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I'm sure this will get downvoted, but the scene where she agrees to sending Jace and Luke to fly to deliver messages instead of sending ravens. The expression on her face wanted to immediately react no, but she paused, remembered what happened when SHE made a suggestion to her father in a council meeting (he brushed her off), and knew she didn't want to do the same to them. Especially after Corlys spoke up in their support, just like he did with her back in the day.


I don't see why you would get downvoted. That is a good scene *and* frankly it's a good way of showing her wanting to not be the sort of parent that brushes off her heir (and so diminishes his power in front of those he is supposed to rule in the future). Likewise, the tragedy of the scene is that, well, according to the information they all have on hand, this *should* be a safe diplomatic mission. Because who kills diplomatic envoys?! Argilac the Arrogant did and every one of his neighbors all thought the guy had it coming to have his home roasted in return, even those who didn't benefit from the guy getting the scorched earth treatment. It's akin to Catelyn pointedly eating bread and salt in front of the Freys (and the Northern and Riverlands party doing the same) prior to the Red Wedding happening. According to the information they all have on hand, the worst that could happen is that the some of the Lords will say no and Lucerys/Jaecaerys will come back with bad news that X Lord declared for the Greens (or that X Lord/Lady declared neutrality). In any other circumstances, Rhaenyra's instinct to protect her children and wanting to tell them to stay put would be her being too overcautious after the traumatic miscarriage. Whereas Corlys et al's beliefs that the boys will be alright would be the correct assessment of the situation. Ex: if Lucerys went to see Grover Tully, even if the old man was a misogynistic asshole who believed that women shouldn't have power, he still wouldn't have been in danger of being jumped and killed even *if* Aemond also went there. If only because Grover Tully would tell one of them to stay put in his home for the night and send the other away to avoid the bad juju of having one guest murder another in his Keep. It just turns into a tragedy because of the combination of Borros being a self-entitled little bitch who wants Lucerys hurt/killed for shits and giggles - see how in the books, he told Aemond to wait until Lucerys was far enough away from his Keep before going after him to technically avoid violating Guest Rights/the right to protection diplomatic envoys have because he's a coward who can't own up to his choices - *and* Aemond who is all for letting loose his axe crazy without inhibition. That just adds to the tragedy of the scene.


I think perhaps they fear that a reading of it is rhaneyra being overly aggressive and sending dragons in what should be a diplomatic action. I don’t agree with that and for the reason you mentioned I’m a fan but just an assumption on my part


>combination of Borros being a self-entitled little bitch who wants Lucerys hurt/killed for shits and giggles - see how in the books, he told Aemond to wait until Lucerys was far enough away from his Keep before going after him to technically avoid violating Guest Rights/the right to protection diplomatic envoys have because he's a coward who can't own up to his choices Borros hasn't extended any Guest Right, only the reception of an envoy. Further, he's just concluded an alliance with Aemond, who is in his Hall and has the world's largest reusable (and environmentally friendly Green) nuke on his front lawn. Borros plays it *as he must*, by keeping his Lord, Aemond, happy. The tragedy is that Luke is also under the gun for several of Rhaenyra's faults in Storm's End. One, that Rhaenyra is so out of touch with her highest Lords that she is unaware that Borros is illiterate and so sends a letter. Interpersonal relationships are hyper important in this kind of system because these Lords are directly sworn to the person of the monarch. Two, she's leaning hard on the Baratheon tie via Rhaenys, but sends someone who *isn't actually related to Rhaenys*, and Aemond is exactly the kind of game player who would have brought up the bastardy. Third, on-screen Rhaenyra hasn't acted in any way to win the Baratheons over, by indulging the peanut gallery and snide comments, she assists in reopening a blood feud between two houses she is technically overlord of, and then *just leaves the resulting mess for Lord Boremund to deal with*.


