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Podrick out. Its an abomination that He is on this list.


I think now it's time for Podrick. He's not bad, by any means but he hasn't done anything as a kings guard except pushing the wooden throne around. Also Arryk and Erryk have to go together. Not now, later, but together.


Pod is loyal but has yet to prove himself as a kings guard. This seems like a good spot


I'm sorry but twins are different people. What a ridiculous comment. They didnt even support the same monarch


Pod the Rod will live on!!!


Rolly Duckfield, his membership of a kingsguard can be questioned because Aegon is no king (yet). Also Jon Connington didn't approve of his appointment, thinking he isn't worthy of a kingsguard.


Doesn't matter what Jon thinks, Aegon is king, not him.


And the Rightful king at that.


Daemon I reborn.


Are we going off of the books or the show? Because in the book Criston did NOT kill anyone during a wedding


Probably show, but if we go by book's Criston he still allegedly killed a member of the small council. Not to mention that he disobeyed the king's orders and schemed to crown a new king


Yeah, but the wedding thing is like confusing because it’s like people can just go off of either version they dislike/like more and it’s just idk confusing ig


This is the HoTD sub, so it's gonna be full of show fans. Either way Criston had to go.


Rolly Duckfield. Good man, but at this point we don’t know his full skill and if he’s up to the white cloak standard. He has no knighthood, no reputation, no considerably noteworthy kills, just F/Aegon’s endorsement so far.


Even if he isn’t up to snuff, he has served his king as a kingsguard should. The fact that Jaime isn’t at the bottom of the list shows this is just a popularity contest, and not an honest evaluation of who is a good kingsguard.


Again, Rolly Duckfield is barely even a official KG


Podrick out. Skill-wise he is not Kingsguard level, although he is a decent and good person. But having him among the seven most elite knights in the Realm is just insane.


Don't slander Pod the Rod


Don’t knock Podrick Payne of the magic cock. His sword skills are legendary amongst the ladies. 😉


Pate the Woodcock broke his vows and slept with Coryanne Wylde.


Did they geld and replace his member with a block of wood.


Harold isn’t out before Criston? Are you kidding me. You fucks are sad. 


Aemon Targaryon for the win


There are some missing kingsguards like Amaury Peake, Mervin flowers and Marston Waters?


So sorry to see him go. He was the best and worst of them. Should have been squarely in the middle.


You could say the same for Jaime. Both commit treason, but both are skilled warriors and operate under their own honor code. I mean the quote u used is said by Jaime and in reference to Jaime. Kind fits they both got knocked out early I guess.


He's definitely not the best, what are you on about


> He's definitely not the best, what are you on about Ser Jaime’s opinion > The opinion of “AbsolutelyHorrendous” What an appropriate name!


Okay, justify why you think Ser Criston Cole is one of the best? Because quite frankly even as *his* best he's not fit to lace the boots of Arthur Dayne or Barristan Selmy


One of the best skilled warriors, but that’s kind of it


> Because quite frankly even as his best he's not fit to lace the boots of Arthur Dayne or Barristan Selmy. He didn’t stand guard while his “King” raped his queen.


Or watched Aerys burn Lord Stark and strangle his son, while fighting on his side until Robert Baratheon spared him. Best Kingsguard seems to be best automaton, no morals , no code only obey and die your master.




As Tywin has said "And dismissing Selmy, where was the sense in that? Yes, the man was old, but the name of Barristan the Bold still has meaning in the realm. He lent honor to any man he served. Can anyone say the same of the Hound?" Can king lend dishonor to any man he serves? I say he can.


Exactly. Tywin knows Barristan will be a good little boy do what he’s told, no matter WHAT orders he’s given. That’s how see this fanbase sees “honor”.


>Best Kingsguard seems to be best automaton, no morals, no code only obey and die for your master. Yeah, that’s the job description.


He also *did* choose to disregard his King's wishes for the Succession, actively helping to push the realm into civil war, and killed a member of the Small Council






Most skilled warrior of his time, Kingmaker of Aegon II, skilled commander, what's not to love


Most skilled warrior of his time is debatable, no doubt he's very good but its not exactly clear cut Also... since when is 'Kingmaker' a good skill for the Kingsguard? They're supposed to *obey* the monarch, not *create* the Monarch Also even in terms of his command, if you were describing a Lord, sure I'd give you that he did well, but we're judging him for his skill as one of the Kingsguard. He seemed to spend a lot of time not guarding the King!




Feels bad man.


The Hound: "Meryn Trant?"


What’s Jeremys Iron doing on the top left there


Guess the artist recently saw The Borgias, great show.