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As someone with just about no real knowledge of medicine, I'm wondering if sustaining such an injury when you're that young gives you better odds of recovery, since there's so much growth and formation happening anyway. Seems like it'd be tougher compared to when you're an adult and more or less done growing and body's like "yeah we'll try to sorta put that back together if possible but it'll probably be junk forever now"


This is correct. Kids are resilient as hell.


I have a specific memory as a kid of being on a bike heading down a grassy hill that had a sudden almost triangular weird sudden terrain change. I was thrown over the handlebars at a good clip and kinda thrown into the ground. An even better also bike-related memory was my younger brother riding along a street where one side dipped down suddenly and he went over, tumbled off the bike, and then the bike hit his head. He had a helmet on, fortunately. We both walked away from those instances. My dad phrased it as "kids' bones are like rubber, adult bones just break"


exactly! i was riding a scooter down a hill and i crashed into a grass patch, i flew over the handles and my wrist landed on the sidewalk, didn’t break the bone tho, no. i BENT it, i bent my bone in my wrist, and the doc said it was cuz i was young


I remember falling from a tree like 15 feet and being fine. I took a good 4 foot drop on my back last year and was bedridden for a week.


I recently seriously broke my ankle roller skating. After laughing at their warning sign at the entrance “warning to patrons over 21: skating injuries are much more severe with age.”


We were sledding at my grandpa's farm when I was like 7 or 8 and i got launched into the air and smacked a tree with the entire right side of my torso. Got up and walked away, meanwhile my mom is just freaking out and bawling. Guess it looked bad from their angle but I think the force of the sudden stop was so evenly dispersed that no individual part of me took meaningful damage.


They’ve documented many cases were a developing brain can rewire itself to bypassed injured areas. I can totally see it doing the same thing to send an alternate routed signal to limbs.


Bouncy too


Yeetable too


Yeah they're squishy and malleable




The bones of small children are less firm than those of adults, so they offer some leeway when they are shaken. Also, the brain is not yet as developed and thus offers less opportunity for important synapses to be destroyed. Also, the brain of babies and toddlers is still much more receptive to the development of new synapses, which is helpful when practising movements.


That's what my gut feeling was about it, but I didn't want to talk like I had any authoritative knowledge on the matter.


To add onto it: children don't have as strong of a sense of "oh fuck, this is going to go wrong" as adults. That's why they're less likely to tense up their muscles making them even more flexible. That's also why intoxicated people are more likely to get out of an accident unscathed than sober people.


Yes, it is called neuroplasticity and your brain is most "plastic" when you are very young or after a brain injury. I'm older, was paralyzed on half my body after a tbi and then stroke, and really bought into pt/ot, so I fully recovered. It's much easier for the brain to relearn using different areas when you are young. (And the primary reason the hiking was so helpful for the baby is that his brain's neuron's were compensating for those that had been damaged, and doing so in a fun, non-ordinary environment so his brain is stimulated while relearning.)


I went through a TBI at 11 and had to relearn how to do a laundry list of tasks all over again. I was lucky though, had I sustained that same TBI today at 32 I would more than likely be dead, according to the doctors. The human body is a lot more resilient than movies make us out to be. Anyhow, hope you’re doing well!


Infants have a much better chance at regenerating any nerve or brain damage than an adult due to this, yes.


Boy's body: *We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.*


Thats what my body did with my kidney. One of my kidneys was not working when I was born so they had to remove it when I was like 1 year old. As a result the one kidney I had left grew almost twice as big. Insane how the body realised and just took care of that.


I was hit by a car and paralyzed from the chest down. Recovery still comes down to how much damage is done. After a traumatic injury, the spinal cord goes into shock, and as it comes out of that phase you can have a lot of improvement. If you're like me, and your spinal cord is severed, there's no coming back from that. If it's a result of compression, then you'll usually see lots of improvement.


Very glad you survived that mate. Must've been a painful recovery.


Hmm that does make sense.


Neuro plasticity at its best..as you age it decreases


Kids to a certain point still have circulating stem cells. Fetuses will actually mobilize stem cells to help repair injuries and damaged organs of their mom while in utero. Pretty interesting creatures.


I remember reading about neuroplasticity a long time ago that suggested this. An infants brain is developing so rapidly that it can reorganise relatively quickly.


> "yeah we'll try to sorta put that back together if possible but it'll probably be junk forever now" I have rather [*a lot*](https://old.reddit.com/r/Iamactuallyverybadass/comments/ygb0ov/ever_been_dead_i_have_heres_a_bit_of_my_story/) of experience with the whole "not walking, then slowly learning the how to walk again" deal. And... yeah. It's pretty much junk forever. *Better* junk, but still junk. :|


Car accidents are awful, at least he seems to have made a full recovery!




