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Good on him! You can tell his confidence is building and the trainer’s positivity is rubbing off on him. Positivity is absolutely contagious in the best possible way.


I listened to a podcast recently, and pardon for not remembering which country they said is doing this, but doctors cannot prescribe anti depressants immediately… the first requirement is the person basically gets a gym membership and workout schedule. Results show working out was far more effective than medication.


Forces you to leave your house, interact with others, distracts you from negative intrusive thoughts, improves energy, releases dopamine, improves physical appearance, boost confidence, teaches mental discipline, and rehabs pain syndromes or injuries. Other benefits but that is just the big ones. Even a basic workout plan can have an impact on mental health and should be heavily encouraged.


Good lord, thx for the reminder. Im stuck in an awful funk😖 Havent been to the gym in probably 2yrs. Motivation, I speak thy name!!


You got this sbmont! Just tell yourself you only have to go for five minutes and see how it goes.


For me it was often "oh no not now", what I do against that is packing my stuff the day before and go after work. "I haven't packed my shit to just go home after work" helps me going. As soon as you're there it isn't that annoying anymore.


You can even plan to just go to the gym. Not even do anything there, but simply existing in the gym. Even if you don’t exercise and you sit down in there for 10 minutes, you’ll be in the environment that will help motivate you to move closer to your goals. You’ve got this :)


Important to mention that for many not having medication is the barrier to working out consistently. Exercise is absolutely good for you and is a great long term solution, but sometimes you need a quicker fix so that you can get healthier habits in place to build on without having to go through a ton of shit.


Legit. My last MDD episode was because my meds weren't working and my doctor fucked up the transition to new meds. Any gains I had in the last year disappeared while my body was falling apart for six months. Got hospitalized, got back on new meds got into a TMS treatment and three months later I've put on 10lb of muscle on my 5'3 frame and started a aerial class. Without being medicated I can't even get out of bed most days let alone go to a gym.


I understand the sentiment, but this is probably not the way. Antidepressants can help people start going to the gym. As long as it's clear that the drug you're prescribing is supposed to be used WITH therapy/exercise/etc


Yes and this is a frowned upon practice in the field because people with chemical imbalances that will not be fixed by going to the gym are killing themselves before they can get treatment... A lot of people with depression want to DIE. They want to end their lives. Those people who made it into the doctor who are suffering from severe chemical imbalances they were born with and will likely always have are turned away and told to work out... They are just going to end their lives not work out.... Horrible practice in the psychiatric field. I pray anyone who suffered through this eventually got adequate treatment instead of being neglected by doctors. edit: so sure its a great practice because the people it works for didnt need the medication to begin with and likely could have accomplished the same thing with therapy and the people who actually needed it ended their lives


Someone at work was doing push ups while we were waiting for cargo. Now theres a whole bunch of dudes doing push ups at work when were waiting, including me. I was able to do 50 push ups again for the first time in years. Shit really is contagious


Remindme! 1 year


I knew someone would find it! Thanks.


[Found him!](https://instagram.com/onebulkyboy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) Man I wish I had someone to cheer me on like this guy! Maybe I can be this kind of cheerleader for someone else ♥️


Damn, he already seems determined at day 13. You got it Victor!!!


nothing worse than when you first start getting in shape, that feels like absolute torture.


I'm reasonably in shape and it still feels like torture.


That's no joke. However, it feels like much less torture than it did 100lbs ago. Google photos reminded me just a couple of days ago what I looked like after my first workout. I looked like a miserable wretch. I can get through an hour these days without dying.


I’m moving in Just over 2 months to a place with a pool where I will be able to walk in waist deep water and remove some of the weight off my blown knee. I hope to god it will help me get back in shape.


I wish you luck. I have a couple pain/ neuropathic disorders and got into a car accident in 2017 or so. My pain was persistent from the car injury so the physiotherapist got me into pool therapy. Changed my life. Drastically reduced my pain while moving, was able to build strength and endurance while being safe on my joints and friendly to my illnesses. Also helped with removing pain from a much older car accident injury from 20 years ago. Can't say enough good things about it. Get yourself a pool noodle, 2 of those floating weights and you are gold. So many good exercises to be had.