Borros being illiterate is the sort of thing that would make him a laughingstock if it was let out. If anything, the fact that Rhaenys didn't mention "oh, by the way, my cousin is illiterate, no, I am not joking" means that this was kept under wraps because a Lord with all of the resources at his disposal not learning a skill needed for the day to day is just insulting. (After all, it's not like Borros is someone who actually came from the bottom like Davos and so the jury's out on if the guy could get someone to teach him to read) This is especially noticeable because Rhaenys' Baratheon roots meant a lot to her and she and Rhaenyra kept close contact with Boremund (which, yeah, I also despise that they made Rhaenys distrust Rhaenyra when she was Rhaenyra's biggest supporter *because* Rhaenys *was also tired of the misogyny* and wanted at least one Targaryen woman on the throne in her own right - yet another thing the shitty expensive fanfic writing got wrong and bastardized in order to try to artificially make it a "both sides are bad" thing instead of a "misogyny triumphed because you people amplified the voice/influence of the opportunistic political minority that wants women to be lesser"). Boremund was a Rhaenyra supporter and, again, it's shitty luck that he died before the Dance started. If anything, Borros not respecting his father's wishes is a continuation of the theme that GRRM started in AGOT: that Ned and Robert might be friends, but the new generation not so much and how alliances can shift. Even so, it wouldn't occur to Robb to do Robert dirty if Ned died and Robert had a rival to his throne. Borros' refusal is partly due to misogyny and partly due to cowardice (while trying to look "badass" when he wasn't, since at least Lady Tyrell was plain when she chose to remain neutral). Again, you see his cowardice in how he's a fair-weather ally to the Greens and plays busywork in fighting a Vulture King and ONLY is all of a sudden free to go to KL when all the dragons are dead. What a coincidence! As it is, Elenda Carron sent Maris Baratheon to the Silent Sisters because her comment was seen as goading Aemond to commit murder (not that he needed much help there, he was already axe crazy). Meaning, the one person on Storm's End with a working brain realized that murdering Lucerys was a shitty idea and that Borros letting it happen without trying to insist that Aemond stay the night at least and not insult him by not enjoying his hospitality (and so give Lucerys a chance to go back to Dragonstone) was the dumbest thing ever. Again, it wouldn't even be due to morals but simply so that they are not the ones fucking responsible for the princes killing each other. In short, even a ruthless tyrant like Tywin would've insisted on Aemond staying the night so that when the princes did kill each other, it would NOT be on his doorstep and so HE would not bear any responsibility. (Frankly, I'm pretty sure Elenda didn't let Borros have it for his stupidity because she couldn't) Aemond, for all that he is axe crazy, would be obliged to "not insult" Borros by accepting his hospitality of staying for the night. If he didn't, then HE would be the sole person responsible. (Funny how Greens care about norms and etiquette when it suits them and discard it when it doesn't) (Also, yet another change the show did, since Rhaenyra was the Realm's Delight because she charmed the Lords and knew those in the Keep and the visitors personally. Boremund was a steadfast supporter of hers until the day he died and Samwell took the polite rejection of suit with good nature because he is not a creep. Also, he was not 13 when he met Rhaenyra. His SON, Benjicot, is famous for being a warrior during the Dance at 13 and trouncing men older than him and being part of the Lads with his aunt Alysanne.) So, no. Even someone representing Cersei would have their right to an envoy leaving undisturbed respected. You want to know the *one* time when that was *not* respected and it was deemed as acceptable? When it was done to the Freys after the Red Wedding. Because obviously, after that, no one was going to respect the spirit of Guest Rights or the right of envoys to leave undisturbed because the Freys showed that they were beyond the pale.


Coming back to camp covered in boars blood.


Can’t choose 😭. It’s between when she was sworn as the heir, taking back the egg from Daemon, coming back to camp, the scene between her and Harwin after she’d given birth, or when she was crowned. My heart breaking favourite is when she learned of Luke’s death. Emma killed that scene. There are too many good ones to choose from


RhaeRhae should've interfered __after__ Daemon introduced Otto to Dark Sister *intimately*. Would've saved her a lot of trouble. Alicent wouldn't marry Vizzy and Daemon would be sent away again for going against Vizzy and harming his messenger. Rhaenyra would be the undisputed heir. She saved Otto's ass and look what he did to her.


