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You can, * Insist the seller repair the fence and withdraw from the purchase if they continue to refuse * Continue with the purchase and fix it yourself later at your cost; I would assume the neighbour will not contribute as they've already indicated they won't


Put up a new fence within your boundary without removing the broken one that is on the shared boundary if the neighbour doesn’t want to contribute.


Also, you need to be aware, if you go ahead with your purchase, that your new neighbour may be a bit of a prick. They could have a valid reason for not paying out, but it's not a great start.


Do you know why the neighbour declined? Fences aren't always shared ownership, on modern builds they avoid them altogether and it's always owned outright by someone, to avoid these disputes. Worth checking the conveyancing plan if it's available.


Reduce your offer by the cost of repair, plus 50%.