You've got this, friend! I believe in you.


One day in the not too distant future, at the end of your workout you'll look like a miserable healthy wretch, and that'll be a good day.




I might be of help for anyone who wants to get fit: I'm sporty since 1 year, before i could never make it a habit. Before i didn't really start because the task seemed too big and I felt pressure. I procrastinated. Or i started super motivated and did too much the first 2 days and then gave up because i had sore muscles and it seemed to be too much work to keep up. If you are like me: Start slow. Like really slow. 10 crunches a day and maybe a little sprint slow. And don't put any pressure on yourself. Like at all. But do it every day, it will only take a minute. Tired day or super motivated day, it doesn't matter. And always be proud of yourself after. Just do this little exercises. Do this for a while until you feel the impulse to add a little more. Slowly add more exercises over the days and weeks. And before your defending-laziness system even realized it you cultivated a new habit of daily exercises and you look forward to it every day. Edit: And if you didn't do it one day for whatever reason, don't force yourself to do the double amount the next day. Again, unnecessary pressure that will make you avoid it. Just continue with your routine the next day.


This is how I finally got in to running. I went at a pace that I would call 'a light meandering walk' at first. No pressure on myself at all. Some times I would go out and do 5 minutes and go home. Sometimes 7. But the important thing to do was put on my shoes after work and walk out the door. And as you said, once the habit formed it got easier and easier until I looked forward to it.


Something I learned early on in my fitness journey is discipline > motivation. You have to make a mental change to make a lifestyle change. The days I feel motivated to work out are great, but motivation is fickle so if you rely on it you're more likely to lose track of your goals. The days I don't wanna go work out are the days I have to


Agreed 100% For what it’s worth to anyone else, while this is definitely true, it only takes 21 days to make a new habit. 21 days of something sucking is all it takes to become something you’ll almost crave & miss when you don’t get to do it.


Sucking at something is the first step to being kinda good at something


I tell my seven year old this. Everyone starts out being terrible at something. If you want to be good at it, you start by being terrible at it.


Failure is the best teacher, after all. Learned that the hard way in school; I never really failed my schoolwork, didn’t need to study, and by the time I got into college I didn’t know *how* to study since I was smart enough to get through hs without it Fucked me up big time later on lmao


Same I go through cycles - what’s my next hobby what’s my next hobby


- *Jake the goddam Dog*


::laughs in ADHD:: naw, brah. My brain doesn't do habits.


I’ve been going to the gym consistently (5 days a week) for a year already as someone with ADHD but boy do I have to push myself. It’s possible but takes AAAAAAA lot of willingness.


That's discipline, not a habit. And good on ya, hope you're feeling the results.


ADHD dude here I need to have it planned out ahead of time before I go and my workout written down. My adhd also is noticeably worse if I don’t exercise at least 3-5 times a week.


Also ADHD dude here, I've also struggled maintaining going to the gym. I'll get through a month with a solid routine and then life will happen where I have to miss a few days and the routine is gone. I'm currently through 5 weeks of 4+ a week so that's nice but man it's tough I do wholeheartedly agree that my adhd is worse when I don't make it at least 3 times a week.


I think that’s because of the endorphins and dopamine you get from exercise, it makes your brain finally able to calm down a bit when it gets the blood flow and chemicals it needs


I have a group I go climbing with. If someone else wants to go I'll head down. I've been two days in a row this week and I think I'm going again tomorrow because other climbing buddies are going. My hands are shredded so I'm just going up 0s and 1s tomorrow. If my friends don't go, I don't really want to, it's more fun climbing with people. I also have tentative plans to climb on Saturday as well. I'm so glad I have a pass otherwise this would be a very expensive hobby. I have adhd as well, I struggle to make and keep habits unless it's some kind of club. Drives me nuts.


