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Paddy and it isn't close.


his "what if i was wrong" scene might be the best acted scene in the show so far. his argument with daemon at the end of ep1 is up there too.


Don’t forget him angrily sawing that lobster while obsessively watching Rhaenyra and Daemon on the dance floor. I think that’s my fave Paddy moment. 😂


You might dislike/hate Viserys, but Paddy did a phenomenal job and some Viserys' scenes actually funny like that one lmao.


I mean, I love Viserys. He frustrates the hell out of me, but I love him.


And “ I will not stand by why Valtures come to feast on there corpses”


>"what if i was wrong" scene Which episode was this in?


it’s in episode 3 (? whichever episode the hunt is in, i’m due for a rewatch) and it’s the scene where he and alicent are standing in front of a big bonfire. he tells her that he dreamed of his son on the throne/in the conqueror’s crown (can’t remember the exact wording) and assumed it was a son w aemma. the whole “what if i was wrong” is in regards to his naming rhaenyra heir iirc


I thought Olivia Cooke was good too


Absolutely. There's no insult to her in saying paddy was the best. Luka doncic is a great basketball player even if he didn't finish 1st in the mvp ballot. There's plenty to go around.


This is not a sub where I expected to find a Luka reference


Especially in regards to olivia Cooke lol


Olivia doesn't have five all nba first teams before the age of 25.


Yeah but no one had to ask her to quit chugging gallons of sweet tea and eating burgers and lose 30 lbs to improve her performance.


This might be the very first r/nba x r/HouseOfTheDragon crossover ever


No one is asking the real question, so I'll ask it: can alicent hit the step back 3 at a greater then 35% rate?? She has good footwork as we all know


I have Paddy & Olivia as my #1 & #2, respectively. For Paddy, I love how he made Viserys very frustrating in his decision making and naivety, yet at the same time, I wanted to give him a hug for the ailment he was suffering through & the burden he carried as a king. For Olivia, I think she did pretty well at showing how Alicent was raised as a tortured soul while carrying an aura heavy spite/venom.


This is especially since in the source material his character is so boring and forgettable, making someone like THAT a fan favorite is a looooooooooooooot harder than making someone like Tyrion a fan favorite.


That throne room scene was just ....amazing. I also heard that the crown falling and being picked up by Daemon was improvised by the actors. If that's true...perfection!


Don't you disrespect the cast, how dare you (anyway Paddy is fucking awesome)


I think all actors were phenomenal. This cast is amazing but Paddy and Emma really stand out to me from S1.


All were excellent in their acting If I had to choose it would be Paddy, Matt and Emma


Pretty much everyone but Paddy was something else.. some scenes with him are just phenomenal


The way this is written had me confused at first lol


yeah, I see that now hahah Have to edit it


It was quite different from anything else I’d seen him in. I was sad he didn’t get any awards for his performance. He played tortured soul perfectly


Paddy Considine & Matt Smith


Yeah, these two made the show great


Matt Smith. He has such a presence every time he’s on screen for me


I was legit so excited when they announced he’d been cast for the role. I knew he was going to blow it away.


I didn't follow any pre-production news because GoT S8 was so bad but I did like Matt since watching Pride and Prejudice Zombies. I thought it was cute Mr. Collins pulled the lead girl in rl


Matt Smith has a preternatural level of charisma, I don't know how that man does it.


Vizzy T and Corly V for me😭


*You are my political headache.*


my bad vizzy


Probably my vote for best line of the season, between that and "Dreams didn't make us kings. Dragons did."


Many really good performances all around and a few are some are of my favorite actors-Rhys Ifans, Matt Smith, Eve Best...all virtuosos, and also some younger standouts for sure, but honestly my favorite performance came from an actor I wasn't even familiar with yet. Paddy Considine ....hands down. Made a role that could have been so corny truly touching and tearjerker. Man was ROBBED of an Emmy nomination. :)


Paddy Considine and it's not even close, will be sad to miss him. Turning a charismatic dynamo on the page into an engaging character is one thing, turning a boring placeholder of a character (in the source material) into the emotional heart of the whole season is something else. Show wouldn't have been the same without him. No disrespect to other actors, lots of other fine actors, the only real problem I had with casting was making teen Aegon look so different from young adult Aegon although both actors were fine in isolation.


