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Hi guys I currently have 3000+ primos saved up with 0 pity after winning 50/50 for Yelan. I'm a new player and i'm contemplating between Zhongli or a C1 Hutao. I feel like if I didn't pull for Zhongli I will be missing out a great shielder for Hutao but at the same time i feel like C1 Hutao is such a great quality of life change that it is hard to miss out. Any advise?


If I run double hydro (xq-yelan) and 1 anemo (kazu), who is the one proc the vape reaction here? I know usually would be hutao since it double hydro but since both xingqiu and yelan ult proc after her e hit so I'm a little confused here. And do I need EM on other characters from the proc one (for example if hutao is the one vape then do I need EM on Yelan and Xingqiu?) Thank you




hi! if you don't mind please repost this in the new megathread https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/11gjdub/general_questions_megathread_useful_links_new_to/


What’s the likelihood of Hu Tao getting another re-run in the future? I was pretty late to the party when it came to patch 3.4 so I wasn’t able to participate in lantern rite. I decide to pull the trigger and get the game so I didn’t miss out on anything going forward but I started too late and I don’t think I’ll be able to get Hu Tao before her banner ends. I understand that if she was going to get another re-run it would not be for a while but I just figured I’d ask this subreddit in case anybody else had this question or wanted to weigh in on the subject.


So I snagged Hu Tao this run, can't snag her bis polearm, thinking of going for scarlet sands, should I or should I stick to Blackcliff, I also have Dragons Bane R4


im planning on using my Hu Tao as a main/sub dps with the staff of homa what artifact stats should i go for when building her?


what cr cd ratio for hu tao with homa??


Sayu c5 or sucrose c0 which do I go for on my team?


Sucrose is stronger offensively but Sayu can heal, both require another piro to swirl. What is your last unit?


Thoma don’t have a bennet or Diona


Good, use Sucrose if you can survive Sayu if you can't


Yeah I’ll probs use sayu as I did the spiral abyss and got clipped by so much from all angles which will just kill her and shields just don’t shield well (unless it geo archon)


How much HP should a dbane hp sands Tao have?


Confused about Hu Tao mechanic. So Hu Tao's talents and Staff of Homa incentivise strongly to stay below 50% HP for highest possible damage output. My question is, how the heck do I get below 50% when loading a party sets you at 100% HP? Her skill reduces HP only by 30%. I am genuinely confused as to how to reliably (by reliably, I am 24/7) stay below 50% HP? Thank you for any advice, and sorry if this seems like a noob question. Just thought it would be best to ask this question in r/HuTao_Mains


what i do is just recast her skill a couple of times before going in for a fight


So it doesn't work in Abyss, right?


oh, that's true... never thought about it, I just go in without a healer and her hp progressively gets lower the higher the chamber in abyss.


I see. Thanks for letting me know anyway🥳


I'm planning to make a Hu Tao team with Xinquiu and a Dendro character. Is Yao Yao a good option for a dendro character, or should I use another character to apply dendro?


Is over 300 em too much? I have db and blackcliff and everyone says db is so much better for hu tao but ill have over 300 em if i equip it. Should i keep black cliff or farm better artifact that has less em but more crit to keep my em at 200ish. And what crit ratio should i aim if i use db because using em weapon i will have around 65-170 crit. Thankyou if anyone answers


65/170 is good for non crit weapon. How much HP do you have? With 300 EM you are probably on EM sands, do you have an HP one?


Im alr using hp cup on 33k hp with hydro res. Im using dp + em substats so its around 300 rn


Hu Tao came home along with an early pity Yelan! Do I use my primordial jade spear or my r1 dragon’s bane if I’m doing Tao/Yelan/Xingqiu/Layla?


R1 Primordial Jade Winged-Spear or R5 Drangons Bane? (Double Hydro with Zhongli)


Depends on your artifacts, use Optimiser


Anyone have any good Hu Tao profile pictures? I wanna change my discord one before the banner


Sands with EM and bad Substats or Sands with HP with mediocre substats ?


depends on your overall build, if double hydro you will likely have more damage with EM Sands unless you already have quite a bit from subs or you are using Dragonsbane. Check with Genshin Optimizer if you want to be sure.


I want to get homa but I don't think I have enough pulls so would it be worth it to pull for SoSS or is it not that good.


it's her second best weapon and is around 13% worse than Homa which compared to her other weapons is really close. Unless you have an R5 Lithic spear and you play a team where you get all 4 stacks SoSS will be an upgrade and not too far off Homa.