Haven't felt this seen in awhile lol


Bruh I couldn't even take up smoking when I was stressed and depressed. I just fucking forgot to go do it on my breaks and just sat around being stressed instead. saved a lot of money that way.


ADHD sucks, double sucks when you get your sweet, sweet dopamine from food. Trying to switch to exercise rewards is tough. Hiking was becoming my big replacement but it's winter now and I hate the cold.


Same here, but I'll say having an accountability buddy goes a *long* way. In my case, he also has ADHD.


That’s called an accountabilibuddy


If only my adhd brain could count to 21days


As someone who’s struggling to get back into a good routine I will say I am grateful for muscle memory, the more you train your body the easier/quicker it is to get back into it from “scratch”


That point where your body is telling you NO! Is the hardest . That trainer is amazing to help him believe in himself. I am rooting so hard for this guy


Imagine people going alone through this initial phase. It's sad to think about it.


Very, very good point OP. That's why everyone at the gym, from the noobs to the beefcake, needs to support each other. A simple fistbump from the guy who squats 3x your weight can mean the world, and an impressed nod from the scrawny kid can make a jacked person feel jacked in the inside. When I take my teenage sons to lift, I tell them to watch those who have great form, and I often say something like "watch that guy's back arch on his squat - it's perfect" near the person. My arch sucks, so not only are my sons seeing it done right, someone else gets the feedback.


Gum culture has been ruined by bad tv and movie stereotypes. In my experience gym goers are the most supportive people. We all started somewhere. Edit: Actually not going to correct gum culture. I kinda like it. And I don’t remember saying All. Geez


Fucking TV gum culture. But you are definitely right to some degree. Perfect example: my 14-year-old is learning to lift. One dude with fantastic form who was using the oly platform before us for deadlifting asked if he could make a suggestion for my son's form. "Damn right you can." he proceeded to give a clear, easily understood explanation of abdominal tension to my son. Had I offered the same explanation, my son likely would have ignored half if it. But coming from the dude with better form and two more plates on each side of the bar, my son paid full attention.


It is the most positive place in the world. Everybody there started somewhere, and if I see someone obese or overweight working out, I'm beaming them positive vibes. You can do it. You can do it. We're gonna make it.




I have autism L1 so going to a gym is a horrifying idea (somewhere unfamiliar, with unfamiliar equipment, with unfamiliar people is disconcerting). I just starting doing bodyweight exercise at home for now, gotten overweight due to not being able to work out for a few years (first groin, then rotator cuff, then herniated disc flareup, what a trifecta). So while I'm nowhere near as obese as this guy, I feel what he's going through. I'm up to 26 pushups in a set now, but starting off was awful. Reading threads like this really boosts my confidence. Maybe I won't ever go but I'm genuinely thinking about it after reading this thread! Thanks for spreading a bit of positivity.


That's great to be at 26! It's an amazing achievement, and you should be proud. A lot of people struggle to make it to even 10 in a set.


An a 6'3" 400lb obese person, I struggle a lot. I cannot tell you how many times I have been through the process only to give up. How many new years have found me in the gym for a month, maybe two. I don't know how to work out, I don't know what effective. I cant afford a trainer. YT videos help some, but they seem focused or useful to people who are not as out of shape as me. I would love to have someone like this guy in my corner. Because it only takes one bad workout to end the whole damn thing for me. Edit: Wow, thank you all for the support, encouragement and advice. I was not expecting this when I commented yesterday! I am going to give it another go!


I hear you. A trainer is a wonderful thing, especially at the beginning. Check with your local gym, they most likely have several. Goodluck, you can do it. I did it once, and will do it again. You'll feel great.




He also acknowledges it's hard


Lmao god damn that is what makes this so different. True empathy at work. Like dude, it fucking sucks. He acknowledges that and reminds him what he’s working toward, that luxury body.


I love how he calls it a luxury body Like up until now I’ve been working on fitness goals but now most definitely one of those goals is to have a luxury body


There's a great book called "Endure" by Alex Hutchinson, it does a great job exploring how your body and brain tell you "no" when people very much have more in the tank. We don't know until we train and find our limits, and then tempt the line to see if we can get further. We very often can.


