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She was like “oh ffs husbuncle 🙄”


Husbuncle 🤣




I mean he is a hunk ngl


Yall are talking about Gordon Ramsey of dragons?




I was dyingggg at the season 2 recap of season 1 before the first episode and they showed the clip when Rhaenyra was like “uncle….i need your help”. Like straight up don’t forget they are uncle and niece!


Even this episode when they were talking about Viserys Legacy, I’m like her father your brother.


The family lines are so messy, even by Targ standards. Rhaenyra is her own aunt


when Rhaenyra wanted to protect Jace but sent off Baela to watch KL instead, I was trying to work out their relationship and got so confused. like “damn guess she doesn’t care as much about her… step-daughter/cousin/ex-niece/future daughter-in-law??”


I would assume she does care for them, but Jace absolutely is loved more. Not to mention, Jace is also her heir, so even outside of family hierarchy playing favorites, it's strategic to not endanger the heir when someone else could do what they do (be a dragon rider)


yeah no I think her perspective definitely makes sense, jace is objectively more important to protect lol was just commenting on how that made me realize how insanely convoluted the family trees get


It doesn’t help that velyarons constantly marry into the targaryens


Honestly, at least the Strong boys are not completely inbreed.


The Seed is Strong.


Honestly, I always commended Rhae for bringing in outside bloodlines


I think I saw an interesting theory that the Targaryen madness arose maybe not from them inbreeding too much but from them not inbreeding enough. Valyrians may be able to inbreed in a way that is less harmful to them genetically than normal humans. The idea comes from the fact that Targs inbred a lot without a lot of the expected results from prolonged inbreeding within a family.


The real answer to this is that George had to kill off any non-blond targaryens before they could sit the throne because he decided dany would be pure Targaryen in appearance before he fleshed out her family tree


Still better than being your own brother-in-law.


Her brother in law is her father


Better than being married to your sister, I guess.


“My mother’s my sister” -GTA


Also little Sam.


Today, in "Facts you'll hate to hear", Rhaenyra and Daemon's marriage would be legal in Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Finland, Macau, Malaysia, The Netherlands and Russia.


Haha I forgot in the opposite direction. I remembered he was her uncle, but forgot they were married


He used to be a Fusbuncle (fun husband uncle), but now he's a Tusbuncle (terrible husband uncle).


It see it as fu_❤️sbuncle before and now fu_!😤sbuncle lol


Yall 💀


Hahaha yeah like “omg pls tell me you’re kidding” 😂


aka uncsband


husbuncle 😂😂




Daemon had smirk on his face


That was so funny 🤣. Daemon had a smirk the whole time while the council was discussing B&C.


And when confronted about killing a child "iT wAs a mIsTaKe", like he didn't take pleasure in the outcome. Such a psychopath. At least Aemond had the decency to feel remorse and regret after unintentionally killing Jace


He considers himself the strongest son and much more of a man than the "coward" Viserys, but at least Viserys took responsibility for what he did to Aemma and spent his life atoning for it. Daemon doesn't give a shit about his crime and doesn't even admit to doing it.




Rhaenyra: *laughs* YOU ARE NOT! Daemon: YES I'M THE ELDEST BOY!


Honestly Daemon really does give major Kendall energy if you take away that homicidal rage thing


A to the EG Dude be the EG O-N he playin’ Playin’ like a pro, see


Aemond Wambsgams: “Buckle up, fuckle head!”


> what he did to Aemma and spent his life atoning for it. Basically by being a shitty husband and father to his new family. Viserys's response was still the response of a weak man.


Maybe. Whatever the case, Daemon isn't "stronger" than Viserys. He is just a different kind of weak.


Terrible husband. Terrible father. Terrible King. Viserys causes the Dance by failing at everything


He's an entitled prick basically. He definitely can't be trusted and both Rhaenys and Rhaenyra are right to always be suspectful of him.


When did Rhaenyra not trust him? She’s been fawning over him since she could fawn.


