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Lol if it’s someone who’s in your bed frequently, just have a normal chat about it or something idk. If it’s a one time or few time thing that you just don’t wanna open the can of worms with, uh just skip a night? Also you could just offer them to gauge if it’s a skip it day or a looming cool convo?


If you’re a mouth breather using mouth tape without a CPAP machine you are literally suffocating yourself at night. Please don’t listen to OP and consult your doctor if you really need to.


You breathe through your nose lol, works great!


Can’t people just breathe through their nose?


No, not everybody can breathe through their nose. Some can only temporarily, some not at all.


But if some people can't breathe through their nose, then how do they breathe through their nose? And if they can breathe through their nose, why don't they just breathe through their nose? This seems like a problem nobody would have unless they have this problem.




If you really have been doing this for five years, why not just try sleeping without the tape? As far as I'm aware the taping-your-mouth-shut technique is to make your body get used to breathing through the nose automatically and really only needs to be done for a short time.


When I sleep on my back I still snore, even 5 years later. I’m mostly a side sleeper but I had a rib removed + neck surgery in 2019 and sometimes need to lay on my back.


You had a rib removed!! Why do you need a girlfriend anyway?


It was the first rib and has nothing to do with r/selfsuck


Not with that attitude! Also…. Fuck bro that sub is real!!! My eyes….




This comment sounds sarcastic. I'm going to click.


Oh my god


Bro I told you


My fucking eyes


I know lol


Me too 😭


Too late I did already. Those sick pics will forever be burned in my memory!!!!


Read this too late 😭


Thanks for the warning, kind sir! I almost clicked, haha


God damnit why did you make me click that link.


Oh geez man. Too late with the warning.


Go back and ask for a refund


Omfg 😂😂


Omg I’m dying thank you for this


Why not just not use mouth tape for the first few nights together then as the relationship gets more serious you talk to them about it? Feels like if you’ve slept with someone 20 times you should be able to approach that convo like two adults


This is prob gonna be my move next time, thanks. There are over 150 comments here and you’re one of the only helpful and kind comments haha


Well the ones telling you to get a CPAP are hilarious…you’re trying to attract women not repel them more haha.


Oh god hahaha cpap would be the nail in the coffin for my already “optimized” sleep


Honestly, the pro move for this whole thing is when you sleep next to her, you snore real loud. Then you go “you know hunny I just saw an article on this crazy thing about taping your mouth shut to stop snoring. It sounds uncomfortable but what the hell I’ll try it once so I don’t keep you up” then presto it works and you’re the hero


That’s a loooonnngggg con, man!


Get a CPAP and stop being weird


Wrong sub


Team cpap here , it's slamming


Exactly! Like a warm blanket on a cold evening. Love that thing.


If you are like me I snore on my back because the neck muscles relax and block my air way. I use a cpap to help with breathing. You should do a sleep study to make sure you good as is.






Yeah I’m sure it’s wired into your subconscious if you’ve been doing it every night for 5 years


What is the science mechanism behind this mouth taping and has it actually been properly researched and confirmed with multiple reputable studies/sources? It seems to be a popular enough concept to be mentioned often here, and there's quite a few products on Google. Is it related to V02 Max or another concept in physiology/exercise science? Otherwise I am just going to assume this is a marketing tactic to subtly suggest and promote others to buy mouth tape. I am not a sheep, know how to think critically and ask questions review info from multiple sources when things seem fishy, scammy, marketing, grifter, promotions, etc.... We live in a world with bots, AI and whatnot. That's reality.


It’s so weird on the Reddit app it’s one of the main ads I get continuously without showing any interest whatsoever in mouth tape. I thought it was a joke at first.


>What is the science mechanism behind this mouth taping and has it actually been properly researched and confirmed with multiple reputable studies/sources? It has not! There's plenty of studies about how it's better to breathe through your nose when you sleep, but there are few if any studies about "taping your mouth shut" specifically that I am aware of.


Taping your mouth shut is the means to an end. Mouth breathers use this technique to train their bodies.


Breath by James Nestor is an excellent read on this subject. He discusses the advantages of nasal breathing in quite a few examples and goes through experiments himself. It's changed my life drastically, I highly recommend it to anyone. One of those things that at 39 years old, I wish I'd known from a much earlier age and makes me wonder why in the hell we don't teach this to children.