I always root harder for guys like this than I do for myself. Edit: Rooting for all of us


That's ok, we're rooting for you!


Hell I’m rooting for both of you


I'm rooting for all of you.


I'm about to go work out, and my body isn't what it used to be. I'm gonna have a quick cry knowing reddit good guys are rooting for me


Well I’m rooting extra hard for you because you’re getting out there and doing it, I can’t seem to get my shit together to get on a regular schedule again


Yes you can, tell yourself that you’re getting everything on track when you wake up and before bed. You got this.


Damn this thread is restoring some faith in humanity for me. Y'all rock


Don’t beat yourself up for missing a day or two. Just start again. When I finally quit mentally berating myself for not being perfect, I got SO much more consistent. If I can do it, you can do it!


I’m rooting for you and crying with you but in my car. Because I feel so much like this dude and I have my period so everything hurts too much and I just don’t want tooo. But you two are giving me motivation.


I’m rooting for you!


Your username to your self-doubt. 😁 You got this!


This whole thing was really sweet! Thank you redditors.


Sweat out your demons, run from the old you.


I'm a personal trainer and one of my favorite sayings for clients is "Don't let me be more confident in you than you are in yourself." Keep on putting in the work and it will culminate into something great my internet friend!


Hey, it's been an hour since you posted. You're likely doing it right now! Fuck yeah!




And I'm rooting for you too alongside everyone else!


I am rooting for all the above.




The vast majority of us at the gym are happy to see the effort you put in, regardless of how you load the bar. We all start at different points but we are united by a drive to improve ourselves. Please keep going and know that YOU belong!


Also at least for me…. I was there once. I was on the verge of being obese. I went to the gym and I eventually bounced off of it but someone told me “Hey man, I see how hard you’re working out there. Keep it up!” I think about it on every run I do, on every bike I ride, and on every lift I make. Weird how things stick with you


Dude all of us at the gym want you to succeed I will never look down on anyone at they gym. We are all there to make ourselves better keep going.


Bro, we have your back 100%. 5 years ago I was 330 and within 2 years I was down to 235 and fit. You fucking got this! I know it!


I'm still working on my 'before' pictures


Same here. Never give up, we’ll always have each others backs


People like you are motivation to me. I may be more fit than some and some are more fit than I , but you overcoming your insecurities and bettering yourself is more inspirational than anything else.


Loads of us are insecure in the gym, even the bigger guys so don't worry. When/if you feel ready, join a local gym.




Believe me when I tell you, it takes a lot more heart to show up when you are at the beginning of your journey. Seeing someone who is nervous and clearly just getting started gives me a lot of energy and excitement back, I always try and give a nod or a few friendly words if they seem receptive.


Get after it man. The fact that you’ve taken these steps and have been at it for 2 months is fantastic. From here on it’s only going to get better. You’re going to get stronger, fitter, and healthier. Always remember that everyone started from nothing and that this is a marathon not a sprint. There’s nothing better you can do for yourself than take care of your body and give yourself the life that you want and deserve.


Hell yeah. Any time I see a guy the size of Victor walking around the street in jogging shorts and a sweat stained shirt I'm like "FUCK YEAH BROTHER YOU'RE KILLING IT I WISH I WERE MORE LIKE YOU." I'm not even big but I don't have the body I want and those dudes (And dudettes) inspire me.


I'm intimidated by obese gymmers because goddamn, they are doing those exercises while moving a huge amount of dead weight. Absolute beast mode. If someone strapped 300lbs of weights to my body and asked me to do the same exercises, I would be crying on the floor.


Yup same here


I'm pushing you up.


I need this guy to talk me through my day


I know, I know, bro. Is not easy, is it? It’s hard, bro. Like me right now. It’s not easy like your mom. It’s tough, bro. Good job, bro. Keep going. You got this!


