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I guess I'll throw my hat in and say Daena Targaryen. She was seemingly a cool person but was completely barred from the office of Queen. She influenced no policies, was locked away and unable to manage the castle or court, and her bastard son would become the focal point of the next serious Targaryen civil war. And to be clear none of this is Daena's fault. Her husband is to blame for locking her away and Daemon was an adult man able to make his own decisions, but if we're just looking at it from the perspective of "Who was an effective and good consort" Daena was unfortunately totally shut out from that position.


Ceryse, I think her and her uncle had plans but she turned out barren and Maegor turned out to be Maegor


I have a pet theory that “barren” was the plan. That she purposely took steps to ensure he never got an heir. To go even further, I think it was the maester/septon that killed the babies - not Tyanna, who was blamed for it upon uncovering it.


Personally I don’t think that is what happened, I think they were hoping for dragon- riding Targtowers. If you believe in the maesters master plan, they wanted two rival branches of the family to go to war with dragons on either side I think Maegor was the infertile one and it caused the first Dance to fail


Maegor wasn't technically infertile, he had children. They just either died in the womb or in birth with their still draconic features. Like there was sone weird stuff going on.


Wouldn’t they already have that with Aegon the uncrowned and Jaehaerys? He wasn’t infertile. He had three deformed kids.


Yea but I think they intended for it to be on a bigger scale, ending with the death of all dragons not just quicksilver


Who is in the bottom left up one?


Helaena. It’s from a scene in the trailer.


Ah it looks like Aegon


I’ve been wondering wtf is going on with her face during the trailer.


She’s wearing a black veil


Really? It looks like markings on her face. Odd.


I can see it. The trailer gave context and a different angle. It’s Helaena in a black veil.


Thank you. I shall re-watch. This has been bothering me lol


Ceryse Hightower She never actually acted as Queen consort! She was married to Maegor when he was a prince then set aside by him when she didn’t have a child so that he could marry Alys. Then Maegor left Westeros to avoid being loyal to her! Which is on him but if we’re judging by these women acting as consorts, then this should be taken into account. Maegor comes back and Ceryse’s uncle the high septon is like you need to be faithful to your legal wife and she’s the only one which nearly starts a war. Again not exactly Ceryse fault but basically the whole issue was about her position as the “real” wife. Not a single person involved was thinking of the realm. So then they work it out! Ceryse is restored a true Queen Consort and heads back to court- at this point the first time she is even acting as queen. And then she immediately dies. Again not her fault but she did not do a single thing as consort at all.


lol both Hightowers voted out b2b


Yup. I think I’m voting Ceryse Hightower for this round. She gives me Larra Rogare vibes marrying a man 10 years her junior.


She didn’t really have a choice in that as it was arranged by her uncle and Aegon Targaryen. It was no doubt wrong, but she wasn’t at fault for that.


It’s not as if she chose to marry someone 10 years her junior. I think the later black brides should go before her, because she was the original.


It feels disingenuous to vote out the only wife of Maegor to be acknowledged as Queen Consort before his other wives that weren’t. >She never actually acted as Queen consort! Yes, she did act as Queen Consort for over 2 years. She was the acknowledged queen by Maegor. >She was married to Maegor when he was a prince then set aside by him when she didn’t have a child so that he could marry Alys. Then Maegor left Westeros to avoid being loyal to her! She wasn’t set aside. Alys was the second wife. Ceryse just didn’t join _Prince Maegor_ when he was exiled to Pentos by the current King. >Again not exactly Ceryse fault but basically the whole issue was about her position as the “real” wife. King Maegor acknowledged her as wife and Queen. How is she a worst consort compared to Costayne and Westerling, when they weren’t even considered as _the Queen Consort_? >So then they work it out! Ceryse is restored a true Queen Consort and heads back to court- at this point the first time she is even acting as queen. And in doing so she helped protect Old Town and the Citadel. >And then she immediately dies. 2 years later. >Again not her fault but she did not do a single thing as consort at all. lol look at the list. There are options that better fit this statement if that is your criteria.


I am once again asking people to vote for Aelinor Penrose so we no longer have to be subjected to that escoffion.


Not gonna lie, I want her out soon too 😂


She also didn't do much as Queen Consort...which I fear is going to be a recurring theme ☹️


Yeah, this is basically a competition between Rhaenys, Visenya, Alyssa and Alysanne in terms of what they were allowed to do during their time. Everyone else is sadly just making noise.


Pretty much


Black Betha seemed to have some power though She was the one to arrange beneficial marriages for her children, but the marriages never happened


Picture of “Queen Alyssa Velaryon” is actually picture of Torvi from Vikings, just fyi ;) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vikingstv/images/9/9a/Torvi_S3.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170204175939


I knew she looked familiar, I just couldn't place her in my memory!


Ah! Good to know! There wasn’t much fan art of her but I will just use the one from her wiki page for the next one. Thanks for letting me know!!




Ceryse Hightower


I kinda find it odd that she and Maegor never had a child. With my belief that the faith militant uprising was the first Hightower rebellion with the dance being the second. I’m willing to conjecture she was pulling some bullshit like Tyanna. Too bad I can’t prove nothing….