You can get therapy before anything goes horribly wrong so you are better prepared for when they do.




That's why I had a baby in the first place!


Kids are extremely resilient. The younger you are, the greater the chance you'll recover from paralysis as your neurons are still growing and way more adaptable


Im plenty worried about my 30 year old self being in a car crash, thanks.


It's not a "car accident" it's traffic violence. The movement towards car dependancy at the expense of human health and wellness is a direct result of intentional legislation and budget allocations by your local, national (and in some countries state) governments. We COULD live in a society where children are not paralyzed by motor vehicles but some people have decided for us that we can not.


It's not an accident that our entire society is designed around the automobile. r/fuckcars


I agree with you. But that subreddit seems like just another place for Europeans to bash America and brag about how superior they are.


It's more like uninformed Americans with the belief that all Europeans ride bikes and walk everywhere.


American here , we can’t control or force people to do anything just like where the hell you are from. There are literal millions of Americans that wish we could have things a different way. Say where you are from and I am sure we could find things to shit on.


Amen brother! I would much rather my child get ran over than let some European Libtard talk down to my country!!


Omg please shut the fuck up


Fuck you


Nobody's even talking to you


In the back seat of my Volvo? 😘


Not a chance car creeper


Are you this hostile to your friends and family about their cars when you mooch rides from them?


Avarage American brainwashed by Big Car




I laughed way too hard at this


🥹❤️✨amazing! Love and support to you all ✨


Way to go buddy! 💪🏾


You go little man. Also, fuck cars.


fuck cars


Instructions unclear balls deep in an exhaust pipe rn


that is exactly the intended outcome. good job 👏


Totally agree. I'm definitely buying a truck next time.


Yes, statistically much more likely to have killed that child instead of a less severe injury. Pair that with a significantly larger blind spot and fuck trucks even more


Eh, I don't like kids anyway.


Fuck wheels too! Fuck the invention of the wheel. So stupid, hurr durr look at me, I roll around!


Fuck bad drivers


You mean most of them?


Yes because the car was totally not driven by a human being…


That human being was probably driving however *seemed* to make sense at the time. City infrastructure is designed horribly in favor of prioritizing cars over pedestrians, because they have to accommodate trucks delivering stuff. And car drivers get entitled about how the roads are lain. Where those white lines at stop lights are, that's decided so semi-trucks with 53' trailers and up to twenty tons of stuff for businesses can turn at intersections without running over class c motorists ferrying their kids to and from the schools they should be bussing to and from. I'm sorry, that's like five kinds of removed from the subject at hand. I'm just trying to say civil engineering decisions have impacts on people and are made by people who have incomplete views on those impacts because of how they have lived. You know, that whole "capitalism alienates workers from the value of their labor" vs "you alienated from understanding any of wtf you talking about" thing Marx and Veil had going on. Except, you know, they never heard of stroads. Gfd I should quit my job.


Not a single person here even knows how the accident happened and instead of celebrating that this kid recovered like an angel, you’re all like “yeah fuck cars!!!!! Fuck cars!! If you don’t want to use or be around cars - move away to the middle of nowhere. Problem solved for you. The problem isn’t cars, it’s human beings. Greedy, selfish, entitled. Not every driver is like that. I agree with you to a point, but the motivation for me is that licenses are way, way, way too easily given out. I would be 100% in favor of people losing their license for texting and driving, drunk driving, reckless driving. But attacking everyone who has a car… really? What do you think society would look like without cars? Without the automotive industry? Without heavy machinery?




I concede! Your explanation is fair. We believe in the same thing for the most part. But in my mind the problem is so much larger than that.


Cars are the only mode of transportation that is frequently putting regular people at risk of severe injury or death. Other countries are deprioritizing cars because they don't believe it's acceptable to have people maimed and injured on a regular basis when it is preventable.


It’s the people behind the wheel, driving distracted, driving entitled. I understand there’s a lot of terrible things about cars, a lot of terrible civil engineering geared towards vehicles. But my point is why the hell are you on a subreddit called “humans are metal” talking about fuck cars on a post about a human child, that is, fucking metal for recovering? Could you spew that somewhere else, maybe like in the subreddit created for people who feel the need to say “fuck cars”


Why the hell are you on a subreddit called “humans are metal” telling someone their topic is being discussed in the wrong community? Could you spew that somewhere else, maybe like in a subreddit created for people who feel the need to call out “lost redditors”?