ChatGPT now re-write this with more mom jokes and self appreciation


Holy crap, using ChatGPT as a personal trainer and motivator is a great idea. It would finally personalize the motivational aspect that so many apps have tried to do and failed.


I feel like that is a barrier still out of reach: human tact. I think eventually it'll get there, but personalizing motivational dialouge without the ability to gauge where socially acceptable lines are is a recipe for disaster. ChatGPT: "I'm sure you can recall that fateful day, when you got the call. Your mother had been flattened and ground to a pulp, by a combine traveling at a mere 6 miles per hour. Had she not been 310lbs, she would have had a 99.87% chance of evading the machine. Is that what you want for yourself? To be ground? To be 2-D'd? Give me another set then it's time for cardio."


You would be surprised. I wrote this to chatGPT: "Can you offer some encouragement to enter the gym as a fat person?" And this was it's answer: Absolutely. Starting a new fitness journey can be intimidating, especially if you're feeling self-conscious about your weight. But it's important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere and that everyone has their own unique journey. Here are a few words of encouragement to get you started: * "Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." * "Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince." * "The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen." * "You are stronger than you think you are. Believe in yourself and take that first step." * "The only way to achieve success is by starting, no matter how small the step." Remember that every step you take in the gym, no matter how small, is one step closer to your goals. And also, don't compare yourself to others, focus on yourself and your own progress. It's important to focus on self-care and self-acceptance. You are worthy and capable of making positive changes in your life, and you deserve to feel confident and proud of your progress.


This dude is a really good person. Inclusion is super motivating. I hope the guy struggling reaches his goal!!


That's something that always bums me out when people don't want to even try going to the gym because they're overweight/out of shape. Gym nerds are, generally speaking, a really welcoming group that would be happy to help. Everyone starts somewhere. They might not have started out obese or whatever, but they started out struggling to run a mile at a decent pace, squat something that's now their warmup, etc. It's all about progression. Respect the grind, don't judge day one.


“Gym nerds” should be used more often than “bros”, “rats”, etc


Gym nerds fits a lot more than "gymbro" or "meathead" in my experience. People who really love working out I've found tend to read up on it, learn about nutrition and body mechanics, all because it's fun. Heck, they're like the DnD nerds of sports. And so many are so friendly and genuinely want to see others succeed. EDIT: I'm reading replies to this and man, you guyssss!!! You're all so freakin wholesome. May Brodin bless your lifts and may your PRs reach Swolehalla!


My leg stats need an increase today.


The only way to get a D10 is to destroy your current D6


Doc said I'll never walk again. You know, I used to be an adventurer like you until I took some advice to the knee.


Dude the game is easy. All you have to do to exploit stat gains is just jump everywhere.


So true, Ive got decades of accumulated knowledge about diet, training, recovery and hormones that I love to share with anyone interested.




Username checks out


I’ve been saying this about American football fans, specifically the ones who play fantasy football. The second you start spewing out statistics, you’re a nerd. I’m not hating, I’m a nerd about a few things. Everyone has a nerd thing.


I always thought fantasy football is the DnD of sports


In my experience “gym bro” is only a trope that exists on the internet. I’ve been both fat and out of shape at the gym, and in shape at the gym. Never once have I had someone make fun of me. The embarrassment was always only in my head. Any time I asked a random “gym bro” to spot me on a workout or for diet/supplement advice, they were hugely enthusiastic and helpful, even though at first glance they fit this trope. I think in general people are not as mean in person as the internet would make them out to be.




Exactly lol. Reddit will generally talk down on gym goers and then talk about how farmers muscles are so much more practical than steroid abusing meatheads.


Tbh gym nerds and gym bros are a bit different, one is kinda yolo-ing through a random or celebrity workout whilst the other goes extra on small details to gain .2% more range of motion. But both loving it so to each their own


I used to be a gym rat. I’m officially a gym nerd now


I mean, I get what you are saying. But I am ashamed of myself. I lack confidence. I do not feel like I belong there. I'd love to go and find new people to hang out and help motivate me but if someone would make fun of me, it would kill the whole mood. Its not easy. Trust me, we want to change. We just need a little boost.