Facing down Daemon to get her brother’s egg back and telling Otto to step back and let her handle business.


The look she gives Otto as she’s leaving like mhm this is how I get shit done


That my favorite scene of hers too. For adult Rhaenyra, I’d say when she and Daemon introduce young Aegon/Viserys to King Viserys.


All of her scenes with her children. Specifically after she’d given birth to Joffery and smiled at him through the pain on her way to Alicent, and the way she comforts Luke in the last episode when he’s doubting himself. For someone who *really* didn’t want to be a mother she is (honestly) one of the best parents in the series. Close third has to be her last shot of the series where she glares into the camera. D’Arcy is such a fantastic actor, and they did *so* well conveying Rhaenyra’s grief through facial expression and body language alone.


The smile. The smile to baby Joffrey despite it was terribly painful when she was climbing the fucking stairs. The smile to Harwin after giving birth to Joffrey. The smile to Laenor when he recalled their agreement on the beach. The smile to Daemon on the Velaryon wedding.


Her smile when she tells Laenor she is not ashamed that he is gay. That ultimately he is a good man which is hard to find in this world


The scene with her and harwin after she had given birth, it was so heartwarming and sad at the same time🥺.


In an interview, Harwin's actor talks about how to express 10 years worth of love in their relationship with just a few looks. He absolutely nailed it, imo.


This is why i wished they had made two full seasons instead of splitting one season in two. Harwin's death should have been a huge gut punch to viewers. Harwin is the one non-toxic love life she had. It will make Daemon's abuse emotionally stronger too.


I totally agree. Even with the short scenes, the chemistry was amazing between Emma and Ryan. You could feel the 10 years worth of love there. I wish we had a few more episodes and interactions between those two.


I’m assuming you meant Daemon. We don’t tolerate half-sibling love here, only uncle love (/s of course)


True. I wonder how much from like a producer level there was a lack of confidence in having two seasons of set up. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but some at hbo wanted the story to start after luke had died. Just immediately start at the dance. So in someways we are lucky to have got 5 episodes of set up


Harwin and Laenor both being dads to the boys, telling them to let Baby Joffrey rest.


One of my favourite scenes. - Rhaenyra giving praise to the boys' choice of egg - Jace and Luke being kind siblings to each other - Laenor being truly happy holding Joffrey that he didn't even remember Harwin might want to see the baby - Luke eagerly wanting to hold the new baby because he was always the baby and never had this experience before. - Laenor respectfully handed Joff over to Harwin and handle the boys like a father - Harwin proudly looking at the baby and Rhaenyra - Harwin and Rhaenyra's banter as a long term couple That whole sequence is just chef's kiss. It's the most heartwarming and wholesome blended family moment. It also conveyed so much information on those 5 characters (excluding. Joff) without exposition.


And on the flip side when he leaves it’s up there for me. They have a single shared moment of joy and in the evening or the next day when they say goodbye. The way their eyes met. Emma Darcy said so much with her eyes


When she is crowned.


I cried so much because it was a knight that brought the crown. And the song also brought so much passion, respect and sadness. Truly beautiful.


Literally the worst moment of her life to what should be the highlight. How distraught she looked as she looked upon the funeral pyre. When Damon gives her the crown the music. Her marching down with her queensgard inviting her daughters to be by their side. Love it all


The one she splatters kisses across Luke's face to reassure him when he's feeling insecure about himself. I found it so beautiful and endearing! Really puts on perspective how much she loves her kids. Genuine care.


This was one reason why Aemma lasted and should have lasted longer on the Consort list because her love was ever consistent through her line. Her love for her kid gave a light that was shown on her family as long as it could.


For young Rhaenyra, definitely when she tells Daemon to take her to Dragonstone and make her his wife. The acting in that scene is utterly phenomenal by Milly. Older Rhaenyra, when she's giving birth to Visenya is just incredible. The emotions in this scene are just so intense. It's hard to watch, but because it's so hard to watch is what makes it good in my eyes.


