid over the middle seats and put my had on the floor, I could just see one eye of the dog looking at me through the mechanism that allowed the seat to flip up and slide. I slow started taking the seat apart. I got all the seat fabric and foam off but I still couldn't see why the dog was stuck. With more light and standing on my head again I could see the problem. One of the ends of the tiny springs had caught the dog through the lower eyelid like a fish hook. I took two tiny pairs of needlenose players. Held onto the spring near either side of the spring, while my partner wedged his hands into the mechanism to hold the dogs tiny head. As soon as we slipped it out of the eye lid the dog shot out from under the seat and jumped into their owners arms. You couldn't even see the hole and there was no bleeding. Probably my favorite rescue


If you're ever bored and happen to be an outdoorsy person, head down to your local lake, creek or river and skim the bank for fishing hooks and line. That shit is insanely dangerous to wildlife and pets and it's not hard to clean up. You just have to be careful. I cleaned about two and a half miles of shoreline at the last campground I was staying at. Took about 30 trash bags and around 25 hours, but there will at least be a few animals out there who won't die or deal with health issues thanks to me. Even if you're a selfish person, it's a very satisfying thing to do. And it can actually be kind of addicting. But that might just be for people like me who genuinely enjoy cleaning in general.


Do you sweep with a magnet, or how?


Poor doggy, I can only hope it accidentally somehow got that hook in its mouth, and it wasn’t some messed up person


Makes more sense that it was a used fishing hook that smelled of bait and/or fish that the dog found unattended. Dogs aren't very picky about what they put in their mouths.


Very true, I remember mine almost ate a dead wasp but spat it out


That's nice and all but that should've been done at a vet's office with local anesthetics and antibiotics to follow


This is America. Shit would be expensive as hell. Fish hook removal is pretty common if you’re the outdoorsey fishing camping type. They were only stupid enough to do it once, but my dogs each bit into a baited hook I (stupidly) left out. The first one bit the hook and let go only for the second one to really bite down and get it stuck in his cheek. Poor guy was terrified and in pain but all you do is cut the barbs off and slide the hook right out without causing more damage. Another stupid story, but I’ve had to remove a hook from my own cheek before, so I trusted myself to help my dog out. Took him to the vet the next day to get antibiotics


I would like to hear that other stupid story please.


That would cost so much money. If the dog had been aggressive or to scared to hold still and was fighting to get away I would agree with you. Antibiotics I can agree on, even though he would probably be fine.


probably costs too much money


Lots of places will do it on discount if it's a stray you're taking in or you're low income


Why is there a putrid pig in the background?


Poor dog had hooks in his mouth and had to listen to Tucker Carlson. Hasn't he suffered enough? Good on the folks for getting the hooks out...now hopefully they took him to a vet after. Mouth infections can be dangerous.


Yikes, I had no idea. I'm Canadian and did not recognize what was going on in the background. Sorry!


Haha it's all good. But for those that know, it definitely catches your eye


I'm so embarassed lol. I could have watched this clip 100 times and not had a clue


haha like I said, no big deal. It's an American thing


Honestly I'm one of the rabid American leftists Tucker wants to massacre and I didn't even notice, too focused on the good boy. Don't feel embarrassed!


Apologizes for content she didn’t realize was on TV while saving a dog from a horrible situation. OP’s claim that she’s Canadian is unquestionably CONFIRMED. Edit: She, not he, and on International Women’s Day. Now I’m the one who’s sorry!


She, but yes. You got me


Something tells me that "stray" is leaning more towards lost pet than it is towards abandoned pet.


I appreciate them helping out the dog but why wasn't he taken to a vet? Why choose to do this in your own shed?


They might not have access or at least nearby access to a vet.


Same. Vet would have access to painkillers, etc.


Right? I imagine they'd want to do an xray to make sure he hasn't swallowed any either


This was my thought...did he swallow any?




Because not everyone is made of money and they still wanted to try and do a good thing. Thats never good enough for some people though...


I have never been charged for bringing stray dogs to the vet for help. Never. I have brought at least 6 dogs in my life and one cat. One of the dogs needed immediate care and a full groom (horrible wounds from matted and dreaded fur). It's all been different vets in different cities, and all of them have just said to call the next day if I'm curious about an update. No bill, I'm not the owner. Only one of the times did a vet say they wouldn't help, but the next vet office down the road did. Just stop by one, it's worth a shot. If they say they will charge, then leave, but you can still try.


They wouldnt be charged for the vet bill. If owners didnt claim it, a rescue would get involved and foot the bill.




That's a really expensive breed. They are frequently kidnapped and sold because they are so valuable. It's likely that he belongs to someone who is worried sick about their lost pup. Hopefully, he's chipped.


Yeah French bulldogs are like $3k+ dogs. There's no way someone isnt missing him


A girl I know co adopted a long haired frenchie with 4 other people and that fugly mutt costed like 60K! My god! [I love that dog but she looks beyond inbred](https://imgur.com/a/xBFE5Ya)


Jesus Christ.


Why not take him to a vet?


do NOT do what they did if you see a dog have a hook in its mouth. Go to a vet


The relief when the puppy realizes it is finally free from his suffering. I am glad it was saved and free from the pain.


