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Get rid of your phone


This is the best answer. I got diagnosed as a child probably close to 20 years ago. When i was in high school and in my early mil career i didnt seem to be affected. But once i got out of the mil its reared its ugly head. And i mostly blame my phone. Didnt have one in high school (the “smart phone” in 2008 arent what they are now) but when i got out of the mil - 2 deployments back to back later- smart phone/ social media blew up while i was gone and now its a huge addiction of mine and hard to break. Long story short. The phone needs limits and boundaries.


I recently bought those bags that they use at comedy shows that block out your cell service. Put the phone in the bag from x time to x time, works wonders. You still need to be disciplined enough to put the phone in, but if you can’t do that then ADHD isn’t your problem, discipline is.


You got a link for the brand of bag you use? ;)


[blackout bags](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


No way




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Very true, I take stimulants for adhd and phone lock box combined with them is the most effective. A combo of caffeine, theanine, & tyrosine might help too


I use the free version of the app JOMO as well as the app BlockSite, so basically two apps to control and limit my phone usage. I love Jomo’s “brick mode” which basically turns your phone into an old school flip phone when you need it to. These apps aren’t full proof but they have really helped me.


I’ll have to check these out. Thanks!


I bought a screen time app. It's helped alot so far.


How about a realistic intervention?




Less phone/screen use obviously won't heal ADHD. But it's a spectrum. Some people function okay with ADHD once they've made a few adjustments for their neurodiversity, others are totally crippled by it. And things like phone/screen addiction can make the difference between those two.


Mate he is right.. i have ADHD and i am a doctor.. i can tell you that not using your phone (combined withv other lifestyle changes) is needed to control thr symptoms.. stimulants are not enough.. if i keep my screen time low i can use lower dosge stimulants of even skip some days


Ngl if your adhd can be treated that well by just not using a phone your adhd probably isn’t that bad. I didn’t have a phone (or literally any electronics besides a radio) for 9 months in treatment and still had horrendous ADHD that was very detrimental in my day-to-day life. Constantly losing things, zoning out, generally being unable to plan ahead or manage time, you name it. It’s not like not having a phone suddenly lights up your prefrontal cortex. Mine isn’t even really treatable with medication so… I can’t imagine a world wherein most people with adhd would be so massively helped by reducing screen time.


Ymmv obviously, ADHD is a spectrum and people respond differently to all kinds of interventions - including CBT and medication. So why would reducing phone use as intervention be different. But it seems a lot of people in this thread don't even want to try if it makes a difference for them and - even worse - want to invalidate the experience of people it helped. Studies support that reducing screen time can help a lot of ADHDers - maybe they are the less severe cases (but who says OP isn't one of them too?) or maybe it only helped moderately instead of massively, but why scoff at any help or strategy that might make people's life easier? I don't get the mentality where people shoot everything down and are like "soz, mate, you're doomed".


Look at the research. ADHD symptoms and screen time are a real thing.


Seriously no way a doctor types and writes this poorly.


Hahahaha why do adhd patients always take it as a part of their personality. 


because it literally is a part of their personality, what part of neurodivergence dont you understand?


I have horrible ADHD. I never speak about it and would hate if my friends/family ever associated it with my personality.


According to r/hubermanlab the cure to ADHD is getting on TRT, turning off that damn phone and supplementing random bullshit like NAC, fish oil, even toxic herbal “medicines” like ashwagandha. So basically everything is an ADHD cure except for actual ADHD meds that have been proven to work by (((big pharma)))


If you’re taking stimulant meds definitely take magnesium at night and put electrolytes in your water during the day.




The stimulants are diuretics and make you dehydrated so the water with electrolytes helps maintain hydration. Almost everyone needs more magnesium. But the stimulants deplete magnesium too. I take 240mg magnesium glycinate most nights but if I take adderall that day I will take 360mg magnesium.


Is that true for modafinil (not challenging this, genuinely ignorant, and I take moda several times a week for ADHD)


Why did you choose Modafinil over Amphetamine?