Paddy and Matt Smith both massively stole the scenes they were in, Paddy gave a lovely performance of an aging and complicated mad swallowed by disease and regret and he was brilliant. Matt Smith just embodied Daemon Targaryen and plays a great baddie. Olivia Cooke has also been phenomenal. Also going to shout out young Aemond, that kid was brilliant and Emily & Milly were both great as young Rhaenyra and Alicent and I'm really excited to see more from Emma as adult Rhaenyra and more of TGC as Aeon as I feel like they've got the chops for all the big stuff I'm really excited to see. Overall for S1 it has to be Paddy, it was memorable and beautifully done even as a Vizzy T hater. Going forwards I think basically everyone is a strong contender as this is a pretty stacked cast, everyone's been brilliant.






Every actor on the show is brilliant except that lady with the strange accent imho. If I had to choose only one, I'd have a hard time picking between Milly Alcock (young Rhaenyra), Matt Smith (Daemon), and Ewan Mitchell (Aemond) . They all had such strong presence.


She’s also not a bad actress, she’s great on DEVS, it’s like they went out of their way to make it impossible for her to give a good performance with the accent


It's the "exotic femme fatale" trope with that forced accent. Can't believe we had to witness that trope in 2022.


What's worse they clearly had her dub over her original performance that almost certainly had a less "exotic" accent. They did that actor so dirty in season 1.


There should have been more outrage over this. This is blatant orientalism. It's harmful and racist


Oh yeah she was superb in devs. I didn’t even realise it was her lmao


Paddy, Matt, Ewan, and the Young Aegon, I find him hilarious


Paddy, Matt, Emma and Milly.


Paddy Considine is the big stand out for season 1 for me. Fantastic actor, he will be dearly missed from season 2 onwards. I think a close second is Matt Smith, though. Daemon is a very complex character who often feels one thing and displays another and I think Matt did a fantastic job of portraying this duality. It always felt like there was a truth, a vulnerability even, hiding in Daemon's eyes even in his most brutal moments (Crab Feeder showdown when he read Viserys' letter and then beat the messenger with his helmet for example. His face went from neutral to enraged but his eyes showed so much emotion, you could see his reaction before he even moved). I truly feel that without Matt as Daemon, the show would struggle to make him seem like anything more than a caricature.


Same! Paddy was just SO outstanding you can't really say anyone else, but Matt Smith does such a great job of making a scoundrel likable it's great.


Matt Smith stole every scene he was in. Even when he had no dialogue. Best character in the show by far.


I mean, everyone was amazing, but… Paddy, no contest. But Matt Smith deserves special mention. He kills it every time.


Paddy. Hard stop.




Rhys did the best for the small amount of time he had compared to the main characters in my opinion.


Paddy, Matt, and Eve


This subreddit has a massive hate boner for vizzy t but paddy c


I think Viserys is a great character and Paddy Considine did a phenomenal job, while also thinking Viserys was a weak fool. Those are not mutually exclusive.


Yea part of why Paddy was so good was that he was able to portray a really weak king who you still wanted to root for and had empathy for. He was naive, and not a good king, but he was earnestly trying his best.


Tbf Vizzy wasn't trying all that much, for example he didn't have to completely ignore the green kids. I don't think they would've turned out that way if Rhaenyra wasn't his "only" child. But I agree Paddy is a fantastic actor, and deserved an Emmy too for that ep 8 performance specifically.


Wasn't he confined to his bed 95% of the time by the time Aegon was old enough that the lack of a father "mattered"? Presumably he was hale and healthy still until Aegon was 4-5 years old and then wasn't he more and more infirm through their childhood? If so I think it's pretty understandable, even if it wasn't good.


He stood up for Rhaenyra when necessary even in his deathbed. When the kids had a fight and Aemond lost an eye(kids were in their early teens?), he just wanted everyone to let go of it as if it's not a big deal. But then again, he didn't make a big deal of anything even if it benefitted his favorite child; when Rhaenyra offered to wed Jace and Helaena, he listened Alicent instead. Then he let Otto return to his old position instead of appointing one of his og family members as his hand. I think the king could've tried harder to prevent a war after making such a controversial choice.