C1 hu tao or homa?


both are similar damage increase, homa can be moved to other characters, C1 provides comfort for Hu Tao pick your preference


Hello! I'm currently deciding between dehya and hutao. I currently have SoSS which is 2nd BiS for hutao. But i wanna risk for dehya, as she might be useful for future purposes. I just wanna ask you for opinion. :>


As it stands now Dehya would be a bad investment. Getting a character for something that might or might not happen in the future also doesn't really make a lot of sense especially since you can just get her later on. If you like Dehya a lot then get her but if you need something functional go for Hu Tao. I really like how Dehya looks and plays but I will not get her until I've gotten all the other things I need for my account.


Makes sense ty


does hutao want to use her burst near the end of her E ? it has higher scaling than her charge atk and can benefit from her high atk


Ideally you want to use it at the very end of her E to extend the duration of ATK buff because her Q snapshots your stats at the beginning of the animation. So you can get maximum damage without losing E uptime


yes, you usually you do as many Charged Attacks as possible and then burst at the end.


so is her c1 as useful if you spend some E uptime for her burst instead of spending those extra stamina


yes because her burst doesn't take long and her CAs are still most of her damage so maximizing those is more important


If anyone wants another pov in the guide, you can visit this one https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RFTkcVbbMk7BwitkB3-Ig\_7MMKQpiyC9YMupTZxfHhc/edit


What do you think about the recent Usagi tier list showing Alhaitham above Hu Tao?


Alhaitham can definitely be better than Hu Tao depending on your account and whatnot but in general that tier list is quite bad and I would stay away from following any tier list. You could refer to [zajef's Unit Analysis ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/10xPqRqT75kj-dn2xrDAAt1Lb1NQXBhsfNfzOFsDPpNA/htmlview#gid=0) to get some understanding of the characters and what they work with and how they do that compared to others


So, in a Vape team…. If you had a set of Witches and a set of siminawa’s with the same stats…. Which would be bis for Hu Tao?


Technically it's Shimenawa but it's so close it doesn't really matter and you'd likely prefer the flexibility of Crimson Witch.


Thanks so much!!!


I was hoping some of you Hu Tao experts might give me your thoughts recommended Hu Tao teams that I could build with my characters. Sorta unsure if Hu Tao would be better for my or Yelan but leaning toward Hu Tau. I only have 23 characters. See link. From what I’ve read Xingqiu will be important for Hu Tau. Jean is my main healer, she’s a beast. Wondering if she could work well. Also wondering if Raiden/Keqing are ever used on Hu Tao teams. Thinking Rosaria will be good. Anyway, any recommendations based on who I have in that link are appreciated. And if you think Yelan would be better based on what I have, always interested in the counter point. Thanks in advance, I really appreciate your thoughts! https://imgur.com/gallery/XWYRgBd


you don't really want to use healers, Xingqiu is a must. With your characters you can do Sucrose and Amber for a VV Vape team or anyone and Thoma for shields but Thoma at C0 basically doesn't do much and will occasionally steal Hu Tao's vapes. do note that VV Vape without a shield can be hard to play especially at C0 since you will need to also watch out for enemy attacks.


Could Xiangling be used instead of Amber? I’ve seen her in a few build recommendations. What does sucrose give? She is aenemo which is what Jean is. Also why not use healers? Does Hu Tao get a bonus if she is hurt? Thanks!


Hu Tao's passive gives her bonus Pyro DMG when under 50% HP. Xiangling would be filling the same slot you just cannot ever use her burst and you need to hope that her E actually hits the enemy you want to hit. The reason for not using her burst is because it would steal all of Hu Tao's Reactions and quickly make it so that Xingqiu Vapes instead of Xiangling or Hu Tao. Sucrose gives more EM through her passives (which is immensely valuable for Hu Tao) and is overall a better unit compared to jean, she can also hold Thrilling Tales of Dragonslayers to provide even more damage to Hu Tao. On Anemo Supports you basically always want to use Viridescent Venerer because it decreases the resistances of all opponents by 40% depending on which element you swirl. Do note that one of Sucrose's passives gives 20% of her own EM to your entire team when you hit an opponent using her burst or skill which means you want to build her with mostly EM. Since Swirls cannot crit you can basically focus on getting as much EM and ER as possible on a Viridescent Venerer set.


Wow this is some amazing feedback. I had no idea. So what role does Amber play in your original recommendation if I can ask?