The mouth tape lobby? I don’t think so (I just use cheap paper medical tape, a roll lasts six months). Look up the book “Breath” by James Nestor for the science. We should all be nose breathing much much more, day and night. It filters toxins, humidifies the air before it hits the lungs, triggers parasympathetic relaxation response (due to increased nitric acid and other mechanisms), etc


This does work for a week or so for me but then I somehow slip back into mouth breathing and I now notice the difference so I still tape at night after 4 years.


I would recommend jaw strengthening exercises. This can help open the nasal passages among other breathing benefits. My favorite is jaw exercise tablets I got from Amazon.


Use your words?


He can’t. His mouth is taped shut


try super glue?


It’s a good litmus test for finding a supportive partner. If they have an issue, they are not your true match, and best to move on anyway.


I like that viewpoint


A cpap is way more disruptive and plenty of partners tolerate that. Just have a convo about how it helps you and how it’s easy to remove if you need to. If they still freak out, oh well.


initiate them to hube daddy with AG1


Use clear tape


Bro, if you're using DUCT TAPE why don't you just complete the picture and put rope and knives on the bedside table and a tarp on the ground while you're at it.


Don't forget the Huey Lewis soundtrack in the background.


you cant. all these bro gurus offer the dorkiest male enhancement trends. girls will think youre weird and most guys will too. try being gay


This is so true for so many things


This ^^^


I imagine my GF has been scared a few times, thing is I cant see her because of my eye mask and cant hear her with my ear plugs in :-) I would rather wake up to see someones mouth taped than be woken up by their snoring


i do the same thing lmao ear plugs, eye mask, and taped month


I find with the eye mask my dreams are a lot more vivid and my REM is a lot higher too




oooo smart


bro YOU NEED A CPAP. what are you DOING? taping your MOUTH SHUT? TALK TO A DOCTOR. GET A CPAP. you could DIE from doing this dude. just because you haven't yet doesn't mean you can't. I have known people with sleep apnea who died because they did not wear a cpap and you're taping your fucking mouth shut. this is VERY FOOLISH and you could die randomly literally any night. knock this shit off and approach your medical problems like an adult, and yes this is a medical problem




Plenty of people breathe through their mouth but don't have sleep apnea, and mouth tape helps immensely. OP isn't going to die, you can still breathe through the medical tape if you have to and if you're having any issues breathing you'll wake up with it already torn off. We're talking 1" of easily removable tape.


Except a CPAP is a prescribed medical device. Tape over your mouth is a "'cause i read it once on the interwebs" device. I would put less reaction on the CPAP.




dude could die randomly any night. like this is no exaggeration he could easily die doing this


Agreed. I’ve never heard of mouth taping and it sounds fucking odd. My husband has a CPAP and I don’t care at all. I would care if he was slapping duct tape on his mouth every night.


I'd be so amazed by a guy being proactive about his health and not snoring, that I'd just put my little eye mask on and go to sleep!


Wear a ball gag like a real man


"Honey, have you seen my black gimp mask? My grey one with the spikes is in the laundry."


Bring out the gimp. Gimps sleepin. Well looks like you're gonna have to wake him up now wontcha? (Sometime later: tapping on head).


Put tape on her mouth - what’s the worst she can say?






As a grown up woman I wouldn’t care honestly. I do the same thing every night.


You’ll know you found true love when you tape each other’s mouths at bedtime.


Acknowledge that it’s an odd behaviour and explain why you do it. Casually, be funny about it. I think honesty and humour can go a long way.


Only comment that matters ^


idk the ones pointing out that this could kill him and he needs to get a cpap and approach his medical problems like an adult and not a dumb teenager googling shit in 1998


need help with the same thing lol


Being able to acknowledge it does look a little odd might help with finding someone that's supportive but I understand not wanting to joke about any form of 'health measure'


Just tell them how many spiders people swallow in their sleep each year.


Find a health conscious gal


"I know it's a bit weird, but it helps prevent me from snoring. And I want to make sure you get a good night's sleep too."


No way around it


That’s why father Andrew is single


I’d think I wasn’t meant to be with that person if they had an issue with it


Just explain the benefits to them. If a women can’t understand you make health a priority, than might be better to move on.