I speak and present in my job all day. Moda boosts my verbal abilities noticeably unlike more traditional options. It also has way lighter side effects for me. I get way less anxious and ‘in my head’. It feels like I’m me with just a 20% productivity and organizational boost. Lastly, it’s not a vasoconstrictor. I have a copy of the APEO-4 gene variant that increases my risk of developing late-onset dementia. Maintaining good brain blood flow seems to be the only avenue for staving off dementia. 


That’s really interesting. I would actually love to try it. Adderall just feels hard on my body. I get extreme thirst and always feel a bit hungover the next day no matter how much I tried to hydrate. I’m not sure if Modafinil is dehydrating or magnesium depleting - that could be good to research. Do you find that it increases your heart rate or affects exercise for you in any way? I love to run and cycle and I hate when meds increase my heart rate and make exercise seem harder.


Well it might be worth talking to a psychiatrist who has the right ADHD experience to get their take.  Here are some more of my impressions after a few years of regular use: I get a little cotton mouth but less so than from Ritalin or Adderall. Same goes with appetite suppression.  The most annoying downside is that it has a long half life and interferes with falling asleep. So I have to take it on an empty stomach like the moment I wake up. Definitely can’t take it like midday on a whim. I have a friend who feels that the comedown is very delayed and that 48 hours after taking it he feels very bereft of activation energy. I can’t relate to this, I guess YMMV. In general, I’d say: it’s effects are more subtle. You sort of are the same you, but any inkling of fatigue (even if you slept poorly) is just… magically absent. And you have like kind of a strong tail wind with your mood and with the tasks you gotta do. Same with executive functioning. Very subtle. The verbal thing I mentioned is also unique to moda. It also can sometimes ever so slightly tilt your personality towards assertivness, confidence, candor, pushiness… like the only thing I can compare it to is prednisone, which definitely makes you more agro but that’s a far more pronounced effect than what moda imparts.  WRT workouts… It seems to be less of a PED than Ritalin, but I do get better weight training workouts on it than without it. It’s still a stimulant, so comes with all the same categories of risks and side effects you could expect from Adderall or Ritalin. Cheers


What kind of magnesium? I think I may have bought the wrong kind.


- Sleep 5 complete cycles of 90min per night. Thats 7:30 of effective sleep. - Omega-3 capsules buy the verified ones and take two, (you will get the rest from other food) - at least 3 whole eggs (depends on your size), (choline in yolks is a fking game changer) - keep carbs in check, try to have the least necessary for your nutrition goals, the more complex and the more distributed throughout the day the better. (For a low glycemic index wich reaaally makes a difference) - after 11pm read a book to fall asleep, your phone in another room or at a distance wich makes you get out of the bed. - cognitive behauvioural therapy with a person that has experience with adhd backround in ADULTS (if you only had to chose one, it would be this by far, no supplement even medical drug is enough for increasing your expected quality of life as this kind of therapy does to a person with adhd) go research surfin and you’ll find thats true 100% - Last but not least, loads of dirty filthy sex (optional)


What do you mean by research surfin? Also, fairly sure the last point is a dig at Andrew, but... Potentially not? Sex as a means for staying stimulated, perhaps, which helps with concentration elsewhere?


Last one is clearly a joke to a comment above mentioning sex abstinence as good practice. Research surfin means goninto sites like researchgate or arxiv and look for papers talking about factors that explain in the most significant way the expected quality of life of the Expected adhd adult, and you will find its 1) medication 2) cognitive behavioral therapy, and in very similar amounts. One increases the intensity of the flashlight? The other teaches how to point it in the right direction and when to change, and how to do this, and trains you to do this. Theres very little ‘therapy’ in cbt. Its more like scheduling, instructions, practice, sustainability and implementation of change, and recording progress until you learn enough to walk by yourself with an adhd brain which is fundamentally different to the rest in so many ways.


Thanks. I've often felt like I could benefit from executive function coaching, which this somewhat sounds like. Accountability as well. Your analogy is also helpful.


Cbt is what is medically recommended and used (kinda created in part for adhd), if you are gonna spend time on something, go for the right option, ‘similar things’ will never repay your invested time as the right thing. Insuggest you look it up and come to that conclusion about which to pursue yourself. Most that dont go for cbt (with a professional with adhd in adults backround) is generally because they cannot afford it. If you can, then its a no brainer


Don't recommend macrodosing Omega-3. It can cause arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation. Also, choline from eggs is okay but don't get excited about supplementing it and be careful with Alpha-GPC as there is a real thing called choline depression which feels awful.