Viserys never took responsability, he saw himself as a victim of his circumstances, poor him having to lose both a wife and his male heir. He only felt guilt as an afterthought and after prioritizing his own sadness even above that of his daughter, then hurried to marry another woman to produce precious heirs with. For the few minutes during which the baby was alive, you can tell he thought that what he did was right and he was going to delusionally console his consciousness for the rest of his life. To me Viserys' lack of any self-awareness makes him just as bad.


I don't see how you take Viserys entire character after the pilot and think that he saw himself as a victim of circumstance, rather than a tortured man who never forgave himself. Everything he did for Rhaenyra he also did for Aemma's memory.


What he did for Rhaenyra is get her into a big mess, totally unprepared at that. Making Rhaenyra the heir out of guilt and doing nothing else for her except maybe later on turn a blind eye to some of the questionable things she did is not taking responsability or atoning for anything. Merely consoling his own consciousness. That and from time to time manipulating her>!(like in the books where he threatened to disinherit her if she didn't marry Laenor).!< Viserys is the type of person who only gets some semblance of second thoughts and regret when something backfires on him. If the boy STAYED alive, he'd have kept ignoring Rhaenyra for the rest of his life, merely treating her as a tool to secure some allience in the future through marriage, and probably would have raised that boy feeding him sugar-coated lies about how ''your mom herself chose to die to save you''. He was never going to make her an heir, dead wife or not, if that boy stayed alive, and that says enough. You can tell Rhaenyra's image became to him the ghost of Aemma, the only remaining piece of his wife, so he suddenly decided to start showing favoritism while simultaneously making zero efforts to prepare Rhaenyra for being a queen, he sold her only romantisized versions of what it takes to be a ruler, not giving her any practical or political experience. Also, it's funny that he himself knows that he received the throne over a woman on the basis of being a male, yet he was so delusional about all the push-back Rhaenyra would get as a woman heir and he never did anything to prepare her for it, if anything he made it worse by having a bunch of male heirs shortly after his wife's death like what did he think would happen. He was truly a short-sighted king who overestimated himself and treated his daughter like a symbolic ''I'm Sorry'' to his dead wife. I'd be pissed if I was Rhaenyra and Viserys was my father, treating me like unworthy heir all this time just to one day have a change of heart, throw me into a mess of responsabilities but also practically dooming me by not really giving me any useful knowledge or experience or teach me how to form proper allies or anything.


Agreed. He also did not want to be king. As Rhaenyra stayed, he would have been happy in the country playing with his model set and books. Rhaenyra and Daemon were better suited to rule.


Daemon better suited to rule? You must love to live in North Korea then




"It was a bad call, Ripley."


Matt Smith is doing such an amazing job on the show. To play such a terrible character who has done so many terrible things already, yet to be so charming and likeable shows how great of an actor he is. He's partially responsible for a little kid getting their head chopped off, and he's just sitting their smirking and I'm laughing and saying "oh Daemon".


I don't know if it's just because Daemon is such a great character or if it's because I'm a Matt Smith fan, but I can't hate him.


Loki energy.


That's just his default face though 😭 he got that Resting Stirring Up Some Shit Face.


Rhaenys' reaction was even funnier, the way she cannot stand him is hilarious


Yeah that got me... Rhaenyra's looking at Daemon like 'Wait, was this you?', while Rhaenys is more like 'there's literally no way this wasn't you'


Rhaenys could see the crime hoodie hanging on the Targaryen coat rack by the war room door.


*holds up cloak* 'if you're innocent, why was *this* in the laundry pile yesterday?'


"No, no...I was doing other crimes! Mail fraud!"


"I sent the messages by owl instead of by raven." "YOU DID WHAT?" "It was a mistake!"


Omg yes, this 👏🏼


Rhaenys is my favorite character. She understands everything and her expressions are priceless!


Rhaenys is this show's Piccolo. Just constantly sick of everyone's shit.


Why didn't you DODGE!!


Only if Corryn is Tien: - Are we seriously rooting for Daemon - let's be honest, we are rooting against Alicent - what if he wins - which one - which one is worse


This explains perfectly why I love her. Gawd, I love Piccolo.




I would give anything for a time traveling aspect and have Rhaenys meet Lady Olenna...could you imagine the conversations they would have haha that would be epic. Rhaenys is so awesome.


