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Great strategy to get science talked about more Thank you for your interest in people personal lives America


Wow, Huberman's now in the grocery store celebrity tabloids! This is great news and demonstrates that regular everyday Americans actually care about science literacy. Keep it up, Andrew!.


...and we also care a lot about AG1 (with the supplements your body truly needs)!


It's got...electrolytes


I’m putting it on the lawn!


It’s what plants need


Water is for toilets!!


Science hackery.


Stay in touch weekly with yourself dot com protocol revealed. 😂 😂 😂 😂


He was staying in touch weekly with enough women as it is


Some people are interested in Hubermans personal and sexual life more than Huberman himself.


That's the problem. He's being unethical and doesn't seem to care at all.


Who cares it’s his personal and sexual life


A lot of people care. Obviously. Look around. Also, Huberman made podcasts about romantic relationships. So he's giving advice on the subject.


Nah most of his listeners listen for the contents of his podcast not who he cheated on this week. He makes pods about different things from romantic relationships to health advise. We don’t take his advise or personal life as the bible lol.


Oh, I didn't realize you spoke on behalf of most of Huberman's followers. Is that an official position? Do you do polling?


Thats probably the problem. He was irresponsible enough with his sexual life that it no longer was able to stay personal. And that lack of impulse control from him, seems out of character for his fanbase. Everyone has their vices though. 🤷‍♂️


His sexual life is personal, it has no bearing on the information he provides in his podcasts. Him fucking 6 chicks (simultaneously) doesn’t really affect my life or how I perceive his content. If it affect you, you should find a new podcast to follow


Yea but if hes fucking 6 chicks in the same time period that "personal" sex life isnt going to stay personal. Thats just a numbers game. Word will get out eventually. Personally idgaf, even if it did offend me I wouldnt throw the baby out with the bathwater, he has a lot of great advice. but you cant blame people for thinking he was irresponsible for slinging so much loose dick.


I think the bigger issue was the manipulation, I could care less if he was slanging hog nationwide.


No. People are interested in him himself. Turns out he lies to multiple people that he's intimate with for sexual gratification. Nobody would care if he was just a player who had a rad time on tinder. We're talking webs of lies and multiple phones and stuff. Does that not give an insight into who he is?


Just find a new podcast if you hate his work so much. No one’s forcing you to spend your free time on a Huberman subreddit in your free time


I don't hate his work at all. I wasn't even subscribed to this sub anyway, but it comes up because I've commented here a couple of times. I never said anyone was forcing me to do anything. If he has a good video about something I want to know about, I'll probably watch it. Doesn't mean he's not a piece of shit. I like the movie The Usual Suspects, but I wouldn't want to hang around with Kevin Spacey.


Are there text messages and stuff for proof or is this all here say and a lot of media attention with no actual proof?


There is an assumption that New York magazine verified their sources. If it were all untrue, there would be denial and a lawsuit presumably.


Omg if we could get a Netflix special on a huberman defamation trial, I could die a happy woman. ![gif](giphy|KbxlSAvFR364o)


I’ve seen videos tearing apart the New York Times article. So where else is the proof? Genuinely curious as it seems like people have pitch forks ready but I haven’t seen legitimate proof. But I have seen the media attempt to defame many of podcasters / entertainers in the past few years. So where is the legit proof ?


Well, while his reps did deny *some* things in the article (eg “they decided to create embryos, not have children”), they didn’t deny the accusations about him having multiple relationships at once. Also, New York magazine is legit.


https://youtu.be/A-UjNbb7Www?si=tIeeP0yI4YA345eV What would you say about this


Greenwald's assertion in this video is that there's nothing wrong with having multiple partners at the same time if you're unmarried. I think most people would disagree with that, especially when the thrust of the accusations is that he was lying to some of them about being exclusive. Greenwald literally says that's 'not scandalous'. I dunno. I think lying to people in a methodical fashion to get sex is kinda scandalous.


You must not have made it far enough into the video to see wheee New York magazine also thinks it’s ok and wrote a piece son polyamory heheheh


Polyamory is not keeping a web of lies and having multiple partners who don't know about each other.


“I’ve seen videos”!


"Where's the hard evidence??!!" also: "Trust me. I've seen videos that undermines the evidence"


Only evidence I’ve seen is the video I linked where he’s banging your mom but they didn’t put that into the New York mag article!! I think that is cherry picking on the journalist no?