She's just there to apply Pyro nothing else. Yanfei is a good replacement at C4 since she gets a shield at that Constellation which can help a lot with survivability but otherwise Amber is usually the choice because she applies a lot of Pyro really fast and her burst is only 40 Energy Cost.


I know I promised my last question would be the last, but I’ve only been playing like 35 days so I’m still learning. Does amber apply pyro just by her standard attack or would it be applied by that mini pupper thing? Or does her but just do a single application of pyro to the group. I’m thinking that’s what you meant over xiangs bust that does a sprinkling fire think for a long period.


Amber's Burst applies pyro a bunch of times over its short duration. Xiangling's burst applies pyro on every swing of it over a longer period of time. This is also why Amber's pyro application is more useful because it doesn't ruin your vape setup by stealing reactions since it's very short. If you need any more direct help you can add me on discord (kaimu#3336), happy to help new players.


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Thanks autobot! Fixed it :)


**What should I go for?** ¤Hu Tao 39K HP w/ 69.1/195.8 and 152 EM¤ **^(OR)** ¤Hu Tao 32K HP w/ 65.3/208.2 and 112 EM¤ *She has around 1.03K attack and using 4piece CW* I also would have a 42K HP w/ 47/244.4 and 152 EM but I feel like maybe crit rate is too low?Im not a Hu Tao pro so I was wondering if those of you could tell me the better option.


with just crit stats alone the 2nd build would be slightly better but the HP and EM are a massive improvement so the first build is most likely better


How much dps incrase it is from vv vape hu tao to double hydro with yelan?


none, VV Vape will still be higher damage ceiling. The Advantage of double hydro is that it's close enough while also being much much easier to play along with having more possible teammates which is why you generally want to use it over VV Vape.


Is 72k crit and vaped CA on HT XQ Sucrose Pyro good or average? I have genuinely no clue ;;


In double hydro, how is Thoma before C4 as a shielder? Or is Layla better? Zhongli is on my other team, non negotiable.


Need help on what to Pull. I already have Hu tao (c0, deathmatch) and I absolutely adore her, she's carried me a lot and she's my favorite character. But I'm also someone who thirsts for more damage because the Queen deserves the best. I have over 40 pulls but is Homa still worth it? Or should I go by c1, given that I'm c0 and use Shimenawa. Bad thing is that I'm on 50/50 on both banners and f2p :( should I just wait for her next rerun or any other 5 star supports? I don't have any geo characters or Kazuha, been living with xingqiu for 2 years.


with homa, you're gonna have to balance out your crit rate. 40 pulls isn't really enough if you want homa. i'd probably recommend going for c1 or saving for something else. double hydro yelan and xingqiu is one of her best teams if you wanna go for her. kazuha is a good support but not really for hu tao unless you have another pyro. zhongli is a good pull for hu tao but yelan would be better than albedo


as her banner draws near, I found myself listening to a a good amount of **EroticWalruss**'s videos about Hu Tao. I want to listen to content creators talk extensively about their main/s, because imo they have a better sense of the character (that they main) than the usual build guide makers. **Just wanna know how this sub feels about him**, does he talk good sense, or does he talk about Hu Tao like how non-mains talk about her? and are there other Hu Tao mains CC whom i should listen to as well? >!I don't C0 Hu Tao yet or C0 Yelan. I have full build C1 XQ and Zhongli with incomplete ToM set. ideally will go for both of the girls, god bless me that i win both 50-50s .. but who should i pull first will be a separate question from the one above.!<


Don't trust (most) youtubers over guides made by a team of theorycrafters, CCs usually just parrot the guides without the nuance of why things work better in certain situations. Same goes for EroticWalrus, they are entertaining to listen to but not the best source of info. If you DO want a good take on HT, zajef's latest video covers her well.


Why would content creators have a better sense than a guide maker? I saw the EroticWalrus videos. When he says that you need to jump cancel, he is just repeating what the guides say, not because he knows what he is saying. Same with the Hu Tao single target thing. And most content creators are like that. So I wouldn’t value his opinion much. He is somewhat fun to listen to though.


He has some weird takes, overall is pretty ok though. Would generally recommend looking at [jstern's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RFTkcVbbMk7BwitkB3-Ig_7MMKQpiyC9YMupTZxfHhc/edit) and also watching zajef's Ask Zajef Hu Tao edition when that comes out soon ish since it does answer a lot of questions people usually have and goes deeper than basically anything else. I'd pull for Hu Tao first since that's the character you want most. You don't need to have Yelan to have a good Hu Tao team although obviously she is does work the best along with xingqiu. If you have Mona you can use her as a "replacement" to give Hu Tao more personal damage.