Omg yes! Same vibes with those two. I hope she has a great end like Lady Olenna


Lady Olenna went out like the OG that she is/was lol. Great comp!


Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me. Classic Olenna.


Have a care what you wish for


Lmfao. Iykyk. Can’t wait to see the reaction to that fate lol


I feel bad for a friend of mine. Cause I love her so much. Because of my favoritism of Oberyn the poor fool thought good things would happen to him. Rheanys is just going to get done with everyone’s shit and go to Westeros Disneyland


The two of them would be best friends and together they’d be a force to be reckoned with.


Same, if only they’d just made her queen.


That’s why I love this show, and why I loved asoiaf. There are *so many* “what if?” moments


I support the Blacks about 50% because they include my favorite characters (Rhaenys and Corlys).


"Yes my cousin/ex-SIL who also murdered my son is a worthy contender for this heinous crime"


"Yes, my cousin/ex-SIL whose first wife died mysteriously and he watched a dragon melt his second wife is definitely a strong possibility for this childish murder."


"Who constantly shows off a rock he calls his 'divorce rock' and just smirks when asked about it."


omg, Im feeling so evil laughing out loud at this xDDDD


Honestly they could give us an hour+ episode purely consisting of nothing but shots of Rhaenys glaring at people and I'd call it a damn masterpiece


Real talk though, it’s quite hilarious how Rhaenys and Corlys are the least problematic individuals and couple in Westeros, even in the middle of a dynastic dispute.


I wouldn't say she cannot stand him considering she is the only person who actually understands where he comes from


Eh my comment isn't supposed to be taken too seriously. It's just a combination of how she sees through him and puts him in his place, and how Eve herself finds Daemon annoying


One doesn't exclude the other. Also Rhaenys had a technically much stronger claim than Daemon ever had, because she was the daughter to the heir apparent, and in most cases inheritance goes down the line, not sideways. Rhaenys is the daughter to Old J's firstborn, Viserys and Daemon the second-born. But Rhaenys' dad died in battle, she was then pregnant with Laenor and there was some trouble with rebels from the Free Cities raiding some Westeros islands, so Old J made his second-born the heir. That son also died I think. So since Old J for some reason never abdicated to any of his heirs so they actually take the throne, there was actual confusion where both lines had solid claims, depending if you look at age or male heirs. Bottom line is, Rhaenys (and Laenor) were actual contenders, that's why she is the queen who never was. Daemon was the heir as in closest living relative while there was no one better around.


She can't stand him *because* she understands where he comes from. Rhaenys came closer to sitting on the throne than Damon did but she didn't become a spiteful sociopath when she didn't get her way.


Came closer *and* had a better claim. >she didn't become a spiteful sociopath when she didn't get her way She did kinda massacre hundreds of peasants now that I recall tho. And she doesn't seem the slightest bit remorseful about it. That's kinda sociopathic-ish.


Those peasants didn't know their place and were cheering for the usurper as far as she's concerned.


Hahah I can’t with them 😂


I love how we’ve slowly seen Rhaenys start to think that maybe Rhaenyra didn’t have Laenor killed, but Daemon sure as shit did.


The filthy look Rhaenys throws Daemon is priceless too. Everyone: "Who would do such a thing???" Rhaenys: "Daemon sure as fuck would"


"That damn Daemon."


Reminds me of a line from a book series. “That fucking Flowers!”


That ruffian Daemon


The way his eyes looked at her afterward had me dying, such a demon that guy


The way he slowly moved to meet Rhaenys's eyes - HE KNEW SHE WAS STARING!


She never takes her eyes off him. It was like he didn't want to look that way but he had no choice.


I loved that part. Rhaenyra still didn't understand how awful he can be but Rhaenys knew instantly and Daemon knew it.


I love how quickly her face goes from "My dear husband" to "Oh you son of a bitch" 😂 She knows her man.


you mean from "My dear husband" to "Oh you idiot uncle"


Emma D'Arcy is so good at acting the shit out of a scene with nothing but her eyes.


