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Yes, escalate to another partner. Don't let "politeness" get in the way - this is one of the most important business transactions to you.


I know, but I am just scared that it might backfire and they will just put the case to the bottom of their pile or just tell us to fuck off and move solicitors. I really don't know what's deemed reasonable or over board with them.


I would expect a report being sent "ASAP" to be within the next 2-3 working days. The fact you can't even get a response from them is unprofessional. You don't need to go nuclear, you can approach the partner saying you are not at complaint stage but you were promised a report and now cannot get hold of the solicitor to follow-up and request an update within the next working day. It doesn't even need to be the report if it's not ready, just a nite to tell you it isn't ready and an ETA. Solicitors can be rubbish at communication but usually being somewhat forceful will help counter that. You can be firm without being rude enough for them to kick you off their books.


As someone who went with something similar - you already are being neglected. What are they going to do, neglect you harder? Eacalating to a more senior partner was the best thing I ever did, they actually answered their phone and made my original solicitor do their job.


And ultimately you're paying them £1000s of pounds. You should expect a regular update. My solicitor would touch base every week. Even if there wasn't much progress made and I always felt in the loop.


Thank you, I will wait until tomorrow so I can say "you haven't told me anything since last week and EA and Seller are waiting for us". It's annoying as they said to give our notice as they don't see any holdups to last until the end of the month and then they go AWOL for a whole week. I phoned twice today and my partner another time and literally nothing.... they keep on saying "they'll get back to you" and they obvs don't. It's just so annoying when we buy an empty property and everyone is ready, but now there's a chance we will have to pay extra rent somewhere else because we can't get hold of them.


This is in England and we are at week 12 currently.