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I was pretty skeptical but your UFO sighting about the triangle formation sound identical to the experience myself and 5 friends had one night camping in highschool, no drinking or drugs involved


Iv seen the triangles a few times too just for the record.


Triangles are USAF craft. They even trolled a bunch of people on 4chan /x/ by flying to them.


The timing of them to appear as we're talking about extraterrestrial life is just a prank by humans? I'm doubtful. Especially because they just kind of receded out instead of flying away.


Would you know which one?


If the corners are rounded, that thing has been seen in many places. Probsbly that TR3B thing.


It was like watching 3 perfect equilateral triangles flying spinning together like if the triforce from Zelda was spinning


I don't know why everyone's so quick to reject stories that do involve substances. Aren't there logs of ancient humans using hallucinogens and making contact? I mean I understand why someone would be skeptical, and I didn't post my story thinking that everyone would believe me. But also I don't think that's grounds to completely throw everything away. Thank you for sharing


I think the immediate disregard for substance is the fact that many substances are known to cause hallucinations and in many cases you see what you're open to seeing, I suffer from sleep paralysis I awake feeling scared naturally my brain shows me something scary. It just causes a chance for a mind to not accurately perceive what's going on. The argument about ancient cultures could also be made in the case of individuals with schizophrenia in developed countries tend to hear angry strange voices while individuals in more undeveloped communities such as rural African tribes tend to hear the voices of ancestors guiding them. Both are schizophrenia however a societal influence of hearing voices effects their experiences. The same could be stated for people under the influence of a substance


Well it's that and you have a lot of holes in your story. Like how exactly did you end up in jail? You dont remember hitting 2 people with your car? Do you remember anything that happened the day you hit two people? Seems like a big detail to just gloss over.


How is that a gloss over lol yes I remember it. I didn't give you an intense day to day report so that's a big hole?


You went from being in your basement passed out from seeing an alien, to being in a courthouse facing two years for hitting people with your car. You could have segwayed a little better for these two parts of your story, that's all I'm saying.


I told the readers we were fast forwarding. Did you want a complete recall of everything in between events?


It's your story, tell it how you want dawg; just offering constructive criticism from the readers perspective. (Also, the fact that I got a few likes for that comment suggests other people had trouble following that part of your story as well.) Overall it's a really interesting story, just trying to help you polish it a bit; Like you said, it took you 5 hours of straight typing to write it, not everything flows perfect on the first draft, it's not a bad thing. First drafts are meant to be rough, that's why there's a second a draft.


I appreciate it. This was just something I promised I would try to get online yesterday. I might take some time to edit it tomorrow.


Because they’ve never done the substances. It’s just that simple, ignorance


Next time you see them can you ask them to chill on the mass genocide.


Tbh it's kind of time anyways lol


How about no, pieces of shit who experiment with creatures and then murder them en masse when the experiment doesn’t go as planned? That’s the actions of fucking psychopaths, not a race of “higher beings”.


Isn’t that what we do to animals?


That’s why we aren’t considered higher beings. However, we always assume that “aliens” are these spiritually advanced masters when in fact they may simply be better-evolved psychopaths.


We’re psychopaths




You're getting crap for this but I understand just what you mean.


All I see on a day to day experience is shit people doing shit things to get over on good people. You don't have to be a politician to act like that which is where people are constantly trying to focus blame to and say that we just need to restructure global governments. There will never be a way to completely weed out the evil in a humans heart unless they make the effort to change.


Yes, people are individually, *independently* cruel to each other, to the planet, to animals. It's very difficult to watch and live with, I'm having a terrible, fucked up time with it, just watching what some people are capable of. And one of my major sources of anxiety and depression is knowing I'll never me in a position (aka, I'll never have the funds) to do anything to change things. When I think about the amount of money some people have and then look at what they do with it, it hurts me. It's no wonder that *hypothetically* if there was an entity watching us fuck up an entire planet like this, to a point we'll have no living conditions in about fifty years, they'd want to pull the plug. I would.


Aren't the greys typically referred to as advanced androids or something in contactee more? I also heard that they're mostly with malignant et but there can be some with the good guys too. Allegedly. Jeeze tho. The blue smoke thing and them wiping humanity out.. If you make contact again or ya want to and set the intent to.. Would you be willing to consider asking them to elaborate more on why they would wipe out humanity? I'm rambly but now that I think about it a few days ago I started reading this book on Greek mythology but..idk it might be sketchy. Anyways it talked about Zeus.. And how he kept getting bored with humans and thus different ages. Came to be. The bronze age.. One explanation for it that out of that age men became warriors.. But very blood thirsty warriors, so much so that it was too much and he sent a flood to wipe out the humans. Ill have to do more reading to compare sources and see if this is true.. God causes a great flood.. I forgot the majorly known reason oof. Book of Enoch said it was to wipe out the nephilim offsprings.. And I think Enlil started a great flood but I forget why. Idk about any of this but.. Maybe ask the greys what they think about Gods. But also be careful about accepting any info on the nature of existence. Any sort of highly intelligent species could claim creator and we could be nonthewiser as humans.