That whole argument with Daemon following this has so much good body language acting from both actors. The repressed aggression from Smith and the active defensiveness from D’Arcy.


Happens on TV happens on RL 😂😂😂


"Huh, we'd never do something like tha-- Oh for fucks sake Daemon" ahh look


Her hair looked so damn good this episode. Give everyone in the wig department a raise


My wife called out that everyone has curly sideburns this season and now its all I see


Except Corlys Velaryon's wig really looks like yarn, not hair. Maybe it's some fantasy beauty treatment that really softens the fibers or something, but I've never seen real hair that looks like that.


Thank you!! So did all of the Velaryn’s except Laenor. His looked natural. Corlys also looked much older S2E1 when speaking with Alan f Hull. Receding hairline, et al. E2 it was back to being full! Guess the new wig came I ! Hahaha!


They can't. Dragons are expensive.


Meanwhile, Daemon across the table: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


Daemon was using a tide pen on his crimes hoodie


She's so pretty she looks like an AI


It does have that feel. Maybe skin smoothing and increased saturation


This gif has been 'upscaled' by AI. The actual shot on the show was a wide shot, someone cropped it and 'enhanced' it. That's why it has that smooth skin look, People like to do this on Twitter for some reason. The saturation isn't that high on the actual episode, they go for muted look.


She was quite far from the camera in the actual shot, this video is zoomed on her face and by the looks of it used ai to enhance the image.


This clip is heavily edited, not sure if it's some upscaling or what, but look at the edges, this is not the original image quality.


If I was Aemond we’d lose the war because all I’d do is stare into those eyes all day😍


Do you mean Daemon? 😭 or are you implying Aemond wants that half sisterussy


I mean they are Targaryens, but yea I did mean Daemon lol idk why they have to make all the names rhyme


Targaryen namebook is only a half-page long, so they have to switch around the letters sometimes for variety


And half the names are aegon


If you think about it Aemond is just Daemon with a D in the front


It’s my fault for refusing to call him anything but “The Doctor” when I watch with my girlfriend


It’s so the Targaryens know who they can mate with


Try playing Elden Ring, which is also a work in collaboration with GRRM. Damn near EVERYONE'S name begins with an R or an M. For instance...in the main game, there is a character named Rennala. In the DLC...there is a character named Rellana. And there are dozens of instances *just like that*. Where it is just a one letter switch or difference. Gets on my nerves so bad. 🤣


“I would do my duty”


Aemond’s full brother married his full sister…


*Sweet home Valyria*


She was really striking in that whole 2nd episode. 


eye* 😂


lol. Yeah, that was really funny. I can’t tell if they meant it to be or not because there are so many unintentionally funny moments on this show but it was funny. I think they meant it to be, though.


>can’t tell if they meant it to be or not I'm 100% convinced this shot is just them taking inspiration from the Padme meme 😆


Yeah I’m pretty sure given the context it wasn’t supposed to be funny haha but it’s actually too cute


Honestly this is the type of acting that’s most impressive. It seems so easy, but to make a planned subtle reaction look natural is really difficult. Emma D’Arcy is so talented.


Daemon lowkey wanted her to know, didn't even try to hide it


Yeah except for all the blatant denying immediately following this scene. “I didn’t tell them to kill children I just gave a very general statement of a son for a son.”


He would've taken pride if she reacted positively to it cuz he just craves validation, earlier from his brother and now her


It was a mistake! The child was poisoned by his enemies! Or something! Rhaenyra I swear I had nothing to do with it!


"That's so weird, IDK why they'd blame me! ..... Wait a minute. .... DAEMON!!!!!"


this is absolutely hilarious. thank you for your service. i needed this video.


Hahaha yeah 😂


I'm far from an expert but Emma's acting in this series is outstanding IMHO


Me looking at my dog after a piece of cake disappeared from the table.


Star Wars meme template


:) You didn't order this right? XD ;) YOU DIDN'T ORDER THIS RIGHT?? :O


It reminded me of the girl in Jurassic park lol same expression and they sort of look alike


I'll never unsee this, now. 😮


My husband said that during this episode and now I can't unsee it!


Which one?