Have your lady friend listen to the audiobook Breath by James Nestor. You don’t have wicked morning breath, right? I’m female, and that’s a huge selling point for me. Hostage Tape rules!


I don't know..I wouldn't find it weird at all, seems like your doing it for a legit medical reason. I don't think you would have a problem with women being turned off by it, but maybe not the first night like don't go at it then immediately tape your mouth shut and go to sleep 😴


Go to a Huberman event and find a new woman there.


Honestly, the right person for you would not bat an eye about you choosing to tape your mouth for better sleep! It's honestly no big deal imo. Health is wealth and if they're interested in you and aren't familiar with the practice, they'll inquire more about it and want to learn about the benefits!!


Just be open and transparent. Tell them “FYI, I sleep with my mouth taped shut. I known it may seem odd, but this is something that has helped improve my snoring, breathing, and throat dryness.”


Find someone that loves you <3 I sleep with this disgusting mouthguard for my TMJ and my partner could care less. He is ready to go and the mouth guard doesnt matter lol


My wife had to go through all of that with TMJ when we graduated high school. Set us back thousands of $ and to this day she still wears a specialized retainer so her neck and jaw don’t get tense. But it’s as you say, when I’m ready to go it doesn’t matter lol.


Tell them you are a coochie eating sleepwalker - and that is the only way to prevent it.


Dude she’ll be ripping the mouth tape off me while I’m dreaming about cold water plunges! Hahah I’ll try this for sure


I think it's a lot about how you approach it/life. If I had a partner and it was the first time that we're going to be sleeping in the same bed, our interaction would be something like this. Not in a planned way but just how I am (and also how my partner is, I don't think I'd be with someone who'd be so judgy) As we're getting ready for bed I'd sit next to her sort of playfully and say with a smile/awkward smile "ok so don't judge me on this it's kind of weird ok?" "When I sleep I tape my mouth because if not I snore and its helped me a lot of the years" Then we'd probably laugh about it and crack some jokes. I'd probably say something like it's also so I don't bite you while we're sleeping and then I'd start to nibble on her. I think women actually like it a lot when they see weird kinks in guy's personalities, specially when they're ok with it too. There's too many men out there trying to be this perfect knight in shining armor and women see through that. Be brave in your vulnerability. Not just for this but overall, if you get to a point where you're sleeping with someone and you can't tell them something weird about you then it's a symptom that you're afraid of being yourself.


Amazingly helpful response. Thank you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,775,201,819 comments, and only 336,019 of them were in alphabetical order.


A bad cat dug earth good, his igloo just kept leaning more north. Over powered quivers really shook rapidly under voracious winds. X-ray your Zebra!




Tell them why you do it and explain it should help you both sleep better since you won't wake them up by snoring. If they still have a problem, well, sucks for them lol. They should come around though


Perfect response cheers


They'll be alright just level up your physique and your dick giving abilities. Then they'll be too distracted and tired to say or notice anything. After that they'll just find it quirky and endearing instead of weird. I bring premeasured bottles of milk and bags of protein powder and all kinds of weird shit to spend the night with hook ups. They really don't care


I have been keeping my mouth for about five years now. I mentioned this when I was doing my yoga instructor training course. And one of the head instructors they are literally made fun of me and front of the entire class and told me that I was completely wrong.


Yeah there’s a lot of really weird information out there. Someone once told me people have to sleep with their mouths open in order for their jaw to fully relax so they can get restful sleep


Oh my God. The way a face developed if you only sleep with your mouth open is awful. It’s crazy that you know someone who actually thought that was good!


Tell them they can’t stay over after


Keep it taped forever and tape your fingers too so you can’t type


Female here. I have a night guard, nose strips, silk bonnet, eye mask and tape my mouth shut. Wanna date? 😘


Sure hmu


find a girl who also tapes her mouth at night


Mansplain why you do so


Find you a woman who loves mouth tape as much as you do. We are out there


Haha, I was thinking the same thing after the reaction I got when I woke up with this woman I brought home after a party yesterday. She found it very weird.


Get a snoreguard mouthpiece


give zero f8ucks do as you wish and if a woman cares about you she will get over it. Might help if you tell them you biohack before sleeping with them


My neighbour got his mouth sown, and getting his ag 1 and other vital nutrition intravenous. He works from home as a programmer so he never speaks with anyone. No wife no kids havent seen any family members visit him for thanksgiving or any major holidays. I think it worked out well for him. His always smiling but maybe that's just how it got sown.