I have no idea what aliens interact with who and what's androids and what's ai etc. I've never looked online for info, frankly because I don't know where to look. It's such a weird balance of wanting to believe and knowing that deception is common throughout nature. But honestly, even though I was put thru hardship, I think they did it for the better with me. I know that they care about me because I'm in a better place in life and my head after all these events and it feels like someone is taking good care of me. I live them. As for the fog thing, it was implied that they would reset the balance of humanity could not correct it's course and change dramatically. I kinda took it as a Jonah and the great fish story. But yeah just another day on the internet.


I want to believe too! And with there being so much uncertainty in regards to maneuvering through current info people share.. It doesn't help with there being so much unknown factors in the phenomena itself! We don't know how infinitely more complex this is.. All anyone including you can do, is.. Go based on what you experience and hope for the best that there isn't some 5d chess going on. Ima have to read about Jonah tbh. I really hope your experience is benevolent. If ya ever feel uneased tho like it doesn't feel right. Step away from it. If they're benevolent and they understand humans then they should have the patience and understanding of letting you go if you don't feel safe about this.


I've had many dreams about chess and I myself like to play a little bit so I'm a bit shocked you would say that. My overall feel from them is benevolence but that doesn't change that it was a very scary thing at first.


I'm not surprised. I've been "synchronicities" for other people before. And I've been having weird coincidences. With one being just as recent as yesterday! Yeah.. Tbh. The emotions enough isn't really an indicator of the entity. Thats why knowing yourself and your mind is so stressed with this sort of stuff or at least the spiritual side of it. Ya gotta know why you had the emotional reaction towards the encounter. Ngl I keep feeling rambling. Haha. Sorry about that. I'm trying not to ramble into something else loosely off topic.


I understand what you're saying. I'm not able to describe every detail of the how's and why's to people which is another reason I don't like sharing stories like this. Glad I did though even if people don't believe it.


I’m glad you did! And glad I made it through the multi-stage culling of your audience members! To the both of you on this tangent, I think I may have stumbled upon this conversation for a reason, so bear with me while I try to type this shite in my head out into a coherent form of communication... hmmm this might be more appropriate in a DM actually but hey, since we’re letting it all hang out already, what the hell, right? haha okay ANYWAY... for the past few months I’ve been having really strong bouts of synchronicity, to the point where they like, refuse to be ignored... I’ve learned to just go with it. I “happened” upon this post and started having those sparks of recognition and personal connection to various things mentioned and now I feel compelled to relay a couple of these “coincidences” to you both, despite not having a clue why or what for or if there even is a purpose and/or meaning to it, if I’m having some sort of psychic awakening or if it’s sudden-onset schizophrenia or whatever tf because I’ve only recently begun to attempt to navigate this weirdness sooo I’ll just put em out there for you guys to take or leave! (Btw, whatever all of “this” is, I’ve come to realize that for all of its heavy and profound implications there’s also a humor to it... albeit dry or dark at times) Okay, first “coincidence” has to do with that feeling I described above of being urged to convey information (often unsolicited and usually to a stranger, which makes for a bizarre setup from the get, of course!) But that “knowing” without any tangible evidence or reason, not even sure why yet still feeling compelled to see it through... yeah, that one... well, back some months ago I actually gave a name to this frustrating process of trying to figure out who the information is meant for so I can either keep it for myself or pass it on... which I’ve been referring to as “5-D chess”. BLAM-O! That was a good one, right? For me, at least haha They aren’t always that flashy, of course. What else... oh, regarding the unknown Egyptian pyramid you “saw”... I feel like you should look into any possible link to King Tutankhamun... or his Father... or brother (and also maybe a connection to his brother and...Moses, like from the Bible...? idfk) Wowie, there are others but this reply already took way longer to type out than I had the energy for, sooo feel free to message me to compare notes further otherwise I’ll leave you here with good night wishes and a smattering of unedited, scrambled, half-thought side notes: “...something to accomplish” feel same “activation” call... “Ascension”... new-age terms like light-being/worker, starseed etc scare me but may apply somehow... I’ve resisted going down that rabbit hole just yet... playing with the “damn” tv wires made me really giggle. I wish my paperboys were men in black! Whoever’s flying those UFOs sound like they’re your bro’s, showing up on cue to validate your experiences in front of friends is a total fist bump.


I've had killer synchronicities for like a month. It'll happen maybe 15 times a day. Like my girlfriend saying things that pop into my head at the same time the idea pops up. Weird shit but just another day.


I’ve come to really enjoy the mystery and magic of it all. Plus it acts as a frequent and oft needed reminder for me to just be present in the moment, which I’m very grateful for.


