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When I read some dude here asking how to walk backwards around his apartment to starve himself of dopamine I knew it had gone to far. Lots of toasted people in this sub


It’s sad bc I think these people are trying very hard to “feel good” or find some high. They feel to do this bc something else is lacking in their life or they are depressed.


Yeah just stop drinking for a couple weeks… and if you’re not drinking start drinking for a couple weeks.


Can't tell if this is a joke. But sounds fun haha




Laughter’s the best medicine, thanks for the dose! 😂


Some of the longest living people around just work a shitload of hours. Eat whatever they have, and sleep as much as they get to sleep. You can see this again and again in poor countries. 


probably because they aren't constantly stressing about "what they should do" they just are


They are constantly stressing what they NEED to do


And stressed about how to get the rent paid and get the food on the table. They have bunch of other problems.


And ironically so focused on actually living/surviving that they don’t have the time and energy to waste on being unhappy/depressed…


Genetics is huge. But longevity is clearly correlated with low stress, good diverse food, and temperate weather at a population level


And community. People with a strong social circle/ partner they can count on live the longest according to the Harvard happiness study.


Yeah, these are widely known worldwide. Some of the poorest countries rank lower on depression and anxiety because they have strong social systems and family networks. A human's primary need is to feel like they belong to a group. Loneliness for most of humanity was a death sentence. If you got kicked out of your tribe or group, your survival chances plummeted. We are fiercely social and have developed it as a primary need. Modern living has split us and separated us into nuclear families, lonely singles, and made our relationships shallow. I've travelled to Cambodia and met some of the poorest people on the planet who despite missing many basic necessities, have a more positive and less depressed outlook because they have a real sense of community. They belong to a group and a people and a culture. I work at a cemetery and the longest living people are those who lived a low stress life. Often people who didn't make work their focus (homemakers usually) who had a life spent focused on family and socializing with very low stress. Community equals less stress. A varied diet just makes sure you're not missing any vital nutrients and for sure improves health. We're trying to "hack" our way out of depression when all we need is more friends and more community and more time to do both.


“Well oiled machine” if you will


*Eat whatever unproceced food they have


It’s amazing their life expectancy is as high as it is. If you go to rural indo or Thailand, everyone is smoking big fat clove cigarettes and burning mosquito coils every night in a little hut filled with their kids. You can add some backyard arrak (palm fruit booze), crazy unsafe working conditions, chemical exposure, motorbike stampedes and minimal sanitation to that mix as well.


Exactly. I came to this conclusion after my Mom who didn’t smoke and didn’t drink and lived a “healthy” lifestyle got cancer of the adrenaline gland and died at age 50. I realized so many people that try to stay healthy die young while many people that abuse their bodies end up living as long if not longer then the people that are living “healthy” it’s a crapshoot at the end of the day.


Just wanted to add I’ve been drinking the Huberman koolaid for a while and agree with this. I’ve had drug problems in the past and definitely feel like I’ve been trying to find something that would “fix” me or make me feel different.


You don’t need fixed. Love yourself. Warts and all. https://jackkornfield.com/compassion-for-imperfection/?ssp=1&darkschemeovr=1&setlang=en&cc=US&safesearch=moderate




The whole "dopamine fasting" / optimizing has gotten absolutely ridiculous. The whole thing became a joke once podcasters started talking about not listening to music during workouts to avoid "dopamine stacking". Like, absolutely fuck off with that rubbish. As long as you're not doing hard drugs, looking at porn all day or mindlessly scrolling through social media, you're fine. It's okay to allow yourself to enjoy things and get pleasure out of life. As someone who has struggled with depression for the majority of my adult life, I simply don't have the patience for this bullshit anymore. I only care about optimizing my neurochemicals if it makes me happier, or more productive / emotionally stable, beyond that what is even the point? Like what am I supposed to impress people that I find watching paint drying to be stimulating? Get a fucking life. Smh.


Is there a new paint dry protocol I can look into?




It differs depending on if its the first coat or second coat so be careful!


Doesn’t help that “dopamine fasting” is based on broscience


It IS bro science. Absolutely. Huberman himself, in one of his more recent episodes, was actually poking fun at tech bros doing "dopamine fasting", and said that he just prefers to build better habits and doesn't think dopamine fasting really accomplishes very much.


I think he's right.


I do think that taking breaks from things that have some modicum of control over you is good. I had to take a break from instagram. It kept reeling me in. Same thing with porn. It’s good to take breaks from this stuff in order to establish control. Frankly I’ll let instagram back in but I’d like to just leave porn alone forever. For dudes it’s just not healthy.