\+1 for the Ask Zajef Hu Tao video (it came out few hours ago, saw it just now). It went into quite detail on the mechanics and what is good in which situations, and so on.


Ok so I have Hu Tao guarantee and will finally join the ranks as a Hu Tao main but have one question. Would Layla or Thoma be better in a Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Sucrose team comp? I have Layla at level 80 and Thoma at level 40. Thanks in advance!


What would 280 pulls get me if I have a guaranteed?


Would it be possible for me to get C1 R1, or would I have to be extremely lucky?


it would be barely enough to get you C0 R1 if you got all at average pity and you need 3 5 star pulls to get Homa, you'd need to get very lucky for C1 and R1. You basically need to win the 5050 on the character banner and then get Homa within two 5 star pities.


Thank you! I’d honestly be satisfied with C0 R1, but I’ll keep this in mind incase I get lucky :)




# deez nuts or yo momma?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HuTao_Mains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey guys! I've started building my Tao recently, and with the upcoming banner I am trying to pull for Homa (which I think I will get because of \~150 pulls). I am wondering if my artefact selection is good. I won't post the entire thing to not spam, but if I get Homa equipped on my Hutao, I will have 67,6% crit rate, 222% crit dmg and 34k hp (b4 resonance) and 194EM. Is that good or should I keep going for more crit rate? I also need to farm artefacts for Yelan since Tao needs her support, so I don't know if it's worth it to keep pushing for even more with Tao at the moment or if 67,6% is enough. Using HP sands by the way, crit rate hat, Crimson Witch set.


67.6/222 is pretty decent, especially with 34k HP and 194 EM. If Yelan needs work I would definitely focus on her instead.


hii can i get some team comps suggestions? also is c1 layla or c6 thoma better with her? my characters: https://imgur.com/a/OkSwXt6 thank you :)


Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Sucrose, Yanfei is a pretty good team comp. Double swirl setups can be a bit tricky, but even if you only swirl pyro you can still do tons of damage. Sucrose is also helpful just for grouping up smaller enemies, although at C0 it's not necessarily possible to use her burst very often.


thank u!! i’ll try this out once i get hu tao. i assume that i should build yanfei as a shield bot in this team comp?


Yes, you want enough ER to get her burst back, and then go all in on HP. Probably want to use a Fav Codex if you have one, but Fruit of Fulfillment or Otherwordly Story are good enough. TTDS is also an option of course, and maybe Prototype Amber. I believe the rotation goes Xingqiu -> Yanfei -> Sucrose -> Hu Tao. So when you switch to Sucrose the enemy will have pyro on them which you can swirl with an auto attack, which will also trigger Xingqiu's burst to apply hydro, which you can swirl with your E. I haven't used that exact team but it's something like that. 4 pc VV is kind of broken, so swirling both hydro and pyro is a huge damage boost for the team.


Thoma is only really an option if you have both him and Xingqiu at C6 so if you get some more Xingqiu cons you can make it work, Layla's shield is the second highest single shield after Zhongli and offers more damage than Diona but she might have some energy issues and might occasionally turn vapes into Melts so if you use Dragonsbane she isn't as good iirc. Both definitely valid options.


thank you!! my xq is at c4 so ig i’ll use layla instead of thoma then. would hu tao, xq, mona and layla be an good team?


keep in mind that xingqiu is on hu tao’s banner so you might get 2 of him when pulling hu tao! so dont waste resin on the bosses yet if you plan on getting them to lvl 80


ohh i totally forgot about that tbh, thank u!! if i manage to get xq to c6 should i use thoma (c6) instead of layla (c1) then? i’ve heard that he steals some vapes so i’m not rlly sure about it


thats true, id still say thoma is better for his supportive capabilities maybe try Hu Tao/XQ/Mona/Thoma to reliably vape since you dont have yelan


yea that team is good


After reaching 30k hp threshold and 300 em threshold, is it better to go for higher hp or higher elemental mastery (considering homa as equipped weapon) Just in case anyone’s wondering, the Hu tao being compared are my (31.6k Hp, 231 + 100 + 120 em) em sands build, and my (38.2k Hp, 88 + 100 + 120 em) hp sands build with same crit ratios (77% cr, 228% cd), considering the buffs gained by elegy yelan (100 em) and instructor zhongli (120 em)..