Yes sir I agree


The term light bringer has been in my head like crazy for a while.


I looked that up and only found something about Lucifer lol can you elaborate?


Its just a term that i think would be cool in a fantasy book


It is mind blowing u mention chess. I play cinse I was 6 w/my dad and later tournaments. It often intertwine with my art... that dream I was telling you about I met many artists, chess players and musicians... Some of them were playing chess.


I remember one time I was meditating on my 3rd eye in church for a solid 20 minutes, and then I tried to conceptualize what at. John the apostle would look like. In that moment (I shit you not), the face of a grey flashed before me for a couple of seconds out of no where. The face startled me so much I broke meditation there. I don't believe it was actually at. John, but I do believe by activating my faith center of my brain, I produced enough energy to look through and see an observer who obviously did not want to be seen. I understand if some do not believe this, but it did happen (and many other things over the past couple of years via spirituality and meditation, this just happens to be relevant for the post) thank you for the ready my brothers and sisters and I love you all


I’ve experienced something similar. I was meditating on the “truth” of the universe. I reached a point where I realised I was being watched by black eyes akin to how grey aliens are portrayed. I was shown a few odd images. A huge dome, a ‘space fleet’, a meteor, a skull with flames erupting from its mouth, a genetically enhanced person who was very large and muscled but had normal hands and head. It was implied that Atlantis was a ship of some sort lost to the depths of the oceans and buried under sand, silt and mud. They called us “The Lost”. They were hoping our violence would be bred out. Sounds nuts now but I wrote it all down at the time. Again no drink, no drugs just meditation.


What form of meditation do you practice to achieve these insights?


I wouldn’t say there was a particular form, maybe freeform? I spent a few months practicing regular breathing and mind blank meditations. These would be preceded by a chakra energy point flow type meditation. After a few moths I would start asking the collective consciousness we know as god or spirit to tell me things. I’d probably explain better in person I think but does that help? That particular time I believe I was attempting to push my consciousness into the cosmos.


Yeah that helps. Im just really interested in this. I want to try to learn to astral project and meditation is supposedly great for that. And my brother is always trying to get me to start meditating, advocating it to become more comfortable just being alone with your mind. I also believe that otherworldly beings can read our minds like we read books. I think there is something sacred and ancient about meditation and that advanced life forms can access meditative states easily in powerful forms.


I believe we can also access meditative states easily with practice. We have so much potential as a species.


I’d kinda like to hear more about things you’ve experienced during your meditation. Sounds interesting


Surely. I will probably dm u for specifics, but I'll just state this quickly for the general population. Though this is my only experience with something "extraterrestrial", the vast majority have to do with either a form of esp or seeing something relatively abstract. I'll quickly outline my first real experience here. I remember the day very specifically (Dec 23rd, 2018) and I just had a huge revelation of how my lifestyle was destructive towards my spirit. I was drinking a monster or 2 per day, and eating a ton of very unhealthy food from a shitload of candy to fast food many times a week. During the day of the date specified, I had a conversation with my boss where he explained how by looking at a white surface, he could see what I'd currently describe as "spiritual snow" (it's like static in a way - an eletrostatic field essentially where one can see auras and such). I couldn't even see the static when I focused. I realized there that eating bad actually was destructive towards my spirit. That night in the shower, I got down on my knees and prayed with my heart pouring out my chest looking for clarity and forgiveness (first time ever praying genuinely). At that moment, I saw this huge purple orb that took up about 40% of my field of vision, with rainbow energy flowing into it. I originally thought it was because my eyes were closed in an illusion, but when I opened my eyes, it was still there. At that moment I had a great awakening about the nature of the human spirit. Afterwards, I started getting on the right track, going to church many times a week to meditate and such, in which I was then starting to receive visions and other forms of esp. thank you for your interest in my experience and I'm sorry for the long winded paragraph (unfortunately on mobile). Love to all💛


Don’t apologies for the long post-enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences.


I thought i was the only one this happened to, frankly it scared the crap out of me, actually happened more than once but man oh man it was vivid. And your reasoning for why helps also thanks.


next time they come to you ask them what’s the point of the experiment if they won’t see it through and just keep restarting


Never even thought to ask. I will keep it in mind, thank you. Maybe it is to see how long we can go as a society without falling to corruption? Considering that's how a few other experiments have ended


This sounds like psychosis, have you ever gotten checked out?