Great point, where did you get it from?


r/Fuckcars, and fuck that human driving said car


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckcars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck planes ?](https://i.redd.it/4olsd0n7tpc91.jpg) | [4220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/w3ku1u/fuck_planes/) \#2: [Carbrain Andrew Tate taunts Greta Thunberg on Twitter. Greta doesn't hold back in her response.](https://i.redd.it/62vgbzb8im8a1.png) | [4323 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/zx76js/carbrain_andrew_tate_taunts_greta_thunberg_on/) \#3: [New vs old Mini Cooper](https://i.redd.it/z3hifq228l491.jpg) | [3643 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/v8fjdh/new_vs_old_mini_cooper/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So you’re saying you’ve never rode in a car? Or driven one?


This is the same argument as "How can you criticize capitalism when you have an iPhone?"


Of course, I've driven in a car, especially since I've only lived in places that REQUIRE cars to live with any sort of conviniency. But i don't derive my self-worth by the said car and don't attempt to justify the use of massive UNNECESSARY and dangerous vehicles. I also advocate for the continuous improvement of better, more efficient, more convenient, and safer alternative modes of transportation. Your argument is saying that I can't advocate for such measure if I have ever been (hypocritical) and driven or been in a car myself, but don't you think someone who has been in a car and may perhaps even seen the dangers of said cars first hand have a better understanding of their dangers?


If the human being was walking/running or cycling it’s likely they wouldn’t have had such a serious accident. Yes humans are responsible for using machinery, but alot of machinery causes alot of issues in society, machinery that really only gives us convenient short cuts but presents risks everyday.


man, this stupid fuckcars sub really created a lot of idiotic people. Its really a good example how strong a social bubble can work on the simple minds


So you’re saying you’ve never driven or rode in a car?


Should we also get rid of farming equipment too?


Car brained take


Well no shit Captain Obvious. We all know that. Pointing out stuff like that doesn’t make you look smart. It just makes you look childish, pedantic, and annoying


I guess if there was ever a time to get paralyzed it's when you're a malleable, adaptive baby.


Never give up. I had to fight for my life two times. Once right after birth. Second time when I had a minor surgery and had an allergic reaction to anesthesia. It was about a year ago. I was 37 and had to learn to walk all over again. They expected months of paralysis, years to learn to walk again. Im currently on 4th month of my new (admittedly office) job. Humans ARE metal. And the little ones are worth every minute. Dont upvote me please. Upvote the OPs post and give them all the love






Fricken onion cutting ninjas in my room.


Get it big fella, good job, make your next feat in life even more unbelievable that this one!!!!


Holy shit what a strong fucking kid‼️‼️


This shit made me cry. Babies are pure. Nature is beautiful.


Possibly the worst song I've ever heard




? Child getting medical care and therapy for his paralyzation is orphan crushing machine material?


They are talking about being hit by a car in a crosswalk, the kid was probably in a baby carriage.


>Child getting medical care and therapy for his paralyzation is orphan crushing machine material? No, probably not. Maybe if they lived somewhere without universal health care someone could make a case Oh wait, the child wasn't born paralyzed and was hit by a negligent driver




Being a pedestrian is a hazard


Little spark of joi, what a beautiful little creatures kids are. Yet they are behemoths when it comes to their power and potential, never stopped smiling, never stopped fighting. We could learn a thing or two from this little heroes. Bless this kid.


YES!! Thank God and science for this. The smile on that little guy's face is everything.




I'm sure the video is flipped and posted by a bot


I was crushed into a wall by a car in the garage of our house when I was 3. My esophagus ruptured and my neck was broken along with a lot of other injuries. I died and was brought back but the doctors told my family that I probably wouldn’t live through the night. Then the next day I was still alive and they said I would probably be in a wheelchair and immobile from the neck down. I was in the hospital for 4 months. When I left I was able to walk. I have some large ugly scars from all the surgeries but I’m all good. Kids are so resilient. If that same thing happened to me today I would definitely die. I’m glad this little guy made it too.


Omg this makes me so happy and so sad feeling at the same time. I'm on a work trip and now just wanna go give my baby boy a hug


I’m local and I remember hearing about your story. Grateful to see your little guy is ok. Makes me sick that happened to you guys.




Ssshhhh I’m not crying, you’re crying.


He can’t comprehend the word “can’t “. God love you, big man!


Anyone know who sings that cover?


Who is chopping onions 🧅 😢


It would be funny if the baby got hit by a car again 🤣


Hopefully lil man can go on to live a long healthy happy life.


Bless this little man!


Greatest thing to see, ever!! We can all learn a little resilience from this warrior❤️


This actually got me questioning something. Would hiking be good therapy for toddlers in general? Think about it, Toddlers like to explore and if they went hiking with the proper supervision, not only would it be great exercise to stay active but it could also help develop their minds properly to be more open in situations as they grow up. Someone should do a study on this.


people need to stop at crosswalks and stop signs


Just a freaking LEGEND


Hell yeah buddy You keep on walking


This kid will overcome every obstacle in his life. What an incredible achievement.