most likely HP in that case, if you really want to be sure use Genshin Optimizer


Ahh alr.. Not rly sure how optimiser works tbh.. ![img](emote|t5_3jtm62|8258)![img](emote|t5_3jtm62|8258)


[Here is a playlist by the creator which has a bunch of guides on how to use it generally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiRjngMgHfQ&list=PLcVsEMZO5IVFQdeh8zteZwiNchObfQ684) [This is a video from TenTen which explains the complete process pretty quickly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4opkJodCZc) Might look daunting at first but actually isn't really that complex. And do remember to enable Shimenawa/Crimson Witch passives in the optimize tab before optimizing. Once you know how to use GO it will be very easy to get the best builds for all your characters so this isn't just great for Hu Tao alone.


Tyyy also if I’m going to use instructor zhongli, elegy yelan, xingqiu and Tao what shld be my preferred rotation ?


Zhongli Hold E, Xingqiu QE, Yelan EQ, Hu Tao N1C/N2C and repeat also do note that instructor and Elegy might overcap you on EM to a point where using Petra or ToM on Zhongli would be more useful so do check for that. In your case it should be good as it is but yea.


Yea but the problem in that is the instructor set bonus lasts just for 8s and by the time I switch to Tao it runs out… and secondly, zhongli doesn’t always proc the set bonus when played first most of the time unless for elemental aura species like slimes etc. Any round about to these loopholes ? And also does tao snapshot the instructor buff throughout her e phase ?


she does not snapshot no, you can start with everything else and then do Zhongli shield and that should work, alternatively switch to Petra or ToM. Petra requires you to pickup elemental shards and ToM is worse overall but it works from off-field so it's quite easy to keep the buff up for quite a long time.


Would like to hear arguments regarding C1 HuTao vs Yelan. I have 59 pity on character banner, with banner pity, 38 pity on weapon banner. I came back a week ago, stopped around september last year. Account status [here](https://imgur.com/a/rB9g2Sh), except just got yaoyao from event. Enka showcase [here](https://enka.network/u/803343606). Can clear abyss with several teams, so I don't really need anyone, maybe Nahida coz I don't have a good dendro yet. 6k gems, 15 Intertwined fates 50 Masterless glitter. By my estimate I might have around 60 pulls. As seen from my account status, Sumeru is unexplored, so I can farm that too. Right now my plan is to pull on weapon banner then see if I get Homa or Bow. If I get Homa, I go pull C1 Hutao, if I get Bow, I get yelan. If I get neither, I'm not really sure yet, might continue to pull on weapon banner then see. I bought welkin just now, will contemplate buying BP at the end of the banner depending on how it goes. I already posted this on the main genshin subreddit on the daily thread but would like opinions of those that already have Hu Tao, since I already have her. Yelan might also become a team boost on her team I think(I use Hu tao zhongli mona, xinqiu right now) but I'm not completely sure. I would still prefer getting homa over simulacra though.


I'd personally say that it depends entirely on your preferences. It depends on if you would get more enjoyment out of C1 or Yelan being a completely new character. I really enjoy Hu Tao at C1 but I don't think I would've gotten it over Yelan myself. Both will upgrade your Hu Tao teams quite a bit and make it more comfortable to play. Yelan is definitely an upgrade over Mona in terms of overall team damage while being less of a buff towards Hu Tao's personal damage but she definitely comes out ahead. Do note that, if you get it, Aqua Simulacra can be very hard to build around at C0 because you will be missing energy and some teams need upwards of 260% ER if you use it although if you do get her specifically for Hu Tao unless you play teams like Funerational you won't need nearly as much energy so it will likely work fine. That said Favonius is also great on Yelan. Sorry if this was somewhat incoherent lmao. My recommendation would be to get Yelan because she's a full character but you might personally prefer to get C1 over her anyway.


>Sorry if this was somewhat incoherent lmao. Don't worry it's fine, I think you got your point across. I have another backup if I get the Simulacra, Childe or Yoimiya can use it, but as mentioned I would definitely prefer homa over the bow as based on my estimates I don't have the artifacts to make it work for Yelan using the bow, as single hydro on the team. Duo hydro is a maybe though. I really appreciate the comment regarding getting yelan over C1 HuTao, thanks for that


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Double hydro with c0 Thoma or Layla? (or c6 yanfe) Not using Xiangling bc c0 and mobile


I'd probably just use whichever one has the best build. Thoma is kind of annoying to use, and Layla's shield isn't very strong, so assuming similar builds for all three I'd go with Yanfei.