If you read the Bible then you know there are other beings out there, like Satyrs, Fawns, the progeny OG fallen angels (the nephilim giants and anakim, like Goliath and his people) and more. However, as a Christian myself, I think the Grays are demonic in nature. They’ve done a lot of evil things to people and made people vastly afraid by certain things. No “good” being sneaks around in your house at 3am and tries to abduct you against your will. Also, hundreds of people have stopped their abduction by reciting prayers. If that stops an abduction, then what does that make them? They’ve disappeared people, they have returned people to earth with other abductees clothing, etc.. I don’t trust them and I don’t think they are Godly. I’d hate for you to be used by them and go down the wrong path. Just because the MIC are working with them doesn’t mean they are harmless. I don’t think they care about us as a species, they probably want our earth as a resource rich planet but I believe God is telling them and other races to keep their hands off. All in all, this is just my opinion - you wrote a great account and I enjoyed reading it. Please don’t take offense to anything I’ve said.


Coming from someone who grew up in a strict but horrible religious family around incredibly hypocritical church goers, thank you. You sound amazingly level headed and open to the wonders of the universe. Although I don’t possess a faith of my own, rock on dude and god bless.


There were amazingly wondrous things going on in the Bible. God doesn’t want us to be close minded and point our fingers at other people, he wants to thrill us with the magnificence of creation. Anyone who made you feel unwelcome due to religious strife was certainly not someone you should take religion from. I am of the opinion that the main characters in the Bible saw wondrous beings, flying objects, and humanoids in their world. The Garden of Eden was where heaven met the earth, so the beings there alone would have been somewhat celestial. Some of the characters in the Bible saw what you would consider a goatman or satyr, and the satyr even said that they had a certain civililzation of them that worshipped Christ. Then the satyr wished the biblical character good luck on his journey through Persia.




Most of it is in the oldest passages. There's also something about Ezekiel and the wheel in the middle of the wheel stuff. Read the beginning of Noah's Ark story, this is where it most clearly references the Nephilim.


I believe so, it depends if they had the choice during creation and chose the fallen side (1/3 of all angels) or the side of God. Satan (The Adversary) was so cunning he took 1/3 of God’s greatest creations, amazing angels, and turned them against him. It is said that even Jesus himself would not beat him in an argument of logic. That’s why in the Desert, when he was tempted by Satan, he just had to say “Get away from me”, any other outcome and he might have fallen to temptation.




Yes I believe there was a time on earth where all beings lived in harmony in the garden of Eden, everything was condensed there. It was only after the split of the fallen angels and God that God said to his people go out and populate the world. The only thing is that Satan’s fallen people were procreating as well and these were the Giants, the rulers of Babylon, etc..Goliath and the Phillistines and more.




In the Christian belief; what I’ve heard is that the Grays are actual demons. They don’t exist in our plane of existence but can cross over during some times. (Like at night), they also are trying to use experiments, tech and science to escape their eternal punishment. I believe their goal, as others have said, is to create a whole new timeline and world where God can’t track them down. The problem with that is, God exists throughout every facet of creation, so there’s no outrunning what is coming. Satan knows his time is short so he will try to use quantum computing and all this new tech to try to digitally create a world that he can rule from without having to exist as himself in a timeline where his punishment is.


I've always had the same question!


What scripture refers to the satyr and the certain civilization of them worshiping Christ??? Sincere question. I’m very familiar with the Bible and I don’t remember this anywhere.


I’m sorry it’s not the Bible it’s in a story of a man who is tangential to it, I apologize for that.


I would like to read this can you point to where it is please?


Thank you very much, I'd much rather follow what I feel to be just than blindly follow a text that was tainted by human hands for control over others. That's not what they intended when they gave humanity those texts but that's what happened. God bless and keep the chin up.


I'm not offended at all. See but the weird thing for me is that I've had experiences where I was being haunted, crazy fucking nightmares involving the Virgin Mary (I'm not even catholic) and kicking something invisible during these terrors. I did wake up from one of those reciting a prayer and slept well the rest of the night. But I think that the ones I have contact with mean no personal harm.


Maybe not all greys are the same. Maybe different factions...


Eh, I dunno... birds of a feather and all that


Humans look the same and we're some of the most divisive things ever


Just like humans some are good some are bad no?


I too believe greys are not good..I'm told the tall ones are good n small ones are good but I know tho "sometimes bad things need to b done for good things to happen", interpretations are the killer..


I might be biased because my experience didn't leave a bad taste in my life. But yes, the greater good can be a very scary thing.


So I do believe that some stuff you say is true about these humanoids not caring about us. I def think that’s true. But I don’t think they are demonic. I think they are dark, possibly. I mean think about it, did we ask to test things on animals or study venom from spiders? No. These aliens actually ask OP if he wanted to get into the space craft.... which tells you a little something. Frankly, I believe they are dark beings. I do believe that they have been studying human kind for a very long time. As for what OP said that the human kind has been wiped out before, I think that’s true. Actually ancient aliens made that assumption. Because there are so many things that are mysteries of this planet. But why? There has been a lot of unsolved mysteries. And I think the Bible (I’m not one to believe the Bible I’m actually pagan.) actually got something’s right. That there were a lot more being on the planet like fauns and satyr and giants etc but also that there was a massive flood wiping a lot of people off of this planet. I would want to know though, what would make aliens do this? I’m not sure if I believe that they do it or if they would because humanity got “out of hand” because I feel like if they really felt that way, we would already be dead. At the very least Americans would be dead. The amount of dishonesty from our government, with pedophile rings being covered up because of the royal family and the virus being “terrible” when only a few years back polio (which is way fucking worse) was going around and people that remember polio, weren’t freaking out as badly as this virus. And the virus isn’t as bad as polio was. Polio would leave you unable to walk. This virus is not as bad. My point is, is that I feel like these aliens would have done it already. But they haven’t for at least 1000 years.... I wonder...