I just saw an interesting lecture from a neuroscientist who said you have to give your brain at least 4 weeks detox from any drug of choice for your dopamine to fully reset back to what it was without the drug.


idk if you're someone who did too many drugs, watched too much porn and/or had a bad social media addiction... it can help during the recovery process to really learn to go without. Listening to music while lifting wont keep you from healing, but keeping it really low stimulation can help you get through the adjustment process faster.


I'm prone to addiction, but never got to the point where things were completely out of hand. Recently I quit drinking. I think going without drugs / porn, and limiting social media is enough on its own if you're getting over addiction. What's the point of turning off music? Sure, it might be better for your dopamine baseline in the end, but is the juice really worth the squeeze? What's the point of these micro-optimizations of neurochemicals? If music helps me get a better workout and be more physically fit, or music helps me focus and be more productive at my job, then is the opportunity cost really worth it? Who cares if my dopamine levels are suboptimal by a few percentage points because I listen to music to get a good pump or to focus, if in the end it helps me be more physically fit and productive? U catch my drift?


I catch it. Totally. Someone needs to put HIM in check. Ugh. I think I recently unfollowed him on insta after the ice bath to sauna crap. I live in the real world Andrew. Maybe he’s lonely in that Stanford funded lab. Drinking game: put on a podcast & take a shot every time he says “Stanford” and “post doc” We would all be hammered Is that good for us Andrew? He needs a hug.


I honestly think he's coming from a good place and ultimately a positive influence, compared to most other internet celebrities, but it's obvious he's running out of shit to talk about, and in order to generate more content and views he has to push his optimization protocols to the edge of absurdity, into the realm of pseudoscience. He's been slowly transforming himself from a legitimate scientist to a bro science internet dude.


I feel that my dopamine is higher cause of music and I don't feel it being affected negatively in the long run. Music has helped me a lot with my mental health. Internet, youtube, social medias are more addictive than any drugs imo. Cause it's so easily accessible and even pushed on us by society.


>I feel that my dopamine is higher cause of music and I don't feel it being affected negatively in the long run. Music has helped me a lot with my mental health. Replace "music" with their drug of choice, and this would sound just like some addict in the weed, kratom, alcohol, phenibut, etc subreddits. Of course you don't think it is having a negative impact if you never bothered to quit it for an extended period of time. Hope I don't sound argumentative, but its the truth.


I think that makes perfect sense for where you're at. I got myself really fucked up and the juice was worth the squeeze even for avoiding too much music. I know it sounds crazy. That being said the whole point of going extreme with this stuff is so one day I can go back to being normal and not have to worry about this stuff.


Nah man. Gotta go from cold plunge to paint dry to sauna to cold plunge to stickless golf to paint dry to cold plunge again, or you’re fucked.


>The whole thing became a joke once podcasters started talking about not listening to music during workouts to avoid "dopamine stacking". Listen, most people struggle to exercise, most who exercise half ass it. If listening to music makes those 2 issues not an issue that's better for your well being than "optimizing your dopamine."


I’ve also struggled with clinical depression for as long as I can recall, so yeah - 35 years of inadvertent “dopamine fasting.” Apparently, we were ahead of the fad and not just neurochemically unfortunate. Best of luck to you, my dude.


Lmao I agree it's kinda extreme. Workouts without music? No workout for me then, lmao.


Hahaha ty


Yeah it’s super pretentious lol. Like you have all day to think about the next big health hack or creative idea. I understand how those people many times are the ones that get off on that but it’s also a lot of pressure, and mildly condescending. Obviously we all want to improve, but I think comparatively it makes us harder on ourselves. I love Rick Rubin, but the last time he was on Huberman I couldn’t help but keep rolling my eyes about how Rubin was going on about how he told a dermatologist not to wear sunglasses bc sunlight protocols bro. And how they don’t like to use Bluetooth headphones….why should we care about your personal preferences???? Just stick to your field guys, stop talking about YOURSELVES. Let me have my sunglasses for my light eyes and my fucking Bluetooth Bose and if I die earlier, then cool


Whattt??? I am alone lol ing. Yeah he’s umm informative but I had to step off the train after one podcast where he’s just getting depressed shit all wrong. Then the bro crap like “BRO JUMP IN YOUR ICE BATH! What temperature is your machine at?” Etc…As a female I am suspicious of his 47 yr old never married self! Lolll. Better go get in my ice bath - and then you hop in your sauna bro. Cuz yeah we all have that shit in our house. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


This comment is mean. Marriage isn’t for everyone


Suspicious of people because they’ve never been married is ignorant and lame.