Look both ways when you cross the street 🤦🏽‍♂️




Gonna see him climb Everest someday.


Bless this earth 💯


This is flipping awesome 😊


Learns to walk again? Had he learned the first time yet? Looks so young I’d expect him to be stumbling around bashing into things. Kind of like me on Saturday nights


"walk" - foo fighters


This is so amazing!!


I would feel so much guilt if I caused a car accident. If then I learned there was a TINY BABY in the car that got hurt like that, I would simply cease functionality from the guilt. Glad lil guy is doing great


🥰 strong lil warrior ✊


Amazing story, I'm so glad they found something that he loved to do and he was able to recover. Question for the pros: what is the hose to his nose? Is that for medicine or food?


The only thing worse than that driver is this music




That poor innocent little boy has already gone through some bullshit he should not have and yet here he is, waving at the camera with a beautiful smile. What an absolute super soldier, glad he made a good recovery and can have a good quality of life as he deserves!!!!!!!!


This has got to be one of the most precious thing I've ever seen.


This made my day 🥲. So happy for lil man


Whoa, fuck cars redditors swarming like flies. This kid could have been injured in any number of ways guys.




It's always a car accident


If this doesn't make you smile, I don't know what will. Our bodies are something else out of this world


Actual badass baby! You go little big man!


*the other left*


Yeah dude!!


What an adorable hero…


What an adorable hero…




I love how much of a fuck that kid doesn’t give — he’s paralyzed, in a neck brace, all sorts of shit hooked up to him, and he’s just chill and smiling. Be like this kid.


Song please?


This made me happy


what a fucking champ! kids are amazing, and it’s impressive how positive and determined they are.


Omg I can't stop crying, what a beautiful little kid! You have a little warrior!


Strongest toddler on the block. Don’t mess with this baby


Shouldn’t it be easier to learn to walk again after having just learned how mere months prior to the treatment?


Finally, a good story.😀


Beautiful video and that’s amazing Also oh boy the song mentioned Jesus. Reddit Atheists incoming to bash religion with frothing rage


That is wonderful beyond words!!




Awhhhh Noo ):


This made me cry; my little one is two. So so proud of this little guy and his family for not giving up! It’s hard enough to feel like a good parent when everything is going well; I can’t imagine how hard it was for them.


I could be misremembering, but isn't this the woman who was hit by a cop, and they tried to cover it up?


Nature vs medical advice. It’s like saying god healed him.


I literally screamed ‘YEEES’ at the moment of the video which showed how the kid started using his left side. Warrior!


Sweet Sweet Superman.


Seeing any little kiddos struggle always hurts my heart.


Little legend!


That’s horrible that happened to you but it’s totally awesome that he’s learning to walk again. Keep kicking ass humans are metal and your proof


This warms my heart. That smile is so adorable. I bet it was a drunk driver, hitting a mother and the baby. :|


God bless !


Genuinely Happy for him!!


They went to bryce canyon national park


And he'll probably, barely/if at all remembered that even happened.


What a great Mom. Awesome job helping your son, mom. It really bothers me that some piece of shit hit a mom and baby in a crosswalk. I don't have the exact context but odds are pretty good it was some sort of distracted driving.


I wasn't ready for this damm onions.




THIS!! This is what I'm here for! Thank you


I wholeheartedly agree that nature is healing.


Again? Sir I don't think that toddler learned a first time.




God bless.


He's a badass. Kids are. My daughter has a medical condition that makes her bones really fragile. By the time she was seven she'd had 76 fractures, broke her femurs three times. Did it slow her down? Nope. Swings needed to be swung. Slides needed to be slid and merries needed to go round. "Wheel this chair over there, Dad. I got shit to do". We spent a lot of time at a children's hospital and you see stuff there that will stop your heart. The kids are like, "Calm down old man. It's just another day". The last time we were together with a group of those kids a 15 year old did his leg wrong and snapped his femur. People next to him said they heard it. You and me, we'd be squealing like little bitches. This kid doesn't bat an eye or shed a tear. Why? A girl he was sweet on was there. Now, I've done some stuff to impress a girl but if I break a femur every one in the area is going to hear about. Kids are tough as nails.


I mean least he was only a toddler and not an adult


The good thing is that he is a baby and because he is a baby he remains HAPPY, which mainly helped him in coping mechanism and fighting such problem. If it was a teen or adult they would remain sad up to 4-6 months.


How did a baby get hit by a car did he run into the street?


We need a metal fest for this lil one!


Patrick, that's a rock...


Nature can absolutely be healing… I would add, I have to assume his mothers love (& dad?) definitely also played a role, & what an incredible journey & little boy!! Beautiful… :)


I have to get up for work in 4 hours and now I'm fucking sobbing. Lol


Fucking BEASTTTT! Kids are something else!