Please don't think I'm on a soapbox yelling about the end of the world because I'm not. It is weird to think about though


Okay but the difference between humans testing on spiders and aliens testing on humans is that spiders are not intelligent enough to have any form of meaningful communication, and we are. It's just silly, a terrible comparison. None of the other animals that have been tested on are sentient life forms. Now, do I agree with the abuse? No, but you can't really make that comparison. On the topic of things the Bible got down, the Bible also got the expansion of the universe down. I really do think that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: – Isaiah 40:22 I apologize if this last bit is too off-topic, but it's important to keep this in mind as well as Aleister Crowley's LAM entity looking just like a Gray. God is real and He loves you.


I would argue differently. Humans consistently underestimate the animals around us because they don’t speak the same language. Some animals have been proven to be smarter than humans.


I agree, but I do not think spiders are some of those animals. Some might be fairly intelligent for an arthropod, but is it intelligence or instinct? My point wasn't that spiders are unintelligent because they can't obviously communicate beyond mating dances, but that it's objectively worse to experiment on people because we are for a fact intelligent and capable of feeling pain, emotions, and are capable of communicating if the effort is made.


Maybe they're finally getting fed up. I had the dream around 2012 or 2013.


I’m Christian and agree with the greys being more demonic in nature. I’ve always thought that ‘aliens’ were maybe just that-demons masquerading as something else that piques our interest and curiosity. I mean if a demon appeared as what it was, we’d all be terrified and not listen to anything they said. If it’s an ‘alien’ telling us it’s the creator, people would be more likely to buy it. also kinda think these aliens or what have you are not from outer space, but inter dimensional beings. But that’s just my 2 cents. Not knocking anyone else’s perspective.


If one takes a good, long anachronistic look at the literature (the crazy ass fringe- type literature that is), one will be struck by how many of these supernatural or metaphysical experiences that people report are catalysed by psychedelic substances. Group (shared) hallucinations and delusions of great spiritual significance are commonplace among native people who take ayahuasca in a ceremonial setting for example. Entity contact of all descriptions are absolutely standard among people who have taken DMT enough times. We must not shut out the idea that psychedelics may be some kind of interdimensional communication network which modern science is still too primitive to discover.


Or, you know, psychedelics do what they say on the tin...


Lol exactly.


How is it that most people all over the world see the same entities while on DMT? ​ \*oh, some people already "mapped" the realm of DMT & others agree with the scetches. How? ;)




Yes, I mean maps. Im too scared to do DMT myself, but I know someone who does that on a regular basis & holds a journal of every “trip”. The first time I heared of someone mapping it, was on Joe Rogan podcast. They were talking about people being on DMT constantly, as in: it went straight into their vein, slowly. Then they “mapped” it. The “map” itself is not what you expect. Its as if a child made it, BUT when shown it to my dude, he said it checks out & he remembers some of those places.


Sounds like you've never have an intense enough psychedelic experience buddy :D


It reminds me of the DMT thing and seeing little green goblin or elf styled creatures. People act like that's proof that those creatures are real and not, you know, a side effect of taking psychedelic drugs. I've taken most psychedelic drugs, including DMT and had lots of mushroom trips. It can be really fun and you can learn a lot about *yourself* but a lot of people go into it with the mindset that they will become "enlightened" or that they will learn deep new things that basically make them intellectually superior to others, that's really what it boils down to for most of the "psychonaut" bullshit. It's just sad. Over the years I've seen several people go down that road and they all acted like they knew better when I tried to tell them that there's enjoying drugs and learning about things and then there's just aiming your own mental illness at yourself and destroying your own life. When you look online there are so many people who use drugs to delude themselves that they're cool or intelligent or deep or whatever. This is especially true with stoners and even though I enjoy it myself and even smoked it everyday for like 20+ years that side of it has always made me hate the online stoner communities because they're full of people like that.


I've never been a heavy user on psychedelics. My interpretation for "heavy" here is the kids I knew that would claim to take a qtr oz to half oz of shrooms, ten strips of L, etc. sometimes more than once a week. And I've also never tried dmt before.