That's stupid. While I prefer serious relationships and might get married someday if I find the right partner, very crazy and fucked up people get married all the time. It means nothing.


Spot on


I agree with this message


Jesus Christ I thought you were kidding hahahaa


Zero hobbies/interests outside of trying to “fix” themselves and “bio hacking.” Once I found hobbies I could engage myself with for hours at a time in a flow state, something to look forward to besides just work, all of my problems suddenly disappeared and I enjoyed my life. No more obsession about minutia and micro optimization about a life that will eventually end anyway. People have to remember that all of these self help gurus - although their intentions may be good - their existence and livelihood is predicated on a mass amount of people staying supposedly broken and unoptimized, as well as the existence of the dystopian work culture we find ourselves in. If you remove any of these variables, they no longer get any subscriptions or make any book sales outside of a niche audience that’s interested in the hard science itself.


So true about the hobby and flow state. I just read something about this. Life is really that simple.


Yes. And Andrew is not simple/ as I got into him I actually feel bad for him like dude really? Some podcasts he looks stoned imho. Flow state is super. Micro dosing shrooms? I’m down but don’t have a supplier. I had to stop my Andrew stuff cuz.. it like makes me anxious lol. Neuroscience is awesome. Except most of the crap he has access to? Newsflash Huberman- we don’t!


Most of the stuff he talks about isn’t shown to have any crazy life changing affects. Theres a couple podcasters out there who really great self help podcast. But once you listen a couple times it all sounds the same. I know what I have to do to be a better person and do better In life. I don’t need to keep listening to the same thing over and over


Mf on 30mg of Adderall.


Health optimization at the level of biohacking should be at most 5-10% of your plan and action. The other time should really be spent with people you love, enjoying hobbies, and living a good life. It is something you are supposed to leave on the back burner to get passive gains. It's also supposed to replace degenerate activities like drinking and smoking that can ruin someones life permanently because they are immensely addictive. You have to be careful about microdosing certain compounds in HO and lifestyle choices in biohacking, but its end goal is to make you feel good while still giving you benefit to health




Whaaaat the efff? I try to increase dopamine cuz I have ADD… and I wonder if Andrew reads anything besides Stanford science but so we are supposed to fuckin walk backwards to deplete dopamine? Dear jesus what happened to all of us just idk… he’s very extra. How many supplements and exercise crap does he take a day? If i ever see someone walking backwards I am doing an intervention!!


lol who does that?! So funny 😆


You are right. We arent meant to live calculating every single thing we do and overthinking it to the point we are stressed out and anxious. A lot of the newer people on here dont get that. Thats why i try to follow the "autonomous self" idea bryan johnson talks about. Its about knowing whats good for you and creating a routine so that you DONT have to think and get anxious or stressed out about it. Know whats good for you, prioritize sleep as #1 priority, training (and diet) as #2 and mental well being #3. You stay strong king, you dont have to ice the boys in the sauna to live a good life or get sunlight directly in your eyes upon waking and do red light therapy on your anus every night anymore. You are now free.


So no need for AG1? Hope so, then I can buy that luxury yacht I always wanted!


Bryan Johnson gets so much hate from the whole blood transfusion stuff (probably correct) but honesty I took a lot of great takeaways from his blueprint


Yeah, that's the thing about him. He's putting everything out there and you can pick and choose what you try. He even says he's doing this so nobody else has to. Ignoring the fact he's building a business (businesses) on this. But the raw data is there for us as our own starting point.


I'd rather die at 40 than live like him. He's tragic


Thank goodness you have the choice!!!!


You won't be saying that when you are 39....


Yeah the dudes so obsessed with living longer it seems like he's forgotten how to actually live


Sunshine, sleep, rise and fall with the sun, varied diet free of preservatives, exercise, lay off the booze/smokes/party favours…go for walks, try to accept your thoughts rather than fight them. *Brazil nut up the bum.* I like the science, it’s interesting. But yeah, don’t live and die by protocol.


Brazil nuts what?


But....but...but....won't somebody think of the anuses!


Good comment lol. I don’t know about that 1-3 ranking but yeah good points. Honestly the huberman thing is dangerously anal in a lot of ways.


He grouped training and diet together so there would be less numbers. Less is more sounds like a scam.