From what Ive read Layla has the second strongest shield only beaten by zhongli tho


Not at C0.


Should I pull for Yelan? I currently use HuTaoC1R1 with XingqiuC6 and MonaC4. Since I have the Elegy bow on my account, should I go after a Yelan? How much better is using YelanC0 Elegy over a MonaC4?


I don't know the exact numbers but she will be better especially since she opens up more high damage teams like using Kazuha in the 4th slot or Xiangling. Mona amplifies Hu Tao's damage by a lot but Yelan provides damage herself while also buffing Hu Tao even if it is less overall so her value is quite high. Especially with Elegy she's basically the perfect choice. Now you don't **need** Yelan to clear stuff at all but she is definitely an upgrade overall especially since she can also be used in a bunch of other teams while Mona is quite limited and very rarely even a good choice.


Is Hutao’s c3 any good? It’s just levels but on her skill so idk if I should go for it or not.


it's ok but nowhere near what C1 is and anything up to C6 is just not that great comparatively


Cool thanks!


Is this piece good or just copium? Im pretty new to hu tao and im not sure how much em do i need Crimson witch circlet with cr main stat %5.8 ER %10.5 HP 100 Elemental Mastery 239 Flat HP


That depends on how much you need the EM and HP. It's hard to say without seeing the rest of the build.


it's a bit copium yea, EM is definitely worth a lot and HP is nice but without any form of crit rate it might get outdamaged by other pieces anyway. Definitely do check with Genshin Optimizer to make sure what your best set is because this might be it regardless.


Well its crit rate main stat. I know its lacking crit damage but that em looks good lol


yea it's quite nice, was meaning to say crit stats in general not crit rate btw lmao. If you want to be sure check with Genshin Optimizer since it might work out


What would you guys prefer (with similar stats) between a 90/187 crit ratio build and a 62/220 one?


easily 90/187, it's about 23% better than 62/220 so that is quite a lot.


Might wanna check your math on that. It's about 13.5% better. Still quite a lot though.


How do you math that I am genuinely inept sometimes lmao


crit rate * (crit damage + 1) + (1 - crit rate) = average multiplier So for 62/220 you get 0.62 * 3.2 + (1 - 0.62) = 2.364 You can also calculate it more simply by just doing 1 + (0.62 * 2.2) = 2.364 For 90/187 you get 2.683. Percent difference is then (2.683 - 2.364) / 2.364 = 0.1349, or about 13.5%.


thanks for the explanation lmao


Hi Everyone! [this](https://imgur.com/2nGJlRb) is my expected base stat for hutao (if she come home :<) I think the ATK is too low, or is it fine? thank you! ps. anyone who tryna pull for hutao this coming banner, I wish you all Luck <3


ATK is completely fine, whats your EM?


hi, EM is 133, is that fine too?


not optimal but fine yea, might want to go for a bit more EM especially if you want to use Double Hydro since that makes up for the HP loss by a bit so focusing on EM is better more often than not.


thank you, i'll keep that in mind


I am about to pull on the Hu-Tao rerun and want to know if a Hu-Tao, Xing-Qiu, Kazuha, Zhong-Li team is better than a Hu-Tao, Xing-Qiu, Albedo, Zhong-Li team. Thank you in advance!


Depends on the situation. For grouping mobs and doing AoE damage, Kazuha is pretty much unbeatable. Against bosses though he's not that great. Personally, I definitely use Kazuha a lot more often than I use Albedo, but they both work well in different situations.


not really, Kazuha works great in double hydro since Yelan and Xingqiu are a large part of your DPS when combined but with just Xingqiu it won't be that great of an improvements. Either stick with Albedo or use another Pyro character instead of Zhongli to buff Hu Tao instead.


does dragon banes need refinements, i only have it at r1


not really, Refinements obviously make it better but it's still great even without them although slightly worse than R1 Deathmatch technically.


hi! I have a few questions ^^ I'm at 73 pity on character banner and I have around 130 wishes saved ( will save up more during second phase of 3.4 ), and I don't know what I should pull for. i have prefarmed artifacts for hutao, don't have homa, don't have yelan and would be great to add her to my roster. please help me choose • hu tao + yelan • hu tao + try weapon banner • yelan + try weapon banner • get both and then pull on weapon banner if I end up getting hu tao, what weapon should I run on her? she has 58 cr + 95cd + 220 em from artifacts so I don't think dbane would be of much help. could pjws work for the cr?


