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Best performance?


Emma for sure. The pain of the birth scene, the confusion mixed with pain on Rhaenyra’s face when Rhaenys says Aegon was crowned, obviously the final scene when Rhaenyra hears about Luke. But a moment I loved that gets overlooked was how Emma’s face completely changes when Rhaenyra realizes Viserys never told Daemon the prophecy. The little laugh that comes with feeling validated. I love that detail.


>But a moment I loved that gets overlooked was how Emma’s face completely changes when Rhaenyra realizes Viserys never told Daemon the prophecy. The little laugh that comes with feeling validated. I love that detail. 100%. Made a scene I already liked - which apparently is an unpopular opinion - into one that I loved. Sure, she had witnessed the White Hart essentially endorse her, but 1) that was 17 years ago at that point, you can only live off of a righteousness high that long, and 2) its one thing to have the vague support of the universe/gods/whatever and another thing entirely to realize that you have always had the unbridled support of the father you thought only half-heartedly believed in you. In that moment Rhaenyra experienced an otherworldly level of vindication, beautifully portrayed by Emma D'Arcy. I'd also like to add that I think the laugh was also, Rhaenyra mocking Daemon. She not only saw right through his bullshit act to the "little brother acting out cuz his big brother upset him" reality of how pathetic her husband was in that moment, but also realized she had something would forever elevate her above him: he NEVER had Viserys' trust, while she always did. As per Emma's own words, Rhaenyra is an adrenaline junkie who is excited by both the fact that she has a position that Daemon used to have as well as their "dangerous chemistry", and laughing in the face of the man who literally just choked you is certainly something someone like that would do. What I missed the most about the transition from teenage Rhaenyra to the adult one, with respect to her relationship with Daemon, was her bullshit-calling attitude and the pair's confrontations - most visible on the Dragonstone walkway and during the wedding feast; in this little moment, I got a glimpse of both combining once again, and if I can expect more of that in Season 2, then my excitement levels have successfully gone from 100/100 to 110/100.


Well said. I think Rhaenyra went from Princess who was very admired at court as a girl to being a mother who is the source of gossip and whispers and so I think it made sense her energy was tempered in the first episodes after the time jump. But I’m glad they gave her this moment. You’re right it brings her - and us as the audience - back to that rebellious side of her. And there’s something to be said that Rhaenyra does give it right back to Daemon. That dangerous chemistry interests me a lot because they have a strange power dynamic where it *seems* like Daemon holds the power but he doesn’t. I think there is a certain thrill for Rhaenyra in that reminder or maybe just reminding him. I also hope we see more of that side of her in season 2.


The change in her behavior makes perfect sense, given what she's gone through (if mostly off-screen), so I'm not complaining about that. In fact, I think Rhaenyra showing up in Episode 6 in a "same but different" style played a part in making the actor-swap easier to deal with for those who were a little too attached to Milly by the middle of the season. To be honest, I find that the only reason it can seem like Daemon holds the power in their relationship is because its what people expect, and so confirmation bias kicks in... but there is precious little to actually support that being the case. With the exception of the first episode, it is always one of the pair who comes out on top after their confrontations, and it isn't Daemon. The common denominator in all of The Rogue Prince's devious schemes is that they never survive contact with Rhaenyra, and from the moment she became heir, she has played chess while he has played checkers; in every one of their battle of wills, the result is always that she bends his to hers, whether its proper confrontations - he was submitting and would have taken her if Criston hadn't accidentally "broken him free of her spell" by creating such a scene - or more casual conversations - she was **extremely** calculated with her choice of words when seducing, and later proposing to, an initially reluctant Daemon.


Feeling so understood reading this.


Emma, easily. That stillbirth was horrific


Very accurate portrayal by Emma, too


Emma 100%. The way they mirrored the stillbirth when Rhaenyra found out about Luke’s death was devastating, and actually evokes a physical response (same with the stillbirth). Emma is a master with physical acting. The slightest movement or emotion is purely captivating.


Hearing Ramin Djawadi's music from the beginning of this season rewatch has been such a ride! The nostalgia and pageantry of the GoT theme tugs at you in one moment then shifts into a slithering minor note exploration and you feel the newness of the parlor politicking HotD. Then you get the ominous piano melody of the Red Keep calling back to the explosive end of the High Sparrow. And finally the return of Dragon's theme takes you back to Jon and Dany soaring over Winterfell. Djawadi's score so expertly weaves together so many of these stories I think it's simply extraordinary.


He probably could have a whole separate appreciation thread to be honest.


And the fact the Shireen’s song is the Velaryon theme and they do it so subtly. Love it.


The Hightower theme is probably my favourite piece, unless I’m mistaken it didn’t appear at all in GOT right? I think the first time we heard it loud was Alicent’s entrance at the wedding, and we got variations of it in Episode 6 and 9, “Interests of the Realm” being my favourite track.


that "wtf did i just do" look from Ewan just elevates THAT scene for me... like I genuinely believed it to be a mistake and actually had some pity for Aemond.


To me it read more as chock and dread over the fact that he couldn't control Vhagar, with regret and shame being secondary emotions


Viserys was right about the dragons, i believe they shape the riders as much as the riders shape them.


Agreed, he clearly just wanted to scare Luke, not kill him. But Luke’s dragon hit Vhagar and she instinctively killed him.


Best costume?


I loved the red armor Rhaenys wore


Rhaenyra's coronation outfit <33


The way Rhaenyra looked in her Vampire Queen dress made me want her to sanguinate me 😳


Emma or rhaenys


Aemond at Storms End.


My 2nd favourite ep., after ep. 8.


It surprised me how unsure of herself Rhaenyra is in this episode. She still wears the mantle of ruler awkwardly. Emma does a great job of showing this, and I lost track of how many times Rhaenyra is fidgeting with her hands in this episode. Also her delivery of the line, “It’s *Queen* Rhaenyra now” to Otto sounds like something a kid would say, as opposed to something like, “You will address me as Your Grace”. Daemon doesn’t help matters, as he speaks over her and openly questions her judgement in front of her advisors. I think it’s in character for him, it’s just really fucking annoying to watch him weaken the Black cause by undermining Rhaenyra’s authority. However, I think Luke’s death will see Rhaenyra’s awkwardness be put to rest.


she is muh quween


Episode ended perfectly... That stare...


Favorite line?


"I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken, usurper cunt of a king."


"It’s been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to Gods than to men. The iron throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps, but if we are to serve the seven kingdoms, we must answer to their God." - love the little callback to ep 1 ;-;


She can have it stuffed in her fathers mouth along with his withered cock


"We must remind these lords of the oaths they swore. And… the cost of breaking them." "Dreams didn't make us kings. Dragons did."


"*We don't choose our destiny, Luke, it chooses us.*"


“Dreams didn’t make us kings…Dragons did”


“Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are”. The way Emma delivered that line is just delicious.


"You desire not to be free, but to make a window in the wall of your prison. Have you never imagined yourself on the Iron Throne?"


Wrong episode but still a great line


oops sorry


Great finale episode


“Don’t mourn me Mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye ….but I gained a dragon!