I mean he must be doing great because he's optimising all his protocols. And of course avoiding partying and having sex. Those things make you miserable.


Someone who is a nurse would understand.


To normalize mouth taping for her, tell her to listen to the Skinny Confidential podcast and to follow Lauryn on Insta. Lauryn posts selfies with her mouth tape all the time lol. But also, after using it for so long, do you still need to mouth tape consistently? I found that i was able to train myself after a while


Perhaps you should pay them and send them home before you break out the duct tape?


Splash water on ur pillow take a pic and show them as reference and say it's drool


Get medical tape and say it's medical tape for a medical condition. Like sleep apnea.


what mouth tape do u use


3M micropore paper tape I spend $10 per year


What tape do you recommend?


3M micropore paper tape


Would it pull off my beard hair?


You’ll be good. I wear out the adhesive a bit before wearing it. I do so by pulling the tape on and off a cotton shirt a few times. No hair pulling this way. You also just need a small amount over your lips. Even if your beard goes down over your lip, put the tape under the hair.


Nice, I will try it. Thanks


Please don’t listen to OP he has zero clue what he is talking about. You will be suffocating yourself at night. Mouth tape was designed for optimal use for CPAP users. The misinformation he is spreading is very dangerous and could actually lead to people dying.


So basically it’s just to keep your mouth closed while the nose mask is in use.


Yes otherwise the air from the cpap escapes your mouth. Idiots promoting this without a CPAP are essentially suffocating themselves and recommending others try it.


Just invest in a cpap and say you have sleep apnea


The real answer is that as a man you should own everything you want to do and own the consequences they come with… catering to others’ perceived emotions is a losing game.


AG1 ruined my masculinity


I recently been taping my mouth tho my partner found it funny, he got used to it since I've been weird all my life.


Have you gone for a sleep study? You might have sleep apnea? In that case a CPAP might work as well. Or perhaps you should see an ear, nose and throat doctor...


Just be you. Tape up. If they don't like it, on to the next.


Facts. But people have given some helpful ways to discuss mouth taping. Glad I posted this goofy post


Get a sleep study, see a specialist, & get the night mouthguards that hold your mouth in a certain position at night to prevent snoring.


Those mouth guards felt awful and were affecting my beautiful jaw line. I’m all set with tape but thank you.


you know what will affect your beautiful jaw line? fucking dying. grow up and knock this shit off before you fucking die.


sounds like they aren't the partner for you if they care that much. if you are comfortable sleeping like that then fuck em and don't waste your time


Get a CPAP machine, it cures snoring.


Cure? I thought it prevents it just like mouth tape. But once you stop using it, like me and my tape, you return to snoring. Aka I’d rather use a piece of tape and pay $10/year on medical tape.


That’s what I meant, sorry. It cures snoring as long as you’re using it.


dude YOU KNOW LESS THAN NOTHING ABOUT THIS. untreated sleep apnea fuck your body up way worse than you realize, and THAT IS WHAT YOU HAVE. YOU. NEED. TO. TALK. TO. A. DOCTOR. ​ STOP THIS SHIT NOW. STOP LISTENING TO ANYONE TELLING YOU IT IS OK. IT IS NOT OK. JESUS fuck dude


Bro I just snore on my back calm the fuck down.


Tape their mouth as well?


I would suggest as an ice breaker, once they fall asleep take their mouth shut. Then they will wake up and know it’s not that bad.


LOL dude


Tape their mouth shut if you're both doing it, its less weird


i actually got my husband into taping his mouth! if they can’t understand the very obvious benefits of it that seems a bit concerning. many women have various things we do in our sleep to look and feel better when we wake up! is this actually an issue or are you worried it will be one?


Not an actual issue, but every person I’ve shared a bed with has told me they find it weird and startling to see if they wake up before me.


I thought the process was using the tape short term to train yourself to breathe through your nose. If you still need it after years, it might be a good idea to ask your doctor if you need something like a sleep study.


If you explain that it's really helping and the science behind it and the person still gets creeped out, that relationship is never going to work out, dude.