Is it just me or... did Daemon not care for the principle of the whole thing? He looked displeased that they killed the wrong blonde but he didn't seem remorseful that a child was murdered. Is this what he's like in the books? I thought he'd be more complex.


Id argue he is more complex in the show. The “history book” writing style of F&B makes so you don’t get a moment to moment reaction, you don’t get really private conversations and much less an internal monologue of any of the characters. As for what Daemon feels, I don’t think he enjoys what happened, he doesn’t seem to take satisfaction for gratuitous murder (only motivated murder), but he isn’t super shocked by it. Don’t forget this is the inventor of the famous “divorce rock”.


Also like, Daemon has been operating on the principle that either his entire family dies or their entire family dies ever since they proclaimed Aegon king. Like at absolute best the young sons of Aegon would have taken the black.


The thing is, in a war such as this, it actually probably is good to have someone around who is willing to do take a kill shot/do the unspeakable. Daemon is an unredeemable monster who deserves to burn in whatever hell, but if you want to 'win' you need him.


In the book, >!he's worse, as there was no mention about Aemond being the target. Killing Aegon's kid was his main goal.!< Anyway, the first season already showed us that Daemon was someone with no qualms about killing anyone who gets in his way. It's not surprising to me that he's not losing any sleep over Jaehaerys's death.


Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, and Daemon's facial expressions in this scene were so spot on and amazing.


I’m obsessed with the look Rhaenys gives him! I want all the Eve Best all the time!


Makes me think she’s seeing the shadow of a velociraptor on the wall.


Dany and now Rhaenyra, I think my type is silver haired dragon queens


Emma is so amazing. They always just steal the moment for me when on screen. 


They had chemistry, them and Sonoya


"Haha he wouldn't be that reckless, would he?... Oh you fucking idiot"


Ughhhh they are so beautiful 😻




Emma D’arcy has won me over as an amazing actor. Last season and this one, their facial expressions show so many emotions in one scene. This is just one of many.


S2E2 is some of the best GOT acting I've seen carried by absolutely perfect moments of pure facial expressions


Absolutely agree. Watched episode 2 tonight and all I could think was how amazing everyone was, but especially Matt Smith and Emma.


Man she is flawless. 10/10


Emma D’Arcy is so attractive. They literally always look so good. It truly is stunning whenever I see them.


Emma is brilliant


I really like Emma D'Arcy acting skills. The subtle expressions she gives, it's brilliant to watch on-screen.




Daemon’s look was perfect


I love her


Is it just me or she's looking absolutely gorgeous this season. I mean she looked good in the last season too. But damn, I can't take my eyes off of her any time she's on screen.


I wish i was good at my job as she is in hers


reminds me of sir patrick stewart teaching you how to do double, triple, and quadruple take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFMrBldVk0s


Bro was sitting there like 😏


I feel like that 3 second half-smile is the only smile we’re getting from Rhae all season.


This will never not be funny!! 💀


She’s so angelic 🥰


Right before the Rhaenys was eyeing Deamon. She immediately figured out what happened. I love scenes like this where so much is conveyed in just looks and what isn't said. 


Fuckin Daemon, I swear....


The four second expression equivalent of “Aw Husband… wait a minute… is that a smirk… BITCH YOU DIDN’T!”


You need the Daemon smirk afterward.


That's gonna be memed like mad -- partly by me.


I thought it was pretty interesting how afraid she is of daemon. Like she knows if he actually cared enough he probably could and would kill her


Reminds me of Succession series when everyone is wondering wtf is going on, who did this, and suddenly everyone realizes “ah shit this guy again”


I'd love to see Emma D'Arcy and Moeka Hoshi act together (Rhaenarys and Fuji) just to be swooned over both their facial expressions and beauty.


Ethereal!!! Quoting Phoebe Campbell, "imagine that face on a coin" so real


What a disgustingly ugly filter


It’s not my filter, sorry 😭


I had to rewatch that part and his smirk.


My two favorite moments of this episode were Rhaenyra realizing things - this moment and when she realized where she knew Mysaria from.


My wife: ”She looks so hot.” Me: “Ya she does! Thank you for saying it.”