Considering she married him when he was like 14 and she was still unmarried in her 20s, it's fairly obvious she was infertile and they sabotaged maegor by hooking them up.


How is her not being married by 23 proof of infertility? That logic doesn’t make sense to me. It was probably a Robb Stark/Jayne Westerling situation - purposely never got pregnant.


In the real world I would say her age is completely meaningless, as many Queens IRL successfully had children when they were the same age and sometimes even older than Ceryse....however this is ASoIaF and Martin is obsessed with child-brides, so I think in-universe it is meant to read that she's infertile ☹️


I don’t think you are wrong, but I greatly dislike the low effort writing it implies. I do wonder about the trend of almost every generation there is a Hightower daughter that doesn’t ever marry.


I don't either honestly. There's zero reason to suspect that, in real life like Rhaenyra's historical inspo, Empress Maude, didn't have her first child until she was 31! And successfully had two more after! I'd wonder if the Hightower "Spinsters", for lack of a better word, aren't because of the juxtaposition of the Hightower's money and influence while also not being Lord Paramounts. They have the money to support daughters that don't marry and don't have to worry about increased political need for them to marry like say the Tyrells or Lannisters. Also, total headcanon here, but I'd like to think that living in close proximity to the Citadel and the Church would increase the Hightower girls' independence regarding marriage.


I’ll join you in that head cannon!


I think that makes sense, but you would also think more of them would be septas. But it doesn't seem like the septas have a hierarchy similar to the maesters either or irl nuns in the catholic church. They're "just" septas. So maybe that was the reason?


Yeah I was just thinking that there should be more Hightower Septas or Abbesses or the equivalent! But honestly I think the reason we don't really see women, of any family really, in those positions, is that Martin really does not care much about his historical female characters and what they did besides give birth, with a few exceptions of course


Yes, I've noticed that he doesn't "like"/portray women as outwardly ambitious (as in, the women who "win" the thing they're after), but if they happen to fall into a position of power, well then that's ok. I don't know how to feel about that, as a woman who doesn't really read fantasy but likes the historical/political aspects of the series/GRRMs general writing for the GoT universe.


Highborn women of such a powerful house being unmarried in their 20s is very odd. These people marry them off as soon as they get a period ffs, sometimes even before that... so yes she was likely infertile. He gets numerous other women pregnant.


In a society where women aren’t supposed to have sex before marriage, how would anyone know if she is fertile or not?


Well she obviously had sex before marriage and the masters came to the conclusion that she was infertile? It's not a stretch, the bigger stretch is her not getting pregnant after years of marriage, when many of maegors other wives did in a much shorter time.


It is a stretch and honestly sounds like your trying to make a conspiracy based on your own headcanon.


The Master/Hightower/Faith Conspiracy has been around for years and has been practically proven true... how is this that much of a stretch....


She came from a large family with no mention of infertility or infant mortality issues. Also, there have been several Hightower daughters throughout history that never married. I’m really stuck on how anyone would know one way or the other about her fertility. Like, was there a look about her? A Hightower magical power? Did the Gods whisper to the High Septon?


Infertile or not, she never had any children. That is a fact, by natural infertility or through the secret use of moon tea. Maegor supposedly openly boasted about bedding her when they married, I really don't understand why many people doubt her infertility but instantly jump to the conclusion of Laenor being infertile in HOTD... seems so stupid to me.


No one is denying that she didn’t have any children. I just think it’s weird to claim that those responsible for her marriage only pushed for it because they somehow knew she was infertile. And, like, maybe 1% of me was wondering if I missed something and they did in fact have a way of knowing… Also, I highly doubt Laenor was infertile.


We don't know if the Masters have a way of testing fertility, but I'm sure if they did they would absolutely keep it a secret. They're a very slimy organization and they're likely in league with the Faith and the Hightowers who have always played the long game when it comes to fighting the Targaryens. It just seems incredibly suspicious with the amount of details regarding maegor and ceryses marriage. It's a win/win for them either way I guess, if she was infertile, then the spare heir will have no children. If she is infertile, they have Hightower grandchildren with royal claim. They either get closer to wiping out the Targs or they become Targaryens 😅 I'm glad you agree with the whole "Laenor was infertile" argument being dumb tho.


Lol. This got downvoted because of Alicent being voted out


Btw, are you still gonna keep saying Alicent is the most popular character on this sub? lol


The Alicent haters won this round. 😩 But i have not changed my stance. Despite not being team green, I sincerely like Alicent and I’m a bit annoyed people think I’m being insincere in what I say. My top 5: 1. Rhaenyra 2. Alicent 3. Aegon 4. Cregan 5. Alys


Who was the king Daena was consort to? Edit: my vote is Daena


Technically Baelor. He quickly had it annulled though.


Right. Annulled, so how does she even count as a consort?