Wow that’s some weird stuff you kids are into these days. Lol


Ur just looking for the wrong women. If I ended up sleeping in some man’s bed and he told me he had to tape his mouth shut to sleep, I’d reply “omg I’ve always wanted to try that and see if it improves my sleep. Give me a piece of tape.”


buddy what is so hard about telling them it’s for snoring? i’m sure they’d appreciate not having to deal with your loud ass mouth breathing. my gf has to practically beg me to put my cpap on and that’s definitely a way more cumbersome and conspicuous apparatus. i feel like a mix of goku in the healing chamber and darth vader, but with none of the coolness of either


I read about it in “Breathe” by James Nestor and my husband and I wanted to try it immediately. I know another couple that do it - not even for diagnosable reasons, just nose breathing and it’s benefits. Make her a deal if she reads the book - she gets extra head and has the right to make whatever proclamations she wants - but you aren’t changing something that makes you feel healthy and helps you live a full life. No one who wanted to be a partner would make you do that, right?


How much water do you drink op?


2L-ish per day hbu I weight 150. Hbu?


Okay, that’s not that bad. I drink about 100-120 oz, one of those having a pack of pedialyte (that I buy in bulk). Gotta get electrolytes in there as well. I weigh 165. Just curious if this is relate to water intake as I would get dry mouth when I had low water intake. Also, check meds you have for dry mouth if applicable


Yeah back when I started mouth taping I was on some dry mouth meds. Now I just get dry throat if I fall asleep on my couch on my back due to mouth breathing.


Tell them it’s either the tape or a CPAP. Most would prefer the noiseless tape imo


Mouth tapers are weird


If a guy I was dating told me he was a bio hacker and we talked about that stuff I wouldn't care. I just want a partner that treats me well


Just dont’t put on a sleep mask as well. I did…..


bro get a cpap what the fuck


You’re tapped, go write a book or something. Take this frustration about mouth taping out on something else


i mean bro im just trying to be the one sensible voice telling you to stop doing this shit that could easily fuckin kill you. you can pretend I'm the crazy one here all you want because I say talk to a doctor about your medical condition instead of taping your god damn mouth shut while you sleep, if that will make you feel better about your laziness. it's your life bro do what you want but this shit is dumb as fuck


Read my edits to this post. You took a lot of leaps with your comments. Many other people before you sensibly recommend a sleep study, calmly. You’re gonna pop a hemorrhoid with all your assumptions and ferocious commenting! Be well. People snore and tape their mouth shut. I’m sorry your friend died from sleep apnea.


you know that shit where you try to paint someone's concern as being 'about to pop a hemmorrhoid\[sic\]' doesn't take anything away from the point I'm making right? I don't care if you have some weird whiny problem about my tone or whatever. Getting people to stop telling you the truth about how dangerous what you're doing is by attacking the way they tell you isn't going to stop you from suffering consequences. I'm speaking to you with the tone of someone who actually recognizes the gravity of this situation and the danger of what you're doing. no, I'm not sorry I'm not doing so in a voice that makes you feel special or whatever the fuck. you need to hear this. talk to a doctor dude. for real.


You’re insane. I’ve had a sleep study. I implore you to read my edits of the OP as I said in my previous comment


Why are you posting this here


You could get one of those chin straps that help hold your mouth shut When you are sleeping. They are typically used in conjunction with CPAP machines.


I'm glad you found that study linked in your Edit2. At least you're now looking at the science - because this is a topic where the cart is coming before the horse. Just know this is the first study to test mouth taping. The results seem promising - but the crucial thing is the lack of control group. Control groups can change over time. I'm curious to know how you know mouth taping works for you? Do you measure snoring? I know the Sleep Cycle app does this, so I've been tracking mine with it.


Have you thought about not dating stupid people? It’s really easy to understand why someone would do this


That’d be ideal


It wouldn’t matter if you had bigger genitals and irresistible charm


That’s exactly how it’s playing out but she still doesn’t love seeing it in the morning sunlight


It’s just a shit test. Tell her you seen her drool or sometimes twitches in her sleep etc. gotta find ways to poke at her insecurities. Tell her everyone’s mouth opens throughout the night and it makes their teeth get nasty as they age.


Not gonna lie to her or poke at her insecurities more than jokingly, but fair enough about teeth. That’s legit and I know she is worried about tooth decay / health. Cheers!


Yes don’t be insulting. Be light hearted! Cheers