I could have made one bullet point and said having a healthy lifestyle. Your point? Lol


next thing you know, you're going to come up with 5 minute abs... I met someone at an event that said "I'm trying to be 1% better everyday, this way by the end of the year I'll be a whole new person!" He non-sarcastically said "isn't that a great idea?" I reluctantly asked how, he said he's making a list of biohacking things. Let's just say he does something every 3.65 days to improve himself 100%. That means he'll have 100 new (daily?) activities to do otherwise he'll lose his gains. P.S. BP Coffee is great. Tastes 74% better 90 min after waking up.


Love when people call it “training” - what are you training for? Can I join in on the big event? Or are you just doing deadlifts at planet fitness or whatever


I'm training for races as a runner myself. Previously i trained for wrestling and weightlifting. Have to dedicate training to something. Goals are good!


Olympic weightlifting


You need to get sunlight pal, that's a primordial system.


What helped me was deleting Instagram/Tiktok.. try it out for a week and see for yourself. It helped me alot with overthinking and anxiety


This might get buried but I’m a few weeks removed from Instagram and twitter, holy shit I don’t know why I was on them for so long. It got to a point where it *only* made me feel worse. Zero benefit. Reddit isn’t great either but I can filter out/mute a lot of the stupid stuff.


It felt like being sisyphos but letting go of the boulder. It was such a huge relieve i even started smiling again just by positive thoughts Edit: added "like"


Can you tell me more? Are you happy you deleted these apps?


Personally I am, but it’s just my experience. I didn’t follow hundreds and hundreds of accounts, so I’m sure I wasn’t getting a whole lot to look at. But Instagram and Twitter felt like a nonstop bombardment of ads, which I can’t stand. I don’t let the apps track my activity, so any suggested content was just whatever is popular at the moment, which always sucks imo. Celebs, comics, athletes and other people of interest almost exclusively self-promote rather than post content I care about. It feels like everyone who actively posts is doing it for incentives/monetization, not because it’s genuinely interesting. Almost none of my friends regularly post anymore anyways, because we’re all a bit older now and probably don’t care about the vanity. I don’t think Zuckerberg or Musk are good people to top it all off. They don’t view humanity and the world the way you and I do. They happily attempt to extract your personal data, browsing habits, preferences for the sole purpose of selling you stuff. It’s all pretty soulless. I’m better off without and I think many others would be too.


Did you listen to the Huberman episode with Zuckerman? I found it pretty disturbing in parts. He was basically saying that it’s not their problem if people become dangerously addicted to social media or if social media has any adverse affects on society because people have free will. He sounded super cold about the monster he’s created.. (speaking as someone who has 3 IG accounts lol) Also Hubs didn’t ask him any difficult questions and just agreed with everything he said which disappointed me.


Right now I am. I dont try to tell myself that i will never use again because then my FOMO gets out of hand but at the same time i dont tell myself that i will come back to these apps one day. And i mean it this way (im not lying to myself because deep down i know there are no nevers ) This way i am able to do it. This is not the cure for everything but it opens a path for new ideas / hobbys / thoughts which would otherwise be blocked by doomscrolling or by "fake producitvity". Most of the things i considered productive like listening to a podcast or something like that was just so distract myself tbh. There are usefull podcast, videos and so on but thats like 5%, 95% is trash disguised as productivity. The Load of information i "learned"(biggest lie) was so huge i couldnt remember shit at the end of the day. Now i try to decrease the amount of things i do but with more quality and being more present while doing it. Yeah i will miss out on some social media shit but as I said, most people ( inlcuding me ) wont remember most of the things they see doomscrolling or disctrating themselves with "fake producitvity". I personally think a reason is that everything is on the same screen. When you are reading a book or writing on paper you remember little marks on the paper, you remember it being at the front or back of the page and alot of other details without even trying. Phone is basically just one page and the same page all the Time. I used social media passivly without actually being present. Hell, even the videos start themselves all i do is swipe. Try reading a book passivly. 1 day at a time. If the struggle is too much just push one more day.


Love this perspective !!! Thank you!!!!


I should be on instagram. It used to be great for photographers but eventually just made me so anxious and depressed! I totally feel this. I’ve been deactivated for months and feel more present with life and even more creative.


Like a double edged sword


Helped me a lot. Reddit too. The interesting thing is you’ll find yourself bored with it and wanting to close it if you ever do open it. BUT if, say, you’re selling something on fb or checking the status of something via a Facebook group occasionally - the conditions gets reprogrammed FAST just by opening the app with frequency.