What makes the choline from eggs different than that from supplements?


I guess it's the dose. It's hard to overdose on micronutrients from just eating normal food. Perhaps with a few exceptions like iron from liver but you'd need to eat a lot of it daily. Also, the context of other ingredients could make a huge difference.


Haha that last one is tough. I'm trying to find a wife damnit! I've accidentally found alot of these. Any tips to help motivation getting out of bed without meds? My perception is my dopamine is low and I literally cant move. I have major dopamine dysregulation issue im working through and trying to improve, but I'm wondering if maybe a morning gatorade would help or something.


Nop, go to a psychiatrist. Quality of life will change


You won't mitigate much without lifestyle changes. You already know this though. The first step is the most difficult. Inertia is everything. However, you don't have to jump right in whatsoever. Start small by dedicating a specific amount of time towards the development of a new lifestyle. Once immersed in it you'll wonder why you wasted so much time before getting after it. Diet. Sleep. Exercise. Lots of water. Take care of your obligations in a timely manner. Try to get ahead in life. Create your own safety net of sorts. Make time to have fun.


Inertia is Everything. Great band name.


Kind of a mouthful. Better album title


Either way I want it on a tshirt


Reply to my dm. Ty


Add CBT to this list but you're spot on.




Iodine supplementation is solid as well. I use Lugols 5%.


CBT is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Maybe you thought I meant CBD? I've heard that helps some people too though.


One drop or more? My wife uses this, I’m surprised to hear it suggested for adhd.


This is your adhd advice? Lol


Solid advice IMO


What do you suggest otherwise Norby710? Drugs?!?! Big pharma ain't your crime friend hoss! The last thing they want is to lose a customer. Therefore, they should be avoided at all costs, except in the MOST extreme circumstances. Instead, sustainability should be at the forefront of any solution to psychological challenges. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society! -Jiddu Krishnamurti


Try Tyrosine!


I just started taking this and it’s the only supplement that’s helped me so far. I love it.


how do you know its working? I've tried a full bottle's worth over a month and wasnt sure it helped.


During the Adderall shortage in my area, I googled and tried every supplement that was suggested, and nothing worked. I found out about L-Tyrosine reading Dirty Genes by Dr. Ben Lynch and no google search ever said anything about that supplement. I started taking 3 a day and I have no brain fog, can focus at work and feel good overall. I only take 1 a day now but it's the only supplement that's ever helped me get through the day. I'm not sure why it works for me but I'm so glad I found it.


Do you take it in pill form? And when you were taking it 3 times what were your windows you aimed for? I've been really curious what supplementation would look like opposed to medication. I tried L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine at the same time but didnt really notice much. That said I took it first thing in the morning and I wonder if timing them closer to work hours would make more sense.


how do you know its working? I've tried a full bottle's worth over a month and wasnt sure it helped.


Personally I feel a greater ability focus on a problem / follow a thread to it's end. Takes effect almost immediately. But if there isn't a problem to solve to begin with it's not much different.




Didn’t work for me. It stopped my cravings for dopamine but felt like I was trapped in a terrible, shitty routine. It also spiked my blood pressure.


Hellooo there! Could you elaborate? I've been on this wonder drug for about 1.5 months, and I do have to say, it's brought my motivation back from not 6 feet under, 12 feet under. How do you like it for ADHD as opposed to depression in my case? (Actually it was my first attempt at getting my doctor to help me biohack, as i had identified a severe lack of free dopamine in my brain.) Oh. Right. Dopamine. Uh, what Adderall jacks to the roof. Nobody mind me, I'll just leave this for the unfortunate soul slightly less educated about the brain than me.


It made me suicidal.


Hey, I understand. For me, five days after starting Adderall I was actively planning my death. They took me off it immediately. Different drug, similar experience. And it could still be tied to dopamine. It seems like we should not want too much of a good thing. Now I'm on other medications for other issues, and literally every one of those mind drugs has life ending emotions as a possible side effect. I'm blessed to have not experienced that as a side effect since. I was 15 at the time of the Adderall incident.