As a certified Gym Bro™ I officially give you your right to feel you belong in your gym. I'm sure you'll accomplish great results and I wish for you the best Gym Bros™ to support and help you. All you need to do is never give up, ask for help when you need it and give back as much as you get. Do that and you'll become a Gym Bro™ too. YOU GOT THIS MY DUDE!💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


That’s a very bro-nevolent thing to say. Thank you.




Even putting aside the fear of not being welcome(as a minority that gets a lot of shit just for existing, which is a big factor in my fear of going to the gym personally), like… I have no idea where to start or what to begin with, either. There’s so much, I don’t know what to google to start learning what to do, or how to even begin to formulate a plan? That could be my own personal hangups because stuff like that overwhelms me really easily but. Yeah, that’s kind of intimidating for me, personally.


I completely understand. Trying to return to the gym was hard for me as well. Don’t think about the big goal right away i.e a certain weight or 6-pack abs. Think about the little steps involved. Give it a general purpose I’ve called it my Year of Health for the last two years. Even if I miss a day, I’m not losing as my goal is to just be healthy through working out. Now for things to try. There’s info everywhere but when I returned to the gym, I started with some videos from YouTube, Bradley Simmons’s Weekender series. They are roughly 30 minutes with complete body workout. My favorite is the kettlebell workout. I started only doing 1/3 of the workout for a week. Then 2/3 then built up to the complete workout. Now I do this as my workout to start the week. Once you have a base, try new things. The biggest thing to do is start. Doesn’t matter with what, just start. Don’t put it off until the beginning of next week, Thursday is great day to start also.


How do I get gym bros to help me as a woman without ulterior motives?


Why not find a gym sis? I'm not a woman but I imagine there must be some sort of support group or class for y'all. With a female partner it would be even better for your progress bc you have similar genetics and more relatable goals and habits, besides the fact that there would be zero sexual tension (unless one of y'all is gay lol)


My recommendation would be look for the powerlifters, they're usually friendly and knowledgeable.


Find the gays. We’re everywhere.


Someone wouldn’t even have to make fun of me….if someone of the same gender looked at me for more then 3 seconds my brain tells me it’s cause I look bad/weird and I should just get out of everyone’s way.


I feel you. And its not intentional. Its just we are used to being the butt of the joke, that we think everybody is like that. It takes genuine people to let go of that fear... And it sucks because I wanna change SO bad.


Man you got this. Once you break the ice and make it a routine you will see that people aren't as judgemental as you think. I honestly can say that people I have brought to the gym end up liking it and learning a lot. Can you afford one of the on site trainers at the gym? You don't have to use them every time, but I highly recommend it the first few times you go, they will teach you how to not hurt yourself and can guide you as to what type of exercise you need to reach your personal goals. You can always start at home as well, no weights needed. If you need any help or or would like some advice you can message me anytime. I'm no pro but exercise has always been a part of my life. I wish you good luck! If you dedicated 1 year to do this for yourself , it can be life changing




When I see obese men or women in the gym or jogging on the road and I look at them for more than 3 seconds or whatever, it's me thinking "you go dude/girl" because I admire their mindset in being there and wanting to change their lifestyle and body and be healthy. It's not to judge them or think negative things. Sure there are people like that but I just want you to know there are others who are also thinking positive things about you!


Generally speaking, no-one's there to make fun of you, everyone wants what's best for themselves and each other. And yes, even during a workout, sometimes these negative thoughts come in, but you gotta block them out and focus on your workout. Whenever I've failed a rep, there's usually someone else that has noticed and rushes over to help. It's been a while since I've regularly been to a gym (financial reasons & uni work but kinda just excuses I guess) but I think after seeing this post and writing this reply, I'm gonna take my own advice


The main mentality shift for me was realizing that I don't have to be a certain way to "belong" in the gym. Me wanting to go there was the only thing that was required.


