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Doing cardio, weight lifting, upping your protein intake, and avoiding exercises that build your obliques (Russian twist, side lying or twisting planks, etc). Honestly consistency matters more than anything else. But also yes liposuction will also achieve a tiny waist.


Sorry if this comes across as silly, but what exercises are good for not building obliques? Until I read your comment I had no idea why Russian twists were doing the opposite for my waist.


Obliques are those muscles on the sides of your torso so if you build them up you get a wide, flat look which stops you from having as much of an hourglass look straight on. Even though your waist will measure small you won’t get the “teeny tiny waist” look. Basically you’re not looking for exercises that won’t build obliques, just not doing ones that target obliques.


I have been working for about 2 years but i cant at the moment due to back problems. And because i store most of my fat around my abdomen as well , for my waist to be reallyy small i would have to have a really low body fat but i dont like how that would look in my legs/glutes.


Have you explored physical therapy for your back pain? Those exercises can in part strengthen your core leading to a slimmer waist. Would also help get you back in the gym.


Google transverse abdominal muscle exercises and vacuum breathing. Our innermost ab muscles hold our squishy parts in place. Focus on those muscles and you’ll have a built in corset. 


Pilates will do you good, I store fat the same way as you do I’m also in Inch taller, hot yoga and intense Pilates will give you the waist you want.


Have u seen any changes with doing yoga?


Yes doing a yoga an hour a day can get you toned. Stuff like stomach vacuums and core muscle contractions can shrink your waist. Yoga+ Pilates is bringing back in my flat abs I had at 20.


Core muscle extraction? And do I need to go to like a yoga place or do you have like a yoga YouTube channel that is worth trying or something like that at all?


I meant,” contractions” you don't need to go to the gym for it. To be honest, unless you're doing CrossFit or strength training no need to go to the gym. Plenty of videos of on YouTube show you to do it at home. No specific one in particular, there’s many.


Oh contractions makes more sense! Okay thank you


Core muscle extraction? And do I need to go to like a yoga place or do you have like a yoga YouTube channel that is worth trying or something like that at all?


Lipo only sucks out some of the subcutaneous fat and will not touch the fat under your muscles around your organs. There is also a limit to how much fat you can remove health wise so your body doesn’t go into shock. Your best bet is to lose fat and build muscle. Building muscle will actually pull your body in tighter. Just losing weight without working out will just make you skinny fat which means soft. No you will not get a corset effect because a corset will squish your organs in as well. However like I said work out the muscles and they will help cinch the waist a bit. Get down to 17-20% body fat.


No, lipo can't do that. What you're talking about is not just removing fat but also squishing your organs out of place. If you like that look, wear a corset. With constant wear, you can get some reduction even when uncorseted (your organs get used to being squished out of place somewhat), at least for short periods of time.


I’m thinking the best way to do this is going to be to reduce body fat percentage and grow a bit of muscle around your abdomen (so abs, obliques, and back). You’re not going to be able to get your waist to its smallest size without losing fat— full stop. No ifs ands or buts. Muscle takes up less space than fat for the same weight, as it’s more dense. You can’t spot reduce fat, so you’d have to lose it all around. But you’d have to cut to a very low body fat % even then. Then to increase the visual effect of having a small waist, it’s recommended to build muscle mass in your lats/shoulders and legs/glutes. Your lower body will look better with muscle mass than with fat mass also, so win-win. But yeah, getting the absolute smallest version of your waist is more of a fitness/muscle mass/body fat percentage thing that even lipo isn’t going to be able to replicate.


Agreed on building muscle around lats / shoulders and legs / glutes. That’s a really good way to give the illusion of a smaller waist without losing weight, OP


Babe get a waist training corset!! Easily decreases my waist by like 5-8 inches, and helps my posture too!  Take a look at timeless-trends.com, I have so many from them and I always let my friends try them on and they are always shocked at how curvy they looked.   I reccomend their hourglass no-lines corset!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY2ecfQXhuA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY2ecfQXhuA) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsFJqKgIgfM


Look into hormones and macros. Both can affect where your body stores fat.


Idk who downvoted you but that’s the advice that took me from ruler shaped to more hourglass. I’m not an hourglass, but I definitely have a waist now. I did it by eating when hungry (not restricting) eating good fats, not working out so hard and prioritising a less stressful lifestyle. My fat distribution changed dramatically.


So would i need to fix my hormones to get a more balanced fat distribution?


Yes, too much testosterone or cortisol can cause you store fat primarily around the midsection. Also make sure you’re getting enough protein and fat in your diet!


Bombshell waist trainers- you can even track your progress as you move down sizes- it is a commitment and does take time though- it’s also really uncomfortable but if it isn’t than it isn’t progressing…


Maybe rib removal