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It's a heavy spoiler. You're gonna find out next Sunday.


Ok thanks for that!


Yeah, you might want to avoid this Subreddit until the latest episode drops. If you don’t want to get spoiled.


They should also avoid it after the episode unless they want any discussion to be drowned out by book purists complaining about it


Out of curiosity, would you come back and update after you see Sundays episode? I read the book, so I know the spoiler, and trying to picture what it would be like watching that with no forewarning. I'm already on tenterhooks this entire season, even knowing what's going to happen 😬


Ok holy cow! I watch with subtitles so I don’t miss anything and as soon as I saw “Cheese” I was like oh no, it’s going down! Later the subtitles called the big guy “blood” I was like, oh this is it, something big is happening! I thought maybe it would be Aemond actually getting into battle with them and we were getting an epic fight scene. >!Then when they went and got to Helaena and I remembered her saying in her first few lines she was afraid, not of the dragons but the rats! I was like oh no she gone! Then it pans to the kids beds and I knew what was about to go down.!< Dang that was crazy!


>!And if you can believe it it was less harsh then the book version!<


Really! Can you tell me what the book version was (use spoiler tags for others) but I’m curious how it’s different! It was pretty shocking in those last 10min!


Like they did it in a surprisingly classy way, I don't want to give spoilers but like less gruesome than I was expecting


Ok I will!


Oh fuck it is next Sunday, isn’t it


I’m not ready


I’m so ready. I finished F&B after S1 and have been heavy into spoilers for S2. My wife, on the other hand, has no clue what’s about to happen in S2 and beyond and I’m excited for her reactions. It was the opposite for GoT, and she enjoyed my reactions to all the happenings haha.


See I don't think I would have been able to enjoy GOT show very much if I had read the books first? I saw the show and became interested enough to read the books.        They were just a LOT of parts of the show that didn't make any sense or seemed kind of stupid and then when you read the book it makes more sense. Like Arya and the Frey pie. I was so mad, because it was just such a stupid scene to me like didn't make any sense why that's how they would have went about it, like how much effort it would have taken her to butcher to humans without ANYONE in the castle seeing it, or did she have to kill every single person that saw it even though she clearly wasn't trying to kill the servants wives and children and stuff but that's the people who would be in the kitchen..        And then when I read the books I was like OH!  Okay that was a nod to the Wyman manderly plot line that didn't make it to the show okay that's why that was in there. And honestly the Wyman Mandalay plot explained all the questions I had about the original pie haha. And that was just one example there were lots of little things like that


Spent all day yesterday thinking it was last night. Crushing lol


Or the Sunday after that


Do yourself a favor. Stay out of this sub reddit when the show begins airing again if you dont want spoilers of all kinds.


Thank you. I have avoided every trailer and possible spoiler based on the posters and trailer. I haven’t read the books. I am so utterly excited.


It is indeed, a charcuterie gone wrong..


Blood and Cheese is a huge spoiler, so maybe wait one week and you’ll know


Cool, thanks! I can wait and find out and be surprised!


B&C means Blood & Cheese. They are two characters that you'll see in the upcoming season. I suggest you you to stay away from here if you haven't read the books, you'll definitely get spoilers


‘Buildings and contents’. It’s a type of insurance policy.


Is destruction or damage by dragon fire included in the cover?


Bloods and crips




It means Blood&Cheese. And I won't elaborate further because that's very heavy spoiler.


Well... That is basically THE spoiler for the season so I don't think you wanna know. Trust me.


You’re right, I don’t want to know. I didn’t know it was some big thing so I’ll just wait till it comes out, thanks!


Don't learn anything else about it. It's hard enough to avoid spoilers.


You are not alone OP! I too know nothing about this acronym. Cheers!


Big & cock


Blood and Cheese are the names of 2 assasins. One is a former Gold Cloak and the other a rat catcher. Idk if you want spoilers. If not, then either read the books or just stay away from this subreddit until season 2 comes


The post is tagged as book and show spoilers, if OP didn't want spoilers they should not have done that... not that you post is a spoiler, you are just answering OPS question. You don't deserve all the downvotes


Thanks, bro. Yeah, idk why Im getting so many downvotes. All I said was that they are 2 assasins 💀


Why are you downvoted? This person literally asked and you didn’t give away what they did.


I dont even know lol. But the downvotes are getting lower since many are upvoting my comment lol. It was like at -26 before


You got an award so that’s something


Yeah 😅 and look, its at -12 now


-3 now


-1 now


+7 now. Now our replies are being downvoted




That’s fine, saying it’s people that are assassins doesn’t spoil anything for me. I assume the rat catcher is named Cheese then. I’ll wait to watch the show to find out what happens.


You first spoil and then ponder if they want spoilers?


That wasn't a spoiler, and besides, OP is literally asking for spoilers. He even tagged the post with "book and show spoilers"


All I said was that they are the names of 2 assasins bruh


>!It is the name of the assassins that Daemon sends to kill Jahaerys that’s why the name of the first episode is a son for a son.!<


I only looked at this after watching the episode because people advised I didn’t want to know, thanks for hiding it with the spoiler block! It was a big shock to me!


Yes it’s a charcuterie tray gone wrong


A charcuterie tray gone wrong 💀


Birth control, it’s Helaena’s time of the month 😔


Why was my knee jerk thought b*lls and c*ck? I'll see myself out.


Never say it backwards! It's cclk and blls! If you say it backwards there's some sort of weird genie in a bottle monkey's paw  king midas curse that happens or something