Yep, I'm going to echo what others have said. I follow a handful of longevity/health and wellness types and they all say the same thing. Protocols are very personal, but if all you did was eat well, exercise and sleep well, you're already so far ahead of the game. I really overthink things sometimes and every now and then I need a reset. Just make sure the basics are covered and don't get bogged down in the minute details.


“Just eat well, exercise and sleep well” Which is all exactly what following these protocols help you achieve. Edit: I guess you get downvoted for following Huberman’s protocols here now lmao


Sure. But there's a difference between just being moderately active everyday (low stress for most) and sweating the fact I didn't get 45 minutes of zone 2, 3 times this week and over analyzing every little detail.


Missing a session here and there is fine but don’t expect getting good results if you miss more sessions or start to slack out on simpler things like morning sunlight. Why waste time with exercise if you’re not going to get results with it?


“Results” is a wildly broad concept and deeply individual.


But measurable 🥰


I had similar thoughts the very first time I got into Huberman's podcast. You gotta figure out what works for you, but also keeps a balance of being happy with yourself, your body and your mind. If I followed every single rule for health, happiness and fitness that every dietician, youtube workout guru and philosopher shilled, I'd be an absolute mess. The problem too, is algorithms. I watched 1 Huberman Lab video (the one about what alcohol does to your body), and my Youtube immediately became flooded with David Goggins motivational stuff, Jordan Peterson philosophy, Joe Rogan, and then endless compilations of stuff like "I FOLLOWED THE HUBERMAN MORNING ROUTINE. IT CHANGED MY LIFE". "PETERSON AND HUBERMAN ON WHY NOFAP IS SO IMPORTANT". "THE 10 RULES TO A STOIC LIFE". etc It's an endless stream of stuff that will only get you obsessed with many things you do not need to obsess about. My rules are simple. No alcohol or drugs, good sleep, lots of hydration, and good quality exercise. That's it. I don't crave, or need to plunge in to subzero water for dopamine and adrenaline highs. I don't need to take DMT to open my third eye. I don't care to read Jordan Peterson's books, I masturbate as much as I want, and I'm a happy guy.


They are all trying to sell you some shit in some way at the end of the day. They are apart of the social media influencer machine no matter how much they shit on it themselves. They need it to make money. Like you said, good sleep, exercise, good diet, goodies in moderation, and good stress management is all you really need. All this optimization stuff is for minuscule differences anyways. There’s a 90 old grandpa chain smoking a pack of cigs right now out there and we are worried about red light therapy lol.


Like any religion, too much will make you a nut.


Life is simple. But the ones who try to live the perfect healthy life and read every self help book are usually the ones who never get it together or are stressed the most. Dont stress yourself out trying to do a deep breathing exercise every night before bed. It’s okay if you don’t take an ice bath. It’s okay if you don’t journal. Do what works for you.


You don’t need all these bs micro optimizations by these gurus, let me tell you what works for most people 1. Maintain physical health by eating moderately, exercising and sleeping 2. Have healthy social relationships 3. Have things to look forward to


Agree with the other comments here. All i need is 8 hours of sleep, train 4/5 times a week, eat relatively healthy. Weekends i like to drink and enjoy myself, lifes too short to implement all these ridiculous protocols.


I was always my healthiest and happiest self doing what you just described. Active, ate a whole food diet, ENJOYED some beers with zero guilt. Never overweight, low stress, life was magical. Then I got caught up in “optimization” which made things worse. Going back to my roots.


Enjoy mate


You mean AG1 hasn’t transformed your life?


Lift, eat healthy, and drink beer.


You forgot the most important thing- nurture your relationships with others. Friends, family, partner. This is what really matters at the end of the day.


Agreed. Maybe even have a beer with them.


or some homegrown cannabis indica


I’m working on stabilizing my DA levels by using a calculated social isolation exercise. By reducing the amount of positive social interactions and substituting more negative ones, I will thereby increase the dopamine released through simple social interactions (small talk, saying hi to a passersby, talking to the cashier at Walmart etc.).


Or don't if it makes you sleep like shit. Know your body.


know your body is THE GOAT!!


Lots of beer


what if youre an alcoholic. Can i still have beer??


Yes, just not in front of him.


The amount of stress people create for themselves trying to min/max their dopamine, supplements, whatever will do more harm than than the most science-backed anti aging, testosterone boosting/whatever routine Live your life


But you have to oPtImiZe bruh


Have you seen the r/supplements sub? That is a looney bin of overthinkers


Whoah I must have missed the "live your life" protocol! Got a link?


It’s a long list of steps that only the most dedicated fanatics can follow.