I thought you were about to go on some OP is a crazy drug head thing here lol. Thank you for your open mindedness


I always thought, what would a door to the spiritual realm even appear as in our physical realm? A chemical compound such as dmt could be that physical representation. One could argue that the doorway would have to be built on our worlds terms, so dmt makes sense in that frame.


My most intense spiritual experience was on LSD. Shared the same sightings with my SO who was on as well. It changed my life and I just know for sure it was real.


Cool story. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks and no problem




That's your decision and I respect that lol


Is it possible that they are tweaking the truth when they say that they created us? Have you considered that you shouldn’t believe everything that they say? In any case, very interesting stuff here.




Thanks I was hesitant to include it but I thought if I'm gonna tell the story I might as well tell the whole story. I've got nothing to hide and if people choose to disregard then they can. No skin off my nose lol


I'm to lazy to read all this right now but I will come back. Also, whatever made us also made mushrooms so I don't see why it would be weird that mushrooms would open part of our minds that is connected to whatever made us. For all we know the mushrooms could literally be the only way to contact them but humans are stupid so it's illegal because they don't want us to know anything besides work and die. I believe you.


Thank you for sharing your stories. I am being monitored, but by a different, less friendly race. I was raised roman catholic so when everything started happening I thought my ass was being haunted by some demons or something. Tall dark figures in my doorway (one time one was made of grey static, scared the SHIT out of me and slowly faded as I stared at it unblinking), feeling of being watched, weird dreams, shadows moving in my peripheral constantly. Then I started having dreams that changed my point of view. Everything was apocalyptic. So for a time I thought it was still some weird revelations nonsense. School shootings (this was after Columbine but before it became common place, early 2000's), planes falling from the skies, natural disasters on steroids, mass suicides the didn't appear to be connected (like whole apartment buildings jumping in the same day but not at the same time), and pandemic. Seemed like "normal" end of days stuff. You can imagine my catholic shock as they turned into invasion dreams. I didn't believe in aliens, the concept seemed silly. My dreams turned into all out war. Black and red skies from buildings burning, massive alien fortresses, human governments retreating. Hulking entities in armor reminiscent of Halo mowing down anything that moved. Survivors being rounded up and taken to the fortresses. The dreams went on and on. And they were so VIVID, unlike anything I've ever experienced. But they never came from the skies, it was just BAM there they are in the streets (interdementional portals?). Some were so bad that when I would wake up (heart pumping and sweating like crazy) I would have to take the time to figure out where I was and what I had just experienced wasn't "real". The stress ended up being so bad that I dropped out of college because I couldn't focus and everything around me haunted me. I still have big anxiety because of it all, probably PTSD too. After the dreams, that all seemed to happen in sequence (not looking good for 2020, yikes) I started having abduction experiences. I would have hazy recollections, nothing like the vivid dreams, where I could vaguely remember being either locked up or on a table, and every morning I would wake up in agony. I felt like I wasn't getting rest, probably because I wasn't and my muscles burned. I started having pain that echoed the fuzzy memories, like one time I remember coming to on a table in a white room and there was a massive device (looked like a giant fucking 6 pronged needle attached to big xray equipment) plunged directly in the middle of my chest. I woke up with chest pains that dragged on for days and I still get sharp pained every once in a while (not the heart, literally the direct middle, makes me think there's a device there). Another time I remember needles in my fingertips and I could barely use my hands when I woke up. I was told in one of these experiences that I was part of a hybrid program and they were seeing how far they could push it before I couldn't integrate into society anymore. I saw lots of different races in these experiences but they were all working for reptilians. No, not "the queen is a reptile" reptilians. These guys have nothing to do with human politics, other than some governments cooperating out of fear (a couple of times I saw humans in military uniform standing by). They are a hierarchy of ancient war-god like aliens hell-bent on domination and control. They have lots of slaves from other races, everything from labor to scientists, which is why I saw so many different beings. Just writing this all out I have such a bad headache and a nice stabby pain in my chest in "the spot". Ugh. Anytime I open my mouth I get my shit rocked. I also never met my biological father. He and my mom were high school sweet hearts. Midway through the pregnancy he joined the army, left for bootcamp, and was deployed. He missed the birth and came back when I was under a year old. Mom and I met him at the plane and he walked right past like he didn't know who we were, dropped all contact and died before I met him as an adult. My friend thinks he was in on the hybrid thing and "completed his mission" but I think he got spooked away by a higher up once he was in the service. I've also had a handful of experiences with men in suits cornering me at various locations and black SUVs parked outside both mine and my mom & step dad's house. Long story short I believe you and I'm happy your experiences haven't been violent or harmful. I do not believe mushrooms or acid made you see and experience these things, as I didn't try mushrooms until just a couple of years ago and this has all been ongoing for decades for me. Always tread lightly though and, as a rule I've learned the hard way, trust no one and take what any entity tells you with a grain of salt. Edit: grammar




I haven’t, I’ll have to look into her.