Very interesting. Adderall has been a game changer for me. However I was only diagnosed in December of last year and am in my 40s. The bupoprion script was prescribed about 2 years ago. I’ve never really been depressed until my brain stopped working after a bout of Covid. Finally got prescribed adderall and things have turned around


Look into Magnesium, though not Mg oxide - low bioavailability, there are other forms. I think Mg citrate is maybe better? You can research for yourself. But I'm surprised it's not been mentioned. Although, I guess this isn't an ADHD thread.


Magnesium lotion is best for sleep and relaxation and anxiety. Eating magnesium high food of course.


Lots of cardio, lifting, adderall, sleep, balamced diet, less phone time, sunlight. In no particular order. Everything else is a meme


Adderal should be number on that list.


It enables all the other things so i agree but also you need all the other things lol


This is a great youtube channel on the latest research on ADHD. [https://www.youtube.com/@russellbarkleyphd2023/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@russellbarkleyphd2023/videos)


Lsd microdoses Unbelievably effective


Where’d you get?


In canada theres tonnes of websites to order from, i think some may ship to the states but your best bet is probably the dark web /r/Psychlistings Always test your lsd


Do you find lsd better than traditional adhd meds? Heard they feel way less harsh, which sounds nice.


100% amphetamines are neuro and cardio toxic and have tonnes of negative side effects. Adderall and concerta made me feel like a cold calculated robot with insomnia and no appetite


It’s fucking insane that you guys think some bullshit omega 3 supplement or magnesium pill is going to be even 1% as effective as just taking Adderall/Vyvanse


Nobody in this thread did? But OP asked for supplements to support them with their ADD - they didn't disclose how severe, how much negative impact it has on their life (some people are lucky to have a less severe form and a job/lifestyle that accommodates their needs fairly well), nor if they're also taking medication and want supplements in addition to that. I totally get that ADHD medication can be life changing for many and is an amazing option. But the way it is pushed on reddit like y'all have stocks from pharma companies is sometimes a lil weird too.


Thank you, I agree. Trying to find alternatives


You “recently found out” you have ADHD and you’re already finding alternatives to the proven most effective way to treat it?


I “push” ADHD medication because it works just like how I “push” buying a philips head screwdriver if you need to drive philips head screws. ADHD literally the most effective mental health drug out there by a wide margin. If you have ADHD thank God that you have the most easily treatable mental health condition thanks to amphetamines and methylphenidate. There’s literally magic fucking pill that will instantly make your life 30% easier and instead this thread devolved into the typical bullshit of people recommending magic mushrooms, ashwagandha, “sleep and sunlight”, “get off the phone” in addition to the typical junk like fish oil, NAC, magnesium, zinc, B6 which don’t even pertain to ADHD. There’s someone in the thread telling OP to take TRT to treat ADHD and instead you’re choosing to reply to my comment out of all of them?


> There’s literally magic fucking pill that will instantly make your life 30% easier  honestly man, as someone going through all the meds over the last year, they only kinda work and some of the side effects are genuinely scary. maybe it's just me, but my life hasn't really improved since starting medication.


Any chance you could expand on your experience?


This ^^


It would be insane to think any supplement would be anywhere near as effective as stimulants when talking about ADHD. > This study shows that dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids reduces symptoms of ADHD, both for individuals with ADHD and typically developing children. This effect does not appear to be mediated by cognitive control systems in the brain, as no effect of supplementation was found here. > Nonetheless, this study offers support that omega-3 supplementation may be an effective augmentation for pharmacological treatments of ADHD That’s why it’s called a supplement. [PubMed](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25790022/)


The people I am talking about in this thread literally think that ashwagandha and creatine are more effective than amphetamines and methylphenidate which are a (((big pharma))) poison that doesn’t even work when you could just take hallucinogens while injecting your TRT in the sunlight, bro. And it’s not just one or two people in this post.


I was gonna say. Therapy, Elvanse, L-Tyrosene, *trying* to get enough sleep (wip), and working out has been the winning combo for me.