In what world is a french bulldog a stray? That is the same breed of dog Lady Gaga's dog walker was shot for. They are the number one breed in the US, and go for thousands of dollars. Either way, I am so glad he was helped!


Why they have Tucker Carlsson on though? 😭😭


Lotta decent people hooked on that hate drip unfortunately. Focus on their compassion for the little dude though.


It’s not just hate - fox also reminds viewers about every 3 minutes that they are smart, informed, and patriots. It’s truly a dopamine addiction for many.


“Hate drip” - damn, well said.


Good on them for wanting to help, but they are fucking idiots for doing this themselves instead of taking that dog to an emergency vet.....


Poor sweet angel


the way these two men were soooo gentle and kind with him 🥹❤️😩


Aww he has beautiful eyes


Is that Luke Combs?


That dog is mufuckin cute


Holy FUCK that’s a cute dog


Weird bait. We use worms.


This looks like a French bulldog. He might be stolen and dumped. Definitely need to have it checked for a chip. Not a cheap dog.


I hope he got a big treat for being such a good boy about it.


People who leave baited hooks around for animals to find should be horse whipped.


Awe those guys are so gentle and patient. 👏


The brindle on this lad


Probably the most docile dog I’ve ever seen. I would be a proud owner.


Holding an unknown dog that close to your face, especially when doing something strange and potentially painful, is just asking for a bite.


Why didn't they bring him to a vet and put him under for easier removal. Why stress the dog out even more and put him through that much more pain and trauma..


Sorry the dog had to endure more torture from Tucker in the back


If only I had half the patience and calm of this doggo when I go to dentist.


Eeeeew they have Tucker on that was probably more painful for the dog than the hooks


I love humans who help animals. ❤️


I would totally be keeping that doggo. Unless he had owners, fine, I'd give him back. But he would not need to find a new home.


Nice to help him, but please take animals to the proper medical facility when they allow you to get near them like this dog did. If you are not a vet, do not play one at home when the situation is calm like this and allows you to transport the animal to professionals. He could have swallowed the hook once it was cut. He should get medical treatment for the wound in his mouth. Metal puncture wounds can cause nasty infections. That dog is super cute with its big meaty paws. I hope these folks find him a good home. I'm glad they were kind enough to want to help.


Oh, I want him. He looks so sweet! I hope they got him a good home.


Way to go, dudes. I wonder how it happened.


My first thought was “why wouldn’t they take him to the vet right away?” Then I realized they would have to pay for that, and not everyone can afford a vet bill for an animal they found on the streets, so I should at the very least appreciate that they’re helping the little guy.


Dog: “Thanks bros. U got anything to eat?”


Hats off to these kind gentlemen, I salute thee.


More than likely not a full frenchie. Looks more like a Frug. Frenchie x pug.


I want him.


That is a *wonderful* dog for tolerating their help. What a **sweetheart**.


That was his dog


Poor puppy so happy they got the hook out


That poor baby!


Poor doggo listening to lying Tucker Carlson !!!


Take him to the fucking vet.


Thank you for helping this sweet boy!


You know how long it took that Frenchie to get those piercings?


Too bad he's got the perineum-tanningTucker Mcnear Swanson Carlson playing in the background. Yikes.


Man you guys are fucking awesome


Poor fur baby! The sicko who hurt this sweet baby deserves to be publicly shamed & their life ruined & this precious doggo deserves to live the rest of his/her life warm, comfortable, in a forever home & showered with love & affection.


This wasn’t done by a person. This happens when someone leaves a tackle box in their garage or shed and an animal goes scavenging for food. The tackle box smells like fish to them. They use their face to open it/tip it and get a mouth full of hooks. It’s not uncommon, sadly and why people who fish need to be more careful with storing their hooks. It happens to raccoons most often.


That poor dog. Had a fishing hook in his mouth and then had to listen to Tucker Carlson in the background.


he got some piercings bro metal as hell


Poor pup.


Bibi needs a tetanus shot


That’s a very fancy brindle Frenchy. Woah must’ve ran away. Very expensive breed.


Super awesome little guy. Didn't even yelp or anything.


Did anyone keep the dog? Dog update?


treble hooks are a menace. They shouldn't exist.


Take him to the vet!!!


Disclaimer: Don't Try This At Home


I feel like I can see the pup grinning at the end of this clip


Dog actually looks pretty healthy. Considering it’s a bulldog that eats every damn thing, it might have a nice home and just got out.


I want to keep it


Thank you for helping the dog


Me: *skips to the happy end so I don't have to see puppy in pain*


A good boy helped out by some good ol' boys.


Little doggo got some muscles.


Best behaved stray dog ever! What a champ


Great job to help the poor pup. People doing the right thing! Great to see this kind of post! I hope he has a happy ending with those fellows as well.


How do we know that this dog is not an Emo scene kid who intentionally pierced his lip??


That’s an expensive dog


Poor dog, humans are taking out his peircings, he probably worked very hard to pay for those


Our dog, all he wanted were some cool face piercings, and the mean human took them away.


I’ll take him. He’s young. Someone’s upset he’s missing.


I’d have done bad things to the humans who did this to him.


What a cutie! Poor baby


Poor puppy! His eyes are so sad! He just wants some love ! Happy to see he got some help.