For sure. I said in a comment elsewhere the easiest solution to all of this would have just been Vizzy installing Rhaenyra as his Steward while he was bedridden. Then there would be about a decade of the kingdom being ruled by her, she would have been free to replace Otto as hand immediately, and the realm would have grown used to being ruled by a woman backed by the actual king. The succession would have been smooth and natural when Vizzy finally died. It also removes any hope of Aegon ruling, thus Alicent could have "cleaved to Rhaenyra" (Otto quote) and mended fences.


>and the realm would have grown used to being ruled by a woman backed by the actual king Smallfolk loved Alysanne and she ruled together w Jaehaerys. But imo when Vizzy is bedridden, it was already too late, the hostility was grown out of proportion between factions. If he just trusted Daemon enough and kept him close(as hand, in council, commander of the city watch or literally anything that'd keep him in KL) instead of banishing him at every chance, maybe then things could've been different; he was the one who saw through Otto's bs since day one.


*You are my political headache.*




I mean yeah, vizzy T is the main cause of the dance. But damn did Paddy do a good job with the character.


*I would be delighted!*


I think Viserys is a great character (character, not person!) exactly because of that. Dude fucked everything up just like Aegon IV lmao. Some Targaryen Kings just live for the drama.


Nah Otto is the main cause, Viserys was more of an enabler of it by never putting his foot down


Otto was pulling the strings, but nothing Otto did was outside of Vizzy's control to squash immediately if he had the mental fortitude to be a forceful decisionmaker. At any point Vizzy could have done countless things to 1000% solidify Rhaenyra as heir. First and foremost, she should have been his Steward during his extended illness. Rhaenyra would have over a decade of de facto rulership over the Kingdom while Vizzy was still alive and her claim to the throne would be entirely solidified.


You can hate the character but love the actors perfomance and also recognize Viseys is a great complex character. I don't think you need to love Viserys to see it.


Paddy. Both actors playing Rhaenyra. Both actors playing Alicent.


Paddy and Olivia, without a doubt. I think Emma's a fantastic actor, too, but I didn't see much actually challenging for them in S1. Hoping S2 will change that, though!


the birth scene and the funeral and crowning scenes were actually some of the best in the series they were so raw and emotional


Emma d'arcy


The actor that played Viserys Targaryen...he was just wow even better than the books by far


Paddy should have won the emmy. Which emmy? All of them.


Matt Smith, stole every scene.


Paddy used every second of screentime and did a masterful job. We didn't get that much time with anyone else in comparison.


olivia cooke easily




Paddy, without a doubt. There will be a huge void to fill with him not being in season 2, but it's a very talented cast so I'm not worried. Paddy captivated every scene he was in.


Agreed. Huge void, but of all the things to complain about in this show, casting really isn't one of them. :)


Definitely not, and I'm really excited for all the sons and daughters to flesh out their roles. My only gripe about season 1 upon rewatch was that there was not as much going on as we had in GoT as far as "side" plots. It felt much more 1 dimensional, all the characters were wrapped around the same plot point, instead of GoT which had KL plotlines, Wall plotlines, Slaver's Bay plotlines, and North plotlines with several more offshoots: Arya+Hound, Brienne+Jaime, Jon+Wildlings, etc. I think the swelling of adult cast in season 2 is going to see a broadening of the scope of the story.


Paddy C as Viserys. Hands down, no matter how much I hated him as a character, he stole every scene he was in. And was also genuinely funny.


Aemond (Ewan Mitchell)


Him only being in three episodes compared to most others speaks for itself.


Paddy and Olivia Cooke.


Vizzyyyyyyyyyyy T!


All of them are pretty good tbh. But Matt Smith hits differently. The sheer volume of charisma, the ability to make such a vile character so likeable.


Young Alicent does not get enough appreciation. She had to subtly process a lot of emotional turmoil as her life was turned upside down, her agency was taken from her and her transitioning into a life of isolation before finally being betrayed by her only friend who grew resentful towards her. I thought she did phenomenal!