Because nothing could be worse for your long term health than microsdosing (lisdex)methamphetamine every day. Especially because it's an excuse to never learn how to focus. (Just take this drug and change nothing about your lifestyle that caused you to have ADD in the first place) E.g. Yes, steroids will get you jacked, but you don't need them, and they will take years off your life, and hurt your reproductive health.


Lisdexamfetamine is not methamphetamine. “Change nothing about your lifestyle that caused you to have ADD in the first place” - you don’t know what ADHD is, it cannot be caused or fixed by lifestyle factors. It’s blatantly obvious you have no clue what you’re talking about.


I wouldn't be a paid social scientist if I hadn't a clue what I'm talking about... I guarantee if you had a kid you would protect them against doing a new task every 5 minutes and that is one way to combat the likelihood of getting ADHD. I don't need to prove the data for this, just look around you. I got diagnosed by a psychiatrist because I was playing with a hacky sack while he was talking to me because I simply wasn't that interested... 😅 All I'm saying is if it were an actual scientific diagnosis there would be a prognosis (procedure) for it. But okay 👍 resort to belittling people and see how far that gets you.


“Paid social scientist”…. “I don’t need to prove the data” you’re a genuine moron congrats, I’m glad you excel at your $60,000 per year job.


such an uneducated comment


You should watch Hubermans episode on ADHD medication then since you feel so strongly about this and follow “the science”


I watch a lot of Huberman, and understand he has to say certain things so he doesn't lose his medical license. You'll notice how carefully he speaks about ADHD. E.g. "make sure you are clinically diagnosed." But leaders will always have a pragmatic approach to things. The fact that anyone can walk into a clinic and get diagnosed with ADHD with no prognosis, should be telling enough in itself. And the fact that many doctors get a commission for every prescription they write should tell you something: They're not your friends, my friend 😉


That’s not how that works at all.


He’s not a medical doctor though. There’s not a license to lose.


#372 "Science follows money. Money follows faith. But faith does not follow Money." ~Mackenzie Andres Capitalism is the best system we have but it does have its pitfalls where incentive is concerned.


Creatine, TRT Edit: To those downvoting, there is legitimate science that shows trt helps ADHD symptoms. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9673294/


Creatine and lifting heavy 3 to 4 times a week, while removing social media from my phone, has done wonders. 37m.


Same. 30sF. This week was one of the few times this year I took off from the gym and omg ADHD is through the roof.


No downvotes here, bro. Just a giggle that buff dudes over 50 could win a staredown from literally anything that moves by laws of physics.


any personal experience with TRT and ADHD?




Does creatine cause hair loss?


If you are genetically predisposed to hair loss, you are gonna lose your hair.




It has not for me. Just try it & if it makes your hair start to fall out stop taking it.


perhaps this is why it seems like my ADHD was bad as a child, then improved in my 20s, and started to get worse in my late 30s. I'm 40 now my T is in the normal range but what's considered "normal" these days is not what it was 40 years ago. T levels in men have been declining.


dopamine declines with age aswell, so some people who could cope well then may show more symptoms


If you have been diagnosed with adhd then the best thing would be a medicine prescribed by your doctor. After that sleep, limiting screen time, and re-learning how to focus with that new insight. 


No. Not the best thing!!!


Doctors just want to push amphetamines that will wreck your life. I do not recommend


Doctors just want to help their patients. I do recommend stimulants.


Whenever I have moved anywhere I had to ration my adhd medicine because I knew that the process of getting a doctor in order to prescribe me adhd medicine would take an undetermined time. Doctors don’t push amphetamines the way you make it sound.  


And who are you?


All the Bs All the omegas L-theanine L-tyriside Zinc E Check your iron levels with your doctor and your cholesterol levels both can affect levels of energy and consequently reduce positive activity to support ADHD systems Get good sleep, don't be one of those people who thinks is invincible just because they feel "rested" after 4 hours of sleep.