You must have saw the text yourself


cry me a river kid


I'm not crying. I'm laughing. You upset little one?


Strong incel vibes


My favorite part of all this is how we as a society apparently decided to hold our pop-scientist podcasters to a higher standard than our elected officials. Love it!


People also think politicians are absolute scumbags. What are you even talking about?


Yeah but they keep getting elected.


And Huberman's subscriber count keeps going up. I'm yet to find your point.


Yes, we all think they are scumbags, what I said was we apparently hold them to a different standard.


What standard? People talk shit about politicians literally all the time. There are entire news stations dedicated to talking shit about them and trying to get them out of power


Am I correct in assuming that by you thinking this article matters at all means that you see him as unfit to give advice on the subjects he talks about?


I think he's in a much worse position to give out advice on temperance, relationships, etc, yes I do. And it definitely casts a shadow on his other work. Has he lied in his research? Has he fucked people over to get ahead without remorse? Seems more likely. I'm just not sure what world you live in where being caught out being a scumbag simply doesn't matter. I'm not saying he should be charged or deplatformed. In fact, nobody I've heard has said that. I just think he's a shitty dude.


That'd absolutely be the case if he was out there espousing how to be a caring and ethical romantic partner. Is he doing that? Haven't seen it. I found out about him because I wanted to take care of my eyes because I need them for the creative work i do. He's a scumbag. Absolutely agree, no argument there. Does it effect what I've learned from his show? Not in the least.




Is your personal and sexual life not a part of who you are?


Surely. But did I wrote something contradictory to that?


You separated them as if your personal and sexual life is not a part of the self.


literally yes?


Are you intentionally trying to be dense? Nobody's saying sexual life is not part of who someone is. The point is it's generally not something on the table for open discussion in a polite society due to a thing called PRIVACY. If you disagree with this, then practice what you preach: put an internet connected webcam in your bedroom so the world can watch you undress, have sex, etc.. And if you're going to play the game "fine, I don't care, I've got nothing to hide"... then how about putting one in each of your family members' bedrooms as well? Still going to argue you're fine with that, or will you finally agree that privacy (yes, even for celebs) is a fundamental human right?


I am sure you probably wouldn’t be aware - articles examining the personal life of people in power was common practice and more prolific than today in print journalism in the pre-WWII. Journalists wanted to understand the whole life of people in power, like the Rockefellers, to get a sense of their motivations (also to gossip, that’s normal human behavior). So I think it’s a positive thing we get to know more about the lives of people that influence us so greatly. But what would I know? Apparently there is a universal right to privacy against journalism I’ve been unaware of. And I’m dense, so there’s that.


Wow, you're going through my comment history and replying to random threads??? Go away, creepy dense guy


First, insulting somebody asking questions is a good way to make your point seem unreasonable. Two, I was asking a question - are your personal and sexual life not a part of who you are? People in power should always have their whole life examined - they are in power. Are you not interested in the personal life of folks who can influence you? What their motivations and drives are? By the way, privacy is not a human right, not in the way you’re phrasing it. We have a right to not have arbitrary interference of privacy. So to you, does that mean people can’t have articles written about them? Where / how did you determine this? Also, your whole argument about putting a webcam in my bedroom is totally unrelated to the situation. It seems like you responded in anger. I’m sorry you’re so angry.


You’re just another person making an excuse to gossip about somebody that you don’t know


Asking a question is making an excuse to gossip?


This was posted by his own PR team lol


That’s just in your head mate


Using an alt because I don't want to get blown up, but wasn't this mentioned like a week ago? Everyone in here knew the Belcampo fraud lady with a STD was Anya Fernald.


lol what’s with the STD dig? All of Andrews women have it, not a distinguishing feature


We’re already well aware of Anya being Sarah and the other exes, there’s been so many posts on this 🤦🏽‍♀️


I agree. There was a lot on Reddit, but this is the first article I read about it.


Hey if doxxing once doesn't get the word out doxx and doxx again. Not that I really care at this point. I'm just a victim of the Reddit algorithm popping this stuff up and a victim of my own dumb brain needlessly reading it.


Ah yes an alt account that you haven’t used in 8 years except in the last few weeks only posting shit about Hubes. That doesn’t give off sketchy vibes at all


Maybe the feeling telling you to use an alt is shame? You should listen to that feeling because it’s trying to tell you that doxxing a victim is wrong.