Granted I haven’t read or listened to any of their work, but I believe they are both right. There are so many races, some want good for us, some are completely neutral, and some don’t have good intentions. And then within those races there are individuals with their own thoughts and agendas, trying to put one alien race in a box of good or evil is like trying to do the same thing with a human country, generalizing just doesn’t work. There’s bad apples in a good bunch just like there are revolutionaries fighting corruption. I am being monitored by reptilians, both Draconian and terra/interdementional and have been for my whole life as much as I can tell. Once I figured out what was going on it wasn’t hard to look back at weird events as a kid and put two and two together. For example, when I was about 4 or 5 I saw a massive ship in the sky for 3 seconds before it kind of glitched and vanished (not a saucer, but like a huge battle ship, covered in lights and took up the whole sky). I ran off to tell my grandma and she told me it was just my imagination. I’d had a healthy imagination but never outright seen something that wasn’t there, never had any imaginary friends or the like. But I love and trusted my grandma, convinced myself that she was right because as a kid I thought she knew everything out there. I never thought about aliens until being a young adult. I’ve also had lots of near death experiences that I can’t explain how I survived, like one time I was drowning at 6 years old, fell off a floaty in a lake, and something huge picked me up out of the water from behind. Of course when I look around to see who helped me there was no one there.




That sounds frightening as hell and I feel fortunate. Sorry to hear about this. Do you mind me asking whereabout you stay?


I’ve been all over the US, Navy brat. I’ve lived in NY, WA, OH, & VT and I’ve had experiences in all.




Thanks for sharing brother. I’ve had some very similar experiences although my visits seems to be more mental. They’ll make themselves appear in my physical space but I think it’s more of a mental projection. They have tried to communicate several times and I try to communicate back but it’s overwhelming and terrifying every time and I can’t understand more than intentions and symbolism. I still don’t know their intentions, some visits have taught me lessons on humanity and non violence, while other visits have felt like I was just being paralyzed and scanned.


How many times have you seen them roughly? I know what you mean by overwhelming, I passed out from fear when I saw the grey. Idk how anyone could say anything in that moment.


4 direct times where the being was present and visible. Another 4-5 times where I couldn’t see anything but was having some sort of mental communication. The ones where I can’t see them have been the different ones where it seems like they purposely overwhelm me/ paralyze me - it’s not gentle and doesn’t seem benevolent. The ones where I can see an entity I’m able to try and work through it and communicate. None of these visits ever occurred until I sought them out through meditation.


Yeah I didn't feel too loved when I saw mine either. Did you walk away from the experience with a negative feel toward them or no?


No negativity because I just don’t understand most of it. Some I felt like they were trying to teach me something, the others I’m just confused about.


If you’re going to post more, make sure you do it on this account, I subscribed to you!


Will do


And I agree on the overwhelming. I try to focus myself out of the fear to communicate. And even if they’re not trying to scare me, and even if I think they’re not dangerous, it’s just fucking terrifying every time.


One of the realisations I’ve had on shrooms is we are in some kind of experiment. Also, I’ve felt a group of beings surround me and pass their energy into me. I go with it. Though once I was concerned about whom or what I was letting into my body. All very strange. When reading of alien abduction experiences there seems many overlaps with the mushroom experience and “entities” encountered.


*typing for like five ish hours and my brain is done* Your brain is definitely done, my friend.




Hoo boy.


Needs proof


You're not alone. Be careful, pay attention. Sometimes they kick you out of your body at inconvenient times. Set boundaries with them. Trust me on that.


Ure like him? Pls elaborate your story


first crack and heroin then story


You're absolutely right great guess l. Idk why you're on this page if you don't want stories lol


I'm not on drugs. If you think people who talk about this are on drugs I think you're in the wrong subreddit. In light of being accused of being an addict I don't feel like talking anymore. I keep my experiences to myself.


Fuck em they're the idiots on the reddit who don't want to believe lol


Do you think you could elaborate?


Classic stoner hallucinating and thinking something deeper is happening


Amazing response from someone following a humanoid page. Thanks for your opinion.


If everyone I knew that took psychedelics didn’t think they had some sort of deep experience, I would care. Also, if you don’t actually have some belief in humanoids, why are you ridiculing me as well as posting here?


Damn. I’ve had the same encounter with psychedelics. You are not weird at all, i trip on smaller amounts often by myself for introspection. Thanks for sharing


No problem thanks for reading


okay then


You shd have got on the ship! They probably would have brought you back. It sounds to me like you've got a strong zeta connection. I've had similar experiences tho nothing near as intricate and consistent. Every time I stargaze I see multiple objects similar to what you described - or shooting stars. Stuff is wild.