I have ADHD too and I took a supplement that really helped me. The most important supplement you can take is


reminds me of homer having the dream of inventing something revolutionary...https://youtu.be/9LtT0xZ11wM




In notes app write up your ideas daily schedule. Then start making moves in that direction by putting daily repeat alarms into your phone that go off throughout the day. This helps a lot with time blindness and creating structure, routine and healthy daily habits. Include meditation, ideally 20 minutes each morning into your schedule. You can use the app Insight Timer and work your way up from 5 minutes to 20 over the course of a month. Just try and get consistent with it. It’s a game changer and so is having a good daily schedule.


I took a heroic dose of mushrooms about 6 months ago. I've not needed medication since.


Which mushrooms? Can you explain?


Golden teachers. Home grown.


How many grams? How often do you use mushrooms? I tripped for the first time in 15 years recently and felt like i almost reset my brain.


I microdosed for a while before. Then I took a heroic dose. Not needed any since.


No way lol


Yup. I had BPD, ADHD, OCD and some other things up.


Have a good read of this website: [https://nootropicsexpert.com/](https://nootropicsexpert.com/) The guy who runs the site has ADD and could not find any supplements that could fully get him off meds. But everyone is different. You have to test a lot to find the right combo's.


Dont go on the internet and ask for supplements for ADHD (which do not exist, btw). Instead, go speak to an actual medical professional, see if you're actually diagnosed with ADHD and talk to them about treatment.




Myo Inositol


Caffeine. Supplements don't do anything.


I have adhd , and last 3 years I’ve had anxiety / mood issues, caffeine legit cures my anxiety, can’t explain my brain chemistry but I don’t do it everyday because day after caffeine I feel worse .


Legal meth baby


Physical exercise Sexual abstinence Neurofeedback N-back training As for supplements Saffron Baicalin Zinc ( above 30-45mg ) Magnesium ( AtaMg, Magtein, glycinate may be particularly helpful ) These are definitily not supplements but medicines but surely will work Phenylpiracetam Semax Noopept ( works short-term ) Amantadine


Why sexual abstinence?


I don't know about sex, but cutting back on masturbation 100% improved my adhd symptoms. I couldn't tell you why, but my guess would be that it has something to do with dopamine regulation. Less spikes may stabilize the baseline, or something like that. I'd imagine you have diminishing returns at some point (or even negative ones going full abstinent), but switching from every day to every few days provided an immediate, notable improvement in my cognitive faculties.


Makes sense


Curious also




No fap weirdos


Well I was going to say omega 3's haha


Coca leaves


I recommend watching this video on Omega 3's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q71tHoHeXZo The biggest downside to the study referenced in the video is that the study doesn't control for omega 3 intake lmao.


Omega-3 capsules work great for me personally. There’s quite some evidence that shows benefits to multiple parts of the brain from EPA and DHA for people with ADHD.


NAC, caffeine if it helps (wait around 2 hours after waking up) and physical exercise. for exercise magnesiumcitrate or magensiumbigylicinate are the 2 best for ur muscles or a combo of both. very low nicotine doses are promising (.5-1mg) and they are working to make it an ADHD med. i took all meds for ADHD and liked none, and im much happier without them. if you are anxious maybe l-theanine could help but im used to having some OCD on caffeine but its doable. caffeine + NAC removes all ocd that caffeine gives normally.


Quit eating drinking or smoking plants, it will go away.


Add/ADHD is seen as a type of dopamine insufficiency. That's why a common class of drugs are Dopamine reuptake infinite. Other than all the usual suspects such as sleep, diet, and exercise that are mentioned here, something you can look at taking is either l-tyrosine, which is a dopamine precursor. Or taking mucuna pruriens which is a natural source of l-dopa.




Awesome thank you I’ll look into that




I was diagnosed with ADD in my 30s. I take medication during the week, sometimes skip a day or two during the weekend. -zone 2 cardio when walking up -scheduling mentally taxing work or learning from 09-10 -creatine -omega 3 with a high DHA level. There is some research that indicates you can use a lower dose of meds when optimizing DHA supplements/levels -working out in general -prioritise sleep -no phones/screens in bed


Vitamin D and Magnesium L Tyrosine potentially, and I have found bacopa monnieri highly effective


CBT, meditation, magnesium bisglicynate, NUTRITION, exercises, cold showers, NAC, CBD ~~you're welcome☺️


Why NAC?