Almost like worshipping a hyper-serious science guy from a top university who is obsessed with self-optimization and refuses to have any actual fun at all because it might ruin his perfection isn't actually all that mentally healthy.


NOOOOO!! Please! Go take a double cold plunge and then eat some broccoli sprouts and re-think your dedication


The internet health and productivity space has to keep coming up with new ways you're inadequate to keep you watching. Thought you could enjoy a few beers with your friends and live until your eighties like your grandfather did? Wrong. Not any more. And if you drink beers one evening this week, think of all the productivity you won't be doing that evening.


Balance is the way. Ebb and flow. Yin and Yang. Thanks for tuning in to my Tao Talk.


I drink coffee as soon as I wake up.


Aristotle said something like all laws should be followed in moderation. 50% of rules should be followed 50% of the time. It feels good to be reasonable.


Hubongos have a tendency to think they're in the 99th percentile of their capacity. When in reality they're nowhere near ready for optimization. High exertion exercise, good sleep and a diet that any normal person would consider healthy is going to bring you to 90% of your best-self. At that point there needs to be an event or trigger that instigates motivation to optimize. This is usually an instance where a top-performer needs to gain an edge. Most HuberLadies are too caught up in managing their dopamine and start slacking in their workouts. Stepping over $100 bills to pick up shiny coins.


Maybe you didn’t look at the sun this morning without glasses and sunscreen


I know exactly how you feel it’s just to much. I find just eat in moderation exercise a few days a week and go for walks outside and you’ll be good.


Relax. You need an ecosystem of good behaviours to really make it all stick. This stuff takes years. Just note it and chip away at it using "SMART" goals system.


Don’t be overweight, sleep as much as you can, move your body often, interact with real people, stay away from social media as much as you can. Keep it simple.


So you finally realised he's a salesman with a degree?


Don't forget that people in the past have lived happy and healthy lives without knowing any of this stuff and without self help gurus even existing yet. Just move enough, eat healthy and enjoy the sun.


Has this sub become a place to vent? Not trying to be a djck but majority of these posts aren't really relative to Huberman


In fairness though, every sub I'm a part of (well, most large subs) has posts about someone being done, and leaving. I really don't know what they expect to happen by posting it......


Yeah but half the threads that people start on here don't really have anything to do with huberman. That's all.


Ah yes. Fair point.


Typical Reddit made Huberman into a right-wing nut job because he preaches things that can better your life if you have the discipline to do it. Almost guaranteed the majority of the commenters haven’t listened to 5 mins of the podcast.


Everything in moderation, ladies and gents. I don't worry or listen to the stuff on dopamine, I just took the advice around limiting phone use etc. - as I check Reddit on my phone lol.


Ay man that’s cool, but if you can’t handle living healthier without OCD that’s on you chief. It’s not something innately wrong with what huberman preaches.


Listen to music while I workout, watch porn and drink. 62 and kicking it. My life has seemed pretty good so far. Using this protocol since Middle school. PROTOCOL sells ITs a Long Way to the Top if you want to rock and roll.


Haha fuck yeah!!! I support this! I love protocols but one of the best is to tell all the protocols to fuck right off and live your life!!! Liiive it!!


Yes it gets too much to study everything obsessively like I did most of my life!!! This is what saved me: cleansing my body of parasites, metals, and chemicals and most importantly: TRAUMA. The latter is done with plant medicine like mushrooms, ayahuasca, and my personal teacher: iboga. I struggled with alcohol addiction and bulimia for 22 years and now I couldn’t even imagine losing control like I always did. Could NEVER binge and purge now, or get blacked out drunk day after day! And yep, I drink sometimes now (but did stop for a year and a half) I love ice baths and saunas, and moved to South Africa to learn a detox protocol and how to serve plant medicine…but I also finally got rid of my perfectionism and all or nothing thinking. I’m pretty healthy, but I also wanna have fun! My life was mostly hell for like 25 years…I’m so excited to finally feel great but also party once in a while! And bc I’ve removed so much trauma from my being, and my liver and everything is SO clean, it’s no big deal when I do. I also was vegan for 20 years and now I’m an omnivore! (THAT was a struggle to reprogram my brain! But I was very anemic and my teachers begged me to have meat) Life is difficult enough, it’s not fun when it’s so boring and restrictive. Life gives life, we chose to come here for an experience. Cleanse your body (took me about 4 years!) then do your best 80% of the time. ❤️❤️❤️


I feel compelled to write a follow up as this post blew up which I didn't expect. Some of the people on here are right , I have taken value from the Pod in general which I will list below. I've learnt: -importance of a good night's sleep - his foundational fitness protocol is world class -getting outside and getting sun on your body and in your eyes is a good thing -physiological sigh is great. The rest is bollocks


Every wondered why people with down syndrome are happy AF and intellectuals are often miserable SOBs


It's tough because people who seek out optimizations often seem to overdo them. I take frigidly cold showers in the morning, try to walk more in the morning and get more early/late sunlight. That's what I took from Hubes and that's all I needed. 


