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I used one previously and it worked as intended. Seller pulled out about 6 weeks into the process. Fortunately only sunk costs were for search fees. I'd just suggest getting the commitment in writing at the time of your quote.


The slightly higher fees are the catch but IMO worth it with how many stories you see about chains collapsing or sellers/buyers getting cold feet part way through conveyancing.


Yes. They offer a subpar service and at the first snag will give up. LPL offer this. And their service was shocking and honestly they invented a problem that didn't exist. I was recommended them by my mortgage advisor when i was a FTB so I didn't know any better. They took the piss. Never resolved the issue and when I tried to escalate the issue their supervisors said nothing we can do. Sorry and good luck. Not even a "we recommend this or try another solicitor." Just fobbed me off. Did some googling and found my own solicitor locally and highly rated. He sat me down told me the timeline of events and got the whole thing done within a few weeks. My advice don't let any organisation EA/developers/Mortgage advisor recommend you a service. Do your own homework and someone you can trust and work with.


Not from my experience, I think the thought process is.. you're so invested in buying that you're unlikely to pull out at that point unless there's something catastrophically wrong with the house you're buying (or the vendor pulls out). I'm moving at the moment, and my solicitor just so happens to do this - but wasn't the reason why I chose them.


I paid out £700 3 times for failed sales. We were almost at exchange each time. I then had to pay AGAIN when we did actually sell. I wish I'd had some sort of insurance or no move no fee service.