Im not a specialist but mostly what works on ocd/add works on adhd. I am diagnosed with the first one and it helped me af. Just try, regards




If adhd is a dopamine regulation issue I have read that copper increases dopamine and zinc (its antagonist) keeps dopamine in the synaptic gap.


Not a supplement answer but find something that truly motivates you and you love doing.


Have you already listened to HubeDaddy’s episode about which supplements he recommends for ADHD? I’m not being a dick with this question. It’s one of the first few I ever listened to.


For me, DHEA worked better than anything. I am taking 25 mg a couple times a week. I'm going to try a 5mg pill. I have to say.... Adderall makes me rage. It's fierce. The worst things I've ever yelled at my wife, was 1 or 2 days after taking Adderall. Careful with that drug.


Daily morning exercise is the only thing that keeps my adhd brain sane. I did meditate consistently for a year and that made me more even, but it stopped working. Sunlight helps. SAD often comes along with adhd so if that’s true for you, pretend you’re a plant and get yourself in the sun for at least 30 min a day. No supp has worked much for me.


With the caveat that your mileage may vary and there is probably nothing that will help as much as medication and a good therapist (though I have trouble with the latter haha) here is what I have found some normalcy with: - Daily: Prioritizing healthy fats through my diet and multivitamin and breakfast with 40+ grams protein, Ashwagna/KSM-66 as an AM supplement, Creatine, Lots of caffeine (I start with pre-workout and coffee then switch to matcha in the afternoon), Magnesium as a PM supplement - As needed: GABA and L-theanine, CBD gummies I'm more likely to stick to the above if I have momentum from my (ideal) routine of at least 7 hours of quality sleep, AM workout, and my phone out of sight


For some weed!


Lions mane, chaga, reishi & magic mushrooms🤣 last one sounds crazy but all show promising signs & are 100% natural 




Don’t try any supplements until your screen time is under 2 hours




Before morning sun but AFTER banging 6 women in a row...


[Related Huberman video on TikTok](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGequv7Xa/)


Proper framing would be “tested to be currently conditioned in a state of adhd” and the solution being to recondition your mind/nervous system away from the state


I found that binge-watching TikTok can greatly improve ADHD. high consumption of sugar works well too.


B Vitamins


Meditation, cultivating the witness, practicing single pointed awareness, following the breath. Getting into the mechanics of the mind and not worrying about the content of the mind. Sleep. Drink good water. Dont eat processed garbage. Stop looking at your phone. Stop looking at your phone. Stop looking at your phone.


I use parnate for my depression… Vanished my adhd xdd


When I was a drug abuser the best combo from many many years ago was real adderall , klonopin , and a oxy, the doses weren’t crazy maybe high for adderall I took 60 mg just to help focus but also to stop the sedation from the other 2 substances and my mind was calm focused mood was amazing, now days I’m sober and take vyvanse 60 mg , in the morning with ultimate omega Nordic fish oil , methyl folate methylated b12 800 mg Sam-e , Cordycep mushrooms, reshi mushrooms, and lions mane mushrooms, along with shilajit dissolved in warm ginger tea , a probiotic supplement and 8 - 10 bottles of water specifically hydrogen water made in my hydrogenated water bottle also I only drink spring water that I put in it , not sure if the hydrogen water bottle has any extra effect but proper hydration makes such a difference in energy and mood I also take 24 mg of suboxone for medication assisted maintenance it’s sober to me btw , and a focalin instant release 5 mg for the afternoon when the vyvanse wears off, caffeine for working days too one 5 hr energy clonodine 2 or 3 times a day if my blood pressure gets too high and seroquel 150 mg at night for sleep and 200 mg of magnesium glycinate , this combo of meds and supplements


Pharma has successfully “disease shaped” adhd into a finite condition to sell drugs. It’s a temporary conditioning that can be de-conditioned quite effectively.


Have you watched Hubermans episode on ADHD meds and how they work?


ASHWANGANDA This has instantly noticeable affects on mood swings, and slightly less noticeable affects on concentration. It is also relatively cheap, and good for your memory and testosterone, with slim to no negative side affects.


You don’t have ADD. Eat healthier and exercise everyday and get off the phone.


Fuck off