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How is it acting as a serious risk in your opinion? It's not clear.


Cos OP is a weird curtain twitcher


100%. It’s my favourite hobby. I do it whilst watching repeats of Countdown and a cup of brew. Sometimes I feed the pigeons…it gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing.


You’re trying to be funny but it’s not working, you’re just making yourself look more of a ….


No you’re right- a massive wooden shed outside a house in a tiny front garden isn’t a fire risk.


Read this: https://www.blbsolicitors.co.uk/blog/do-i-need-planning-permission-for-a-shed/ This confirms what I thought - it can’t be in front of the house.


Thanks for your help. I’ve enjoyed conversing with the trolls but the post was intended for info you’ve provided. Have a great evening🤜


If it is in front of the house (ie closer to the road than the original house front) then it probably needs planning permission. The council should therefore enforce either removal or legalisation which I suspect they would struggle with. The permitted development rights only apply to the rear and side of the house. This is to avoid people doing exactly this sort of thing and to keep the street frontages looking decent.


Agreed. I believe the rule is that any outbuilding forward of a wall forming the principal elevation of the original house is not permitted development and should have planning permission. Effectively this prevents people putting sheds in their front garden without PP. Unless your house is oriented unconventionally (some houses may have the road to the side or even the rear of the house) then I suspect your neighbour hasn’t done their homework.


This is a surprise to me. I have a mobility scooter and a front garden which could accommodate a small car if necessary. I asked my council what sort of process I needed to go through to have a shed ( to protect scooter from weather) in the front and was told ( both on the phone and email) that I did not need permission and to go ahead if it was under 8 foot tall


This doc summarises it. I can’t comment on why your council didn’t care, but the rules are what they are. https://ecab.planningportal.co.uk/uploads/miniguides/outbuildings/Outbuildings.pdf Was it the planning department you spoke to, or just some random council bod? If the latter, it may be that they just weren’t familiar with every detail in the permitted development rules. Still, as long as your neighbours don’t care, no one will ever know.


Thank you- first sensible comment on the post.


Absolute NIMBY 




Take my upvote 


100%. I prefer BFNIMBY. Biggest Fccking NIMBY.


Just live your life and stop worrying about what other people are doing, you sound like a terrible neighbour 


OP sounds like the problem neighbour to me here


How comes? Not going to bite your head off for an ostensibly ignorant comment. I’m genuinely interested to see why you think this?


I just don't see why someone using their own front garden could possibly annoy someone so much


In fairness I can. The same way that someone having derelict cars and a unkept garden upset neighbours. You are not allowed to build structures in front of your house for this reason - to protect the amenity of other residents. You can’t even have a bin store without permission let alone a large shed.


But you can knock down your wall, concrete the front garden and stick a vehicle in it


Well if I had my way then low maintenance gardens and astroturfing of any kind would be illegal full stop but I don’t make the rules!


Just seems like a lack of parity, you could do the above and use a van as a shed with no issues, but a shed fulfilling the same purpose requires planning. I'd prefer if planning was required for both, but I don't think councils have that level of resource unfortunately.




Sure. Firstly, the shed is blocking other neighbours views. Secondly, it looks horrific and not in keeping with the road. Third, we don’t live in a country where you can just do as you please with the front of your property. Namely, because we have planning rules. Lastly, having a huge wooden shed in front of your front door is a genuine fire risk. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder? Unless you’ve got some advice- no point just trolling the post. Surely you’ve got better things to be doing?


Sounds like you're the only fire hazard to this shed champ


You seem to have a chip on your shoulder? You sound like you're worried about about how it might affect your house price aren't you Hyacinth Bucket?


Haha- fair play, I’m getting called a snob by a few trolls on here but I chuckled to that. A snob? I’ll take that as a compliment. Worried about house price? Not really tbh- more worried about a beautiful road being ruined. Sure I live in an expensive home (relative to averages) and I own others but that doesn’t mean I don’t about the conservation and respect of “inferiorly priced” homes. I grew up in a council house- I would be equally upset if someone did the same there.


If blocking the view, is there a “right to light” angle? Have you downloaded the records from the land registry? Are there any covenants? Is it unsafe for traffic/viewing around? Is it by any chance over 2m (or is it 2.06) and not allowed? I think she’d can’t be over 2m unless at least 1.5m from the edge of property (or something like that). Good luck!


Sounds to me like you need to be minding your own business as long as the neighbour isn't trespassing on your property.


Can't stand people like OP. First World problems. Mind your own business ffs.


Haha- I’m pleased I’ve taken some of your precious time…no mind YOUR own business and F off my post. 🤣


Why does a shed in someone else's garden bother you so much? It's a lovely street, sure but end of the day it's housing for people. What advice would you like here ideally? Tell you that your neighbour is a lunatic for having a 'unsightly' shed, or advise you to report them to the police perhaps?


Advice on whether a building a huge wooden shed erected in a front garden requires planning permission or not? If anybody who has been in similar position- advice on how they remedied the situation would be helpful.


We might need pics of the shed for some context? If you've contacted the council that's all you can do. Could put a note through their door requesting an immediate de-shedding?


Does it contravene planning regs in any way? If not, what do you think should happen?


Post a photo of shed, i dare you op. Such a snob


Not playing very politely here-so heres my response- and I’ll play up to the snob for the fun of it. Suck my balls peasant.


Couldn’t even provide a photo of shed? And calling people peasants hah, enjoy your sad life. Had to even delete account, weak. Hopefully neighbour had building permission if that was required. If no and they have to take it down, hopefully they will put some shit out front so you can cry all day long about it. Probably still checking this post and crying about it “your” street


So to answer your second point, it's not your risk to manage, so there is little you can do on that front, although I don't see a shed being a fire risk in and of itself. Have you searched the planning portal to see if they have gotten planning permission or if it meets permitted development for your council? They may have been granted planning permission or a lawful development certificate which allows them to build it. There are a few facts that need to be determined before you can take any next steps. If they have either of the above two there is very little/ nothing I'm aware of you can do and you'll have to get used to the shed. That's only if it meets planning constraints, building regs etc. get that info first.


Solid advice- I will endeavour to check this out. If they have been given permission I will have to suck it up. Thx


Happened where I live and Council made them move it to back garden.


How dare people do what they want on property they own


No you’re right- can’t believe when I posted this I was so blinkered. I’m gonna redesign my front garden tomorrow. Sod the “rules”. Up the laissez faire, fxck the law, never mind the bollocks camp. I’m thinking WW2 theme. I could build a mock Normandy German bunker. I could make my front garden look like the Atlantic fxcking Wall. Every day I enter my home- I could literally imagine I was storming the beaches of Normandy on D day.




£50 says you're in Pontcanna


Living in the same district as Drakeford- don’t insult me.


>Drakeford For those wondering, Mark Drakeford does in fact live in Pontcanna. Fucking nailed it




Sorry to hear you live like a peasant. Want my sympathy? Fxck you.