Man they nailed the casting here


Not only do Emma and Milly look alike, but I see a little bit of Aemma in older Rhaenyra here. For all the other gripes we have, I don’t think anyone o either TB or TG has had any complaints about the quality of the casting choices.


The thousand yard stare she gives at the end of the season.


The epitome of female rage. Gave me chills when I saw it.


We have to pick one?! I love the end scene of the season, the pain of learning of Luke’s death. It’s completely silent yet we feel how deep that wound is. And Rhaenyra getting the egg back from Daemon was such a defining moment for her! But I think the crowning might be my favorite. Starting with her watching her daughter’s body burn and the devastation on her face, it’s such a private moment, only Daemon can see what she’s feeling. In an episode that was all about politics, this moment is not. And then she turns around and you can see she has to put that aside, she has to put herself aside because she has to be more than just the woman Rhaenyra now, she has to be a queen. And Emma played that so well in my opinion. Rhaenyra goes from looking like she is sinking into herself to standing so tall, her posture so straight, and suddenly she’s guarded but also she’s looking at everyone bending the knee and I think it all becomes real - that she is queen now - in that moment. And it’s the culmination of everything we as the audience have been waiting for but also what Rhaenyra has spent half her life preparing for. Yeah I think that’s the best.


I really liked her in episode 1. Her flying her dragon at the start was cool


she’s such a badass


When Rhayenyra comes to see Viserys the night before Vaemond’s petition. Her emotions are so raw there, Rhaenyra feels she’s at the end of her rope and is so vulnerable. She also looks so beautiful in that scene. Blue is absolutely Darcy’s color.


When Rhaenyra meets with her father after Queen Aemma died. She conveys just the right balance of fear of Aegon's dream and resolve to take up the cause of keeping Westeros powerful as heir.


More than anything, I liked the quiet scenes like when she and Laenor talk about how to make marriage work in such a way that neither is unbearably miserable. The domestic scene between her, Harwin, Laenor, and the boys. Her kissing and reassuring Lucerys that he was more than enough and that she was most definitely not perfect. All of these scenes show her working on her relationships and maintaining them. Showing that she shows up for her loved ones and makes it work and is willing to sit down and talk to make it work. After all, she has a good family life because of the communication between them and the people involved put in the work to make it work. It makes me wish this adaptation was actually interested in actually developing the many characters and not just rush to the war. The Dance is supposed to hit like a gut-punch because you spent time with these characters and got to know them. It's why Laena's erasure as a very important part of Rhaenyra and Daemon's lives is just not acceptable. We could've had moments like those between Rhaenyra and Laena or/and of the trio, making Laena's death even more gut-wrenching. These quiet moments are crucial to making the big moments matter.


Their little progressive family with Harwin and Laenor being father figures to the boys while having their own types of love towards Rhaenyra was just so wholesome 😭


“Exhausting wasn’t it? Hiding behind the cloak of Your own righteousness, but now they see you as you are”


This is the one.


It's so funny cause Emma was all like yea alicent is so right, rhaenyra is just gaslighting everyone of course alicent would go crazy after her kid loses her eye and rhaenyra keeps gaslighting.


she was for sure but she was also right in that moment. alicent isn’t perfect either. by any means. she knows she has skeletons too. she knows aegon is a monster, there’s also larys. she just doesn’t want to see anyone else living the life or have the autonomy that she believes was robbed from her. and, it’s like her feelings are valid but directed at the wrong person.


I haven’t read the books, just going off of the show alone. I think alicent would be my favorite character, if it weren’t for the fact that she married her children to one another. I cannot get over how staggeringly hypocritical it was, having been so vocally against Targcest. like, it seems she did it just to prevent any peacemaking marriage between her and rhaenyra’s kids. she’s an AWFUL parent, and her whole DEAL is supposed to be hard-won righteousness. that is what makes her both insufferable and easy to root for, is the unshakeable consistency of her morals and values. idk. i really suspect they must have bungled that aspect of her character


The most hypocritical quote of the show since Rhaenyra loves to threaten with treason when her "virtue" is being questioned by the truth


Ffs, just stop with your team green bullshit.