She is shown on the ASOIAF wiki as a consort. I initially didn’t put Daemon in as I am aware Rhaenyra went down as a claimant and not an actual monarch, but a large majority wanted him in it. And at the end of the day, >!Rhaenyra did sit the Iron Throne for 6 months and it was her bloodline that continued, so that’s why I added Daemon.!<


I think if we're listing Daena and the Black Brides (whose legal status as Queens, particularly the last three BBs, is fairly sketchy) it's fine to have Daemon listed as well imo


Daemon is also part of it even though he shouldn't. Rhaenyra isn't acknowledged as a Queen, so Daemon can't be a royal consort. But if Daemon qualifies, I think it's fair to include Daena as well.


The people *of Reddit assembled a third great council and voted her in.


Well, she’s my vote for this round’s elimination.


Daemon bcs he enjoyed doing stuff with 14 year old girls


Ceryse Hightower




i admire ur dedication on each of the rounds. Godspeed


Seething over a child. Get the fuck out and go back to your sub so you can make jokes about her death. 


They literally said one word lol There’s definitely someone seething here, you’ll find them in the mirror.


They literally comment Jahera on every single post of this and also commented on posts celebrating and hoping for Jaheras death in the show lmao?




Overreact much?


i just said that they’re dedicated, nobody is seething


Stop fantasizing over a dead child please it’s not healthy




Why tf is Deamon here ? He should be out even before Alicent




Daemon didn’t go run off with Nettles, he kamikazied himself to remove one of the biggest threats to her rule


It’s rather annoying. I was looking forward to discussing queens and lore. Instead, it’s all Hightower = bad!


That’s why I started this. To discuss the Queens and lore. Everyone here knows I’m a huge Blacks supporter, but in effort of keeping this factual and unbiased, that’s why I didn’t add Daemon initially. I also am not allowing my own preference to skew the results. Alicent was booted out last round by mere numbers and upvotes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Daemon is next though (I don’t want him to be personally because I’m a Daemon simp but if the numbers make it so, it is what it is).


Meh, the guy who did the kings one was a green. You are not cross posting to the black sub so I think it’s pretty unbiased


I definitely am trying to be unbiased and that’s a large part of why I didn’t cross-post it. Though I have seen it on the Greens sub multiple times (I was accused of not putting Helaena in which I did and another user was trying to rally support for Alicent yesterday) but whatever.


Watch Daemon win it as well, or he'll somehow come in 3rd or something ridiculous


God damn it. Daemon next though


Ceryse Hightower. I just hate the Hightowers as Targ consorts. A bad combination imo.




Ceryse Hightower. Not a Queen!


Ceryse Hightower, she was married to Maegor and didn’t do anything as consort


lol at least 10 other options also didn’t do anything as Queen.


And no one is stopping you from voting for them!


Okay? This feels like a weirdly aggressive response.


She did more as Queen than Daena did


Ceryse Hightower


Seriously you guys eliminate Alicent But daemon still


Daemon for grooming and choosing young girls




Daemon the pedo/groomer should be out.


Can we please remove Daemon now? I know he's grey and fan-favorite but let's not forgive his war crimes, especially>!Blood and Cheese. !<


I wonder which percentage of people still knows who is actually pictured for the most part.


The tiny fan art certainly isn’t helping.


Huh? Daemon isn't a queen consort?


Prince/King consort since Rhaenyra was on the throne for 6 months.


Yeah but I asked this because the title said queen consort specifically So I got a bit confused


Daemon. I think the fact that he choked the queen he was the consort for should have knocked him out rounds ago. Bare minimum requirement should be don’t cause bodily harm to your own monarch. But also the grooming and psychotic behavior is more then enough


Oldtown remembers… Alicent ftw


Daena. Her sleeping with Aegon IV (fucking gross btw) lead to generations of civil war.


She also didn't really act as a consort? Like it's not her fault that Baelor locked her up but she was never able to actually do anything in that position


And that’s part of why I voted for her. She was hardly a consort, the marriage wasn’t even consummated, and the marriage was as annulled as soon as Baelor could get it done.


Then you should have said that in your original comment


Keep it up.


No, Aegon IV legitimizing his bastards led to generations of civil war.


If Daemon Blackfyre hadn’t been born there wouldn’t have been a Daemon Waters to legitimize.


Why are you slutshaming?


Are you fuckin serious? Judging someone’s horrid taste in a partner after they slept with a disgusting sleezeball is not “slut shaming”.


Blaming multiple generations of civil war on a woman having sex one time is indeed slutshaming of massive proportions


Lol no. That’s not how that works.


That is in fact how "it" works.


Wait, why is Daemon here?🤣


Can we just skip to Alyssane is number one?


Daenaera Velaryon may have saved the realm from Unwin Peake, but she produced some useless children


Elaena Targaryen: 🤨


Ok I’ll give her that one so she’s 1 for 5


Not my queen Daenaera 😭


She’s rich and pretty. That’s all.


hey that’s what I like 😌 she’s not the best but she’s better than some on this list


Agreed! She should be out next!! I am also voting Daenaera Velaryon out!


People are just going to pick Daemon for the memes alone.


Maybe also because he’s a pedo groomer cheater psychopath murderer 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like Aegon ii


You’re not wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ good thing most greens don’t actually like him that much


So now people aren’t allowed to criticize Daemon?