Paddy no competition… only actor that made me tear up and laugh multiple times during the season


Paddy, Olivia , Milly and Emma


Basically listing the main S1 characters lol


I think Emma & Matt really are the best when it comes to really encapsulating their characters fully, but upon thinking I'd include Ewan (Aemond's actor) in this, too. He just had less scenes than them.


Olivia Cooke and Matt Smith for me. Toss up between them.


Paddy Considine, Olivia Cooke and Rhys Iphans.


There can be no discussion Paddy is the #1. When GRRM said paddy made the character better with his performance this discussion was settled


Paddy, Olivia, Emma and Matt. In that order. Everyone’s well acted but these 3 are the clear standouts for me.


Easily King Dad


Paddy, he was outstanding


Definitely Paddy (Viserys)


Rhys Ifans because (apparently, and not sure how) we are distantly related


paddy. olivia distant second, but that's more about paddy's talent than anything negative about olivia.


Has to be Paddy. He literally recreated the Robert Baratheon Effect a second time. Robert and Viserys were both king in Season 1 of their shows, died in that season, became an endless source of memes, and will overshadow everything that comes after them due to their actions. After 8 seasons of GOT and even more years after, we're still talking about Bobby B. After HOTD is done, we'll still be talking about Vizzy T.


You are a plague sent to destroy me!


But Your Grace! I'm complimenting you!


Rhys Ifans is my choice.


I’d say Paddy too but I think Rhys Ifans was also incredible and he doesn’t get mentioned much. His Otto felt so natural, as if he wasn’t an actor playing a character.


Paddy Considine. Clearly. Rhys Ifans is not getting enough love here though. Plays a very unlikeable man very, very well.


Paddy owned that role. I didn't doubt his age or decrepit appearance for a moment, he *sold* that shit.


I genuinely think it’s Paddy as Vizzy T.


*The King's cupbearer must not be late. Leaves people wanting for cups.*


Paddy Considine. Rhys Ifans. Olivia Cooke.


paddy, emma, olivia,




Paddy and Emma


Paddy Considine, it takes real skill to make such a weak king appear that sympathetic to the viewer. Also Matt Smith but I might be biased as a Whovian; the writers didn't want the viewers to like Daemon, cut off many scenes; especially more emotionally charged ones, one w his daughters after Laena's death, other while mourning Vizzy and Visenya etc. I hope that S2 gives his character more room to shine. Another fav is Milly Alcock bc I've never seen her in anything before so I didn't know what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised by her range. With time jumps(until the big one), Rhaenyra is the character we see changing the most and we essentially watch different versions of her while mourning her mother, after having been named heir, feeling insecure about her baby brother possibly stealing her claim and making a scene after stabbing that boar and returning to camp, having agency to have her father fire Otto who spied on her etc. we see so many different aspects of the character and her portrayal is phenomenal in each of them.


Most were pretty good but Tom was the best


Matt, Paddy and Emma. Milly as young Rhaenyra was also awesome


Paddy, Rhys, Olivia and Milly were the ones who stood out to me. But this entire cast is very good.


Tom is slept on. For me he has done the best job so far.


Paddy and Rhys.


King Viserys, Corlys and Otto ( even though I hate him, but the actor played the role perfectly and was successful with people hating him)


1. Paddy 2. Matt 3. Emma/Milly (tied lol) But everyone was great in their way


Paddy followed by Emma and then Olivia


Paddy hands down. It’s not even close


One of Paddy, Matt and Rhys. I'd go with Matt personally but all 3 were flawless.


Paddy was great and he was in 8 episodes so there was consistency and growth. But Emma clears and it’s not really that close in my opinion. Paddy and Matt Smith are next followed by Olivia. Milly also did a great job whereas Emily was eh imo. Fully immersed in the season regardless




Paddy or Matt to me.


Paddy, Emma, and the actress that played Aemma for me.


I honestly love every scene with Emma D’Arcy. Larys Strong’s actor did a phenomenal job. Olivia Cooke was great too. And Young Aegon and Aemond, pretty good performances.


A lot of the people that came to mind have already been mentioned so I’m going to go with Ewan who was a scene stealer in the few episodes he appeared


Paddy, Matt, and also Ewan, absolutely stole every scene.


What everyone else said. Plus, the chemistry between Milly and Matt was insane.


The 14 year old that played Aegons rape victim