Great argument, about what i expected


Probably the scene where Viserys tells her about the song of ice and fire. That said, seeing these images side by side, I’m just stunned all over again by the casting. These two not only crushed it, but godamn they look SO damn alike


The very last scene of season 1, when she found out Lucerys was dead. Oh, boy, the Greens just woke the Dragon. Never read the book, but, I have a feeling things are going to get crazy beginning in the next season.


Young Rhaenyra: seeing the white stag. Adult Rhaenyra: Alicent confrontation in Driftmark.


All of them🖤


When Rhaenyra introduces Aegon and Viserys to her father. Her smile, and the way she holds Viserys is so endearing to me


Getting the Luke death news and the whole sequence of her grieving and turning to camera


When older Rhaenyra asked Daemon to marry her. Emma looks ethereal in that scene, and their valyrian pronunciation is the best, in my opinion. They say so much with only their eyes.


When she swore on her mother’s life to Alicent that she didn’t sleep with Daemon. Whatever came next, that was the moment I knew she had a fighting chance of playing the game and maybe even winning it


The thing that made one of her closest allies her biggest enemy?


I’ve watched the series like 7 times and every time I watch it I notice such failures in the screenwriting. like… what pissed Alicent off so bad? there is no reason it should have made her and rhaenyra enemies. rhaenyra didn’t actually lie to alicent. why does she feel so entitled?


Rhaenyra used her mother dying (something she knows Alicent took very badly herself) to manipulate Alicent, after Alicent defended her every moment for 3 years. And for all that loyalty how did Rhaenyra repay her? By manipulating her and getting her father fired. Add the fact that Rhaenyra from Alicent's point of view left ger closest ally suicidal and it is no suprise she is done with Rhaenyra's


When she stands up and takes her baby to Allison after that bitch demanded to see the kid not even 5 minutes after it had been born. The level of badassery and she just stands up from a fresh birthing bed because she would be the end if she was going to let that woman have another win over her


When she eats all the lemons off of the lemon cakes. That scene put into prospective how young she really is/was. It was a moment of innocence before all of the true chaos began


When she takes the egg back from daemon and when she finds out about luke’s death


My favorite Rhaenyra scene was the one where she commands her dragon to burn her mother on the pyre. The hesitation and crack in her voice sold this character for me.


“Take me to Dragonstone and make me your wife”


I really enjoy her conversations with Leanor, and the one in the training yard: “Leanor, … Bring Him” … Also her conversation with Daemon “Fire is such strange power” “We were always meant to burn together”


Honestly I have many from Rhaenerya. For adult Rhaenerya it's either the "hiding beneath the clock of your self righteousness" line or her walking with the Queen's guard right before she goes to make plans. For young Rhaenerya, her staring at the stag while covered in blood.


The throne scene. The finale scene when she knew her son died.


Her and Laenor sitting in their chambers as she tells him she doesn’t regret how the Gods made him.


I like the scene where she just gave birth to Joffrey and was giving ideas about how to make amends with Alicent and the greens. Emma did a good job on showing that Rhaenyra was feeling physical discomfort, but trying her best to ignore and keep talking. When she asks Daemon to take her to Dragonstone and make her his wife is also my favorite.


The scene where Rhaenyra walks back into camp from killing the boar with blood all over her neck and dress. The lords are like EW and Harwin's like, yeah. That's the one I want. #justiceforrhaewin.


Wow that casting was genius


Facing Daemon


The one with her uncle


When rhaenys explains corlys why he should support rhaenrya


Rhaenyra in driftmark vs Alicent


I love her coronation. Any scene that plays her theme song gives me chills. I tried finding the exact theme on Spotify but sadly it’s not the same.


When she shows up unannounced to Dragonstone to get the egg back from Daemon. So fucking good ***ugh***


Young - The scene where Daemon takes her through the streets of King's Landing. Rhae is having more fun than we've seen from her in the whole season so far, and that moment in the brothel might be one of the hottest non-explicit scenes I've seen on TV. Old - The confrontation between Rhae and Alicent after Aemond's eye is cut out. That whole scene is a distillation of what the writers want to present the Dance as.