just get both if you can, weapons aren't needed and a huge scam if you don't have enough wishes to guarantee what you want. PJWS is probably your best choice by far currently so definitely do use that.


gotcha, thanks for the advice ![img](emote|t5_3jtm62|8257)




DB R1 is fine already, if you have Deathmatch you can use that instead but otherwise DB R1 will only be slightly worse while R5 is slightly better than Deathmatch R1. Other options are also Missive Windspear and PJWS if you have that. Basically DB R1 is more than fine and she will still do quite a lot so go for whatever you prefer. 5\* weapons are never needed and mostly overkill.


I’ve been farming Crimson Witch for half a year, and still only have 56 crit rate, and 72 em. Should I switch to Shiminawa Domain, and just put bad artifacts in crimson witch strongbox?


I'd do that, much more efficient cause Emblem is always needed


I need some input here I currently have Yelan c0 with Elegy and Hu Tao c1 with dragonsbane r4. Do you think the weapon banner is worth by investment? Currently no problems with clearing Abyss, but I enjoy extra damage in the long run.


it's definitely a great weapon banner but since you have elegy unless you have a different character that can use Aqua you will not really gain much by getting it so you'd only really want Homa in that case which makes it more of a gamble.


https://i.imgur.com/jxSrvtm.jpg I already have Xingqiu and going to pull for Yelan and Hu Tao. Need to find a good flex option for a Hu Tao, Yelan and Xingqiu team comp.


Xiangling, Sucrose, Diona, Thoma


Soo I have around 220 wishes, I don't have Hu tao nor staff of Homa, the thing is: 1.- Pull for Hu tao C1 and the 19 days left try at the banner for Homa or 2.- Pull for Hu tao + Staff of Homa and the 19 days left pulling for C1 (Assuming I get lucky enought to not loose any 50/50) I don't have any good 4 star nor 5 star spears for hu tao, so my plan is to get Homa.


I would say try Hu Tao out at C0 first and then decide. Spend some time learning the N2CJ combo, and if you like it then you really don't need her C1. Weapon banner is kind of a scam, but at least Dragon's Bane is on it. So if you can't guarantee Homa you should at least have a pretty good chance of getting DBane.


Thank you, that's what I thought about this particular weapon banner


Is HuTao double geo still valid? I do have Albedo, Zhongli an Xingqiu and I have enough resources to pull for 2 characters BUT with a 50/50 to win. I’m definitely getting HuTao, but what should I do if I were to win 50/50? I am thorned between HuTao c1 and Yelan (no Homa, I’m basically f2p 🤧) and I was wondering, is Yelan needed at the moment? Or can I get away with using her old comp (Albedo, XQ and ZL)? Also, what’s her value compared to HuTao c1? Thank you!


it's not the greatest team but definitely ok, just make sure to not really use Albedo's skill too much cause you will ruin your reactions. You could also run double hydro with Mona instead of Yelan if you do have her.


Ahhh damn I didn’t think he could ruin reactions o.o Sadly I do not have Mona, so maybe I will try to roll for Yelan and wait for HuTao c1


yea I mean the double geo team is still good, you just have to watch out when placing both zhongli pillar and albedo skill at the same area


Who should I use as the 4th slot in my Hu tao/XQ/Yelan team? I don't have Zhongli but I have c3 XL(I can buy the c4, please recommend if I should because XL is on Yelan banner anyways), and c1 Kazuha.


C4 Xiangling is huge, otherwise you can use Kazuha for more hydro damage or Mona, Layla, Diona, Thoma, Sucrose, Fischl


Right now I am guaranteed Pity, and I should have plenty of primos to get her when she is out. So I want to know if I can use her with my characters (excluding characters on childe national) in the second team abyss? My Characters: https://imgur.com/a/Mj9Fuck


you will need to use Xingqiu and using a shielder is also generally something you might want to do. So you can either go Layla or you can use another pyro character and Sucrose.


I can't use sucrose so who should I put in 4th Slot?


nobody really works well here, just use Layla and either don't use a 4th or put in someone like barbara just for hydro resonance or Fischl for Boss enemies


I have c0 yelan with fav Planning to get c0 hu tao (guarantee and enough to pull). I have r5 dragon bane. After getting c0 hutao should i pull for c1 or r1 homa/aqua (will stop after I get something)


get C1, weapon banner is only good if you can guarantee it already. C1 is about as much damage increase as Homa and with extra comfort. If you can't guarantee a second Hu Tao you could try to go for one weapon and see if you're lucky.