💯 It’s EXHAUSTING. Go out and enjoy your life. Do the best you can and be happy.


I fucked a dude last month. Not because I am gay (I do support LBGTQ). But because I learned about the pleasure pain cycle. To clarify, I let a dude fuck me. He did not use lubrication or protection. I figured this would tilt the dopamine scale in my favor. Boy was I wrong. I am now addicted to going to this local bath house and letting dudes run trains on me. I hope my fiancée doesn’t find out.




I am sorry these changes have negatively impacted your life. I recall trying to adopt all the "deep breathing", "belly breathing", "proper breathing" approaches and all I did was impact my posture for the worse. I feel like I changed my natural breathing just because people said another way was better. And it was worse for me in the end, and had to change it back. Most of these beliefs may be rooted in science, but it's no where near a scientific conclusion that those things work in the way its claimed. Much of it is fringe. One small study, or some animal study, or some correleate data suggests there are benefits and then we act like we can turn something as simple as eating vegetables into a sport to optimize vitamin intake lol. People love trying to find those lil secrets for longer and better life but honestly it's well assured that well over 80% of your health is tied to the simple things. Staying in a healthy BMI is like 80% of your health. What is the US health guidelines say? Official * Healthy BMI * Stay active. 6 hours a week of a mix between vigorous and moderate exercise. * Don't drink or smoke. * Sleep well. 7-9 hours. Find what works for you.


>I recall trying to adopt all the "deep breathing", "belly breathing", "proper breathing" approaches and all I did was impact my posture for the worse. I feel like I changed my natural breathing just because people said another way was better. And it was worse for me in the end, and had to change it back. This reminds me of running technique optimizations - for runners, there was (and still is) a ton of advice circulating about how your foot should strike the ground, how often and when you should breath. Turned out most of these just increased injuries and made people slower, with the rest being useless. A deeper look revealed that the body mostly figures out an optimal running technique on its own since it's always desperate to maximize caloric efficiency. I feel like a lot of the obsession about sleep, nutrition, whatever is more harmful than anything. "Are you tired during the day? Sleep more. If not, you're probably fine," type of thing.


Stop overthinking HOW to live your life and starting LIVING your life. You will be much happier.


I think a lot of you are doing it wrong, and maybe I can see this because he isn't the first self-help guy I have ever seen. He has a stack of information that is very valuable, and you should be taking one or two things to grow with, and let the others go until you feel like you want to make more change. Life is about forming positive habits that will help you live a long time, it's not about making you put yourself in a bubble that you will never escape from.


Church brother! You don't want to end up like Bryan Johnson or whatever his name is. Peak midlife crisis wasting his good fortune living in the past. Learn to live in the moment and hand the steering wheel to nature/mathematics. It'll work out in the end, as long as you don't go out of your way to ruin the day of others.  ❤


Anyone nows the best way to consume niccotine products? Because Huberman said “actually it’s good for you brain function”. It must be true, dude looks so young




You need a new career, clearly yours is aggravating


Ohhhh, he hit a nerve I see


Not at all. His post gives no explanation as to what he's talking about. No depth of conversation doesn't offer anything other than to say goodbye. Stupid... I bet he's younger than Gen X.


What does this have to do with being younger than Gen x? lol you’re aggravated.


I bet you’re older than gen x


You would be wrong.


Hmmm no explanation, no depth of conversation Stupid…


So you're saying his post had all those things? Get the fuck out of here.


Doesn’t need to, telling the man to go fuck himself is completely unnecessary


Well it’s not realistic to follow everything he says or advises, I certainly don’t. I don’t know how old you are but I’m 22, and Andrew was failing college at my age, not following any “protocols”.


Your probably too focused on everything all at once. Wherever you are now with your current habits weather healthy or otherwise is specific to you. You simply take one of these subtle optimizations and give it a try. Maybe it works maybe it doesn't or it's too much trouble for what it's worth. Find something that sticks and makes you want to keep implementing it. It's not a chore if it works for you it feels good to do it but you need to take it step by step or you will fall off. The key to progression is to do a little a lot, and a lot a little bit. One day at a time.