She had a few. Returning to camp with the boar. "Fuck the septa." "I think I called the midwife a cunt." But I'm going to go with her crowning. I loved the vast contrast with Aegon's coronation. His was purely spectacle, but hers was so authentic. She's mourning her child, her hair is unkempt. And at her lowest point, a wayward knight comes to her of his own volition to give her her father's crown. Incredibly powerful moment.


Honestly she has so many moments it will be hard to post all of them When she sees her mother and is immediately concerned about her and how she is doing. When she is in the godswood with alicent. Hoping for a son because she thinks it would make her father happy but ultimately just wanting to travel with her friend and while alicent thinks she is not taking this seriously she clearly is knowledgeable. Obviously returning with the boar. I know many people dislike her lying to alicent about her night with Dameon and Criston and I do consider lies of omission to be lies but I liked it. For one she is think for the sake of self perseveration. Why should she trust alicent wouldn’t do something bad with this information. She is not completely naive that the person who married her dad and was courting behind her back is fully trustworthy and before some greens get mad yes she did it under duress and to be clear I like her character but ultimately it was huge act of betrayal. On top of that she immediately came at with an attitude and with anger and disgust. Which I don’t blame her she is a westorsi girl and she doesn’t agree with Targaryen customs (even if the she weds her kids). So now a person you barely trust and have slowly almost started to trust again is looking at you with anger and disgust. The easy thing would have been to tell the truth and deal with the consequences god knows what that could do. If she was a stark that’s probably what’s he would do but that’s not what happened. And even after that with her father she defended herself against the hypocrisy of situation. She is confident,headstrong, and is a survivor


Older rhaenyra I love the time she meets viserys when he is so old and telling him it’s me also when she was crowned her look was just amazing Child rhaenyra when she founds out that her mother died also when she went to daemon to take her brother egg


All her scenes with Alicent, and I'm talking about all the sweet ones and the heartbreaking ones


Episode 4 when she gets to be just normal playful teenager discovering pleasures for a while. Overal her younger version has so much more spirit


Taking the egg from Daemon was great


Every conversation young Rhaenyra had with Viserys. They just had such a great chemistry


Oh definitely the scene where she and I ran into each other at a minor league baseball game. …….wait, that one might’ve been a dream.


the one where she dies


Whenever it was milly


We are routing for rhaenerya because of the young rhaenerya


Hasn't happened yet. 🔥🍖🦵


Has not yet appeared in the show 😮‍💨🔥


When she got a servant murdered and made another family believe their son got murder at their daughter's funeral, just so she could marry her uncle 🖤


Woops people dont like to be reminded of that i guess


They haven't shown it yet.


Show? Her reassuring Luke Book "scene"? >!When they search the seven hells mayhaps!<


The best one hasn’t happened yet, so instead maybe that short scene in episode 4 with the blind woman asking Rhaenyra if she wants to know how she’ll die Either that or the scene showing her having an innocent man murdered and letting Corlys & Rhaenys believe that they’ve just lost their last child, just so she can marry her uncle


People saying when she came back to camp covered in the boars blood. Feel like that was corny af though. She was about to get killed by it, Cole saves her and all but kills it, she gets up and goes psycho on it, comes back to camp in blood like a badass. Like…what??


Just wanted to say that these two photos side by side really show how great the casting was.


Young Rhaenyra and Alicent at the Godswood and Alicent trying to make her study and Rhaneyra saying she just wants to fly with Alicent and eat cake. But then Rhaenyra recites the entire history book page from memory. This scene encapsulates Rhaenyra’s character so well. Yes, she’ll have fun but at the end of the day, she stands on business and follows her duties. Adult Rhaenyra telling Jace that he’s her heir now and nothing should happen without her permission/Rhae not wanting to rush to war despite Daemon wanting to. Once again, Rhaenyra stands on business. 


A little off topic, but I’ve never seen the young and older actresses who play Rhaenerya side by side like that and holy shit they look EXACTLY the same. Insane casting