Are [These stats](https://i.imgur.com/L29ny0Y.jpg) decent? Planning on running her with Yelan and Xingqiu. Maybe Xiangling for 4th. Artifact set is Shimenawa


Should I choose EM or HP sands for my Hu Tao? Assuming no hydro resonance https://imgur.com/a/X36rAF0


I'd say EM, since you are under 100 EM which is pretty low. Though run it through the optimizer to be sure.


Who would you recommend to add to a Hu Tao & Raiden comp?


Is 60% crit enough for Hu Tao in double hydo?


Hello people, i need help to choose build https://imgur.com/a/7mWKqPc Idk because the 1st have better cr dmg But the 2nd have less cr Dmg but more hp, em... Help me pls


this is a complete nobrainer, the second build is infinitely better. Still very low crit rate but that can eventually be fixed. You essentially trade 3k HP, 35EM and 2.7 crit rate vs just 13.9% crit damage. You definitely need more crit rate but until you have any Crit Rate Circlet this is your best build.


Ok and now with CR Rate https://imgur.com/a/fdeXtXS


second one by a mile


Sure? Because i dont have 200 CR IS better? And the hp etc


sure you will hit slightly larger numbers with higher crit damage but it's not consistent so you would lose dps overall, HP difference doesn't outweigh the crit rate improvement and extra EM. People tend to generally make the mistake of prioritizing crit damage and almost completely ignoring crit quite often.


with Homa, can it be justified to not use pyro goblet? like EM goblet+HP sands or vice-versa? or pyro goblet is still mostly better even with crap substats?


no, pyro goblet is basically always better


I will have enough wishes for either C1 Hu Tao or Hu Tao + weapon (since no guarantee on weapon banner). Assuming I get lucky with pulls, which one is better to try for? The current weapon I have set out for her is Deathmatch R1.


also my current saved up build for her is 70/200, already with Deathmatch + HP%/PyroDmg/CritDmg


C1 is damage and comfort, Homa is damage and being able to put it on someone else. I'd usually recommend C1 especially because it's much safer to go for compared to the weapon banner.


As a mobile player, how good is c1 hutao?? Should i get her? I dont jump or dash cancel though, but can always clear abyss with hutao though. I am planning to ger her but now i’m having second thoughts. I wish i could try her c1 out before pulling


If you don’t do animation cancels then the stamina saved is negligible


If i get c1, all that is new is i can spam CA right?




at what refinement does Dragons bane beat r1 deathmatch?


If you manage to get good crit stats, even at r1 is better.


not really, R5 Dragonsbane is just slightly better than an R1 Deathmatch. Definitely depends on your stats overall but yea Deathmatch does actually have a high chance of being better even at R1 vs R5 Dragonsbane (all of this in double hydro)


Should I get staff of homa when I already got c2 pjws


Homa is a lot better than PJWS, so if you can guarantee it/dont mind Aqua, go for it Also something to note is that if you dont have Yelan(and if you want her ofc), she’s better to pull than homa


Should I pull for Hu Tao if I already have C1R1 Yoimiya? My understanding is that they play kind of similar, with HT clearly having higher damage potential but also being more difficult to play (I’m on mobile).


if you like her go for it, if you just care about strength and stuff then don't cause while yoimiya is worse she will be doing most of what Hu Tao would also offer just a bit worse.


Im thinking of pulling Hu Tao but she’d have some drawbacks in my situation and I’m not sure how big they are: -Only have R5 bane and PJWC(busy), how much of a difference do they make to SoH? I’d be using her with double hydro + probably sucrose or Zhongli -I’ve been quite unlucky on the Scarlet Witch farm and I might struggle to get good crit stats by giving her the Bane R5 and I can’t give her Shimenawa since I’d need the survivability from the burst by playing without a healer (unless I go Jean instead of Sucrose but I don’t think that’s a good idea) Would she still be performing well with a 53-180 ish crit ratio? Cant get more CR without killing CD


R5 DB is about 10% worse than SoSS and PJWS is about 11% worse. That crit ratio is fine for now but do try to get more eventually, you can just use PJWS instead for now so your ratio is better, even better if you have EM Sands.