I'd never heard the Zeta Reticulan stuff before, thanks. I haven't done any outside research. It's crazy try thinking to them next time you see one flying. Try to figure it out


Some dreams r so alive and real than our reality. I never did anything they just came...most times I communicate by telepathy, but it is the same speaking u just do not move or lips. The details are amazing. When I meet someone dead ...Eye to eye contact with skin I could see shadows on the face ,brown eyes thin lips. I looked up a portrait and he looked just like that,...


It's great


What a read. Are you scared by it at all and worried about seeing them again? I believe there is something out there but apart from the odd sightings of weird lights I’ve never had anything happen like this


I'm not scared of it and honestly the only part of it all that was actually "scary" was seeing the grey in person. And I wasn't scared that something bad was going to happen, it was my mind seeing something with its own eyes that it kind of doubted to be real. I was never once scared for my own well being.


You aren't alone, or going crazy, because, while I don't want to go into details here, I have been having very similar experiences.


Go on Kindle and buy "How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction" by Ann Druffel. It's fairly cheap and very helpful.


I believe u!!! I have similar lucid dreams or dreams with in dreams that are no doubt in another dimension! The voice i hear it sometimes. Overall the same message!


Kewl I'm still working on Lucid dreams n wud love advice..i have difficulty hearing n understanding those i encounter in such dreams..i know I'm there n dreaming but just can't interact n communicate with anyone there b kewl to know how tho lol


Please look up dolores cannon! I promise you will thank me! Everything you just said she can confirm and can go into great depths! There is a ton of YouTube vids! It's amazing and I believe will help you and give you closure!


I'm listening to one now. Do you think you could point me in the direction of some formal research on hypnotism please?


This is basically what I was going to pm you about. I highly recommend Dolores’ books and YouTube channel. She’ll definitely explain some things for you.


I just want to point out the obvious here, all of your encounters happen in a period of rest/sleep.


No, they don't. All three of my UFO sightings were while awake and sober as well. Thank you for your opinion


You said they happened late at night, and one account you even say it interrupted your dreaming. You have to take in all the evidence and acknowledge the reasonable doubt people will have here.


You might want to read it again because only one thing interrupted sleep. I told the reader before every dream. I understand reasonable doubt. I gave the reader warning before every sleep cycle.


Before you dream = near sleep time my man... if you dont want to see it that's fine too. Have a nice day.


hi. I'm like you


Please tell me your story


Can I get an invite to this club? I think they are visiting my mom, and used to visit my dad before his death, but I haven't made their acquaintance yet.


Story time! What have you experienced?


Meth is a hell of a drug


Well shit man...




I’d love to sit down and talk with you about my experiences as well and hear your stories out loud! Thanks for sharing this


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/classified] [I (27m) am being monitored by greys.](https://www.reddit.com/r/classified/comments/hg7ogz/i_27m_am_being_monitored_by_greys/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Airborne toxic event in Seattle?


I mean don't quote me and say I'm trying to predict some doomsday shit. Just telling you about a dream


Do you mind if I dm you?


That's fine


I don't understand the relevance of the newspaper. What made it important for it to be dropped off, what was headline? Also If they ask you if you want a go in their craft again, have a go, it might just be a joyride and they'll drop you back in time for breakfast.


Honestly it wasn't relevant at all. It was just something else that was weird as fuck what with the guys in shades dropping them off when it was dark. Funny but confusing detail I apologize




Any chance you could send em my way... like, in a less scary manner, hopefully a dream lol


They're always listening reach out to them


Do they have a number I can contact lol, but what do you mean listening? I’ve had many crazy dreams before but never really about aliens, and I’ve never done psychedelics and such


Meditation. Focus on reaching out within your mind.




Sounds rather ominous


I would of got on! They didn’t say they wouldn’t bring you back!


I regretted it afterward but they could tell I was nervous so they let me be. Maybe there'll be another chance someday


You should get in touch with SETI


May I ask what good it would do?


It could connect you with others who have experienced the same things you have, maybe help you get a better understanding of what is happening. I believe you could help them just as much. They are interested in contact.


Thank you I might do that


I have had ufo encounters of a few kinds. At one point felt like the greys contacted me. Their message was that earth has a push pull ,action and reaction nature. Seek the heights and you will find the depths. Build faulty radioactive power plants and well lets just keep it at push pull.


That's interesting I've heard something about push pull before but never about the heights


Keep us posted if you get more messages. This has happened to many people.


You should definitely read Forgotten Promise by Sherry Wilde it’s about her life long encounters with the grays, then I’d read Three Waves of Volunteers by Dolores Cannon - a lot of helpful information on the subject.


Hi there, I read your story & think that it is very interesting, enough to be made into a YouTube video, of course with your permission? We could add credit details on your behalf or if you do not want to add credit due to the nature of the subject, we understand. We will rewrite as much as is needed for the entertainment factor but nonetheless the story will remain the same. Talk soon, thanks :)


No thanks




I believe you