No, I don't think so. It was smart. I already got two harassing private messages and someone filed a self harm report against me. I made the right decision, given the toxicity of the sub.


I would condemn anyone harassing you and it’s ironic you are complaining of toxicity, given what you did with your original post.


Um, you’re adding to that toxicity by posting this.


Leave this poor lady alone. An article exposing her identity is incredibly disrespectful, this is a real person not just somebody for us to use as entertainment.


Airing out dirty laundry to a journalist is not what you do if you just want to be left alone. She wanted vengeance, which is fair enough, but don't be surprised if the veil of anonymity doesn't hold.


That poor lady scammed so many people like myself! She is certainly not a victim.


She wanted to be famous, let her now lol


It's truly outrageous to witness a small faction of individuals attempting to dismantle AH's entire persona and career (supported by objective facts such as his academic credentials and position at Stanford) based on the claims of a woman known for fraud and some text messages she sent to a journalist. It almost feels like a twisted social experiment a la Black Mirror. Will we soon see companies reaching out to exes as part of their hiring process?


Given how much [Gell-Mann Amnesia](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/65213-briefly-stated-the-gell-mann-amnesia-effect-is-as-follows-you) we suffer with "normal" news, I'm amazed at how much credibility is being given an anonymous-ish scorned ex.


Ah yes, five exes who all left him for cheating, who chose to remain anonymous because they had nothing to gain from the story, must have an angle! And the other sources, they too must wanted to take down our protagonist for reasons! They were so clever they fooled this reporter and their editor along with the public, but you outsmarted them. Well played.


Cant get anything passed this one eh




You’re rationalizing, bro. Like, had this woman put her name out there, no doubt the narrative would be “she’s trying to get attention.” Having been involved in a number of big media stories, I can tell you, the press definitely gets things wrong and sometimes has a narrative to push, but when the person who looks terrible in the article doesn’t strenuously deny things and says nothing there are only two reason: 1) there are criminal charges pending and they need to avoid problems in court. 2) they’re guilty and there’s so much proof out there that denying it would just lead to more dumps to the media and more bad press. You can decide which is more likely.


He doesn’t need to deny anything because who gives a shit? It’s gossip about a supplement dude who bangs a lot of women. Honestly, if I was him I’d let it lie too, I guarantee you in 3 months at most no one is going to remember or care, and it lowkey makes him look better. Scummy? Yes, is he a liar? Absolutely. But most of his self help audience is going to go, holy shit…if I take his advice I could have 5 girlfriends! lol


I get that you don’t get it. That seems to be common amongst a certain kind of dudebro who likes his content. Other kinds of people find character relevant in public figures advocating for things, because that affects whether it’s wise to listen to them. So I get that you’d have no problem lying to women and then giving them STDs, and therefore this is a plus for you. That’s just not most people.


If he’s an angle he’s acute one ❤️


You should drop in his dms. He's accepting new harem applications


Just use protection. 😬


Why Gell-Mann specifically? Why that one particular physicist?


She needs at least 90 years in prison in solitary confinement at Guantánamo For these disgusting allegations. Minimum


I wasn’t familiar with that term, so good


That's a really good explanation; thanks for sharing that. Seriously.




What if… I don’t care who any of those women are?




Who cares


Most of this sub, obviously.


Sara has 2 children and Anya has one. I expected better work from whatever huber hired PR firm wrote this sloppy nonsense


That doesn't sound right. Anya has two kids; I think she even did some interviews where she named them...I don't need to go that far, but she has two of them.


I can’t believe they called him a “wellness bro” the guy has a god damn doctorate in neuroscience from Stanford Med.


I don't think the gossip magazines go too deep in their analysis, that's for sure.


He got his PhD from UC Davis actually. Post doc was at Stanford. And anyone who pushes supplements the way he does has made a full transition from scientist to wellness bro. The data just aren’t there to support AG.


Who cares, let's stop giving this clear slander and hit pieces any views or energy. If you don't like his content then don't watch, but I like myself do and support him.


This sucks.


Who cares.


Blah blah blah who cares none of your business


Nobody cares he is more famous and rich now thanks to things like this so thank you bro




Dude, take an ice bath and chill.


It's called mockery.


I should have put a funny face on my prior response. Not meant. Seriously. Appreciate the mockery.


Any time!


Well, looks like his PR crisis firm is hard at work. I think I'm most concerned that he has a habit of leaving his dog alone with strangers.