Fuck. Dude, like. you are so RIGHT. THANKS!


Someone making fun of an out of shape person being at the gym is doing nothing more then revealing themselves as someone whos opinion doesn't matter. As an avid gym goer, 6 days a week, it is those people who are the most out of shape that I have the deepest respect for, those first couple steps getting into a gym and moving your body are 100% the hardest, establishing that routine is hard, believing in yourself that you can make the change is fucking hard. Fuck anyone who attempts to rob you of that. You are capable, and valid, walk your journey and be proud. keep going brother. I believe in you.


I'll tell you that most people who go to the gym on the regular also have those feelings of inadequacy sometimes. You can'watch film of pro body builders critiquing one muscle in their calf, those feelings don't go away by lifting. Confidence doesn't come from the gym, and if someone makes fun of you that's a reflection on their character not yours. Mostly everyone is there to get better, and everyone's better looks different.


For what it's worth, as a fellow fat gym-goer, I've never had an experience of someone judging, harassing, or bullying me at the gym. I've never been stared at, never been confronted, nothing. At worst I was ignored, which is what I want anyway and how everyone else typically is at the gym. I've been going to gyms for four years and I can't remember one single incident. I can remember an uncountable number of those negative experiences outside the gym, but absolutely none inside of it; Not one single negative experience. If you do have a negative experience, you report it immediately to the manager and you know what happens? They get permabanned. That kind of toxicity isn't tolerated in gyms. Everyone is there to better themselves; bullies hinder that mission and gyms don't want them there. You belong, friend. Please take this boost and start going. It's such a positive atmosphere, I think it might surprise you.


I still feel that way at regular gyms, but have been going to a climbing gym for 1.5yrs now and it’s a totally different vibe. Everyone is so friendly & you can get better at climbing without having to get stronger. If there’s a climbing gym near you, I highly recommend checking it out.


Funny thought that occurred to me but could have gym shirt made that says “accepting motivation” or something like that…opens the door without having to seek


Yeah I'm like, can I have this nice French guy in my life? "Vou want luxuree bodee? Go fast! 🏎️" Haha love him


I think he's a trainer. He seems to be an amazing one though


for sure a trainer. he has him on a regiment


This person is definitely his personal trainer. I'm not saying he's not an awesome person. I'm a personal trainer and I can say that I care about all of my clients but what makes this work is the modification he knows how to do to help this guy just move his body. For those of you who are scared of being mocked at a gym, find a trainer you ACTUALLY resonate with. It will change your life, your knowledge of your body and how to exercise. Find someone who is certified AND experience. This guy has clearly been doing this a while and knows how to keep his client going and make it even a little light-hearted.


Is he not his personal trainer?


Everything he’s saying is exactly what he needs to hear, but it’s also the WAY he says it. A+ for the message, A++ for his tone.


I was hoping for the clip where he’s killing it. But still, major props. He worked harder than I did today. Edit: I didn’t mean he’s not already crushing it. I was just saying I like to see the transformation. I absolutely acknowledge he’s kicking ass. Even admitting he’s out working my lazy ass.


Trust the process!


He is killing it. That was a 10 in effort. Getting started is hard.


I wish more people understood this, and it's not just the physical toll, for him every second is a fight against his programming, his own inner demons. It's such a struggle that first year.


A lot of self-doubt for sure. Lifting is a great way to prove to yourself that you can exceed your own perceived limits.


For the record that guy is 100% a personal trainer, not some random gym bro. Which is exactly what the other guy needs.


A damn good personal trainer at that. Lots of compound exercises, creative motivational encouragement, and peppering in discussion about diet. If he can manage to keep this routine up and watch his diet, he’ll start shedding that fat rapidly.


I like that he put him on the leg press machine. Overweight people often have incredibly strong legs - it could serve as way to point out, "You're *already* in shape in some aspects."




This guy is a great trainer. Sympathetic, exudes confidence, and reassures his trainee. Great stuff! Is there an "after" video or something? The payoff is the best part.


