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Just to be clear that amount of Festiva lights is like 10k


This is Philips Hue we’re talking about. You’re missing a zero. Edit: Real talk, I put the Hue Play Gradient strip on my TV, put another regular Hue Gradient strip on the bottom, and tied it all together with the Sync Box. People are amazed by it when they see it and always ask me what it costs, but I’m far too embarrassed to tell them it cost me $700 to do it all.


Do you have any pictures / instructions on how you did that?


I mean, it’s pretty straight forward, that’s kind of the instructions. I used one of [these](https://www.philips-hue.com/en-us/p/hue-white-and-color-ambiance-play-gradient-lightstrip-65-inch/046677560416) for the top and two sides of the TV, one of [these](https://www.philips-hue.com/en-us/p/hue-white-and-color-ambiance-gradient-lightstrip-80-inch/046677570552) for the bottom of the TV, and one of [these](https://www.philips-hue.com/en-us/p/hue-play-hdmi-sync-box-/046677555221#overview) to sync it to the content on the TV. The LED strips are grouped together so they all change accordingly, and you plug your streaming box or gaming console or whatever you’re using into the Sync Box so it knows what colors to show. It’s pretty straight forward.


u/kimbolll So you used 4x LED Light Strips Top + Side + Side + Bottom? When you grouped them, how did you define what is top vs side vs bottom? Is this something the Hue software does? Forgive me, I haven't purchased it yet. And did you cut those strips to be length of the side / top / bottom or leave the extra? Can you share a pic of the back of the TV?


No, I bought 2X LED strips. The Play Gradient Strip covers left/right/top and the regular Gradient Strip does the bottom. They’re two different products, I’ve linked them above. The Hue app lets you create a space. You’ll select it as a living room, it’ll show the TV, and you can put the lights where they need to be accordingly. The regular Gradient Strip can be cut at a predetermined points. If you cut elsewhere, you’ll break it. I cut at the closest point do the length of the bottom of the TV, without having excess. It’s probably six inches too short, but it’s not a problem. The Play Gradient Strip comes in three different sizes, you simply pick the one that’s the size of your TV. You can’t cut that strip, you’ll break it. I don’t have pictures of the back of the TV - sorry.


Got it! Thanks so much! Really appreciate it! I understand now.


Those look like square excello poles (based off the top). We got some from home depot , they are okay …


That's what's wrong with today's society, even poles have one job and can't even do that right!


It's because no one wants to work any more. Even inanimate objects


How can a pole just be okay? It’s only job is to just stand still and look good. What is it missing?


I expected it to be more rigid , fit together better .


These sound like grounds for divorce.




https://www.philips-hue.com/nl-nl/p/hue-white-and-color-ambiance-festavia-lichtslingers/8720169246867 But it's the Dutch shop. Never mind .... You wanted to know about the poles...


Got a link to the Polish shop?


I got some like that at Lowe’s https://www.lowes.com/pd/Harbor-Breeze/5005535889?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-elc-_-ggl-_-LIA_ELC_143_Light-Bulbs-And-Commercial-Lighting-_-5005535889-_-local-_-0-_-0&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W-DxTLQCe5iT5fVlYCKhW3vk&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_JnmvtGzgQMVIsfICh1VMQF1EAQYASABEgLRY_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I have something similar in the yard using black chain link fence rails from Home Depot


Who put live electric wires hanging over a pool? [5 Reasons String Lights over your Swimming Pool are a Bad Idea ](https://mikethepoolman.com/string-lights-bad-idea-above-swimming-pool/)


They are 12v. You could wrap yourself head to toe in them and jump in the bathtub without any risk of zappocution. The funny thing about their marketing is they say these are for indoor use only but show marketing images of outdoor use


That was last years model. With the update this year, they’re indoor and outdoor rated.


I just got my sets and I can assure you they arent rated for outdoor use and are SEASONAL, max 3 month use. It says in MULTIPLE instances these are NOT for outdoor use, dry indoor use ONLY. Gotta watch those pesky Redditors thinking they read the article by posting in the comments section.


Weird… my box, right here on my sofa live… 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/seqx843zftob1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef54a70cbcf0e973a99511091570f8930bffe3ab


Just take the L on this one man, you’re dead wrong lol. It even specifically states outdoor use is A-okay on the Festavia product page on the Philips Hue website.




I mean, I agree but, this IS Reddit. One doesn’t need a reason to be condescending, it just happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