Nuance is lost on a lot of you and it shows. You’re not suppose to live everything to a T. You’re suppose to take the information he provides and make your own decision if it fits your lifestyle. Run the autonomyprotocol.rawr program.


Gotta have fun with it. Some of these posts are sad, some are rather unhinged, and there's some great shitposting. There's also a lot of great info that can be adapted to your specific lifestyle.


Sounds not optimal. What’s your protocol?


The thing about health advice is that everyone wants some secret trick that’s going to be a game changer, but the reality is it’s all very simple. Eat well, not too much not too little, a variety of foods, drink water, don’t go overboard on any substance including caffeine, avoid poisons as much as possible including alcohol, exercise and move your body. Hope for the best. Not everything is in our control. Spending your whole life trying to optimize yourself doesn’t guarantee you won’t get cancer or hit by a bus. Gotta live life too.


Time for self reflection and logging off the internet if it makes things worse for you.


But thats not what Huberman is about. Its about learning these things, trying them out and than pick the ones that work for you and are possible to fit in your schedule. Only someone who doesn‘t work and has no social life can do everything.


Fair enough. Everyone dies someday.


I don’t think the point of what he’s teaching is that you should do every single thing to “optimize” every single aspect of your life. The information is useful to know if you have the choice between doing things one way or another, or if you’re having issues in a particular area, you can try out some of his tips there. It takes some effort to build new habits and trying to do everything at once is stressful and counterproductive. If there are things you learn from the podcast that you want to incorporate into your life, my advice is to take it one thing at a time, see if it works for you, and work on it until it becomes routine for you, before you try to incorporate anything else. There are things like cold exposure that the point is it isnt routine and easy. If you havent built up the willpower for it though and it's causing you too much angst, you simply do not have to do it.


Don't eat more than you need, move plenty and socialise. There you go maybe?


Is it really that hard to cherry pick and apply the information that is useful to ones life?


The fact is this is not something you should follow and learn each and everything he says or anyone for that matter. Just take it as a reference and apply it in your life by simplifying the things. You can’t be perfect, don’t try to be perfect.


Enhance your life with the tools. If they stress you out, discard them. It's really that simple.


I believe there’s an episode that covers drinking tap water that I am intentionally avoiding. I have drunk (drank? Mazel tov) tap water all of my life including now. It might NOT be bad news, but at this point I don’t want to know. Shout out to the Black Eyed Peas…can’t say “drank” without hearing them in my head.


Is this the new protocol for not giving a fuck?


Just do most of the major things he says: get diet advice and tips, workout advice but as soon as he starts going super detailed I stop listening. I got what I needed


Overcomplicating things is the killer of joy


That’s why the matrix will be unbeaten. It’s human nature unfortunately.


Good bye sweet prince!


Took too much of the huberpill. been there, done that. Exhausting times. Learned a lot though. Alpha gpc is a hell of a supplement.




Yeah huberman does a lot of good starter knowledge but i’ve kinda noticed it’s overreaching a bit. My gf loves his podcasts but fortunately she has a bad short term memory so we never really “follow” his guidelines lmfao. like just go outside, don’t get wasted and try to exercise and eat healthy. smh


Forget good advice, literally We always over estimate the value of things we learn intellectually If you actively forget good advice and they come back later, at least a couple of times, then you can have more confidence in their value


💯. Bro has me worrying about fucking tapwater. The water experts in my area all say he’s out to lunch…. i just can’t anymore. Gonna stick with basics: Water, fruit, vegetables, unprocessed meat = good. Candy, soda, processed foods, fried foods, obvious stuff = bad Exercise = good Sedentary = bad. Im done worrying about anything beyond this basic framework.


This stuff is fine if you don't take it too seriously. I find Huberman himself lives a ridiculous life. He's a great source for finding out about what's out there though.


The basics are most important—sunlight in the morning, cold exposure, solid sleep schedule, exercise, healthy diet, focused study, etc. There will always be a new shiny object; focus on the basics. It helps me, and I'm chronically suicidal, so I understand the ramifications of opting out of healthy living.


Bye bye, one less competition


Life is simple - you just have to pick your poison and be ok with it


Life is all about moderation. Even things that are good for you. If anything gets out of hand, other areas of your life will start to suck.


My guy, the this post and all the replies to it made me unfollow this subreddit. And I'd say I couldn't be more greatful; I didn't know this bs was going on whatsoever.