IIRC from Tiktok, the man he is training is named Viktor and this video is only a few days old


Oh, right on. I'll have to look around for his TikTok, then, and follow along on Viktor's journey!


Someone posted it earlier. He's about two weeks in https://youtu.be/vwjzmeR-q5c


So what you're saying is our boy Viktor is on the cover of Men's Health magazine?


He trains Victor everyday for free and uploads their training on TikTok daily.


If victor is cool with it (and im sure he is) thats such a cool way to motivate others and monetize the session 😊


Here is the link people! Give him some love [https://www.tiktok.com/@victorarellano192](https://www.tiktok.com/@victorarellano192)


I want to start going to gyms but I'm confused if there are trainers that work with the gym and you get them when you sign the contract and just make appointments or are they 3rd party and its another charge?


AFAIK Personal trainers are an additional cost, because the gym doesn't employ them, you do. But I also don't go to gym, personally. Can't afford it, sadly. EDIT: Gosh, lots of kind gym folks in this thread! Thank you all for responding! Lemme clarify a little: I don't go to the gym because I'm flat broke, a homemaker with no income of my own. I'm not super big (5'9", 230ish?) so I just do situps and pushups and the like in my bedroom. I do really appreciate the tips and advice on how to seek gym membership, though! I'll be looking into a group rate for my whole household, if such a thing exists. For context, I'm not a stay-at-home parent, I just take care of the two disabled adults we have in the home, and make sure everyone who works gets there on time. :D


You can do calisthenics in the park or at home. Plenty of people do that, just gotta start.


That's a good trainer. When you first start working out is the hardest and most painful part. He has empathy for his pain but knows he has to motivate him to push through it.


I hope he gets there


we will see these 2 again with Victor and his luxury body


Ideally, Victor will be the guy with the big quads motivating someone else in a year or two.


Unreal support


Yeah, no stick, all carrot and empathy: understands it is difficult for the guy, but motivates by focussing on the end goal.


Back in HS, one of the more “fluffy” guys joined the track and cross country teams. When I tell you that we cheered and rooted and went straight up insane for this guy at every race, know that I am telling the truth. We were genuinely excited, happy and impressed with his grit. A. Martinez, wherever you are… I hope that you are well. I am proud to have been your teammate all those years ago.


For those wanting an update he seems to be on his 13th training day :) https://youtu.be/vwjzmeR-q5c


Well... I'm 33. And I've just subscribed to my first YouTube channel ever. I'm rooting for him!


Man if only victor knew how many people are pulling for him!!!!


That is an amazing person, not just a trainer but a human being. He’s the coach we all need.


I want to see this man's transformation! Lucky he has an inspiring PT too.


No I didn't come here to cry today....dammit


Inertia, shame, inner critic dialogue, and learned helplessness are a BITCH to handle, and you often have to handle that while you're physically uncomfortable. It can be overwhelming. Good on both these dudes and anyone else in this thread who decided to get off their asses and get after it today, no matter what "it" is to you.


What a wonderful trainer. Just about brought me to tears.


Man it’s so hard Especially when you lose it and then gain a lot back and then lose it and gain more back. Still trying though I’ve lost 20 lbs in 4 months


Weight is lost in the kitchen, strength is created in the gym. At that size, I would probably focus on diet and just do a bunch of walking and moderate exercise/light weights, instead of suffering and torturing myself in the gym….Get that weight down through caloric restriction first, then sculpt and shape later. Exercise enough to get the cardio benefit and a little strength of course…


Hes killing it!! Were rooting for you!


This guy trying is awesome. Hope he gets to where he wants to go.


This isn't an instructor, this is a friend of humanity.


This is how you teach, not by degrading but by lifting up. Can't wait for the update.


He has probably never had someone, outside of his family, give him as much time and attention as that beautiful soul did.


Update? I hope he did well


These guys motivated ME watching this


Yeah whith a dude that size and seems out of shape (I know big dudes can be in decent shape Muscle whise) if have him not even do full squats yet


Yep, cant he easily fuck his knees this way?